Little Alexandra

(The screen fades up from black as the lights dim. Ludwig Von Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ belts out from the sound system. Little Alexandra appears from behind the curtain with a wild stare and ghoulish disposition. ‘Injected with a Poison’ by Praga Khan starts, the rapid rave song screaming out, setting the tone. She walks down the ramp with her bowler, tight white outfit, walking stick, white midriff shirt, exposing her abdomen, and suspenders going over her breasts, tightly, latching on her trousers. She descends the aisle smirking and giggling, swinging her walking stick through the air. She is like a woman possessed, furiously and maniacally prepared for the match at hand. As soon as Little Alexandra reaches the ring, she stops at the bottom of the stairs, and turns back to give the crowd a look of indifference. She then looks up, smirking to the camera. )

Sandra: “That girl is a nut.”

Garry: “Nonsense, she is just misunderstood. A kind and generous soul that just needs the caring love that any of us would want in our lives.”

(Sandra gives Garry a puzzled look)

Sandra: “What’s up with you?”

Garry: “Nothing, I just believe that lil Alex is misunderstood, but thanks to the fine people at the Dentonvale Clinic, she is on her way to a full recovery. Also, watch for D-TV, with the renowned Dr. Cosmo McKinley. Friday nights on the CTV Network.”

Sandra: “Nice plug, how’d much you get paid for that?”

Garry: “Paid? You wound me woman! It is out of sheer admiration that I mention D-TV, on at 12:05 Eastern."

Sandra: “ Sure.”

Garry: “Well, that and I was promised a date with Nurse Anaslong. Mmmmmmm”

Sandra: “Folks, this match up is another in our continuing series to decide a Feather Weight Champion. LiL Alex has done well so far, but she is in for a tough match against a well trained, albeit new wrestler in Cammy.”

Garry: “Cammy?! Bah, Callisto’s little protégé. Ever since Cally’s joined the Shop, she’s become weak and soft. She needs the crack of an iron hand to control her. Sherry just treats her like a buddy. Callisto was at her best when surrounded by strong minded people.”

Sandra: “Well, Callisto has changed her ways, kinda. She’s making amends for some bad decisions in her past.”

Garry: “Bad decisions? The Corporation? World Champion? Tag Champion? Bad decisions?! If you ask me, she would have been better signing on with the Syndicate.”

Sandra: “What , so she could share in Evonne’s losing streak?”

Garry: “Heathen!”

(The lights dim down again and a loud cheer erupts from the crowd as Callisto appears just outside the entrance. She is dressed in jean shorts, long black trench coat, and dark sunglasses. She stands at the entrance for a second and raises both arms high in the air above her head. As she swings her arms back down to her side, a loud burst of pyrotechnic flames will erupt from both sides of the entranceway. Suddenly 'American Woman' by Lenny Kravitz starts to play over the Arena's loudspeakers. Then Cammy emerges from behind the curtain wearing short jean shorts and white bikini top. She slowly walks down the aisle to the ring waving at the fans along the way.)

Sandra: “Should be interesting to see if Cammy can put her new skills to use against Lil Alex.”

Garry: “I don’t know, Alex doesn’t care for anything. Pain doesn’t bother her, she has no fear. Blessed is the mind to small for doubt.”

Sandra: “Well, I don’t think Alex’s mind is small. I just think she’s been mislead. I wonder what she was like as a child?”

Garry: “Pulling the legs off of frogs I imagine.”

( The crowd cheers as Cammy shakes hands with some of the ringside fans. She begins to sign an autograph when Callisto’s big hand grabs her shoulder.:”

Callisto: “Signs these later, you have a match to focus on.”

( Cammy pouts and turns to climb into the ring. As soon as Cammy clears the ropes, Lil Alex charges at her.)

Alex: (with an evil sneer) “Shall we dance?”

Sandra: “Eeep! The bell hasn’t rung yet!”

(The ref turns and points at the timekeeper as Alex plows into Cammy. The British brawler grabs Cammy by the hair and whips her to the mat. Alex immediately jumps on top of the surprised Cammy and starts launching a barrage of punches. Callisto growls and bangs her hands down on the ring edge, yelling at Cammy to break free. As she yells, two people jump over the barricade and run at the Shop Enforcer)

Sandra: “What the Hell!”

Garry: “Umm, where are my pretzels?”

( As Garry ducks under the table, Callisto turns as Kelly Mase and Kimie Kurita slam into her. The Syndicate members begin brawling on the outside with the big brunette. Callisto gives as good as she takes, but is knocked to the ground by her two attackers. )

Sandra: “What? Why is the Syndicate attacking Callisto?”

Garry: “I don’t see anything..”

(Inside the ring, Cammy has kicked free of Alex and is trying to get to her feet. Alex grabs her by the hair and helps her up. Then the brawler slams her fist straight into Cally’s chest, knocking the pretty blonde back to the mat. Alex begins to stomp down on her opponent. Using her big boots as battering rams against Cally’s chest. The Shopper tries to back to the safety of the ropes, but Alex is relentless as she continues her assault.)


( Outside, Kelly and Kimie are beginning to overwhelm the Shop enforcer, although Callisto has gotten a couple of good shots in. Kimie grabs Callisto by one leg and Mase grab’s the other, both women pull in opposite directions The Enforcer screams out as her limbs are stretched. Kelly and Kimie seem intent on injuring Callisto and begin to work her over. Suddenly there is a roar from the wrestler entrance, the unmistakable sound of a Harley echo’s through the speakers a Sherry Ann bursts through the curtain. The crowd explodes with cheers as Sherry drives her bike down the ramp. Then something strange happens. A large net falls to the ring floor, it misses Sherry by inches and flops behind her. Up in the rafters, a bald white skinned, white coated man with glasses is yelling at a buxom redheaded woman in a nurse’s outfit, that is a few sizes too small. Kelly and Kim look up and see the Matriarch of the Shop, barreling towards them and they take off, jumping through the crowd to make their escape.)

Garry: “What’s going on?”

Sandra: “Sherry just came out, she came to her Enforcer’s aid.”

Garry: “Boo!”

Sandra: “Not a very smart move by Evonne. She has a match with Sherry tonight and well, Sherry is already looking to dish out some vengeance. This is only going to enrage her more.”

Garry: “Bah, tonight we see the end of Evonne’s minor, insignificant losing streak”

(The crowd cheers as Sherry parks her bike at ringside as helps Callisto to her feet. The big brunette stands up and scowls in the direction that Mase and Kurita took off in. Sherry smiles and whispers into Callisto’s ear. Which produces a devilish smile from the Enforcer. Both women turn and look up into the ring to check on Cammy’s progress.)

( The ref is calling for a break as Alex has placed her boot over Cammy’s throat. The blonde shopper has her hands on the bottom rope as Alex stands above her, a twisted smile on her face.”

Alex: “tis a nice night for dying, don’t you think?”

( Lil Alex stops at the 4 count, barely avoiding the DQ. She cracks her head to the side, wondering why the striped shirted man is yelling at her. She shrugs and grabs a handful of Cammy’s hair, hauling her up. Alex whips Cammy across the ring and then chases after her. Cammy rebounds off the ropes and ducks as Alex comes charging in with her arm extended.)

Sandra: “Cammy ducked the clothesline, she rebounds ….WoW!”

Garry; “Nice dropkick!”

( Cammy gets tremendous height on her leap and plants her feet square into Alex’s chest. The brawler is sent tumbling to the mat as Cammy quickly jumps back up to her feet. Alex starts to rise up, but Cammy runs at her and knocks her down with another dropkick, sending Alex into the corner.)

Sandra: “That’s it! Now she’s getting a rhythm going! Cammy can’t get into a slugfest with Alex, she has to use that speed of hers.”

( Cammy quickly leaps up to her feet and watches as Lil Alex pulls herself up. Cammy comes charging in. She leaps up into the air, encircling Alex’s head with her legs.)

Sandra: “Hurricanranna coming up!!”

Garry: “NO!!!” Powerbomb!”

( The crowd cheers as Cammy leaps up onto Alex. Cammy tries to flip backwards, but Alex grabs her by the waist and takes a step forward before slamming her opponent back first onto the canvas. LiL Alex stands above Cammy for a moment, she seems distracted by something , her eye’s looking skyward.)

Garry: “Pin her!”

Sandra: “Cammy was caught by that move, Alex might have a pin here.”

(Alex smiles and waves up at the rafters, before turning her attention to her opponent. Lil Alex leaps on top of Cammy and starts to choke her. The blonde shopper gasps and reaches her hands up to pull Alex’s hands off her throat. The ref calls for a break, but Alex ignores him. She is smiling as Cammy spurts and gags. )

Sandra: “Choke Ref!”

Garry: “That’s a nerve hold, looks a lot like a choke , but it’s nerve hold.”

( The ref starts to count for a break as Little Alex again stares at him, wondering why the zebra is so mad. She releases at the last moment, again. Cammy rolls onto her side, sucking in the oxygen.. Alex rises to her feet and walks to the edge of the ring. She looks up again, as if trying to find someone or something in the rafters. Callisto and Sherry move closer to Cammy’s side of the ring and yell out encouragement. Although Callisto’s encouragement has more bite to it. Cammy rises to her knees as Alex turns her attention back to her opponent. Alex comes storming over, Cammy suddenly lashes out her leg, knocking Alex to the mat.)

Sandra: “Nice leg sweep by Cammy, she’s got to take it to Alex now.”

( As if on cue, Cammy leaps on top of Alex, grabbing her by the ankle and twisting it up into a lock position. Alex curses on the mat, pounding her fist as Cammy pulls and twists on her leg. The ref asks Alex if she wants to surrender, she smiles at him and politely says no, before grunting in pain again as Cammy pulls in the other direction. Cammy takes a moment and then jumps up, dropping both her knee’s down against the back of Alex’s legs. The British brawler yelps for a moment as Cammy digs her knee’s in. Again she grabs Alex by the leg and pulls her up into a half-Boston crab.)

Garry: “Cammy should know better, Alex won’t give up, she thrives on pain. She loves it.”

Sandra: “It’s a smart move by Cammy, gives her a rest, while putting her opponent into a possible submission.”

( Cammy leans back, pulling Alex’s body into a U position. Alex yelps and tries to curl her body around. She twists her shoulder back enough so that she can get a hold of Cammy’s ankle.)

Sandra: “She’s Biting!!!”

( Cammy screams in pain and releases the hold as Alex chomps down on her ankle. Cammy bounces away, clutching at her leg as Alex slowly sits up. The ref yells at her about biting. She smiles at him and pushes herself up. Cammy turns as Alex approaches her. The blonde shopper raises her hands in the air, opening her hands up, challenging Alex to contest of strength.”

Callisto, Sherry, Sandra : “What!?”

Garry: “Oh, that’s not a bright move.”

( The crowd screams out a warning as Alex smiles and raises her hands. Both women interlock their fingers. Alex immediately starts to push Cammy back. The blonde shopper is forced into the corner, Alex continues to push in , forcing Cammy to climb up the ropes. Cammy gets to the second rope and screams as Alex twists her wrists. Cammy squeals as Alex turns her hands, forcing Cammy’s arms to bend awkwardly. Cammy suddenly kicks her foot out, slamming it into Alex’s chin. The Dentonvale resident’s head snaps back, but she maintains her hold. Cammy kicks her again, breaking her hands free of Alex’s grasp. Alex staggers back, trying to get her bearings. Cammy leaps off the turnbuckles, she wraps her arms around Alex’s head as she falls to the mat.)

Sandra: “Bulldog off the turnbuckles! She planted Alex with that one!”

( Cammy bounces up to her feet as Alex lies face first on the mat. The rookie holds her hands in the air, clapping them as the audience cheers her on. Both Sherry and Callisto scream at her to pin Alex, but the sound of the crowd drowns them out. After a few seconds Cammy drops to the mat, and rolls Alex over. She goes to place her hands on Alex’s shoulders, but squeals as Alex’s hand comes up and grabs her by the throat. Cammy gasps as Alex slowly rises. The British blonde turns and grabs a hold of Cammy with her other arm, before lifting her up into the air and slamming her back down to the mat.)

Garry: “Big Chokeslam!!”

Sandra: “Rookie mistake by Cammy, she might have had Alex after that bulldog.”

Garry: “Typical Shopper, always gloating , never focussing on what needs to be done.”

Sandra: “You know, Sherry is like 20 feet away.”

Garry: “Eeep! You don’t think she heard me? Do you?”

Sandra: “Your still breathing, so I guess she didn’t.”

( Alex smiles as she picks Cammy back up. She grabs Cammy by the back of her jean shorts and throws her through the ropes to the outside. Alex jumps out after her, a twisted smile on her face. Callisto and Sherry start to move over, but the ref tells them to stay back. Alex looks down at Cammy, before placing her big combat boot on her forehead.)

Alex: What does Cammy have in common with a Georgia peach? Both are ripe for the plucking!”

Garry: “?”

( Cammy then screams out as Alex scrapes her boot across her forehead. Cammy rolls into a ball as Alex bends down to grab her. Alex grabs a handful of hair and pulls Cammy up to her feet. The young shopper is then sent head first into the guardrail. There is a loud clang as Cammy connects and then falls to the floor. The ref turns and yells at Alex to get in the ring. She ignores him, her face contorted into a snarl. She moves in as Cammy slowly pushes herself up.)

Garry: “Cammy’s got a boo-boo!”

Sandra: “She’s cut!”

( A small trickle of blood runs down the blonde’s forehead, courtesy of the metal barricades. Alex suddenly leans in grabs Cammy by the sides of her head. Then in a brutal act, Alex starts to bite at Cammy’s cut forehead.)

Sandra: “That’s disgusting!”

Garry: “I don’t think Alex gives a damn.”

( The ref runs over and demands that Alex break her hold. Alex pulls away, Cammy’s blood on her face and over her white outfit. Callisto is beside herself with rage and is held back by Sherry. The Shop leader telling her enforcer not to get Cammy Dq’d. Alex’s face suddenly becomes calm as she spots a young boy with a lollipop at ringside. She walks up to him, a smile on her blood soaked face. His mother shields the boy from the Lunatic as she leans over the guardrail.)

Alex: “I used to get red Pampozzles when I was good, before the dark time. Nope, no more Chollypop for me.”

( The boy smiles, the minds of two children understanding each other. While Alex is distracted, Callisto breaks free of Sherry’s grasp and runs over to her cousin. The ref begins to count both wrestlers out as Callisto helps Cammy to her feet. Alex turns and frowns as Cammy is helped into the ring. Alex starts to walk over towards Callisto and Sherry. The ref yells at Alex to get in the ring and again, she turns and wonders why this man is consistently yelling at her. She shrugs her shoulders and climbs into the ring. Cammy is on her feet, waiting in a corner as Alex starts to move in on her. Alex goes to grab at Cammy, but Cammy kicks out her foot, slamming it into Alex’s midsection. Alex groans and bends at the waist. Cammy leaps up and over Alex, grabbing her around the waist as she flies over.)

Sandra: “Sunset flip!”

Garry: “1….2…kickout by Alex!”

( Alex powers out of the hold, kicking her legs free. Cammy rolls to her knees and quickly jumps to her feet. She grabs Alex as she rises and whips her into the ropes. Alex goes stumbling across the ring as rebounds in. Cammy takes off to the opposite side and charges across. She leaps into the air, spinning herself around as she comes into contact with Alex.)

Sandra: “Spinning Heel Kick! Perfect!”

( Cammy catches Alex square in the jaw, knocking her to the mat. Cammy quickly covers Alex as the ref drops to the mat.)

Sandra: “Hook the leg!”

( Alex kicks out at two again, causing Cammy to slap the mat in frustration. Cammy rises up to her feet, lifting Alex up with her. She wraps her arm around Alex’s head and then drops back down to the mat.)

Garry: “DDT!!”

Sandra: ‘Now cover and Hook!”

( Callisto and Sherry scream out the same advice and this time Cammy grabs the leg.)

Sandra: “1….2…”

Garry: “No!! Kick out again!”

( Cammy can’t believe she didn’t get the pin. She looks at the ref, who holds two fingers up. She frowns and rises up to her feet. She quickly drops back down to the mat, extending her leg, slamming it across Alex’s chest. Cammy rolls back and leaps up to her feet. She wipes her forehead, glaring at her own blood. She bends down, and pulls Alex into the middle of the ring. Then Cammy claps her hands in the air and points at the turnbuckles.)

Garry: “I think Cammy’s going to get some air miles!”

( Cammy runs to the ropes and quickly climbs up to the top. She stands on the top rope, clapping her hands in the air. The crowd cheers her on as she waves at them.)

Sandra: “She’s taking too long here, she’d better do something quick.”

( Cammy waves once more , before taking a moment to get her bearings. She then jumps off the top rope, extending her body is a swan dive type motion. She sails through the air and then screams as Alex brings her knees up. Cammy slams into Alex’s knee’s, impaling herself. She flops and rolls the side, clutching her midsection. Alex also rolls on the mat, clutching her legs.)

Garry: “WOW! That’s gotta hurt!”

Sandra: “Both wrestlers are down. Alex’s knees took quite an impact there, but I think Cammy is worse off.

( Alex slowly pushes herself up, using the ropes to assist her. Cammy lies in the middle of the ring, clutching her belly. The blonde brawler slowly stumbles over to her downed opponent and falls to her knees. Alex rolls Cammy onto her belly and then slams her hand down. Alex starts to claw at Cammy’s sore tummy, causing the Shopper to scream out in pain. Alex smiles, and moves her head in motion with Cammy’s cries of agony. Alex squeezes down, putting all her strength into the claw hold.)

Garry: “That’s gotta be torture! Cammy’s belly must be on fire.”

Sandra: “It’s a surprisingly smart tactic by Alex, although I think she’s just doing it cause it hurts more.”

(Alex smiles and twists her fingers, causing Cammy to scream out even more. The ref asks for her surrender. But to her credit, she refuses, through tear stained eyes. Alex pulls one hand free and wipes the tears from Cammy’s face. Alex then licks her fingers as she suddenly rises to her feet.)

Alex: “Time for a different chorus!”

( Alex bends down and grabs Cammy by the hair, hauling her up. She hurls Cammy towards the corner, sending the Shopper crashing into the turnbuckles. Cammy’s arms flop over the top rope, keeping her up. Alex takes a moment to look around the rafters one last time, before charging in. She runs across the ring at full speed, preparing to slam her shoulder into Cammy’s injured belly.)

Garry: “This should be ….”

Sandra: “Superkick!!”

( From out of nowhere, Cammy steps out of the corner, she launches her foot into the air, catching Alex square in the face. The British blonde stumbles backwards and flops to the mat. Cammy quickly jumps up to the second turnbuckle and leaps off. Cammy extends her legs out and crashes across Alex’s chest and throat.)

Sandra: “Guillotine Legdrop!!”

( Cammy rolls across Alex, hooking the leg for the pin. The ref jumps down for the count, his hand slaps the mat twice before he stops. Cammy can’t believe it and turns to look as the ref points at Alex’s hand, which had grabbed the bottom rope. Cammy pounds her fists on the mat again. She knows she a moment away from victory. She rises to her feet, pulling Alex up with her. She whips Alex into the ropes and waits for her. As Alex rebounds, Cammy ducks her head down, preparing for a monkey flip.)

Sandra: “She went down too early!”

(Alex comes off and slows her momentum down, she grabs Cammy by the head and quickly turns her over. Alex then spins and falls to the mat.”

Garry :”Clock Work Orange! That’s it!”

( Alex completes her neck breaker finisher, and then rolls across Cammy’s twitching body. The ref slaps his hand down three times and calls for the bell.)


Sandra: “Rookie mistake there, but a great effort by Cammy.”

(Alex rises to her feet, and touches her hand to her lip. She feels the small cut and frowns. Cammy rolls on the mat, clutching her neck as her big cousin slides into the ring. Alex looks as Callisto walks over to check on her cousin. Sherry waits on the outside, as Alex seems to be making a decision.)

Garry: “Alex has that look.”

Sandra: “What look?”

Garry: “You know, that helter skelter, run to the shelters look.”

( Alex takes a step towards Cammy, which causes Callisto to rise to her feet. It’s quite a site, the bloodied Lil Alex, standing toe to toe with the big Body Shop Enforcer. Alex looks up into Callisto’s eyes. She then smiles, her scowl and angry demeanor fades away.)

Alex: “Lovely little romp that was. But it don’t feel quite right. Now’s not the time. Soon though.”

( Alex then takes a step away and slides out of the ring. She starts to walk up the aisle, smiling at the ringside fans.)

Sandra: “Wow, I thought Lil Alex was about to take on Callisto there.”

Garry: “You can’t predict anything that lunatic is going to do.”

Sandra: “Well, Alex moves on to the semi’s of the Cruiser Weight tourney.”

Garry: “Yup, should be fun to see if Alex can make it all the way.”

Sandra: “Fun isn’t the word I’d use. Folks, stay tuned, more great action after these commercial announcements.”




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