"Miss BRA" Tiffany Lane
‘Marquise’ Yvette Malreaux

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(Garry and Sandra, the perennial favorites of the fans, sit at the announcer’s booth, papers scattered in front of them, wrappers of food half-eaten candy bars and sodas everywhere, looking more like a desk at a college dorm room, than the table at the most prestigious women’s athletic organization in existence. Behind them, mountains of screaming fans jolt to life as spotlights swirl around the arena, music blaring and pumping from the sound system. The Angletron flashes the letters ‘B-R-A’ over and over again, making the riotous crowd erupt in excitement. Garry and Sandra, smile to the camera, however, Sandra, seeing the filthy mess seems less than pleased.)

Sandra: Yuck! Have you any manners at all? How can you make such a mess so quickly?

Garry: (philosophically) Its easy. I am a free spirit. I am just me. I am comfortable in my squalor.

Sandra: Like a pig in-

Garry: (drowning her out) WELL, everyone, we’re back from a commercial break and ready to bring you more matches. Up next we have one that breaks my heart.

Sandra: If you asked them out they would break more than you heart, mister!

Garry: (casting her an annoyed sideways glance) Philistine! Anyway, for those of you who have been paying attention, we are still in the midst of a featherweight tournament where we are inching ever closer to finding a winner.

Sandra: That’s right Garry, and the next match will pit Yvette Malreaux . . .

Garry: ‘Marquise’ Yvette Malreaux, to you!

Sandra: . . . oh, SORRY! That would be ‘Marquise’ Yvette Malreaux against Tiffany Lane and . . .

Garry: That would be ‘Ms. BRA’ Tiffany Lane!

Sandra: (growling) Fine. Look, Yvette and Tiffany are going at it this week in an attempt to go for the top of the Featherweight title.

Garry: As stablemates, I am sure that they are livid over having to face one another. I mean, who does this ArchAngel think she is? Did I tell you MY theory on the ArchAngel?

Sandra: (groaning and covering her ears) Ugh! Not the robot theory, AGAIN!?

(As Garry turns to Sandra, prepared to explain his . . . theory . . . the Angletron explodes to life, with red letters spelling ‘BITCH’ across the screen in black background. The BRA music continues to pump as Alexandria Parker becomes visible through the curtains. Wearing her black and red spandex outfit with large boots, the redheaded amazon makes her way down the ramp, fans screaming and booing. She stops to scowl and offer obscene gestures. She makes her way to the announcer’s booth, intent on some course of action. As she arrives, she glares at Sandra.)

Alexandria: What a horrible matted mess of hair you have. Truly disgusting. Not even I, the great Alexandria Parker, could fix that. And what is with all this garbage littered everywhere?

Gary: Oh, it’s Sandra’s mess! Pleased to see you, Ms. Parker. Please have a seat.

Sandra: Is there a reason you’re here? Don’t you have something better to do with your life?

Alexandria: (cruelly laughing) Yes. I do have better things I could be doing but as I said about your hair . . .

Garry: That’s right, Alexandria, keep her in line! Do you have any thoughts, Alexandria? I mean, about Tiffany against Yvette?

Alexandria: (sinister grin) Garry, whenever the Sisterhood of Seduction is involved, sheer genius is the result. Terrible things happen to those who would stand in our way. Wouldn’t you agree, Sandra?

Sandra: (grumbling) Give me strength . . .

(Sandra, Garry and Alexandria are drowned out with the eruption from the fans. The crowd is on it's feet as Aqua's ‘Barbie Girl’ begins to play over the speakers, signaling the arrival of "Miss BRA" Tiffany Lane. The crowd cheers as the Angeltron flashes to life, showing various images of Tiffany, including the busty blonde in bikinis, mini dresses, and sexy gowns. The curtains part and "The Goddess" Nina Larue steps forward, The Fallen Angel, Hardcore title draped over her right arm. The bewitching brunette wears a black, tube top and matching, leather jeans that hug her long, shapely legs like a second skin. She completes the ensemble with black heels and her silky, raven locks fall down her back, framing her flawless face. With an arrogant smile, the sexy vixen steps aside and the reigning "Miss BRA" steps forward. Tiffany wears a white, slinky, micro-mini dress that shows off her curvy figure, and matching platform strappy heels. Tiffany's long, blonde hair falls down her back in a wave of curls. The two sleek, busty beauties high-five one another before arrogantly sashaying to ringside, careful not to let any of the fans touch them. As they enter the ring, the two women move to opposite sides and seductively lean over the top rope, giving the fans a glimpse of their ample cleavage. The crowd erupt in massive catcalls and wolf whistles. With a smirk across her gorgeous features, Tiffany does a sexy shimmy and shake, causing a ruckus among the male fans.)

Garry: (leering like a wretch) Heh! How about you girls inviting me to one of your slumber parties, Alexandria. Maybe a pillow fight that degenerates into a tickle-fight contest and -

Alexandra: (holding up her hand) Enough, Garry, if you want I can get the girls to send you autographed pictures.

Garry: I already have them all!

(The attention from the announcer’s booth is drawn to the entrance. The lights go out, as the fans boo, expressing their hatred of one of the most detested athletes in BRA - the Marquise Yvette DeSade Malreaux. However, this does not deter her as she walks confidently towards the ring. Explosions and pyrotechnics erupt. Fireballs shoot into the air. As the first few bars of the French National Anthem play, the crowd is worked into a frenzy of anger, then suddenly the traditional music is cut off. A voice, in a French accent, with a seemingly innocent tone speaks out. “I’m not going to hurt you.” Then there is the sudden and streaking sound of a whip cracking and the same voice laughs cruelly. The Angeltron explodes to life, showing scenes of terrorism, violence, sex, and clips of some of Yvette’s greatest moments, followed by the Lords of Acid’s ‘The Most Wonderful Girl.’ Yvette appears from the curtains, clad in her white wrestling attire, clinging to her body like water, accenting every curve of her body. She carries her white crop and wears her long white cape, then throws her head back, laughs and extends both arms, forming a ‘Y’. She twirls around for the fans to gaze. Merci and Jennifer Christian, ‘La Petite Marquise,’ then follow her. Merci is dressed in her chauffeur’s outfit, looking stern and nasty while Jennifer is dressed in a black mini-skirt, white blouse and leather jacket, bearing the words, ‘Sisterhood of Seduction.’ Yvette and her entourage slowly make their way to the ring. Yvette scans the entire area with a look of pure sadism, almost challenging anyone to oppose her. Merci and Jennifer move to the side of the ring as Yvette enters, smiling to the booing fans. It is a smile of superiority and contempt, each of them knowing that she loathes them with every fiber of her being. Yvette enters the ring where she is greeted with hugs and kisses from Tiffany and Nina who get booed for their efforts.)

Garry: Listen to these ingrates! Have they no shame! This is Yvette! This is Nina! This is Tiffany!

Alexandria: (seething and growling her words) These miscreants have no respect! These trolls have no appreciation for what we do for them!

Sandra: (stunned) Am I REALLY hearing this . . . ?

(Inside the ring, the three women pose and smile confidently, almost taunting the fans, inciting them to near riot. After a few moments, Yvette demands a microphone.)

Yvette: People of BRA! For you there will be NO match between Tiffany and I. Why? For months now I have come out here, week after week, toil and perform for you . . . ingrates! What do you do?! You boo me! Why should I do ANYTHING for your amusement?!

(The crowd is furious as they will not see a match between the two blondes. They begin throwing trash and chanting obscene phrases towards the Marquise. Tiffany looks on with disgust and Jennifer Christian, on the outside, tries to control her anger.)

Alexandria: If Vanity were here I would teach these foolish fans a few things!

Sandra: Well, why don’t you? Nothing is stopping you.

Alexandria: (standing up and towering over Sandra with a look of menacing evil) My dear, Sandra, if I were to get involved with some of this trash, the stink may never wash off!

(Back in the ring, Yvette has angrily called for silence but has gotten none. She has worked herself into a rage but Nina comes forward and whispers something to Yvette, having a calming effect. Again Yvette brings the mic to her lips.)

Yvette: Listen to me, ingrates! The fact of the matter remains that I am being gracious enough to step down from the Featherweight division. I shall allow Tiffany to continue in the tournament so as not to give that wretched ArchAngel to pleasure of seeing us at one another’s throats. It is not bad enough that the bitch sees fit to strip Laura Parker of her rightfully won belt, but that she decides to keep down the greatest stable in wrestling history. May her carcass be plagued by boils and sores because of it.

(Knowing ArchAngel’s love for Sabrina Perezi the crowd continues to heckle and berate the Marquise. Many of them shout out ‘coward’ and ‘loser.’ She grows angry with every word and gestures certain members of the audience to come up so that she can show them how ‘cowardly’ she is, obviously looking for a fight. This time it is Tiffany that comes forward to calm Yvette, whispering to her and taking the mic. Her voice is melodious and sweet.)

Tiffany: Seeing as you people refuse to show Yvette the proper respect and dignity for her selfless actions, it is I, Tiffany Lane, Ms. BRA, who shall do the honors. (turning to Yvette) Marquise, you are the hero of BRA and as the leader of the Sisterhood of Seduction, you may be the most influential and important athlete in the federation . . . along with Nina and myself . . . and I personally want to thank you for your gracious and selfless act.

Sandra: I am gonna be sick . . .

Alexandria: Harumph! Sick? What is ‘sick’ is your taste in clothing! I mean, LOOK at those rags!

(The angry crowd continues to boo and pelt the ring with trash, chanting angry and obscene things. Nina and Tiffany look at one another like they partially regret being next to Yvette at the moment as it is she who is drawing the ferocity of the audience, like a lightning rod. Swiftly reacting, Yvette takes the mic again, and continues to speak.)

Yvette: (furious) To Hell with all of you! You are a blight on the world! Regardless, I have an important announcement! As leader of BRA’s most prestigious and . . . best loved stable, it is my honor to tell you that Nina Larue, ‘the Goddess’ is taking over as the second-in-command of the Sisterhood, taking charge of situations when I cannot, regrettably, be present.

(Hearing Nina’s name, the crowd begins cheer, as the beautiful and sexy Nina Larue is well loved - for, perhaps, several reasons. As Nina steps forward to urge on her own words, the camera focuses on a slight disturbance in the crowd, behind the Sisterhood.)

Alexandria: Who would dare . . . ?

Sandra: Its . . . its . . . its . . . Lisa Dream!

Garry: Damn! She shouldn’t be here! I mean, what if something bad happens! These girls should REALLY try and get along . . .

Alexandria: Well, I’ll stay right here . . . to keep an eye on her! Besides, these three can handle this trash.

(In a flash of movement, Lisa has vaulted over the guardrail and slithered into the ring. The crowd screams in an anticipation of the drama. With a quick kick to the back, Nina goes down to the mat and as Tiffany approaches, a duck from Lisa and a upward palm to the blonde’s face sends her back. Yvette, the grand dame of the troupe, turns with a suspicious glare, only to suddenly be met with Lisa’s fist, connecting deeply with the Marquise’s stomach. Yvette doubles over and Lisa, with a vile smirk knees the blonde in the face, throwing her back into the ropes. Within moments the Sisterhood high command has been stunned. The crowd cheers - not necessarily for Lisa - but for action. As the three Sisterhood members moan and try and recollect their bearings, Lisa swipes the microphone from Nina’s hand and marches towards the edge of the ring offering a menacing look to Merci and Jennifer who think twice about trying to challenge Lisa on her higher ground. Sneering at the pair, she speaks to the crowd.)

Lisa: FEAST your eyes and FANTASIZE! I, Lisa Dream have decided to put a stop to all this nonsense! Who did you come here to see, anyway? A bunch of fake blondes with fake body parts? Oh, I doubt it! You came to see THE DREAM! And now, for your added pleasure, I’ll thrash these three nitwits like children!

(Lisa makes her way to Yvette, first and offers her a solid kick to the groin as the Marquise rises.)

Sandra: Carnage! Lisa has made fools of the Sisterhood!

Garry: Alexandria, aren’t you going to do something?

Alexandria: (pondering) Why should I? By the time I get up Yvette will have made short work of her.

(As Lisa laughs, prepared to strike Yvette again, Tiffany has gotten to her feet and spears the gothic beauty from behind, taking her to the mat. Lisa screams and Tiffany pummels Lisa in the head over and over, until Nina and Yvette rise. The crowd is worked into a frenzy of excitement, thrilled that the Babe Squad has taken over on Lisa. Grappling Lisa into a camel clutch, Nina takes the opportunity to get in a cheap shot by placing a kick to Lisa’s head. As her foot impacts, the crowd roars with approval. Back in the booth, Alexandria smiles and holds a finger in the air.)

Alexandria: As I predicted. The Sisterhood always gets their way. And tonight, well, it looks like they’ll have their way with Lisa! Ha!

Sandra: You people are ghouls!

Alexandria: Based upon your wardrobe, you’re a witch. I guess we’re ALL ready for Halloween, hmmm?

(Back in the ring, Nina and Tiffany have double-teamed Lisa, Tiffany holding and Nina punching, beating her senseless with hard rights and lefts. In an amazing display of martial arts prowess, Nina offers an enziguri kick to Lisa’s stomach throws her back onto the mat. The Babe Squad looks down with a sinister smile and Yvette comes between them, pushing them out of the way.)

Yvette: Lisa Dream, you poor excuse of a creature, tonight you will be demolished in front of millions! You will beg for my mercy, do you understand?!

(Lisa scowls and hurls out some insult, causing Yvette to increase her anger. Grabbing Lisa by the hair, Yvette offers a shot to the head. Lisa screams out in pain and Yvette brings her to her feet, pushing the Babe Squad away. With a sinister glance at Lisa, Yvette speaks.)

Yvette: Leave! She’s mine!

(With a look of uncertainty, the two members of the Babe Squad release Lisa and step back, exiting the ring, as Yvette lurches froward, grabbing Lisa by the hair. The anger and fury in the gothic beauty awakens and she reaches out, driving a fist into Yvette’s midsection, causing the French aristocrat to again double over in pain. Lisa, using Yvette’s body to bring herself up, slams the blonde, head first into the mat. Nina and Tiffany look on with stunned disbelief as their leader crumples before them. They move to the side and Lisa rises above, straddling Yvette’s prone form and throws her hands behind her head, locking her fingers and begins to gyrate to the crowd. After a moment, she sees Yvette begin to stir and stomps a foot down onto Yvette’s chest, prompting the blonde to scream from the sudden attack.)

Sandra: Much as I hate Lisa Dream, Yvette is getting what’s coming to her!

Alexandria: You’d best watch out or she’ll come after you, next!

Sandra: Not at this point . . .

(Lisa looks down with relish at her fallen foe. As Yvette shakes the pain, and begins to stir, Lisa grabs her by the arm, bringing her to her feet, throwing her into the ropes. On the bounce back, a clothesline from Lisa plants the sinister Marquise on her back, clutching at her neck as she writhes in pain. Within seconds, Lisa drops a knee to Yvette’s stomach and begins hammering away at her head all while Nina, Tiffany, Jennifer and Merci look on with sudden disbelief at the way Lisa has taken sudden control. A slap to the face of Yvette, followed by several more has the crowd on their feet. Blowing a kiss to the audience she then uses that hand to slam down on Yvette’s forehead. As she rises, indulging in her own victory, a stomp to Yvette’s crotch has her moaning in pain and frustration as the other members of the Sisterhood gaze on with dumbfounded stares.)

Alexandria: (angry concern) Yvette, do something! She is making a total fool of you! That wretch has no business being anywhere near Yvette!

Garry: This is wrong, so terribly, terribly, wrong . . .

(With a look of heinous cruelty, Lisa brings Yvette to her feet and slams her into the corner turnbuckle. She mounts the middle rope, preparing to add humiliation to Yvette. She whisper’s something to the Marquise with a laugh and suddenly the blonde comes alive with fury and rage. Lisa’s eyes widen as Yvette’s arms shoot upward, grabbing Lisa by the neck, squeezing as hard as she can. Lisa’s arms flail and she begins to sputter. As the lovely gothic queen tries to pry Yvette’s hands loose, a shove from the Marquise throws Lisa from the ropes, landing on her back, jolting. Yvette comes forward, the crowd screaming, now behind Yvette, as she sneers at Lisa.)

Yvette: Now, my pathetic creature, I shall show you new meanings for the word ‘suffering!’

(Dropping a leg across Lisa’s throat, Yvette then stands, bringing Lisa with her. The French blonde locks her forearm around Lisa’s neck and begins to tightly hold, choking the raven-haired goth. Yvette strains her arm and begins to thrash, wildly, as Lisa’s arms wave struggling to free herself. Nina shouts out words of encouragement to her boss, as Yvette guides Lisa to the turnbuckle with evil intentions. As they approach, Lisa struggles her way free, and manages to turn, slapping Yvette in the face. However, the adrenaline from the aristocrat as her pumped, as she reaches out and punches Lisa in the head. Then, with amazing quickness, she spins Lisa around, slamming her, face-first, into the turnbuckle. Angered, Yvette repeats her action again and again, as the crowd, detesting both women, cheers with satisfaction, as long as one of them is being punished.)

Garry: (saddened) I guess it’s too late for them to get along?

Alexandria: (smiling) Oh, its much too late, Garry. Yvette is going to kill her! (with a cocky attitude) For Lisa there will be no escape. Even if she ducks past Yvette, then Nina and Tiffany will be waiting.

(Yvette leans forward, slapping Lisa in the face and shouting as her wild glare shows that she is clearly loosing control. Lisa screams and she is hit over and over again. Yvette grabs both sides of Lisa’s face, knowing that being touched sickens her. She shouts something, mounts the second rope and drops back, flipping Lisa across the ring. Lisa lands with a loud thud, obvious looks of pain as her hands go to her back. However, it is Lisa who has become furious, her own desire of revenge written across her face. Yvette comes forward, intent on furthering punishment on Lisa. A desperation move from Lisa Dream, thrusts her foot forward, burying it in Yvette’s midsection, throwing the aristocrat into the ropes, as she trips off balance. Lisa begins to stand, wearily looking around for some advantage or some escape. But her shot to Yvette only had a slight effect, as Lisa’s strength was suddenly not what it was moments ago. Getting her bearings straight, Yvette rises and leans toward Lisa, who is clamoring for a plan. Yvette’s voice is enraged and without mercy.)

Yvette: You miserable little freak! The suffering I shall put you through shall be legendary for what you have done to me last week and this cowardly attack, tonight! Mon ami, tonight, is the ending of Lisa Dream!

(Lisa desperately ducks and weaves, attempt to fake the French noble, but Yvette is prepared. Yvette seizes her by the torso, but Lisa manages to get the better of Yvette, dropping her legs, driving Yvette’s head into the mat in makeshift DDT. Stunned, Yvette rolls over, to see Lisa gyrating and slowly lowering herself onto the prone noble. Yvette shakes her head, bringing her out of her dazed condition, and thrusts her arm up, latching onto Lisa’s halter top as the gothic beauty bent down. Lisa looks down, shocked. As she leans backwards, attempting to escape the grip, the material gives way, ripping the top off, exposing Lisa’s undergarments, as she trips backwards, no longer any leverage keeping her steady. The crowd erupts into lustful passion. Lisa covers herself with her arms, frightened and upset, looking at the crowd, realizing what has happened. Stunned, Yvette looks into her hands, sees the garment and sees Lisa’s reaction. A sinister look overwhelms Yvette, as she clearly decides to capitalize on the venture.)

Garry: Ack! I don’t know where to cry or . . . um . . . be happy!

Alexandria: Ugh! Look at that pale freak! (shouting at Lisa) Take a vacation!

(Now at Yvette’s mercy, Lisa realizes she is in trouble. Yvette comes forward and her fist impacts with the side of Lisa’s head. Lisa’s hands protect herself on the ropes, and she backs away, dizzy but she has nowhere to go. Yvette grabs Lisa’s hands, ripping them away from her body. Lisa swats back but misses, preferring to cover herself instead. Now Yvette begins to toy with her, the crowd yelling for more lewd possibilities. Amused by the game only an instant longer, Yvette returns the various low blows Lisa had given her all evening with one of her own. A kick from the Marquise, sends Lisa into a spiral of pain as she falls to the mat. Not content with Lisa merely being prone, Yvette seizes her by her ankles and falls backwards, catapulting her over Yvette’s head and onto the mat, slamming her face-first with a painful impact. Lisa pushes herself off the canvass but then collapses. Yvette, like a knight from Hell, marches her way towards Lisa and stomps her boot down upon the back of the gothic girl. Lisa screams in pain as the French noble digs her heel into her pale flesh. Tiffany and Nina look on with silent amazement, rarely having seen Yvette with such fury and anger in her eyes. Lisa turns, trying to keep herself from the mercy of the French terror still covering her top, clasping her arms over her small undergarments. Lisa sits and is met by a side kick to the head from Yvette who has worked herself into a horrible fury. As Lisa lays groggy, Yvette seeks the ultimate revenge by reaching down and tugging the spandex shorts from Lisa’s hips, bringing then down around her ankles. Lisa screams in rage and fear as her small, black thong is exposed. Now bolting to action, the gothic beauty desperately attempts to cover herself again, as Yvette throws the shorts out of the ring with the approving roar of the crowd.)

Garry: I changed my mind. Maybe this is not so bad after all.

Alexandria: Silence, fool! This is disgusting! Having to see Lisa Dream’s pasty skin on national television!? It should be a crime! (shouting) Yvette, just stomp her! String her up!

Sandra: Well, I certainly don’t want to see Lisa’s body, either. Yvette’s done enough!

(Still trying to cover herself, Lisa is found in the corner of the ring after a toss from Yvette. No longer is Lisa even defending herself as she is more concerned with exposure. Yvette slams her boot, sideways, against Lisa’s throat, pinning her to the turnbuckle. Yvette gestures for the microphone, and Merci, on the outside, still stunned, throws it to her.)

Yvette: (in mock sadness) Poor, pathetic, dreary, creature . . . You think you can play games with me?! You think that you are in any way capable of matching my genius and cunning? It is clear that your opinion of yourself is far greater than your actions can support. You are nothing but a miserable and foul wretch, fit for only one thing . . .

(Still pinning Lisa to the turnbuckle, Yvette gestures for Nina and Tiffany to enter. They do so, unsure of what Yvette has in mind. Holding the mic in the air with a laugh, Yvette shouts an order to her stablemates and they spring to life, double teaming Lisa, beating her senseless in the corner. Yvette goes to the center of the ring and throws her arms up, slowly turning so the entire audience is able to see her in her glory. Her laughter is that of an insane woman, cruelty and malice printed on her delicate and soft features. In the corner, Tiffany and Nina have done the job as Lisa is barely aware of her own existence. Again Yvette brings the mic to her lips.)

Yvette: Now, Lisa, we shall show the world your failures as well as your station in life. I have no doubt that your ancestors were pigs and lowly serfs, tilling the soil for a living or providing some nominal pleasure for their lords and ladies. Tonight, Lisa Dream, you will know humility by your betters!

(Nina and Tiffany each grab an arm of the All American Beauty and drag her to Yvette. Lisa’s eyelids are only half open as she seems barely conscious. Yvette plants her fists firmly on her hips and again shouts out instructions to the Babe Squad. They look at one another with a smirk, and slam Lisa into the mat, down by Yvette’s boots. Yvette screams maniacally at Lisa.)

Yvette: Now, you misfit, lick . . . my . . . boots . . . like the peasant that you are!

(Forcing her down, the Babe Squad continues to smack Lisa in the head, shouting out orders for their leader. Even in her weakened state, Lisa refuses to submit. However, further beatings from the lovely Babe Squad cause Lisa to submit. Within moments she is kissing and licking at Yvette’s wrestling boots, the crowd in stunned disbelief. Yvette merely throws her head back and laughs as if it is one of the most humorous things she has yet to see. The disheveled Lisa Dream can’t believe what she is being forced to do to the arrogant noble. She tries to struggle, but the lethal Babe Squad has her arms locked.)

Alexandria: (interested) Hmmm. Now THAT is interesting . . .

Sandra: It’s sick, you mean! Not even Lisa deserves that!

Garry: (trying to ignore the situation, looking away painfully and whistling) Hum-dee-dum . . .

(It is clear that the humiliation is going to go until Yvette grows bored. The crowd roars in anticipation as a figure jockeys from the crowd. Within seconds the small frame of Little Alexandra, Lisa’s partner in crime, vaults from the crowd and over the guardrail and with her walking stick, she slams it from behind, into the head of Merci, Yvette’s valet. The blonde assistant crumples to the floor and Jennifer Christian, who had been standing next to her, jumps away instinctively. Little Alexandra, the grinning monster swings again at the downed Merci, cracking her as she lay. Sensing more prudent tactics Jennifer backs off as Little Alexandra stares at her. In the ring, Nina takes notice and shouts to Yvette. The noble in preoccupied with her glory and gloating to see. Still holding Lisa’s arm, Nina screams at her leader, trying to get her attention. Little Alexandra enters the ring and Yvette turns just in time to get a stick to the side of her head, dropping her flat. Tiffany and Nina release Lisa backing off as Lisa’s only friend swings wildly, trying to keep them at bay. Nina and Tiffany stare at one another, stunned, as Little Alexandra drags Lisa to the corner to safety. Yvette is still out from the shot and Tiffany and Nina drag her to the outside of the ring.)

Alexandria: (screaming in anger) How DARE that monster do that! Yvette was merely . . . um . . . being friendly!

Sandra: That was going to go on all night, you bitch!

Garry: (nervously laughing) Oh, now ladies . . .

On the outside, Yvette is coming to her senses, being held by the Babe Squad. Jennifer helps Merci to her feet. Yvette looks into the ring and glares with anger, rubbing the side of her head. Then she cracks a smile and begins to laugh, knowing the danger has been done. She points and growls at the pair, her features growing more deranged. Lisa is in obvious pain as Little Alexandra is crouched down, protectively, hugging the gothic beauty, preparing to put herself in the line of attack once more. As Yvette’s music, ‘The Most Wonderful Girl’ begins to crank through the sound system, the Sisterhood entourage makes their exist, constantly turning and issuing threats to the castigation of the crowd.)

Alexandria: (seeing that she is the only member left and seeing that Lisa and Little Alexandra have their sights on her) Well, it is time I leave, actually. Sandra, you are just too much of a fashion disaster to be any closer to!

Garry: (speaking his words even though Alexandria has taken off) Bye . . .

Sandra: We have to take a break folks . . .















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