logo Sierra Brown vs. Missy Jones

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(Again the BRA arena is alive with the wild music and sounds of Monday night. S Screaming fans, obnoxious banners, and BRA officials making mountains of money off t-shirts, magazines, hats, snacks and posters. Somewhere the ArchAngel and her top staff smile as the masses gather to watch - and pay for - the entertainment provided. After moments of showing the home viewers the energized crowd, the camera settles on the dynamic duo of announcing sensations, Garry Grimoire and Sandra Allistair. As always, they bicker back and forth.)

Garry: . . . wrong, wrong, and wrong. I think MaXus got a raw deal. If she were still here she could really beat your ass.

Sandra: Oh, you are an idiot. Do you say these things because you actually believe them or do you say them to get me irate?

Garry: (grinning) What do YOU think?

Sandra: (noticing the camera) Good evening, everyone and welcome back to our Monday night show. Its been an exciting series of matches so far and things are only going to get hotter!

Garry: You got THAT right. Up next we have two of the more eccentric oddballs on our roster. 'Black Jesus' is taking on 'Poet's Peon' in a match that has been going back and forth with words all week.

Sandra: And this will hardly be the last match up between the two. Over the weekend, the ArchAngel announced that Missy Jones and Sierra Browne will be meeting with Veronica Millions in a three-way contest at the Florida Pay Per View.

Garry: Yeah, so this is just a preview!

Sandra: And Veronica has shown serious improvement in the past few weeks.

Garry: Much as I really hate you and I really hate the Body Shop and I really hate Veronica, I have to agree.

Sandra: (offended) Now how should I take that?

Garry: Any way you want to, baby.

(The pair of announcers is cut off as their attention is drawn to the top of the entrance ramp. The house lights go down as Missy Elliott's 'She's a Bitch' pumps over the PA system. The bass and drum kick, dramatically. Laser lights flash intensely through the arena as a thick purple fog fills the aisle, setting the eerie mood of the arrival of the fist 'superstar.' The ebony frame of Sierra Browne steps through the curtains, flanked by her near identical sister, Indigo. Nearby Dalbello Rage, her manager enters. The Show comes to the ring wearing gold spandex hotpants and a matching halter-top. She wears knee-length black boots with kickboxer's shin guards and hard plastic kneepads all in black. Sierra glares out smugly at the crowd, with her powerful hands planted on her hips. Descending the ramp, the three of them look to the vast crowd and survey them with arrogance that incites them to a wild fury. Upon getting to the ring, Sierra enters, throwing her hands into the air and posing for the crowd. Her two cohorts wait patiently on the outside of the ring, their demented minds flurried with plans.)

Garry: I do love the showmanship of Black Jesus! She IS the Show as far as I am concerned!

Sandra: If she were so great why does she bring all her thugs?

Garry: Hmmm. I never hear you complain when the Body Shop marches out the troops.

Sandra: Um, well . . . Look, Missy is about to make her entrance!

(The entire arena goes dark. A yin-yang with a sword through it appears on the Angeltron, and a hush comes over the crowd. Lights flash on and off quickly, as if there were lightning far in the distance. All is dark again, and nothing can be seen or heard but a low roll of thunder, followed by the sounds of an electric organ. Jim Morrison joins in with the Doors, singing 'Riders on the Storm' and the lights pulse dimly. A figure clad in all black emerges from underneath the ring apron, to 'oohs' and 'ahhs' from the fans. She circles the ring and vaults over the top rope. In a single fluid motion, the Ninja's mask and the top part of her gi come off, revealing the top half of a midnight blue one-piece. Missy stops and stares coldly out at the fans, who are strangely silent. On the other end of the arena, a figure vaults from over the guardrail, taking a seat next to Garry and Sandra. It is Josh, the Poet.)

Poet: Hello again. For Sierra Browne I have yet another poem.

Sandra: (frowns) Well, you spared us last time, so I guess it's okay.

Garry: This had better not be anything against the All-American Sweetheart, Lisa Dream.

Poet: No, it's not.

Garry: In that case you might as well go ahead, but I still haven't forgiven you.

Poet: uhhh...sure. This is called "The Third Coming."

When she said she was jesus,
I considered believing
because maybe jesus does still exist,
maybe he's not still buried
somewhere in the middle east.
or maybe she was a crackpot,
a joker to be laughed at -

(The Poet is cut off by a barrage of boos and screams from the audience. They begin throwing garbage and cups at the Poet as he tries to read. It is clear that the fans are more interested in 'T&A' than the dramatic and deep vision of the Poet's.)

Garry: (sarcastically) Well, I guess these people are not as artistic as you are. Better luck next time.

Sandra: Yeah, why don't you head over to the ring. Missy may need your help.

(As if to prove their point, Garry yanks the chair from underneath the Poet, causing him to stand. Garry hands to chair to a ringside assistant who places the chair far out of Josh's reach. In the ring, the scrawny official goes over the rules with Missy and Sierra, both of whom seem to be paying more attention to one another than the bespectacled official.)

Garry: Well, by the looks of the two ladies, things are going to get off to a rousing start.

Sandra: Yeah, Missy may be outmatched with Sierra's thugs on the outside.

Garry: That is Black Jesus, to you!

(On the outside of the ring, Josh, the Poet has gotten Missy's attention and has blown her a kiss for good luck. Unfortunately for the Poet and the Ninja, the Black Jesus team has taken advantage of the kind gesture. While Missy's back is turned, Sierra has sprung to life. Black Jesus leaps to the top of the turnbuckle and flies off with a moonsault, catching Missy with a DDT. The attack smashes the Ninja into the canvass with a scream from the fans. Sierra then leaps up and looks down at the fallen Missy.)

Sierra: Missy, I've come to show you the light!

(The gloating Black Jesus leans down to gather a hand full of Missy's hair when suddenly, the Ninja strikes out with a foot from her long leg, cracking Sierra underneath the jaw. Sierra stumbles back, in shock over the sudden attack and lets out a string of obscenities.)

Sandra: I never heard Jesus use terms like that.

Garry: Hmmm. I don't think I remember the apostles looking like her friends, either.

(With one move, Missy has leapt to her feet, with catlike diligence and grace. She looks around and as Sierra comes forward with a swing, she jumps put of the way, stunning the crowd with her skill. She attempts a roundhouse kick but misses, as Black Jesus seems to have been prepared. She smiles and barrels into the Ninja cracking her back against the turnbuckle with severe force. The crowd cheers in amazement as the Poet's girlfriend takes a nasty hit. Before the Ninja can lash out, Sierra delivers an uppercut punch to Missy's jaw with a closed handed fist. Josh screams in protest but the official was unable to see. He gets a closer look as Sierra's sister, Indigo, slowly creeps her way towards Josh, with a menacing gait. Josh grabs hold of his papers and begins to back off, smiling nervously as the ebony skinned beauty comes closer and closer.)

Garry: Hickory, Dickory Dock. Indigo's gonna clean his clock!

Sandra: OK, for as stupid as that was, it was kind of funny, too.

Garry: Ya know, I kind of like Missy. Its that Poet guy that annoys me.

Sandra: Actually, for once we agree . . .

(Back in the ring, Black Jesus has hammered away with nasty hard rights and lefts to Missy's head, like a streetbrawl. Ms. Rage, Sierra's manager, who has climbed on the apron and is yelling and threatening to enter the ring, distracts the official. As the official's back is turned, Missy continues to be beaten senseless by the horrible Sierra Browne. The fans cheer in excitement as neither is a fan favorite. The only fan favorite is violence. However, Missy manages to ball her fist in desperation and deliver her own uppercut - between the legs of Black Jesus. Naturally, the official is unaware as Ms. Rage continues to spout off. However, upon seeing Sierra drop to the mat, she jumps down and begins to pace, thinking. Indigo continues to keep an eye on the Poet, watching him with a nasty glare. Inside the ring, Missy wastes no time in taking charge. As Sierra comes to her feet, Missy jumps back and offers a pointed finger to the throat, catching the Black Jesus in a painful strike. Reaching her throat, Sierra coughs and spatters as Missy again lurches out with her first, catching Sierra in the stomach. The referee watches with stunned amazement, trying to remember if that is legal as the crowd now cheers on Missy. Ms. Rage screams with anger at the cheap shots, reminding the official of the rules. However, as he turns to address her complaints, Missy offers Black Jesus a punch to the jaw and with her other hand a powerful punch back to her throat.)

Missy: Jesus should kick your ass for copyright infringement!

(A wild flurry of movement from Missy, rocks into Sierra as she offers her a bolo punch to the stomach, followed by a sharp uppercut elbow to the chin. As Sierra is stunned, the crowd is in awe as she applies a gut-buster on Black Jesus and allows her to roll to the mat. As Missy runs and bounces off the far ropes, prepared for an elbow drop, a loud clang is heard as Missy collapses. As she hits the mat, her body out of the way, Ms. Rage can be seen holding a metal folding chair, smiling. Clearly, Missy got a chair shot to the back and the official looks over with a nerdy stare. He raises his glasses and begins lecturing Rage on her possible cheating. He walks over and gingerly steps over Missy's prone body and begins wagging a finger at her, while Sierra recuperates in the ring. On the far side, Josh has peered in to see his girlfriend lying prone and begins to protest. He is grabbed from behind by Indigo and as he spins a shot from her fist to his head takes him to the concrete, with papers and poems flying everywhere. The crowd cheers for the attack on the Poet.)

Sandra: There once was a poet from New York . . .

Garry: Who everyone thought was a dork . . .

(Sierra has gotten herself up and wearily made her way to Missy, still massaging her throat. She looks down at the Ninja, who is massaging her aching back. As she reaches down, Missy sputters as Sierra gets her in a belly to back suplex, dropping the Ninja backwards. As she is lifted in the air, her feet kick out and her long legs strike the official in the back of the head. He is sent spiraling over the ropes and lands on his head in front of Ms. Rage who checks him, noting that he is unconscious. The crowd is worked into a frenzy of excitement, sensing that chaos and lawlessness are about to erupt. Sierra picks up Missy and throws her into the ropes. Still with her wits about her, she reverses, but they are both too close to the ropes and they both connect. The force from the two women sends them over the ropes and out onto the concrete.)

Garry: (attentive) Now this ought to get interesting. Both on the outside. Both hate each other and the official is unconscious.

Sandra: (winces her eyes as if she has been hit) And Josh gets hit again from Indigo, sending him to the concrete. (staring) Hmm. I doubt if those pages were intended to be force-fed like that . . .

Garry: Hmmm. Poems are high in fiber.

(Directly in front of Garry and Sandra, Sierra has grappled with Missy, slamming her head on the announcer's table. Her head bounces off and her dazed look is telling. Sierra then lifts up Missy from behind and rams her into the turnbuckle, smashing her crotch into the pole, causing Sandra to move uncomfortably in her seat. Sierra then drops Missy to the concrete and throws her head into the air with a bloodcurdling laugh.)

Sierra: Yiyiyiyiyiyiyiyi!

(As Garry and Sandra look at one another, with a confused stare as the wild-eyed Sierra laughs and takes on the persona of a deranged and crazy person, conjuring up images of Little Alexandra's lunacy, or Zantara's eccentric and odd behavior. As Sierra turns to further destroy the prone Missy, the Ninja reacts with speed and agility, rarely seen. She thrusts up her long legs and locks them around the neck of Black Jesus. The look of shock and horror that pours over Sierra is evident. She jolts her arms to her neck and desperately tries to pry them off. She struggles and struggles until Missy lifts herself up by her arms and tightens her legs. She aims her ankles towards the turnbuckle and slams Sierra's head into the steel post with a crack so loud that Garry and Sandra begin to quake. Sierra stumbles backwards, her arms flailing around and grasping for something to hold as Missy locks her legs around Sierra's waist and takes her to the metal stairs, her head bouncing off, again with a resounding clang and thud. Sierra collapses to the floor as Missy is still trying to gather herself and rub out the pain in the numerous areas she had received. Ms. Rage and Indigo see their fallen comrade and begin to make their way over.)

Sandra: Carnage! Carnage! Carnage! This has gotten out of control!

Garry: Splendid! This is the way Monday nights should always be!

(Missy looks up with a forlorn stare as the two women have converged on her. They immediately begin to double-team the fallen Ninja, giving Sierra a chance to recuperate. Like vultures they attack and strike, attempting to slaughter the woman who has dared challenge Black Jesus.)

Sandra: Get away from there! You've got no right!

Garry: (disinterested) Oh, the way I see it, maybe they are taking out their dislike of poetry on her, now that the Poet is unconscious.

(Sierra grabs hold of the metal pole to assist in her slow rise while her accomplices continue to do their dirty work on Missy, cackling and laughing, as they mete out vicious punishment. Sierra stands, holding her head, pointing and directing the destruction, shouting out words of ridicule and humiliation. The fans are in a wild rage over the deplorable acts. Suddenly, a figure emerges from the side of the ring, crawling from underneath. Black Jesus and her 'apostles' are unaware as they are too busy dealing with their prey.)

Garry: (sarcastically) Oh great! What's this?!

Sandra: (squinting) I think that is Gina Moore, Missy's friend.

Garry: Huh? Oh, you mean the girl that Lisa Dream and Little Alexandra did a number on?

Sandra: Umm, yeah. I guess she's here to cover Missy.

Garry: Was she asleep all this time?

(Gina looks around and sees the chair that Rage had discarded earlier and softly picks it up. She creeps around to the side where Ms. Rage and Indigo continue to attack the fallen Ninja. Holding the metal chair like a baseball bat, Gina shouts something to Rage who turns with an unsure look. As her eyes widen, she is met with the business end of the chair, as is cracks across the side of her head. Sierra is the next to get the surprise as she only sees Rage collapse before she joins her from a sickening smack to the head. Indigo, on the other side of Missy, waves her hands innocently and backs off, slowly, deciding that discretion is the better part of valor - or, in this case, double-teaming. Rage tries to get up but is again met with a chair to the head, putting her back down on the concrete. Missy begins to crawl away, getting out of the range of the attackers and looks at her friend with a kind smile.)

Garry: Oh, heartwarming.

Sandra: I think its fair, actually.

Garry: OK. You sold me.

(Sierra looks up, her back to the concrete, only to see Gina swing the chair down again, smashing it into her face. An explosion of blood erupts from the impact. The cameras then quickly focus on the curtains to the entrance ramp as a figure now stands staring down, shaking her head. She is tall, shoulder length red hair and wears a stripped official's shirt with tight, black micro shorts. She makes her way down to the ring with a confident walk.)

Sandra: It looks like some restoration of order is about to return!

Garry: No kidding! That's Vicki Task. Whenever these matches get out of hand she seems to show up and lay the proverbial smackdown.

Sandra: Out of hand?! The official is down, people are on the outside, more actions by wrestler's friends are occurring than from the wrestlers and you think this is merely 'out of hand?' Its total chaos!

Garry: (shrugging his shoulders) Eh, what can ya do?

(Vicki makes her way over and kicks the downed official in disgust. She then strides over to Gina and snatches the chair out of the woman's hands and pushes her aside, still holding the chair. She steps on top of Rage, planting her boot on her stomach, to get to Sierra. With her free hand, she seizes the large woman by her collar and pushes her in the ring. Black Jesus is too stunned from the chair shot and the blood in her eyes to resist. Then as Missy stands, Vicki handles her in a similar way, tossing her in the ring, as well. A shout and a glare to Indigo keeps her at bay. As Missy and Sierra struggle to get to their feet, Vicki enters the ring, still with the chair, looking disgusted, shouting at the two women to continue the match.)

Sandra: At least some order has been restored to the match.

Garry: (disappointed) Yeah, I know. Sad, isn't it?

(Like lightening, Missy shakes off the cobwebs and bolts into action. She offers the downed Sierra a stomp to the ankle, and pulls her to her feet, then delivering chop to the throat. As Missy throws Sierra into the ropes, the ebony star bounces back and Missy then clocks her with a spinning heel kick to the ribs. Still showing her amazing feet of skill, she has Black Jesus at her mercy. Sierra bleeds from her head and appears weary. She hammers her with a knee to the stomach, followed by a bionic elbow to the neck, flattening Sierra on her back on the canvas.)

Missy: You don't walk on water, but you lie flat on canvas pretty well.

(The fans cheer for the Ninja, encouraging more displays of martial arts. She complies with a kick to Sierra's throat, while she is down. On the outside, Indigo helps Ms. Rage to her feet, but is clear that the manager is dazed and rattled. On the other side, Gina helps Josh to his feet, holding back his head, clotting his bleeding nose with paper. The people in the front row taunt and laugh at the Poet as Gina offers them a nasty glare. Back in the ring, Missy continues her activity as she lifts Sierra and pounds her with a spin-front kick to the stomach, then a bear hug atomic drop.)

Sandra: Wow! Missy is really taking it to Sierra!

Garry: Yeah, well, Indigo and Rage are planning and scheming. Those two will have more surprises for Missy, I'm sure. Of course, I hope Missy gets what's coming to her for her nasty comments about Lisa Dream. Next thing ya know, she'll be badmouthing Nina Larue!

(Missy goes for a pin and Vicki starts the count, but the sturdy Black Jesus manages to kick out at two. Missy screams in pain as Sierra manages to scratch away at the Ninja's face. Vicki shouts at Sierra and seems to threaten her with physical violence but Sierra spits at the official, causing Vicki to nod, angrily. Sierra makes her way to her feet and begins stomping away mercilessly on the Ninja, as Rage and Indigo cheer her on with pleased zeal. Sierra lifts Missy to her feet and throws her into the ropes. On her rebound she stuns the crowd with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker as Missy screams out in anguished pain. Sierra drops Missy to the canvass, screaming into the air, the blood on her face looking more like war paint. She positions herself behind Missy as the Ninja tries to stand. Missy finds herself in a waistlock suplex, smashing her into the mat, as the Ninja lands painfully in her neck, again moaning in pain. Again Black Jesus screams in glory. Sierra then gets a glorious looks of dementia on her face as she applies the Browne Bomb to the stunned Ninja. She locks on her famous split-legged pedigree, smashing Missy's head into the canvass. She goes for the pin and Gina desperately comes to the ring apron. Angered at the attempt, Vicki then swings the metal chair, knocking Missy's friend in the head and onto the concrete. She then drops for the pin but Missy manages to kick out, much to the frustration of the Black Jesus. On the other side Indigo and Rage scream out at Gina's foul and Indigo climbs the ropes to protest. She is met with a chair shot from the official, keeping all outside parties at bay.)

Garry: Who does she think she is, stopping all this mayhem?! She should just stand pretty and show us her rack!

Sandra: I hope she hears you! Besides, at least she is being consistent.

Garry: Yeah, the same way you are consistently irritating.

(Sierra is livid at the failed pin and begins to scream at Vicki who looks away, ignoring her. Missy slowly gets to her feet and backs away. Sierra then spies the action and moves in for the kill. However, Missy then produces something from her outfit and blows, sending white powder into Sierra's face, mixing with the crimson blood. Black Jesus screams and places her hands to her face. On the outside Indigo and Rage begin to protest, at the cheating move. Vicki laughs.)

Vicki: What?! You two have GOT to be kidding! You guys cheat and scheme the whole time and NOW you want the official to have eyes? Screw you!

(Screaming for vengeance, Rage and Indigo decide to take out their aggression over the incident by making their way towards Gina and Josh. On the inside Missy takes advantage of the situation by offering the stunned and blinded Black Jesus three chops to the chest, followed by a snap kick to the stomach. Sierra suddenly finds herself on the delivery end of a piledriver. Sierra's head impacts with the canvass with a sickening thud and she collapses. On the outside Rage and Indigo each attack one of Missy's friends - Indigo on Gina and Rage on Josh. Gina manages to handle her own as Rage begins to demolish the poor intellectual, as he finds his head making an unkind greeting to the steel pole. However, as he is down, Rage continues to maul him and causing Missy to not go for the pin, but instead bounces off the far ropes and deliver a baseball slide to Rage, knocking her back into the guardrail. Indigo comes forward to attack Missy but she holds fast to the ropes and locks her feet together, lashing out a kick to her face, sending her back into Rage as she tries to come up. Then, in an amazing display of athleticism, the Ninja flips over the ropes and lands back in the ring on her feet. But Sierra has gotten up and has cleared most of the powder and blood from her eyes. She is furious as she backs away from Missy, looking for a new plan. She faints for a move towards Missy who dodges. However, the frontal attack was not Sierra's major plan. Missy mistakenly backed into the corner as Sierra runs at her crushing the Ninja into the ringpost. Missy falls to the canvass, clutching her back in pain. Sierra wickedly throws Missy into the ropes but on her way back, the Ninja ties a flying kick. Sierra is prepared and turns the move into a power bomb, slamming Missy to the mat, again, on her back. Sierra looks down and points.)

Sierra: NOW are you a believer!?

(Sierra climbs the top rope, ready for an elbow drop, intending to crush the Ninja. However, she moves and Sierra lands only on canvass. She rolls around swearing and screaming in pain. Missy gets to her feet and offers the woman stomps to the head and chest. Lifting the stunned Sierra, Missy then locks a hand under her Sierra's chin, kick one of Sierra's legs backward and up, jumps forward, all the weight of both coming straight down on Sierra's back and neck. Sierra sputters and flounders and she goes still as Missy offers one more elbow drop on her throat before pinning her. Vicki springs to action and counts to three, signaling for the bell.)

Garry: Drat! That Lisa Dream-hater won!

Sandra: And YOU think that is a bad thing?

(Sierra jumps up, furious as Missy dives to the outside with her two friends. Wailing loudly, Sierra confronts Vicki as her two friends enter, allowing Gina, Missy and the crushed Poet to make good their escape up the ramp as Missy's music blares out. Rage, Indigo and Sierra poise as if to attack but Vicki picks up the metal chair and waves them back. Slowly they exit, furious and livid.)

Sandra: Up next we have the main event of the evening, folks: Sabrina Perezi and Shanon McCourt vs. Kimie Kurita and Kelly Mase vs. The Babe Squad.

Garry: Well, at least in THAT one, we have Nina. Oh, precious Nina . . .

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