Shannon McCourt and Sherry Ann
Beauties of Destruction
Evonne Carmikel and Bianca Dupree

By: ToneDef

[The camera fades from black to survey the sold out Battling Ring Angels arena, where the roar of the crowd is enough to drown out even the commentators. They have liked the card thus far, and the main event has yet to occur. There are numerous signs being waved, noticably "I WISH I COULD DRIVE LIKE LE PETITE MARQUISE’, ‘SING ME A SONG, POET’, and ‘BRING ME THE GODDESS!!!’. The camera swivels around, to focus on the announcers at ringside.]

Sandra: "I have been waiting for this match all night, and…"

Garry: "So have I! This is going to be a good old fashioned barn burner, I can tell! And its about time those no good shoppers lost their undeserved gold!"

Sandra: "As I was saying, before I was SO rudely interrupted…is that this is going to be one interesting match! A lot of history between these groups, and the tag golds on the line!"

Garry: "History? What are you talking about, I bet that that irish leprachaun doesn’t even know her opponents…which is really too bad for her."

Sandra: "Shannon may not be as involved, but Sherry certainly is! Bianca is her estranged daughter…some history there, that is for sure…and her confrontations with Evonne in the past have been rather remarkable…with no definitive conclusion!"

Garry: "Well, it’s about time that Evonne laid the smack down on that old bag once and for all!"

[The arena darkens as orange, green and white flash pots light
up the place. As the lights begin to go back on, over the PA "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit begins to play. "The Professor" Shanon McCourt makes her appearance, waving to her fans in the crowd and smiling. Carrying a small Celtic cross for luck, Shanon hands it off to one of her fans as she makes her way down to the ring, slapping hands and greeting her fans.]

Sandra: "And here is Shannon, looking gorgeous as always! Haven’t heard much of her recently…"

Garry: "Of course you haven’t! Look at who she is facing tonight, I’d try to hide myself too if I was her! She’s gonna get stomped! Serves her right for joining the Shop…"

[Shannon smiles as some fans, with their faces painted in white, orange and green, begin to wave their Body Shop signs and chant ‘B.O.D! B.O.D!. She gets into the ring just as the houselights flicker, then go out completely. "Standing On Top of the World" by Van Halen begins to play, and the crowd erupts with cheers. A concussion grenade explodes, and fire fills the stage area. When it clears, Sherry Ann is found standing on the stage, and this brings the fans into a frenzy, and even more so, when the Angeltron lights up saying...

The fans continue to cheer as Sherry and Shannon make their way towards the ring, and Callisto comes walking out slowly behind them, with a menacing look on her face.]

Garry: "Ug, and here comes the old woman herself…I tell you, how she gets around without a walker is beyond me!"

Sandra: "Sherry is an icon to this sport, Garry…."

Garry: "Yeah, an Icon on the bottom of Evonne Carmikels boot after she gets a hold of her tonight!"

[Sherry just smiles and waves to the fans, and Callisto just snarls at the crowd, as she isn't used to them cheering for her at all. She steps into the ring just as The lights dim, and dollar bills begin to fall from the ceiling onto the highlighted entrance ramp. ‘GOLDFINGER’ begins to blare over the arena’s loudspeakers as Evonne Carmikel steps into the arena, scowling at the jeering crowd.]

Sandra: "And here she comes, the most dangerous woman in the world…hey, didn’t she lose to a child last week?"

Garry: "Just a freak accident, Evonne is nearly as good as my little sugar dumpling, Lisa Dream! Go, Vonney!"

Sandra: "Evonne has never been very much of a team player, it will be interesting to see what she does tonight…"

[Evonne is wearing her typical black one piece fighting attire, with the black boots and elbowpads with little dollar signs on them. Behind her stands her personal secretary, Ivana Harlot, who is taking a call on her cell phone. The two of them arrogantly make their way to the ring, and wisely stand outside of the ring as they await their opponent]

Garry: "See, Evonne isn’t a fool…she isn’t getting into the ring with those cowardly, cheating shoppers!"

Sandra: "I hope that Bianca Dupree can make it…rumour has it that the Archangel has denied her from getting into the ring until she conforms to the corporate image…"

Garry: "Yeah, like that’s going to happen…"



*** Breaks whatever silence was had, some thunderous shriek from the loudspeakers in the tone of Kid Rock. Guitar riffs and scratching records brought confused looks from the audience, they knew who this could be... but this was not the sounds by which she came. ***

"Las Vegas... Nevada..."

*** And the thunder gives way to the more subtle hints of QueensRyche’s "Speak The Word" as the lights faded into nothing, powerful arrays of wide arcing white light panning over the crowd like a wave upon the ocean. There was no figure to be seen, only words upon the Angeltron’s silver screened visage and the voice of the one true, Hellraiser. ***


~^~ Too many Angels.... ~^~

" Do any of you really give a sh*t about anyone standing in that ring?"

~^~ ... Not enough HellRaisers ~^~

"I mean, let’s review the facts... We’ve got Shannon... The Professor... McCourt? Repeat after me... "


*** Spilling her voice with the audience’s approval, Bianca’s leg fell from the darkness and dangled in front of the top of the Angeltron’s screen. Strobes burst from behind her, silhouetting her actions against the background. ***

"Welcome her to the biggest moment of her life. People will forget everything about her; her birthday, her wedding day, number of children... she’s suddenly became a statistic to the day that Bianca Dupree returned to this sport. She will forever be the answer to a trivia question about the greatest night ever in the history of Women’s wrestling. Welcome to the dance Miss McCourt... but do remember why you’re here."

*** Bianca stole a moment to run her fingers in time to the music, letting the crowd’s reaction calm itself down. They loved her... she knew it. ***

"Second... Sherry Ann. Sh*t... I could kill the remainder of the television time on this subject, but instead... tonight I’m going to be nice. I’m only going to say a couple things... one, what in the hell do ya’ll get out of watching that pile of leather try and strut her wrinkled ass around the ring?"

*** POP! Crowd coming to life in the wake of Bianca’s comments. Sure, Sherry could rile a crowd, but Bianca could incite riots. Some tried to jeer, but there were far too many others drowning them out. ***

"Speak the words Bianca, Tell us more about the seven time Darva Conger... Don’t I wish I had the time. I should write a book... be a best selling novelist. I can see the headlines... "Cut The Shit" by Bianca Dupree, the life and times of the Architect of Anarchy and her wicked stepmother. I’d call it Cinderella, but I think that’s copyrighted. Besides, the only pumpkins in my book would be the ones that Sherry calls ass cheeks. "

*** Again Bianca revels in the music a bit, teasing with the sounds and sweeping lights... ***

"And Mikey... dearest Mikey. On a bit of a losing binge, aren’t ya? First... it was the valet. A valet Vonno! She was parking cars and licking boots only a year ago, and you lost to her! Goddamn, maybe it’s time for you to retire? Then...last week... what, the hell happened to you?

You lost to an infant! She took her mouth off of her mother’s tit and pinned you! And the winner of the " Just been pinned by a wrestler who has yet to lose all her baby fat and grow her second set of teeth award, is you! Miss Evonne Carmikel... do me proud!


*** And the Audience reciprocated their response ***


*** With that, Bianca leapt from the top... blinking strobe behind her to mask whatever methods she might have had of catching her fall. Landing in a crouch, Bianca stood up and raised her arms... pink and violet explosions erupting at the coercion of her fingers.

Lights along the aisle way saluted her presence, cutting through the darkness as she passed them by, bowing when they stood behind her. Smiling quietly to herself, she made her way to the announce table. Her ban had still not been lifted... but she was out the door and closer now then they ever hoped she be. ***


Sandra: "Wow, what an opening from the Hellion of Rebellion!"

Garry: "Bianca has always been one of the best, that’s for sure, and teamed up with Evonne Carmikel….well, let’s just say the shop has no chance in hell here!"

Sandra: "That remains to be seen….Bianca gets down to ringside, and Evonne orders the referee to get the Shoppers back as she enters the ring…."

Garry: "They comply…oddly enough…looks like its Sherry that is going to start for BOD…."

Ding Ding Ding

Sandra: "And so it begins! Evonne and Sherry warily circle in the ring…uh oh, here comes Bianca!"

[Just as Evonne and Sherry lock up, Bianca makes her way over to the announcers table, and just points to the back, and at Garry. Garry, not being the worlds stupidest individual, agrees, and Bianca takes up his place on the announcers table. In the ring, Evonne with an eye rake across Sherry’s face stuns the Icon, followed up with a closeline to the mat.]

Sandra: "And Evonne quickly takes the offensive…how are you doing today, Bianca?"

Bianca: "How do you think I am feeling, Sandra? The Archangel has decreed that I am not allowed in the ring, which leaves us in a ridiculous situation."

Sandra: "Well, Evonne is doing fairly well for herself, she is stomping away on Sherry with reckless abandon in there!"

Bianca: "Oh wow, that takes some talent…Mickey is moving up in the world, that is for sure. And against Sherry, no less, do I look rather impressed?"

Sandra: "Well, Sherry grabs one of Evonne’s legs, and sweeps the tall woman to the mat…both get to their feet, and a right hook sends Evonne into the corner!"

[Sherry pumps her fist into the air, inciting the crowd, and then, before Evonne can do anything, Sherry hiptosses the powerful figurehead to the mat. She then tags in Shannon, who comes in, and the two of them perform a double vertical suplex on Evonne.]

Bianca: "Oh wow, and now the goody goody gets into the ring. Hey, Evonne, you ever feel like you’ve been beaten down by a Discovery Channel reporter?"

Sandra: "Shannon immediately launches herself at the ropes…and a summersault legdrop off of the second rope finds its target, now that was a talented move!"

Bianca: "Talented? What makes you think that, I think that any child could have pulled that joke off…now all we needed to see is the ever dreaded armbar!"

[Shannon scoops Evonne up, and bodyslams her down to the mat with ease, despite her smaller size. She then bounces off of the rope, and goes to drop an elbow onto Evonne…the powerful CEO manages to roll out of the way, and Shannon connects with nothing but mat.]

Sandra: "I don’t think that Evonne is out of this one yet, not by a long shot! She moves into Shannon….DDT sends the rookie down to the mat!"

Bianca: "Hey, Mickey, what part of Sherry’s ass did you pull that move out of? I wonder if she can keep her streak alive, she did lose to a little kid last week."

Sandra: "Hey, Jennifer Christian is a natural in this ring…Do you respect anyone in that ring?!?"

Bianca: "I respect those that deserve it…I have yet to meet anyone in this league that fits my criteria."

Evonne: "You should not have signed on against me, Rookie….nobody dares to challenge the Worlds Most Dangerous Woman."

[Evonne follows this up by pulling Shannon to her feet, and dragging her eyes across the ropes. The referee chastizes Evonne, who smirks and says something to Sherry, angering her. Sherry goes to enter the ring…the referee notices, orders Sherry back to her corner, and, behind the referees back, Ivana Harlot removes a bottle from her handbag and sprays it into Shannon’s eyes.]

Sandra: "I knew it was but a matter of time before Evonne did something underhanded!"

Bianca: "Just as long as you aren’t surprised over it….using Ivana to her advantage is the only way that Mickey could possibly look competitive in that ring."

Sandra: "Well, the referee turns around in just enough time to miss the whole exchange….Evonne easily picks Shannon up, over her head, in a gorrilla press….and drops her down onto her outstretched knee, now THAT is a display of strength!"

Bianca: "Let’s see Mickey possibly try that with one of our larger woman…Zantara Underworld, perhaps?"

[Evonne arrogantly struts around the perimeter of the squared circle, gloating for the jeering fans as Sherry can only watch from her corner. Grabbing a handful of Shannon’s hair, Evonne pulls her to her feet, and, getting her in a side headlock, dashes forward, executing a running bulldog on the irish wrestler. She then goes for a nonchalant cover.]

Bianca: "I have yet to see anything in this match that impresses me. The moves are simple, the wrestlers are weak, and uninteresting. Do you really think that any of them could compete with the Hellion?"

Sandra: "I think we should get you in that ring, and we could find out….I’m sure that Sherry Ann would love to get a chance against you…"

Bianca: "Everyone wants a chance against the Hellion of Rebellion! They want their moment of glory, they lust for a glimpse of true ability! Send me who you want, I’ll send them scampering back to the showers with their tails between their legs!"

Sandra: "Aaaanyways….Shannon has kicked out, and Evonne has responded with a number of jarring kicks and stomps to the smaller woman’s body. She now pulls Shannon to her feet, whips her into the ropes, goes for a closeline…"

Bianca: "Easily ducked under, she telegraphed that a mile away!"

[Evonne spins around as Shannon bounces off of the ropes behind her, and Shannon executes a perfect Hurricanrana, sending Evonne to the mat and inciting the crowd to frenzied cheers. Both remain on the mat, however, though Sherry is screaming at Shannon to make the tag. The referee starts a count, but they both manage to struggle to their feet, Evonne a little quicker than Shannon…Evonne grips a handful of Shannons hair, Shannon responds with a punch to Evonne’s belly…followed up with a spinning neckbreaker.]

Sandra: "This crowd is going nuts! Both are on the mat again…both struggle to their feet, but Evonne is just a touch slower this time, and Shannon manages to make the tag! I wouldn’t want to be in Evonne’s shoes!"

Bianca: "Why not? Sherry is extremely overrated, the only thing she has going for her is the immense size of her posterior…"

Sandra: "Well, let us not forget the fact that you should be in there, as Evonne’s partner…she is fighting a handicap match right now."

Bianca: "Hey, I can’t help what the Archangel decrees…I got scheduled for this match, but I’m not allowed in the ring, is not that a fine example of intelligence on her part?"

[Sherry manages to catch the Worlds Most Dangerous Woman off guard with a running closeline, knocking Evonne to the mat. She follows it up with an elbowdrop, then she picks Evonne up and bodyslams her to the mat. Evonne uses the momentum to roll towards the corner, and, getting to her knees, she raises her hands infront of her in a time out gesture.]

Evonne: "Please, Sherry, can’t we just get along? I love the shop!"

Sandra: "A plea bargain that falls on deaf ears…Sherry responds with a running knee to Evonne’s face, knocking her back into the corner!"

Bianca: "Hey, Mickey, fresh out of the geriatric home and you still can’t get the upper hand! The old woman with a series of stomps, I’m surprised that Sherry hasn’t done any underhanded stuff yet."

Sandra: "Maybe it’s the influence of her new tag partner…Sherry pulls Evonne to her feet, and a gutwrench suplex takes her down! With a cover attempt!"

Bianca: "She’s making Mickey look even dumber than I thought she could be…"

[Evonne manages to buck out of the pinning attempt, and tries to roll outside of the ring. The attempt fails, because Callisto, the shops enforcer, moves there to prevent her escape. Evonne tries to crawl on her hands and knees to the other side of the ring, but Sherry heelkicks Evonne in the face, knocking her to the mat. She then tags in Shannon.]

Sandra: "Here comes a good double team…Sherry hoists Evonne up, inside of a bear hug….Shannon mounts the top rope, and flying bodypresses the Worlds Most Dangerous Woman to the mat!"

Bianca: "You call that impressive? I have a double team move that will put my opponent in the hospital…"

Sandra: "Why you would have a double team move, I haven’t a clue…another pinning attempt, and another kickout! Evonne is not even close to done yet, but if it keeps up this way…"

[Shannon pulls Evonne to her feet, kicks her in the belly, whips herself into the ropes and performs a spinning DDT on the wounded woman. Another pinning attempt, with another kickout. Shannon tags in Sherry again, who drops a leg across Evonne’s face. She then goes to pull Evonne to her feet…Evonne, somehow, grabs the front of Sherry’s bikini and pulls her forward, flipping her over her crouched body to crash into the referee behind them.]

Sandra: "The referee is down! But so is the two wrestlers, Shannon is on the ropes, clapping, trying to get the crowd behind the SHOP….the BOD chants fill the room!"

Bianca: "Excuse me for a second…"

[Bianca leaves the announcers table just as two figures are seen moving down the entrance ramp towards the ring. They are Kelly Mase and Kimie Kurita, and Shannon does not see them until Kelly Mase has slammed her in the back. Then, her and Kimie pick Shannon up, and perform a double slam of her down onto the harsh concrete.

Meanwhile, Sherry is getting to her feet inside of the ring, but Bianca has just entered, and the Hellion of Rebellion shoves Sherrys’ head between her legs to the boos of the crowd. With an inclination of her head, Bianca hooks up Sherry’s arms, and does the splits, doing a split pedigree on her mother in the center of the ring. Sherry collapses…Bianca flips her over, and rolls Evonne over on top of Sherry. She then exits the ring.]

Sandra: "This is getting nuts out here! Callisto moves towards Kimie and Kelly, but their work is done…they head back off to the back as Callisto checks on Shannon!"

Bianca (putting back on her headset): "Did I miss anything?"

Sandra: "I…I can’t believe you just did that! Whatever possessed you to…"

Bianca: "Hey, I’m legally in this match, Sandra. I figured that I might as well add some excitement to these fools drab, unimportant lives…"

Sandra: "Well, they aren’t moving in the ring…the referee stirs, moves to the huddled mass in the center of the ring, starts the count, do we have new champion?"

[The referee counts very slowly, and at the near 3 mark, Sherry somehow gets a shoulder up, inciting the crowd into cheers. She struggles to her feet, as does Evonne. Evonne goes to throw a punch…blocked by Sherry, and retaliated upon. This is repeated twice more, then Sherry scoops Evonne up, and powerslams her to the mat.]

Bianca: "Bah! Referee’s these days, what can you do bout them?"

Sandra: "Yeah, I’ve always found that it takes great skill to hit someone from behind…."

Bianca (looking Sandra up and down):" You want a split pedigree too?"

Sandra: "Shannon has gotten back onto the ring apron, Sherry pulls Evonne into the corner, talks to Shannon, tags her in…I think this is it, I think that this is the finisher!"

[Sherry hooks Evonne up for the body shop drop, and Shannon gets onto the turnbuckle behind her. Sherry goes to drive Evonne into the mat from the top rope…Shannon jumps off of the top rope as well, using her momentum to make the move that much more effective as Evonne is driven down to the mat with Shannon seated on her chest. The referee makes the count, and this one is over.]

Ding Ding Ding

Bianca: (taking her headset off in disgust): "I am not impressed…if Mickey possessed any abilities whatsoever, she would have the freakin belts right now."

Sandra: "Why do you want the belts? You only got into that ring once…"

Bianca: "Its not the gold, it’s the principle behind it…getting beaten by my old mother and that goody goody irish woman is utterly humiliating. First that big mouthed Dream, then the Wrath, then the little girl, now this…..Mickey is on a slide."

[Bianca tosses down the headset, and storms back to the dressing room area. Sherry gets to her feet, and looks down on Evonne.]

Sherry: "Don’t ever mess with my family, bitch!"

Sandra: "Well, an impressive first victory for the BOD! If they continue with the teamwork like that, they will have those belts for a long time!"

Garry: (wandering back over with a big slice of pizza and jumbo pop): "What did I miss?"

Sandra: "Well folks, that’s all for this evening, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Until next time, I’m Sandra Allistar…"

Garry: (with a mouth full of pizza): "An’ ah’m Gawwy Gwimrer…"

Sandra: "Saying so long, everybody!"

[Fade to a promotional piece for the upcoming Pay Per View.]

Winner: Shannon McCourt and Sherry Ann





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