logoEden Starr vs. Shea London

(The house lights are up as the crowd eagerly awaits the start of the next match. People are lining up at the concession booths and flagging down Hot dog vendors during the brief rest between matches. Some fans take the opportunity to sneak down a few rows and get closer to the action.)

(Another camera shot appears, showing Garry and Sandra sitting at the announcer's table. As always, Garry is slugging back one of his many complimentary beers, while Sandra goes over the details of the next match.)

Sandra: "This should be an interesting match up."

Garry: "Buuuuuuuurp! Really, who's up?"

Sandra: "Shea London and Eden Starr"

Garry: "Shea? Oh yeah, from England right? She worked for WISE before it shut down."

Sandra: "Yes she did. Also, Eden has had a few set backs lately, a loss to Jennifer is the featherweight tourney. But overall, I've been pretty impressed with the rookie."

Garry: "Well, just how long is this break anyway?"

Sandra: "4 minutes. Seems CTV has added more commercial spots to the program."

(The floor director waves his hand at Sandra, giving her a 30-second warning.)

Sandra: "Ok, here we go."

Garry: "Where is that pretzel vendor!?"

( The house lights dim slightly and the crowd cheers. The camera pushes into the announcer's desk as Sandra smiles. Garry is still occupied with scanning the area for the Pretzel vendor.)

Sandra: "Welcome back folks! Our next match-up features two of the newer members of the Battling Ring Angels Roster. Sensational Shea London vs. Eden Starr."

Garry: "Bah! Another wanna-be match up! Eden is trying to live out her mother's life and Shea, well that Brit. doesn't know a turnbuckle from a ringpost."

Sandra: "Hardly, Shea is a veteran of the ring wars, she is just new to BRA. Starr on the other hand comes from a wrestling family and is carrying on her family tradition."

Garry: "Tradition of losing."

Sandra: "Be nice, Starr has had a rough going of it so far, but she has a great attitude and I see big things in her future."

Garry: 'Yeah, big things, like being powerbombed, piledriven.."

( The house lights dip to black as Elton John's "Made in England" begins to play over the PA system. Shea starts jogging down the aisle, slapping hands with fans, her speed increasing as she approaches the ring. Reaching ringside, she slides under the bottom rope, rolling up, and then springing onto her feet, arms stretched into the air. )

Announcer: "Ladies and Gentlemen, from Manchester, England, weighing in at 120 pounds, Sensational Shea London!"

( The crowd cheers, giving Shea a warm applause )

Sandra: "Shea looks ready to go here. A nice reaction from the fans."

Garry: "Bah, these morons cheer for anybody."

Sandra: "The don't cheer you."

Garry: "Sure they do...watch."

( Garry rises from his seat and waves his hands in the air, almost immediately he is showered in drink cups and jeers from the ringside fans)

Garry: "Ingrates!"

(From nowhere, the opening chords of "High" begin to blast through the arena. Simultaneously, the following appears on the Angeltron in shaky, distorted letters:] 09090909990090909000999

[Then, the sounds of the entrance song pick up, shifting to the heavier part. Two women appear from the backstage area. One of them is Peggy Christian, Eden's mentor and tag team partner. The other is Eden's other trainer, Melanie Drake. The women both wear casual wear as they each step to the sides, smiling and crossing their arms. Eden's mother, Bethany Starr, is notably absent.]

[The music continues to explode off the walls in the arena as Eden makes her appearance. Stepping from the backstage area, the small young woman wears a blue, red, and white one-piece. In the center of the chest is a white star, while the red and white portions are strictly on the belly and lower regions of the suit. They are divided down the middle and end at the hems on the sides as well as the hem between her legs. The rest of the suit, including the back, is dark blue. The shoulder straps cross across Eden's shoulders in the back. She stops to stand between the two women, placing her hands on her small hips. Behind them, near the Angeltron, blue pyro goes off, exploding with a force that eclipses the music - for a moment.]

[The two women each smile to Eden, their mouths moving with words of encouragement. Then, they move to stand behind Eden, in preparation for following her to the ring.. Eden then focuses on the ring, reaching out every once in awhile to slap the hand of a fan with their arm outstretched during her walk. She uses the ring steps, climbing onto the apron, and then enters the ring in her unique fashion. She sticks her left leg between the top and middle rope. She drapes her knee over it and places her foot on the bottom rope. Simultaneously, she leans her upper body in, bending forward and pushes with her left foot while sticking the other in to enter the ring in one fluid motion.]

[The ring announcer speaks as Eden moves to her corner and places her hands on her hips. "Now entering the ring, from San Antonio, Texas - Weighing in at one-hundred-fifteen pounds...Edeeeeeeennnn Starr! In sync with the fans who cheer their approval, Eden raises an arm, keeping the other on her hip - and bends one knee slightly, performing a little pose for the fans as she smiles.]

Sandra: "Nice entrance! Well, she's got her mother's flair."

Garry: "Oh great, another one of these flag wearing moron's."

( Eden looks across the ring at her opponent. Shea smiles back, a friendly nod of her head showing that she holds no malice to the youngster. Eden smiles back as the ref checks both women over for illegal objects.)

Sandra: "This should be a great display here. Both women are very quick, they are basically the same weight and love to use the ropes and turnbuckles to attack."

Garry: "Bah, why is the referee even bothering to check them. I've seen girl scouts with more evil intent than these two."

Sandra: " Evil girl scouts?"

Garry: "Yeah, I swear they put something in their cookies. I mean, it's like an addiction. They come to my door every year like some kind of Cookie Pusher and I am forced to buy every box that they have."

Sandra: "Oh sure, they really put the gears to ya."


( Eden quickly steps out of her corner, as does Shea. Both wrestlers meet in the middle of the ring, Shea and Starr quickly lock up in a ref's clinch. Both women struggle and press against each other. Slowly Shea starts to push Eden back towards the corner. Eden's back is pushed into the turnbuckles and the ref calls for a break. Immediately Shea breaks the hold and backs off.)

Garry: "What? Booo!"

Sandra: "Oh shut up! It's nice to see that once in awhile."

( Eden quickly steps out of the corner and smiles. She walks around a bit before she reaches her hands up to lock into a clinch again. Shea goes to put her hands up. As Eden's hands lock up with Shea's, she drops backward to the mat, pulling Shea forward. Eden then raises her feet, pushing them into Shea's midsection, lifting her up and over in a monkey flip. Shea flies over and lands on her back. Eden jumps up to her feet and quickly moves in on Shea as she starts to rise. Eden grabs the British grappler by the arm and whips her into the ropes. Shea hits the strands and bounces back in as Eden leaps up into the air, nailing her with a perfect dropkick.)

Sandra: "Great height on that dropkick! Eden can really get up there!."

Garry: " Well duh! She's like a hundred pounds.."

( Eden jumps to her feet again and runs over to her opponent. She pulls Shea up to her feet and whips her into the ropes again. Eden chases after her , leaping into the air to land another dropkick.)

Garry: "Missed!"

( Shea shows her ring smarts as she holds on to the ropes, stopping her recoil. Eden leaped up expecting to land another dropkick, but hit nothing but air. Shea quickly steps forward and grabs Eden by the leg, she lifts the leg in the air and then grabs Eden's ankle before crossing it across her leg.)

Sandra: "Step over toehold!!"

( Eden squirms on the mat as Shea twists on her ankle. Peggy and Melanie yell support from ringside as Eden twists and turns on the mat. Shea suddenly lifts the leg up and somersaults forward, stretching the leg to the limit before releasing it. Eden yelps as her leg is pulled and then released. Shea rises to her feet as Eden rubs her leg. Shea moves in and grabs a hold of Eden's arm, pulling her up. Shea scoops her lighter opponent up and then slams her down on the mat. Eden bounces once and then rolls onto her side. Shea doesn't wait a second before grabbing Eden by the leg and pulling her into a spinning toe hold..)

Sandra: "Shea is showing her experience here. She's focussing on Eden's legs, taking the speed right out of the rookie."

( Eden yelps as Shea repeats her spin a few times, testing her opponent's flexibility. The ref asks if Eden wants to quit, but she shakes her head and tries to pull away. Shea maintains the grip and goes to spin around once more. Eden quickly kicks up her free leg, smacking it into Shea's bottom, pushing her away. Shea stumbles away as Eden forces herself up. The British grappler turns as Eden rises to her feet. Both women start to circle each other as Peggy and Melanie yell more encouragement. Eden and Shea meet together in the middle and joust for position. Eden quickly moves her forearm up in an arc, catching Shea by surprise.)

Garry: "European Uppercut!"

( Shea staggers for a moment as Eden repeats the move. Her forearm slams up into Shea's chin, stunning the blonde for a moment, Eden reacts immediately and wraps her arm around Shea's head before leaping backwards to the mat. Shea's head is driven in to the mat as Eden falls back.)

Sandra: "DDT! And a cover!"

( Eden quickly rolls Shea over and hooks the leg. Before the ref can reach two Shea kicks out. Eden quickly clamps on a side headlock and starts to put on the squeeze. Shea slowly starts to push herself of the mat, forcing Eden to rise up as well. As the get to their feet, Shea wraps her arms around Eden's waist. Eden puts all the strength she can muster into the headlock, eliciting a yelp from Shea. The Brit. reacts by lifting Eden into the air. Starr reacts quickly and kicks her legs backwards, plowing into Shea's gut. This causes London to bow forward. Eden's feet hit the mat again and she starts to run across the ring, dragging Shea with her. Eden leaps forward, forcing Shea to move with her. Shea's body is lifted into the air and then slammed down to the mat.(

Garry: "Nice Bulldog!"

( Eden rises to her feet and claps her hands above her head as Shea rolls on the mat. The little Starr runs up to the turnbuckles and waves to the crowd as Peggy and Melanie yell at her to get the pin. She turns and jumps back down to the mat, before rolling Shea onto her back. Again Eden hooks the leg, but then sighs as Shea kicks out at the two count.)

Sandra: "She should have pinned her right away, she might have got her."

( Eden pulls Shea to her feet and whips her into the corner. Shea plows into the turnbuckles and slowly turns around. Her arms hang over the top rope, keeping her on her feet. Eden quickly runs and jumps up to the second rope, pressing her body against Shea. Eden waves to the crowd before falling backwards, pulling Shea and flipping her across the ring in another monkey flip. Shea goes flying through the air and lands on her back as Eden rolls up to her feet. She smiles again and points at another corner, getting a cheer from the crowd. She quickly grabs Shea and lifts her up, before whipping into the opposite corner. As Shea impacts Eden runs after her and leaps up to repeat the same move. As Eden jumps to the second rope, Shea wraps her arms around Eden's waist. Starr yelps as Shea takes a step forward, before dropping to one knee.)

Garry: "Ouch!"

Sandra: "Atomic Drop!"

( Eden bounces up from the impact, her mouth in an "O" position as the crowd expresses a shared agony. Shea however doesn't wait and takes a step forward, extending her arm and sending Eden to the mat with a short arm clothesline. Eden rolls on the mat, clutching at her groin as Shea bends down her pick her up. London pulls Starr up by her arm and whips her across the ring. Eden rebounds off the ropes as Shea runs at her. London jumps up into the air, spinning her heel around. It slams into the oncoming Eden, slamming into her chin. Starr falls backwards to the mat as Shea quickly leaps on top of her, hooking the leg for the pin.)

Garry: "1.."

Sandra: "2.."

Garry: "Kickout by Starr!"

( Peggy and Melanie breath a sigh of relief as Eden manages to get her shoulder up. Shea reacts quickly and pulls Starr up to her feet. She scoops Eden up and slams her down to the mat. Shea then runs to the ropes and leaps up, landing her feet on the second rope.)

Sandra: "Springboard Moonsault!"

( Shea flips over and slams her body down onto Eden's. Again she hooks the leg, but Eden manages to kick out before the three-count. Shea glares at the ref for a moment, before lifting Eden up off the mat. Shea whips Starr into the corner with terrific force. Eden slams into the turnbuckles and slumps down to the canvas. Peggy looks on with concern as Shea moves in. London pulls Eden up and then rams her shoulder into her smaller opponent's midsection. Shea repeats the move a few times, each time slamming her shoulder like a piston into Eden's belly. Shea backs off as Eden hangs limply in the corner. The British wrestler moves back to the middle of the ring and then starts to run in. She leaps up into the air, preparing to splash down onto her opponent. In an act of desperation, Eden lifts both her legs up, while keeping her arms over the top rope. Shea impacts face first into Eden's feet and stumbles backwards. Eden quickly jumps up to the second rope and leaps off. She grabs Shea by the head and spins, slamming the top of Shea's head into the mat.)

Sandra: "WoW! Tornado DDT!!! She calls that the "Starrfire!"

( Shea lies spread eagled on the mat in a daze as Eden slowly pushes herself up. Eden looks down at Shea and then walks to the corner.)

Garry: "What is she doing? She should go for the pin!"

( Peggy and Melanie seems to be yelling the same thing as Eden scales the ropes. She climbs to the top, standing up and holding her hands high in the air. She waves to the crowd and smiles.)

Sandra: "She's taking way to long."

( After a few moments, Eden leaps off the top rope. She extends her body out, like a high diver. As she descends, she sees Shea rolling out of range. Eden yelps as her body slams into the canvas. There is another collective gasp from the crowd as Eden impacts into the mat, the air rushing from her body. Shea takes a moment to shake the cobwebs clear and rises to her feet. She grabs Eden by her arms and pulls her close to a corner. Shea quickly leaps up to the top and jumps off, extending her leg.)

Garry: "Sensational Leg Drop!"

( Shea slams her leg across Eden's chest with horrific force. Both Eden and Shea bounce up from the impact, Eden's legs rising into the air, before slumping down to the mat. Shea keeps her leg across Eden's chest and leans forward, grabbing one of Starr's legs and pulling it up. The ref slams his hand down to count. Eden tries a weak kick out, but can't break the pin. A moment after the third count the bell rings)


Garry: "She could have had her."

Sandra: "Yup, Eden went for the big move and she paid for it."

( Shea immediately rolls off Eden and rises to her feet as the ref raises her hand. The crowd cheers and claps the display the two grapplers put on. Peggy and Melanie slide into the ring as Eden rolls onto her side in a fetal position.)

Sandra: "It's a hard lesson to learn. Sometimes, you can't always finish your match with a big move."

Garry: "Yup, she learned a lesson here today.

( The crowd gives another cheer as Eden is helped to her feet. Peggy and Melanie check out their little prot�g� as Shea looks on. The British grappler extends her hand and Eden shakes it.)

Sandra: "Great display by both grapplers. I foresee great things for these two."

Garry: "Well, both of them have to take it up a notch if they are going to get into the ring with the likes of Sisterhood, or the Syndicate."

Sandra: "Or one of the senior Body Shoppers. But I think they have what it takes to compete here."

Garry :"We'll see."

Sandra:: "Folks, stay tuned, more great action up after these short messages."

***Winner: Shea London by pinfall***

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