logoLittle Alexandra vs. Tiffany Lane

    [Fade in.]

    Sandra: Welcome back, fans. We're going ringside as I speak as the second match tonight begins. This will determine the next contender to go on to the finals of the featherweight championship.

    Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, our second match of the evening features, first, from Liverpool, England, standing at 5'4" and 119 pounds, Little Alexandra!

    [Lights dim and lights begin to swirl. Ludwig von Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ belts out from the sound system. Little Alexandra appears from behind the curtain with a wild stare and ghoulish disposition. ‘Injected with a Poison’ by Praga Khan starts, the rapid rave song screaming out, setting the tone. She walks down the ramp with her bowler, tight white outfit, walking stick, white midriff shirt, exposing her abdomen, and suspenders going over her breasts, tightly, latching on her trousers. She descends the aisle smirking and giggling, swinging her walking stick through the air. She is like a woman possessed, furiously and maniacally prepared for the match at hand. As soon as Little Alexandra reaches the ring, she stops at the bottom of the stairs, and turns back to give the crowd a look of indifference. She then looks up, smirking to the camera. ]

    Announcer: Her opponent for this round of the BRA Featherweight semi-finals, standing at 5'8" and 120 pounds, from Beverly Hills, California, "Miss BRA" Tiffany Lane!

    [Pyro pots explode and "The Baddest Bitch" by Trina blasts over the speakers as "Miss BRA" Tiffany Lane seductively steps from behind the curtain, drawing a massive amount of catcalls and wolf whistles. The Blonde Bombshell wears a pink, satin and lace bikini that barely contains her ample cleavage and shows off her sleek, curvy figure. She completes the look with pink, vinyl, platform boots and her long, blonde locks grace the small of her back. The sexy vixen raises her arms, forming a "T" for Tiffany, and basks in the crowd's approval. A smile crosses Tiffany's beautiful face as the reigning "Miss BRA" sashays to ringside, careful not to let any of the fans touch her. The referee holds the ropes open as Tiffany enters the ring. Her stunning emerald eyes glitter as she proceeds to do a sexy bump and grind, entrancing all of the men with every shimmy and shake from her drop-dead gorgeous body. Needless to say, the catcalls and whistles are indeed deafening.]

    Sandra: [annoyed] This is the sort of match where you just don't know who to root for.

    Garry: I know - they're both so wonderful!

    Announcer: The winner of this match advances to the finals of the Featherweight Championship.

    [Tiffany keeps a noticeable distance from Alexandra as the rules are explained to both women. When the referee finishes, Alexandra gets in Tiffany's face.]

    Alexandra: [said with a smile] You're so pretty....

    [Alexandra smiles and slowly walks back to her corner. Tiffany is obviously shaken. Outside the ring, the other members of the Sisterhood of Seduction (Yvette, Kayla, Nina, Alexandria, and Laura) have arrived to root her on.]

    Sandra: My God! Tiffany and Alexandra inside the ring, the rest of the Sisterhood of Seduction and Cosmo McKinley outside the ring! I don't think I've ever seen a greater concentration of total evil.

    Garry: I have. I lived in the South briefly.

    Sandra: Garry!

    [The bell rings. Alexandra charges at Tiffany, who ducks through the ropes and joins the rest of the Sisterhood of Seduction.]

    Tiffany: [pointing at Alexandra; to referee] Get this psycho away from me! She's crazed!

    Sandra: Normally, I'd call Tiffany a coward - but, damn it, she has a point this time. Alexandra is completely nuts.

    Garry: Maybe so, but the referee couldn't care less. He's begun the count.




    [The rest of the Sisterhood have begun trying to pep talk Tiffany back into the ring. Alexandra eyes the mass of women carefully, pacing the ring like a caged tiger. The referee bids Alexandra move back further, then continues his count.]



    Sandra: Tiffany slowly climbs back into the ring - I have to wonder how wise a decision that is - and Alexandra rushes her! Oh, and Cosmo's little pet catches a foot to the midsection!

    [Tiffany enters the ring immediately as Alexandra steps back, grinning sickly.]

    Garry: Tiffany dropkicks Alexandra! Alexandra gets up, and Tiffany gives her another! [Cycle repeats] Another! I'm beginning to think Tiffany doesn't want Alexandra closer than she has to be.

    Sandra: What gave it away? I can appreciate her reasoning, but with an opponent like Alexandra, you can't just keep up these dart and hit manuevers. Brute force only understands brute force. Not to mention how risky aerial tactics can be.

    [Alexandra begins to get up as Tiffany jumps to her feet and launches one last dropkick. Alexandra drops to her stomach and rolls back, letting Tiffany catch the mat.]

    Garry: Oh, that hurt! Alexandra takes advantage of the situation with a kick to Tiffany's thighs!

    Sandra: [wincing] That's a little too close to... uh... well, for my liking.

    Garry: I can only imagnie. A kick to the ample chest-

    Sandra: Hey!

    Garry: -of Tiffany puts her back on the mat! Alexandra scrapes her boot's bottom across Tiffany's gorgeous face!

    Sandra: And Tiffany rolls out of the ring

    Garry: Yes. That's going to be an all to familiar tactic this match, I've a feeling.




    [Tiffany rubs her face as Nina comforts her, trying to convince her to get back in. The rest of the Sisterhood rallies around Tiffany. Again, Alexandra paces the mat like an animal, looking back at Cosmo, who only nods his head approvingly.]



    Garry: Tiffany looks ready to enter the ring. She gets a foot in - oh, no! She's out again!

    [Alexandra again rushes Tiffany, who drops outside the ring. She angrily points at Alexandra and barks to the ref to hold her back. The referee turns to Alexandra and begins yelling at her, backing her away. Tiffany rushes into the ring and runs at the pair. As the ref turns, he barely manages to duck out of the way as jumps onto Alexandra's shoulders and falls back, flipping the lunatic into a pin. The referee falls to the mat and begins to beat a count out.]

    One... Tw-

    Sandra: Shoulder up! Alexandra escapes a near pin!

    [Cosmo McKinley and Nurse Ansalong are blatantly enraged. Cosmo's bald head begins to turn a beat red as he reaches into his coat's breast pocket for something. Tiffany pulls Alexandra up by her hair and executes a snapmare.]

    Sandra: And Alexandra is spilled onto the mat! Guillotine legdrop from Tiffany!

    Garry: You know, the worst part is, Alexandra looks like she enjoys it all.

    Sandra: Yes, you're right. Tiffany again drags Alexandra up by her feet! Irish whip and dropkick right into the Alexandra's face! Look at her head snap back! It's amazing these women don't break their necks.

    Garry: Tiffany probably thinks Alexandra might do that and more to her. Tiffany runs up the turnbuckle and elbow drops Alexandra is getting to her feet.

    Sandra: Tiffany eye gouges Alexandra right in front of the referee! The nerve of her! Such a blatant disregard for the rules!

    Garry: That's what wrestling's all about!

    [The referee immediately pushes Tiffany from Alexandra, giving her a warning for her tactic. Alexandra pulls herself up by the ropes as Cosmo gives her stern orders to put an end to this match... "Now!" She looks at him, then to Tiffany. She smiles.]

    Sandra: Alexandra bounces herself off a rope and heads straight for Tiffany - a flying headbutt! Ow! Tiffany backs into a corner, which is just not a smart move on her part.

    Garry: Not at all! Alexandra zones in on Lane and begins delivering mean hooks and jabs to that million dollar face.

    Sandra: [smirking] It's the Dentonvale Make-Over.

    Garry: [annoyed] I make the witty retorts around here, lady.

    Sandra: Alexandra backdrops Lane! She kicks her over for a pin, but doesn't even get a one count. Lane scrambles and grabs for a rope, but Alexandra pulls her closer and picks her up in a bearhug!

    [Tiffany squirms, her arms pinned to her sides.]

    Tiffany: Leave me the hell alone, you demented freak!

    Alexandra: [soothingly, into Tiffany's ear] You’re a rung on the ladder of my success.

    Sandra: And an atomic drop puts Tiffany down and rolling! Tiffany scampers towards her friend Nina, demanding help! I guess she's a little too used to tag matches. Alexandra again lifts Tiffany and backdrops her! Again, she goes for a pin!


    Garry: And again, nada! Tiffany manages to hook her leg over the bottom rope! Alexandra pulls Tiffany up by her hair- OW!

    Sandra: Tiffany does a little Jack Horner manuever and rams her thumb into Alexandra's eye.

    Garry: Uh, if it was a Jack Horner thing, wouldn't if have been Alexandra's Christmas p-

    Sandra: Shut your filthy mouth.

    [Alexandra backs up. Tiffany ignores the referee's complaints as she baseball slides Alexandra off her feet.]

    Sandra: Tiffany's coming back now! Tiffany goes for a frog splash -

    Garry: And gets one! I was sure Alexandra would roll away from that!

    Sandra: Tiffany attempts a pin!

    One, two...

    Sandra: Kick out by Alexandra! Cosmo is looking none too pleased by the turn of events.

    Garry: Can you blame him? He's invested a lot of time, money and love into that girl.

    Sandra: We need to seriously work on your definition of love.

    [Alexandra climbs to her feet. Tiffany grabs her for an Irish whip, but Alexandra clocks her and drives her back into Alexandra's corner.]

    Garry: Look at the fear on Tiffany's face!

    Sandra: No wonder! Alexandra's choking her! Ref, open your eyes!

    [The referee manages to pull Alexandra away and begins yelling in her face. As he turns his back, Nurse Ansalong holds Tiffany down as Cosmo points a red laser pointer directly in Tiffany's eyes. Tiffany squirms and starts to scream for the referee, but Nurse Ansalong covers her mouth. The Sisterhood see this and rush the pair.]

    Garry: Oh my GOD! That's just - disgusting!

    Sandra: I can't believe Cosmo's flashing a pointer into Tiffany's eyes!

    Garry: You could damage someone's sight like that. I... I think... [pained] he may be going to far.

    Sandra: Kills you to say it, doesn't it?

    [The Sisterhood members sprint. Cosmo drags Nurse Ansalong off by her arm and rushes to the nearest exit. Alexandra pushes towards a blinded Tiffany and lifts her to her feet and executes her finisher - the Clockwork Orange, a clockwise motion spinning neckbreaker. Tiffany thuds on the mat as Alexandra wraps her up for a pin.]

    One... two... THREE!

    [The bell rings.]

    Garry: It's over - Alexandra won one for her doctor.

    Sandra: [irate] You mean master.

    [The Sisterhood now turn their collective attention to Alexandra, who is continuing to pummel on tiffany's body. As the women near the ring, Alexandra takes note of them their numbers and slowly rises to take exit, giving Tiffany one more swift kick to the ribs before leaving. Nina rushes to Tiffany's side, checking her eyes. The referee bends down and examines them, and realizes they are dialated. Nina angrily relates Cosmo's actions to the referee as Tiffany's sight begins to return to her.]

    [Fade to commercial.]


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