Veronica Millions
Jennifer Christian

(The scene fades from a commercial for Batting Ring Angels dolls and
back into the BRA arena, where we find Sandra and Gary seated, awaiting
the net match.)

Sandra: This next match is sure to be action-packed as we will see
upcoming rookie Jennifer Christian going up against seasoned vet
Veronica Millions.

Garry: (smirks) ha! Another win for the Sisterhood!

Sandra: Jennifer's talents can't be denied as she surprised many by
defeating Evonne Carmikel. In fact, Jennifer is undefeated and many
speculate that she is on quite a hot streak. While Veronica....

Garry: Is nothing more than another pathetic shopper! Did she ever beat
anyone as important as Evonne Carmikel? Well, she did beat Tina Dream
but who hasn't?

Sandra: Hush! Veronica is a talented grappler, one of the Shop's best.

Garry: (rolls his eyes) If she's their best, I hate to see their worst!

Sandra: Regardless, she is currently in the ring, preparing for the

(Veronica is shown doing a few warm up stretches, in the ring.)

Sandra: This is a very important match as the winner faces Linda
Anderson in the next round of the Featherweight tournament.

Garry: In other words, we'll be seeing a Christian/Anderson match.

Sandra: Don't underestimate Veronica, Garry. Something tells me that
she's going to have a few surprises in store for "La Petite Marquise"!

(The lights suddenly dim, red and white pyrotechnics explode, and the
Angeltron explodes into life. The first few bars of the French national
anthem are heard, a testament to the wrestler's guiding spirit and
mentor. It then cuts out and "Fits Ya Good" by Bryan Adams belts loud
out around the arena. At first, the initials "LPM" sing out bold on the
screen, starting a chant of L..P..M!! around some of the arena. Images
of La Petite Marquise applying the Croix de Guerre on both Peggy
Christian at French Kiss and Eden Starr in her first match, as well as
her great moments against Evonne blaze across the Angeltron. The curtain
parts and Jennifer La Petite Marquise Christian sachet's out dressed in
the white S and M outfit modeled on the Marquise DeSades very own and a
black Yvette Malreaux leather jacket. She looks every bit a sweet
innocent little girl, despite carrying a pristine white riding crop with
her. Jennifer hands the crop and jacket to an attendant before entering
the ring.)

Garry: Now, that's what I call prepared! Just look at the intensity in
Jennifer's eyes. Veronica can do as many puny stretches as she likes but
it won't save her from the wrath of "La Petite Marquise"!

Sandra: (smiles) We'll see.

      Ding!                Ding!              Ding!

(The match sounds and Jennifer immediately attacks Veronica with a drop
kick to the chest, dropping the Body Shopper. With a sneer, Jennifer
grabs a handful of Veronica's hair and whips her to the ropes, catching
her with a spin wheel kick to the throat on the rebound.)

Garry: Ha! I told you! Veronica is way outclassed!

(Veronica rubs her aching throat as Jennifer wastes no time grabbing her
by the head, dragging her to her feet, and sending her crashing head
first into the mat with a DDT. Jennifer attempts the cover as the ref



Sandra: Veronica kicks out at the two count! It's far too early to call
Millions out of this match. After all, Veronica is the same woman that
went one on one with Zantara Underworld. There's still alot of fight
left in her!

(Jennifer brings Veronica to her feet again and whips her to the ropes
but Millions surprises her with her own drop kick to the chest. The look
of surprise is replaced with a look of pain as "The Little Marquise'
falls to the mat. Veronica smiles out to the crowd as she lifts Jennifer
in the air, dropping her head into the canvas with a jumping piledriver.
Jennifer looks dazed as Veronica quickly mounts the top turnbuckle.
Millions signals to the crowd and leaps off with a swan dive splash,
hoping to land on Jennifer's prone body. But Millions gasps in surprise
as her lithe body meets hard canvas, the product of Jennifer swiftly
rolling ouf of the way of Veronica's splash. Pain registers on
Veronica's features as she clutches her stomach. Jennifer slowly rises
to her feet and looks at the pained Millions. "La Petite Marquise"
smiles like the cat that ate the canary.)

Garry: Veronica rises to her feet and Jennifer takes her back down to
the mat with a flying bulldog! Woo Hoo! Go, Jennifer!

(Suddenly, the crowd begins to boo as Kimmie Kurita and Kelly Mase walk
to ringside.)

Sandra: What are those two doing here? They have no buisness being at
this match! Besides, shouldn't Kimmie be in jail?

Garry: I dunno. It looks like they came to watch.

(Kimmie and Kelly look on as Jennifer attacks Veronica with a series of
stomps and kicks, the Body Shopper's body flailing with each blow!)

Sandra: Stop that ref! Jennifer is breaking the rules!

(As if he heard Sandra's request, the referee stops Jennifer's merciless
assault and admonishes the young girl. As his attention is distracted
with Jennifer, Kelly Mase races into the ring and DDTs a rising
Veronica, punishing the Shopper's already aching head. The fans boo as
Kelly races from the ring and returns to viewing the match as if nothing
had happened.)

Sandra: (fumes) That ref needs to get those two away from ringside.
They're trying to sabotage Veronica's match!

Garry: (laughs) It looks like the pathetic Shopper is doing that on her

(As Veronica again rises to her feet, she is met with a flying, cross
body block, knocking the wind out of the Shopper. She grabs Millions by
the head again and administers a spinning, neckbreaker, bringing the
Shopper to her knees!)

Sandra: Veronica is really in trouble now. Wait! What is Kelly Mase
doing now?

(Kelly hops on the ring apron, distracting the ref, as Kimmie scurries
into the ring and pushes Jennifer aside. Jennifer looks on warily as
Kimmie power bombs an already injured Veronica. Kimmie and Jennifer
exchange a quick look as Kurita leaves ringside.)

Sandra: Now, it looks like Jennifer is going to capitalize on Kimmie's
cheap shot by stomping Veronica in the head!

Garry: (beaming) I told ya that Jennifer was a smart cookie.

(Kelly leaps from the apron and the referee returns his attention to the
match in time to see Jennifer piledrive Veronica on the hard canvas.
Jennifer traps Veronica in a school girl pin and the ref again counts.)




Sandra: No! Veronica got the shoulder up in time. Jennifer whips
Veronica to the ropes and catches her with a hurricanrana!

Garry: Did you see how fast Jennifer did that move? I think ol' Ronnie
landed on her head!

(Veronica clutches her head and slowly makes it to her feet as Jennifer
eyes her dangerously.)

Sandra: That hurricanrana dazed Veronica. She doesn't know where she is!

Garry: And it's going to cost her because Jennifer is going for The
Croix de Guerre!

(Jennifer traps Veronica in her lethal finisher as Kimmie and Kelly look
on. Veronica tries to hold on but can't as Jennifer punishes the woman's
body. Finally, after minutes in the hold, Veronica signals her
surrender. The bell rings as Jennifer releases the hold and beams
proudly, holding her arms in victory. Kimmie and Kelly look to one
another, nod their heads, and leave ringside.)

Sandra: (with disgust) I guess those two got what they wanted. Veronica
lost this match due to their interference.

Garry: Actually, she lost the match because of Jennifer's superior
wrestling skill! No rookie is as good as "La Petite Marquise".

Sandra: Regardless, I have never seen Veronica like this before. It was
almost as if she didn't have a game plan at all.

Garry: Who cares? The important thing is that Jennifer won and Veronica
lost. (smiles) One more Shopper goes down in flames!

Sandra: Whatever! I'm sure Sherry will have lots to say about The
Syndicate's actions! We'll be back with more BRA action, fans!

(The scene fades as a triumphant Jennifer Christian leaves ringside, the
fans cheering her solid performance, despite the actions of Mase and

Winner: "La Petite Marquise" Jennifer Christian

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