
{ The crowd begins to stir, as they eagerly anticipate the next match, and the camera swings down to Sandra and Garry, at the announcers table. }

Sandra: Welcome back everyone.

Garry: Yea yea what ever, just bring out the bimbos.

Sandra: Try to control your hormones a few moments Garry. Well folks, next up we have our second match of the night and it is also the second match of the lightweight tournament.

Garry: Anorexic tourney.

Sandra: That is so sick, and not in the slightest bit funny~!!!

Garry: Well ArchAngel calls it that too.

Sandra: Oh and when did she become politically correct at anything?

Garry: I dunno. By the way, your cleavage looks really nice in that dress you have on tonight.


Garry: Sheesh! Can't you take a compliment?

Sandra: From you? NO! Anyway folks, next up we have a sister vs. sister match up, this should be interesting, as Jenny Anderson faces her identical twin sister, Linda Anderson. Young Linda has learned a lot lately, but will it be enough to beat her sister, who is the worlds oldest veteran wrestler.

Garry: Oh are they gonna play hopscotch in the ring together?


Sandra: Huh?

Garry: Do you really think these two are gonna go at it tonight? If ya do, think again. I saw them before I came out here, and those two were three sheets to the wind.

Sandra: I know the twins like to sneak drinks behind their mothers back, but that is all in fun, I doubt they are gassed now, and Jenny is to much of a professional to pull something like that.

Garry: You're about to be shocked them, cause I'm tellin ya the truth, those two are bombed right now.

Sandra: Well sorry Garry, I find anything you say believable.

{ A whistle blows loudly, and that strikes the crowds attention. The house lights flicker on and off, and the "Ohio State Fight Song" the Techno version, begins to play. }

{ The crowd erupts with cheers, and Jenny and Linda Anderson come walking out together. }

Garry: Oh golly gee, here they come!

Sandra: Oh hush you moronic fool! The Cheerleaders are loved by these fans, listen to them roar!

Garry: Well...I never said the fans had brains, did I?

{ Jenny and Linda are wearing their traditional Cheerleader outfits, but they seem to be walking funny, and giggling a lot. }

Garry: Oh for the love of God, these two are bombed!

Sandra: Hmmn they do seem a bid to giddy tonight. Poor Sherry, she doesn't need a headache like this with what she's going through right now.

Garry: Ah yes, poor Sherry...ha ha ha!

Sandra: You're such an insensitive asshole!

Garry: Oh no, it's sensitive, I have to use a tube of Preparation H every week.

Sandra: Oh thanks for sharing that with us. You are one sick bastard, ya know that?

Garry: I try.

{ Jenny and Linda hop into the ring, and begin a cheer routine for the fans. }

Garry: Sheesh, are these two ever gonna wrestle???

Sandra: They will, relax.

{ The Cheerleaders finish their cheer, and then just stand there talking to one another, and they don't seem to really care about a wrestling match at all. }

Jenny: Hey sis, did you see that new dress I bought? It's so cute!

Linda: Yup, pretty nice sis. I think I'm gonna go to the florist after we get out of here, and have moms house decorated with some nice floral displays.

Jenny: Yea, that will be nice. Mom is kinda down right now, so flowers will brighten up her day maybe.

Garry: You have GOT to be kidding me? Ring the damn bell ref! Get them going, this is a waste of time!

Sandra: Dang you're impatient!

Garry: Well I'm not alone at being that way, the ref is now calling for the bell, he's bored too!

{ The ref as Garry says, signals for the bell. The Cheerleaders just giggle, and Jenny then pulls out a coin from her uniform, and flips it high in the air. }

Jenny: I call heads.

Linda: Tails for me!

{ The coin lands on the mat, and tails lands up. Linda leans forward, and blows a kiss at Jenny, and Jenny drops to the mat, and rolls to her back. Linda hops down, and gets on top of Jenny with a school girl pin. The ref hops down and goes for the count. }








Sandra: Well folks, seems that it's Linda the advances to the next round.

Garry: What a joke!

{ Linda is now tickling Jenny, and the two then proceed to roll around giggling like two little girls. }

Garry: Sheesh, these two are so drunk, they don't know what they are doing! Someone get them out of there!

Sandra: Well, here comes someone that will, and she doesn't look to amused by this.

Garry: Oh great, here comes the worlds worst mother. Knowing Sherry, she'll give them more to drink.

{ Sherry steps into the ring, and goes straight to her daughters. She grabs them by the arms, and brings them to their feet, and scolds them for their drunken behavior. }

Garry: I'm impressed, I didn't think she'd do a damn thing to them, and she's even escorting them out of the ring!

{ Sherry leads the twins up the aisle, towards the back. Jenny seems to be mouthing off some, and Sherry whacks her bottom a few times, then continues to take her to the back. The crowd doesn't quite know what to make of all this, and they just sit there in shock. }

Sandra: Well folks, there you have it, Linda Anderson advances to the next round of the lightweight tournament. I think we better go pay some bills now. We'll be right back.

Garry: Yea, better run some commercials, before the sponsors cancel us after seeing that disgrace!

Sandra: Oh shut up, did you really think the sisters were gonna fight?

Garry: Yes.

Sandra: Oh geez, be right back folks.

{ Fade to a commercial for teenage drinking problems. }

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