Brandi Lynn vrs Cammy

By: ToneDef

[We are inside of the Battling Ring Angels arena, which is currently sold out for the latest wrestling card. The ecstatic crowd is on their feet, screaming their appreciation for their favorites and waving their signs, hoping for a moment of glory infront of the cameras. Some of the more apparent signs read: ‘YOU ARE MY FIRST LADY, TIFFANY’ , ‘I LOVE JENNIFER CHRISTIAN!’ , and ‘I’D RATHER STEP INFRONT OF A FREIGHT TRUCK THAN KELLY MASE!’. The camera spins around, to focus on the announcers table located at ringside.]

Sandra: "Hello, Ladies and Gents! This match here should most certainly be an interesting one…"

Garry: "Interesting? Where are you getting that from? The only interesting thing that is going to happen is this Cammy girl getting her ass handed to her!"

Sandra: "I mean interesting in the way of two good athletes going at it in the ring, without cheap shots or underhanded tactics, it is a rarity when that goes on! And, plus, neither of these women seem to be dispicably vain…"

Garry: "Despicably? Folks, you should have seen Sandra during the commercial break, you haven’t seen vain yet until…"

[The crowd cheers as Callisto suddenly appears just outside the entrance wearing jean shorts, a long black trench coat, and dark sunglasses. She stands at the entrance for a second and raises both arms high in the air above her head. As she swings her arms back down to her side, a loud burst of pyrotechnic flames erupts from both sides of the entranceway. Suddenly 'American Woman' by Lenny Kravitz starts to play over the Arena's loudspeakers. Then Cammy emerges from behind the curtain wearing short jean shorts and white bikini top.]

Sandra: "And what a show of appreciation for the Body Shopper from the fans! She is going to have her hands full tonight, however, against Brandi Lynn!"

Garry: "I like Brandi Lynn. She doesn’t like the Shop, so that is always a plus!"

Sandra: "Callisto and Brandi have been at odds recently as well, and even have a match at the Pay Per View scheduled, I wonder what might pass between them tonight?"

Garry: "Probably some typical shop cheating…"

[Cally slowly walks down the aisle to the ring waving at the fans along the way. Both Cammy and Cally wear white Armbands with 'DKG' inscribed in Blue letters as a tribute to the memory of Darling Katie Garlits. Then, the lights flicker down at the sound of a rattlesnake's rattles. As the first strains of 'Bad Company' by Bad Company begin, a spotlight hits the ring. After a moment, a symbol, 'A8' fades in to the spotlight in black lights. As the crowd begins to yell, A spotlight hits the entryway and then Brandi Lynn comes out to a huge crowd response. She is wearing black boots, a black sports bikini top, black jeans, with kneepads, and her hair is done in a ponytail.]

Garry: "She has a lot of courage, that’s for sure, coming out to face a Shopper by herself!"

Sandra: "Courage is something that Brandi has plenty off! I mean, she is in an altercation with Callisto, that takes a lot of resolve!"

Garry: "And stupidity…"

[Brandi is walking down to the ring at a slow pace speaking with the fans. She points at a sign that says 'How do you spell revenge? A8!!!' She slides through the ropes and makes a lap around the ring to get warmed up as Callisto slides out of the ring, glaring at Brandi as she takes up a stance at ringside.]

Ding Ding Ding

Garry: "I’m surprised that Callisto didn’t attack Brandi there…Brandi and Cammy circle in the center of the ring, they lock up..and Brandi immediately with the hammerlock!"

Sandra: "The edge in experience goes to her, that is for sure…Cammy cries out, and Brandi follows up the hammerlock with a closeline to the mat!"

Garry: "Elbowdrop to the back of her head…then, pulling her to her feet…a whip into the ropes, and a duck down, for a backdrop…"

Sandra: "Cammy does a flip right over Brandi’s bent body, and continues running to the ropes behind her, nice display of athletisicm!"

[Brandi spins around just in time for Cammy to launch into the air and catch her with a full cross body block, knocking her to the mat. Her shoulders are covered, but the referee only gets a one count before Brandi throws the youngster off of her. Brandi gets to her feet, but Cammy gets there first, and she hits Brandi with a jumping spin kick, again knocking her to the mat.]

Garry: "I don’t believe this! Where did Cammy learn how to wrestle?"

Sandra: "Well, she is solidly in control right now, that is for sure! She moves to the top rope, stands on top of the turnbuckle and waves to the fans…"

Garry: "She shouldn’t have done that, Brandi has quickly regained her feet, and, grabbing the youngster, she bodyslams her to the mat from her perched position!"

Sandra: "Ouch, that had to hurt! Brandi looks down at Callisto at ringside…and Callisto glares back up at her!"

Garry: "That is EXACTLY what is going to happen to Callisto at the Pay Per View, and Brandi is telling her that!

[With a little smirk, Brandi pulls Cammy to her feet, and drives a knee into her belly. She then wraps her arms around the youngsters slender frame, lifts, and belly to belly suplexes her to the mat. Again, Brandi gets to her feet, and stares down at Callisto, who returns the glare.]

Sandra: "This keeps up, I think those two just may go at it! I think that Brandi should be paying attention to her opponent INSIDE of the ring…"

Garry: "Cammy? Don’t make me laugh, Someone of Brandi’s ability could just sneeze on Cammy and get the win!"

Sandra: "Well, Cammy is getting to her feet….Brandi sees it, though, and attacks Cammy with a flurry of punches, driving the youngster back, into a corner, where Brandi continues the assault! Cammy is unable to stop the attack, and soon, the force of the blow knocks her to the mat, stunned!"

Garry: "Come on, Brandi, finish her off!"

[Instead of doing exactly that, however, Brandi moves to the outside of the ring, and grabs a beer from infront of Garry at the announcers table. To the cheers of the crowd, she pounds back a fair bit of it, as Callisto merely stands there a few feet away, glaring at Brandi. Brandi finishes about half of the drink…and then throws the rest of it in Callisto’s face.]

Sandra: "Oh! Not a wise move! She is trying to incite Callisto, and it seems to have worked, Callisto approaches Brandi!"

Garry: "Hey, that was a waste of MY perfectly good beer, I expect to be paid back for that, Brandi!"

Sandra: "I think that Brandi just may be getting some payback right here…no, she smirks at Callisto, and then rolls herself back into the ring!"

Garry: "Callisto merely stays at ringside…That woman has got to be stone cold, I tell you, I would be right in that ring after her if Brandi had thrown that drink in my face!"

Sandra: "I don’t think you need any reason to be chasing the girls…"

[Brandi gets into the ring and arrogantly helps Cammy to her feet. She gets Cammy hooked up for an atomic drop, but Cammy suddenly bursts into action, grabbing Brandi into a side headlock, and, before Brandi knows what is going on, Cammy has bulldogged her head into the mat. They both remain on the mat, and the referee begins his count.]

Garry: "I don’t believe that Cammy can’t capitalize on this, how long did Brandi give her to recuperate before?!?"

Sandra: "Oh hush…Cammy is a rookie to this business, you can forgive her some basic lacks...""

Garry: "I forgive her nothing! I come here to see some good action, not to see some hapless rookie lying there on her butt! Give me a Yvette Malreaux match anyday!"

Sandra: "I think Callisto heard you there…"

Garry (ducking his head down and lowering his voice): "Hide me…"

[The referee breaks his count at 7 as both woman manage to struggle to their feet. Brandi walks over to Cammy and goes to throw a punch…Cammy easily ducks under the blow, and, spinning around, connects with a superkick right under Brandi’s chin, knocking her to the mat. Brandi struggles back up to her feet, and Cammy meets her with a DDT, driving her down to the mat.]

Sandra: "And Cammy takes the offensive! She is pretty quick, you have to admit that! She goes for the cover…kickout at 2 from Brandi, she isn’t done yet!"

Garry: "As if Cammy will ever be able to beat the likes of Brandi Lynn…"

Sandra: "Well, she could if she keeps this up! She quickly hops to the top rope turnbuckle, launches off of it…frog splash off the top rope! Wow!"

Garry: "Come on Brandi, You’re getting embarrased out there!"

Sandra: "Cammy again goes for the cover…Brandi manages to get out a split second before the 3 count! Cammy whips herself at the ropes and goes for a moonsault….Brandi just barely manages to move out of the way!"

Garry: "I call that good ring savvy…"

Sandra: "I just call it luck!"

[Cammy is ailing after missing with the moonsault, and Brandi manages to capitalize, getting to her feet and sending a series of stomps down onto Cammy’s young figure. She then scoops the youngster up, and bodyslams her down to the mat with authority. She then glares over at Callisto, who returns the stare.]

Garry: "Callisto isn’t the stupidest shop member, she knows she hasn’t got a chance against Brandi!"

Sandra: "We’ll have to see about that next week, that Texas Death match of theirs proves to be most promising!"

Garry: "Whatever…Brandi pulls Cammy to her feet, moves over to the turnbuckle, and begins to drive her face down onto it! The crowd counts along with it!"

[It reaches ten, and, when Brandi releases Cammy’s head, the youngster looks around in a stunned daze, not even sure where she is. Brandi hooks her up, and vertically suplexes her down to the mat. She then gets to her feet, walks over to where Callisto is standing, and verbally berates her.]

Garry: "And it looks as if Callisto has had enough, she gets up onto the ring apron and looks as if she wants to enter the ring!"

Sandra: "The referee is right there, keeping her out…Brandi takes the opportunity to move over to Cammy and choke her! What were you saying about underhanded tactics, Garry?"

Garry: "Just using the time to its best advantage, my dear. As if Cammy would do any better if the situation was reversed! Callisto gets off the ring apron, Brandi breaks the hold, pulls Cammy to her feet, hooks her up..running bulldog!"

[Cammy cries out and rolls onto her back, feeling the effects of the attack. Brandi glares over at Callisto, grabs Cammy’s legs, and, before the youngster knows it, she is caught inside of the Texas Cloverleaf, Brandi’s finishing manuever. She is in a good position to be watching Callisto, but Callisto just watches silently from outside of the ring, and it is but a matter of time until Cammy taps out.]

Ding Ding Ding

Sandra: "And it is all said and done, the veteran comes out with this one! Seemed like she was more interested in getting to Callisto, though, than Cammy…"

Garry: "And it isn’t over yet! Brandi releases Cammy’s legs, and, looking down at the youngster, she shakes her head slowly..and she is hit from behind by Callisto!"

Sandra: "Callisto has had enough!"

Garry: "Brandi manages to fight back, and the two of them go at it in the ring!"

[Officials must have been prepared for this match, for they are there in an instant, breaking up the altercation. The two are seperated, and then are forced back to the dressing room area while escorted.]

Sandra: "Wow! I tell you, that Pay Per View match is not one I would want to miss!"

Garry: "We’ll be right back folks, with some more action that you won’t want to miss! And, let me remind you that *I* will still be here as well!"

Sandra: "You want to attract the fans, Garry, not drive them away…"

[Fade to a promotional piece for the upcoming triangle match at the Pay Per View between Yvette Malreaux, Evonne Carmikel and Lisa Dream.]

Winner: Brandi Lynn




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