Jennifer Christian
Linda Anderson

It’s a little out of focus; otherwise the camera shot of the rivets in the roof of the BRA arena would bring tears to construction workers eyes! It lasted for a good 30 seconds before a barrage of curses and crashing bodies was heard in the background. A moment later, the camera flicked quickly over and returned to the rhythmic scanning of the audience. Down below, the puzzled faces of the sage and wise BRA announcers peered up towards the camera loft, awaiting the final pan of the camera to their location. Finally, the broad and the beautiful swam into view.

Sandra: Curiouser and curiouser!

Gary: Yeah! The autopilots on those things don’t work good unless you hit the “ON” switch!

Sandra: Our next match should be quite exciting! Two of BRA’s fastest and youngest…

Gary: …and most delicious!

Sandra: …and most exciting wrestlers go head to head, in somewhat of a grudge match, I understand!

Gary: Yeah! I don’t know what the LPM has cooked up for the cheerleader, but I’ll tell you one thing, don’t expect the little Marquise to be changing her outfit after this match!

Sandra: Don’t bet against Linda Anderson too soon! She has just as impressive record as Jennifer Christian does.

The lights dim and a techno version of the Ohio State fight song blare out, driving the crowd into frenzy! Gold, blue and red flashing lights flicker around signaling the arrival of Jenny Anderson, who races out and breaks into a pom pom routine! A couple of seconds later Linda cartwheels out and the crowd is on their feet cheering the two cheerleaders as they both bound to the ring. Linda stops and hands a couple of pom pom’s to an adoring little girl in the front row, then joins her sister in the ring, where both break into a dance routine before jumping up and ending it with a high kick and a split.

Sandra: The cheerleaders are ALWAYS a crowd favorite!

Gary: As long as they remember just one of them is fighting!

Sandra: In a close match though, having the crowd behind you can give you that little extra!

The lights dim again and red and white pyrotechnics explode as the Angeltron leaps to life with clips of La Petite Marquise applying the dreaded Croix de Guerre on first Peggy Christian at French Kiss, Eden Starr and Veronica Millions, before the letters “LPM” appear large! At the same time, following the first few bars of the French national anthem, “Fits Ya Good” by Bryan Adams blares over the loudspeakers. The curtain parts and La Petite Marquise enters the arena. She wears her white S and M outfit, the one modeled after Yvette Malreaux’s and a black Yvette Malreaux leather jacket. She smiles sweetly, despite the obvious disapproval of the crowd and looks all the world like an innocent young girl, despite the pristine white riding crop she carries. She is followed a few seconds later by none other than Laura Parker, which really incites the jeers from the crowd! Laura enters with Jennifer. Laura is wearing a black leather micro mini skirt with a red tube top. She wears red knee high boots. She carries a Prada purse in a strap across her shoulder; She smiles and waives with her beauty queen smile to the fans. She acts like she is the one the crowd is reacting to, not Jennifer. Both wrestlers acknowledge the fans that do cheer for them as they work their way to the ring.

Gary: That’s my girl! Mark my words, she is the future of the Sisterhood!

Sandra: She has been impressive, but this is going to be a different kind of opponent for her. Linda is someone who can match, if not better the speed of La Petite Marquise. They are both high flyers and as stubborn as any wrestler in the Fed. It should be a great match!

As LPM enters the ring Laura Parker ducks under the apron as if she is looking for something, or someone. Inside, LPM meets both cheerleaders in the middle of the ring. From behind her back, Jenny produces a specially made cheerleader outfit and holds it up in front of her sister’s opponent. The crowd goes wild as the outfit is produced and cheers the young Body Shop members.

“Oh you will look so cute in this special made cheerleaders uniform” beamed Linda.

Then, Laura Parker enters the ring and walks to the middle. She removes a piece of paper from her purse and hands it to LPM. The little Marquise breaks into a sneer as she holds the paper up.

Sandra: Three guesses as to what’s on the paper, and the first two don’t count!

Gary: Knowing LPM like we do, I’m sure what’s on that paper won’t make a fan of Sherry if the Little Marquise wins this! I can hardly wait!

As both non-combatants leave the ring, the bell is heard and the two young blondes circle each other. As they go for a lockup Linda fakes and takes LPM down with an arm drag, locking her legs over the shoulder of her opponent, as she lies writhing on her back.

Sandra: There’s that speed! LPM never knew what hit her!

Gary: Temporary setback, I assure you!

Linda pours on the pressure, twisting the arm and giggling as LPM stomps her feet in pain, unable to do anything about the hold. Outside, Jennifer parades around the outside of the ring holding the outfit up, causing waves of cheering! Linda finally gets to her knees, and then to her feet, dragging LPM up with her. She holds the arm up long enough to leap up and wrap her legs around the head of her opponent and falls to the mat, dragging LPM with her.

Sandra: Flying leg scissors! Great move by the cheerleader! The crowd is loving this so far!

LPM kicks her feet in frustration, grabbing at Linda’s legs, trying to break free! The ref ducks down, asking if LPM wants to give, but is met with a fierce refusal! Linda gives another squeeze causing a yelp from her trapped opponent. After a moment she again releases the hold, but drops a leg across the throat of the little marquise before getting up. As her opponent is slow to get up, Linda does a little dance to the absolute delight of the crowd! LPM just gets to her feet when Linda wraps her arm around her head and snap suplexes Jenn to the mat, then quickly grabs her opponent and repeats the maneuver.


Sandra: This match is all Cheerleader so far!

Linda drops across LPM and hooks the leg, the ref counts…




At the seemingly last moment, LPM kicks out, causing squeals of protest from the externally placed cheerleader. As they both get to their feet Linda stoops down and lifts Jenn up and…

Sandra: Bodyslam!! That was an impressive show of force from the Fed’s smallest wrestler!

Gary: She must be cheating!

Sandra: It’s a brilliant display of wrestling from a great young talent!

Linda gets off her prostrate opponent. Getting to her feet, she puts a painful looking stepover toehold on her dazed opponent. Outside the ring, Laura Parker is on the edge of the apron, pounding on the mat, trying to give the Sisterhood’s newest member some encouragement! Jenn’s face is twisted in pain, but it seems to galvanize her out of her slumber. She draws her free foot back and drives it full force into the chest of the cheerleader, sending her sprawling painfully on the mat!

Gary: Now we’re getting somewhere! I have a feeling the little brat is in for it now!

Sandra: Hasn’t she already been getting it!

Jennifer’s face is red from anger as she gets to her feet. Quickly brushing her hair out of her eyes, she moves swiftly across and does a leg drop across the same spot her foot connected with. Grabbing Linda’s hair, she pulls her opponent up into a hunched over position, then..

Gary: Chicken wing suplex! Man the cheerleader hit the mat with a bang!

Sandra: I have to admit, it was an impressive move.

Gary: This match is going to get good now!

LPM moves quickly now. As she drags her wobbly opponent up she grabs an arm and whips her into the ropes. As Linda bounces off she is met immediately by a perfectly placed dropkick, dropping her heavily to the mat. It is now her turn to roll around the mat in agony as the crowd’s cheers turn to jeers. Laura Parker holds her hands up to the crowd, sending them into even louder rounds of booing. Jenny the cheerleader has a worried look on her face as she watches her sister suffering now.

Sandra: We are getting a great match! Both girls here have bright futures in this game!

Gary: If Linda survives this match, you mean!

Grabbing the hurting cheerleader, LPM again slings her into the ropes. As Linda slings back she is met by a backdrop from her opponent.

Sandra: Sunset flip!! Linda’s got LPM pinned!



But Jenn slams her thighs together against Linda’s ears, causing her to fall back and Jenn rolls away just in time. Again Jennifer outside the ring squeals at the ref, pounding her hand on the mat three times. Inside Linda gets to her feet first and meets the little Marquise with a spinning neckbreaker! Again she goes for the cover.




Just in time LPM throws an arm in the air, breaking the count. An exhausted Linda rolls LPM over and straddles her back, cupping her hands under her opponent’s chin and pulls back hard!

Sandra: Camel clutch! It must be over now! Linda has got her trapped!

Gary: Noooo!!

Linda hauls back with all her strength as Jenn grimaced with agony! The ref looks pleadingly at the little Marquise. Again, he is met with nothing but a fierce glare. Linda finally sags from the effort, frustrated at not getting the submission. Taking advantage, LPM throws her weight to the side and an exhausted and surprised cheerleader falls off. Getting to her feet, she grabs Jenn by the hair and starts to pull her up, but doubles over as she is met with a fist to her belly. A moment after that she is slamming into the mat as LPM pulls her up into a vertical suplex and drops her heavily. Jenn slowly rolls to her knees, pushing the hair from her face, staring at the writhing figure of her opponent.

Gary: What an incredible match! I don’t know how they can keep this pace up!

Sandra: I think most wrestlers would have rolled over by now, but both girls are showing great resilience.

Jenn hoists Linda up and body slams her hard to the mat, the wear of the match definitely showing. Grabbing her opponent’s legs, LPM spins her over on to her back and drops down into a beautiful Boston crab! Linda slaps the mat in pain in frustration as Jenn folds her over in half.

Sandra: With most women this would work, but these cheerleaders are far too flexible!

Gary: A good point, LPM is going to have to find another way!

LPM realizes the problem and drops the legs down. Hauling the suffering cheerleader to her feet, Jenn slings her into the ropes and drops her with a spinning heel kick to the chin. Linda slumps to the mat, but LPM is not done with her yet. Grabbing her up again, she once again slings the dazed Linda into the ropes, and on the return….

Gary: Hurricarana!! Where did she find the energy for that!

Sandra: This girl just does not stop impressing me! She took everything the cheerleader threw at her and throws it right back!

Jenn gets the now barely conscious cheerleader up. Hunching her over, she wraps up the head and…..

Gary: DDT! This one is over!!

The ref drops down as Jenn covers Linda, but it’s not necessary as the uniform clad wrestler is not moving.




Gary: She wins! Another win for the remarkable LPM!

Sandra: It was a truly impressive win. If you had asked me five minutes into the match, I would not have given her a chance, but she did it to Evonne! This girl can take a beating and keep coming back! She is now, incredibly, into the tournament finals in only her fourth match as a pro!

The referee has raised LPM’s hand in victory. Laura enters the ring and produces the paper from her purse. LPM grabs it and unrolls it. She beckons for a mike and holds up the paper to the jeering crowd.

“Cheerleader’s! It was a great match, and I give you lots of credit….”

The crowd started to cheer this show of sportsmanship, but as she continued.

“But a deal is a deal! You lost, and now, you will have to fulfill your part of the bargain!”

Gary: here it comes!

Without another word, the little Marquise drops the mike and hands the paper back to Laura. She stoops down and slaps her unconscious opponent awake. With the help of Laura she rolls her out of the ring and as they all leave the ring, Jennifer walks up to LPM frowning. With a sneer of pure malevolence, Jenn grabs each twin by a pigtail and drags them up the ramp, followed by a smirking Laura Parker.

Sandra: Do you have any idea what that was about?

Gary: I only wish, but knowing the Sisterhood, I don’t think Sherry is going to like this! We’ll be right back folks!

WINNER: Jennifer La Petite Marquise Christian by pinfall

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