Gwen Jeru
Celtic Tigress

{ The crowd is still buzzing over the last match. The are on their feet, whistling and cheering, an the shot pans down to the announcers table, where Garry and Sandra are seated. }

Sandra: Hello again everyone.

Garry: Yea Yea, just get my gal Gwen out here!

Sandra: Your gal?

Garry: Yea, don't ya remember? She kissed me last week.

Sandra: Ugg, how could I forget. Well as dimwit said, next up is Gwen Jeru, who scored a big win over Jenny Anderson last week, and tonight she faces a newcomer, the Celtic Tigress.

Garry: Who?

Sandra: Celtic Tigress.

Garry: Never heard of her.

Sandra: I said she's new.

Garry: Oh.

Sandra: Well look in the ring, she's standing there now.

Garry: When did she slip in there?

Sandra: While you were wolffing down your um your 6th hotdog.

Garry: Not much of an entrance there.

Sandra: The roof coulda blew off the building, and you wouldn't of noticed, you are just to into your food to notice anything.

Garry: Yup.

{ The newest europeon superstar's music, "Secretaria" by Mocedades blairs over the pa system and the latin beauty, Gwen Jeru and friend turn to face the crowd. Gwen blows the crowd a kiss then shakes her bra coverd breasts at a man in the crowd. She in her crimson bra long white baggy pants with a black sash in the back she walks to the ring commentators, kisses Garry while slipping him peice of paper with her phone number. Gwen smiles then does a flip over the ropes to the ring. }

Garry: OH WOW!!!

Sandra: Gee, you wont have to call an escort service tonight Garry! I'll never know what Gwen sees in you.

Garry: What's not to love?

Sandra: Lemme see, your repulsive smell, your weight problem, your drinking problem, your a male chauvinist pig, and a disgrace to the human race. I guess other than all that, you're a sweet lovable guy....pfft!

Garry: Oh shut up, and stay that way, I'll call my sweeties match.

Sandra: Go for it!

Garry: OK, Gwen has finished stretching out, and now she walks to the center of the ring, and eyes up the Tigress.

Gwen: Good luck Tigress.
Garry: See, she's a great sport too.

Sandra: Uh huh, just call the match.

Garry: It has to start first.


Sandra: It just did!

Garry: Yup..Ok, Gwen and Tigress lock up in the center of the ring, in a collar and elbow tie up. The Tigress takes Gwen down, with a nice arm drag, and she holds onto the arm, locking Gwen in an arm bar.

Sandra: This is the Tigress's debut as a pro, and she looks good thus far.

Garry: Oh yes, two moves, she's on her way to legandary status now.

Sandra: Bite me ya pig!

Garry: Gladly!

Sandra: You wish!

Garry: I sure do. Whoa, Gwen just grabbed Tigress's arm, with her free arm, and flipped her in front of her. Now Gwen wraps her legs around the Tigress's waist, and applies a waist scissors.

Sandra: Nice escape there by Gwen.

Garry: Yup! Gwen really applies the pressure on her scissors hold, and the Tigess is moaning in pain, but she is close to the ropes, and realizing that, she sticks her leg out, and gets it on the bottom rope. The ref asks Gwen to break the hold, and she does so cleanly.

Sandra: Heads up move there on Celtic's part.

{ Gwen and the Tigress get to their feet, and approach each other in the center of the ring. Gwen then takes off running, and takes the Tigress down to the mat with a bull ram, as her head and shoulders penetrate deep into the Tigress's midsection, blasting the air out of her body, and forcing her hard down on the mat. }

Garry: Gwen really built up some momentum before nailing her with that one.

Sandra: Yes she did, and she layed that hit perfectly on the Tigress.

{ Gwen follows up, with a wicked kick to Tigess's jaw. }

Garry: You go girl! Give it to her!

Sandra: Gwen is really pumped up this week, she carried her momentum of her win over Jenny into this match, and she isn't letting up at all on the Celtic Tigress.

{ Gwen grabs the Tigress's foot, then spins it around, while grabbing her other foot, Gwen drops to the mat, and locks a figure 4 on the Tigress. }

Garry: She's got her in the middle of the ring, this one is over with.

Sandra: Tigress is fighting the pain, but how much more can she withstand?

Garry: Not much.

{ The ref is in Celtic Tigress's face, asking her if she submits. She shakes her head no, but it is evident that the pain is becoming to much for her to handle. }

Garry: Give up kid, it isn't worth getting crippled over.

Sandra: True, Gwen has that hold applied perfectly, and I just don't see the Tigress rolling over to reverse it.

{ The Celtic Tigress finally taps out, and the ref has Gwen break the hold. Gwen does so, and jumps to her feet, and waves proudly to the fans. The ref is checking on the Tigress's condition, then he stands up, and raises Gwen's hand high in the air, declaring her the winner. }
Garry: WOOOHOOO way ta go Gwen!!!

Sandra: She looked good out there tonight. I think with more training, the Tigress will do alright here. She just needs some time is all.

Garry: Well folks, time to pay those bills, but we'll be right back with more action.

Sandra: Stay tuned folks!

{ Fade to a commercial for Battling Ring Angels action figures. }

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