logoThree-Way Tag Match

(The camera pans the audience after coming back from commercial break. The fans are on their feet cheering for this, the feature match of the card. Each of the teams has their contingent of fans.)

Sandra: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. This is the match that all of you have been waiting for.

Garry: Yes, two really good tag teams will be strutting their stuff tonight. The Babalisious Babe Squad against Kimie Kurita and Kelly Maze. This should be a great match and certainly not hard on the eyes. If you know what I mean. The two best stables in BRA will be represented in this match.

Sandra: Aren't you forgetting something?

Garry: Let's see . . . beautiful . . . talented . . . best stables. That covers just about everything.

Sandra: You didn't say anything about Shanon McCourt and Sabrina Perezi.

Garry: Why should I saw anything about those ham and eggers?

Sandra: Because they're in this match too.

Garry: Big deal, the Body Shop losers are only on the match so there is someone easy for the Sisterhood or the Syndicate to pin. I'm positive that this match will be the two good teams trying to prevent the other from pinning those two wannabes.

Sandra: Shanon is half the tag team title holder and Sabrina has shown her skill in many matches. I wouldn't count them out so easy. They are the best in the Shop.

Garry: That is one thing I can agree with you on. They are the best in the Shop. But that still means they are bad wrestlers.

Sandra: Humph! The Shop has some of the best wrestlers in BRA. We have to go to our new reporter, Scott Summers, who is back stage with Shanon McCourt and Sabrina Perezi.

(The camera cuts to Scott Summers, who is standing in the back and he's with one half of the tag team champions, the Professor Shanon McCourt and Miss America Sabrina Perezi.)

In their wrestling attire, the Professor and Miss America stand tall, along the dark haired reporter, Scott Summers. Scott begins by asking, "Shanon and Sabrina . . . this is your first tag team match together, how do you think you'll fair against two teams that have worked together before?"

Shanon smiles and swipes the microphone from Scott, handing him a towel to hold instead. "The fact that the other two teams have worked together shouldn't and won't be overlooked. But they're the ones that have some guessing going on, they don't know what Sabrina and I are all about. How about it ladies, do you know what you're in store for?" Shanon tosses the mic to Miss America and the blond patriot smiles.

"All the idle chatter that has taken place all week is come to an end,' exclaims Sabrina. "The only talking that means anything is in the ring. Its no secret that I'm coming for the �Babe Squad' and I plan on hittin' �em right between the eyes. Those two egomaniac skanks are going down and that's just the way it is,

(Miss America tosses the mic to a jumpy Scott Summers and both the Professor and Shanon leave the interview area for the entrance ramp. The camera cuts back to Sandra and Garry.)

Garry: Big talk by those two. It's easy to get tough with a defenseless interviewer. The Babe Squad will smack that talk out of their mouths.

Sandra: We'll see about that. Sabrina and Shanon are freiends and have been working . . .

(Sandra is interrupted by the sound of fire works and pyro pots exploding as the fans jump to their feet, awaiting the arrival of The Babe Squad. Madonna's "Material Girl" blares over the speakers as the curtains slowly pull away to reveal the reigning "Miss BRA", "First Lady" Tiffany Lane, and "The Goddess" Nina Larue. The two sexy supermodels wear floor-length, black, mink coats that obscure their attire. Tiffany's long, blonde hair frames her lovely face, in a cascade of silky curls, while Nina's luxurious, raven locks fall straight down her back. They pose for a minute, surveying the cheering crowd, before arrogantly sashaying to ringside. As they enter the ring, they both whip off their coats to reveal their sexy, wrestling attire. The two busty beauties wear matching, silver, thong bikinis, that show off their curvy, million dollar figures, and matching, silver, platform boots. Nina and Tiffany are immediately showered in catcalls and whistles as they move to opposite sides of the ring and seductively lean over the top rope, blowing kisses to the fans and giving them a tantalizing glimpse of their ample cleavage. The men, in the crowd, begin to hoot and holler their approval as a "Babe Squad" chant begins. )

Sandra: Wipe that drool from your chin.

Garry: WOW! They are the most beautiful women in the world.

Sandra: I think they act like a couple of sluts. Beauty has nothing to do with wrestling skill.

Garry: That shows how little you know.

('Volcano Girls' by Veruca Salt comes over the PA, while the BRA-Tron comes to life and proudly reveals,'PROFESSOR SHANON McCOURT' and then �MISS AMERICA' in a bright, bold, font. The silhouette of the Professor and Miss America can be seen as several skyrockets, scream to life from the ceiling, as they shoot their way earthbound towards the entrance stage and erupt into red, white, and blue explosions. From the dark entranceway, Professor Shanon McCourt and Miss America Sabrina Perezi enter the arena to a loud pop from the crowd. Shanon is wearing a black sports bra with a bright green four leaf clover, black boy cut shorts and black boots with green clovers on the sides and black knee savers. Her tag team championship belt is around her waist. Miss America is wearing a light blue sash with the words, �Miss America' going across it, her hair is in a braid and she's all smiles to her fans. Suddenly, several flash pots explode and with a roar from the crowd, Sabrina and Shanon slap hands with the fans on her way down to ringside and exchanges high fives with them. Carrying a small Celtic cross for luck, Shanon always hands it off to one of her fans as she makes her way down to the ring. Sabrina enters the ring by hopping over the top rope, goes to center ring and poses on one knee. Shanon enters the ring and stands above Sabrina and poses, while green, white, and blue flash pots explode behind them. )

(A bunch of Shanon's students, whose faces are painted in orange, white and green and who are all wearing Body Shop T-shirts, then stand and raise signs in the air that read "BODY SHOP" and "Beauties of Destruction", the crowd begins chanting �BODY SHOP', �BODY SHOP!')

Sandra: Now that is an entrance!

Garry: I thought that you didn't like the Babe Squad's entrance.

Sandra: I'm talking about Shanon's and Sabrina's entrance.

Garry: Oh they're here too. I've ben too busy watching the Babe Squad.

Sandra: You'll be watching either Sabrina or Shanon pinning them soon.

Garry: Dream on, sleeping ugly.

(As the lights dim, red pyrotechnics shoot into the sky, simulating rockets as "Live and Let Die" blares from the loudspeakers. As the smoke clears from the entrance Kelly Mase, in red leather suit of boots, pants, and vest, and Kimie Kurita, in black pvc shorts, leather sports bra, and Doc Martins stride onto the stage. A blood-red spotlight with a black dragon inlaid in it illuminates the two Syndicate members as they slowly walk to the ring, ignoring the boos of the crowd. Behind them, in black army boots, green army pants and a black t-shirt that shows off his large, muscular frame, strides Kelly's brother James. Kimie and Kelly slide under the ropes as James takes up position outside. Without warning, Kelly and Kimie jump.)

Sandra: I think that this is going to be a hard fight for the Babe Squad, both of the other teams seem to be looking at them with a lot of anger.

Garry: Is it any surprise? Tiffany and Nina have beaten the Shop crew in individual matches.

Sandra: I am sure that Kelly and Kimie want to get some revenge for the beating that the Sisterhood gave Evonne Carmikel after her loss to Jennifer Christian.

Garry: THE syndicate leader seems to have fallen on hard times.

Sandra: Kimie, Shanon and Nina start things off for their respective teams.

(The three grapples, circle each other warily, each waiting for one of the others to make the first move. Feints by one bring reactions from the other two. Shanon makes a quick move toward Nina and Nina reacts with a spinning heel kick that is ducked by the professor. Kimie moves in quickly and grabs Nina's right arm. Her left is grabbed by Shanon. They whip her into the ropes and on Nina's rebound, double suplex her to the mat. Nina hits hard and bounces. Shanon and Kimie are on their feet before Nina, who is still on the mat arching her sore back. The professor smiles at the L'il Dragon and raises her hand. Kimie gives her a high five, but the smile on the professor's turns into a grimace as the L'il Dragon drives a left hook into Shanon's stomach. The crowd boos the trickery of the Syndicate member.)

Garry: We are seeing the way this match is going to go. The Shoppers are going to try and double team the poor Babe Squad as the Syndicate attack anyone in sight,

Sandra: That was a great double team, but Kimie shows her true colors by that sneak attack on Shanon.

(Kimie brings Nina to her feet and whips her into Sabrina. Both wrestlers crash into the turnbuckle with Shanon getting the worst of it. Kimie runs toward the corner and leaps for a splash against her two opponents. Nina manages to spin out of the way and Shanon drops to the mat. Kimie hits the turnbuckle hard and staggers to the center of the ring. Nina leaps and nails the stunned Syndicate member in the chest with a drop kick, sending her crashing to the mat. She next grabs Sabrina and snap mare's her onto Kurita.)

Nina: When will you foolish skanks learn? Nobody beats The Babes!

( Nina smiles for her many fans as she leaps and splashes on top of the pile of wrestlers. The ref drops to the mat and slaps it once. Kelly charges into the ring and drop kicks the pile knocking Nina and Shanon off Kimie. Kelly begins to stomp on both of her opponents with powerful stomps. Sabrina climbs into the ring to protect her partner as Tiffany leaps off the top rope to nail Kelly with a planca. Kelly hits the mat hard with Tiffany on top of her. Sabrina helps her partner to her feet. Nina and Kimie square off against each other.)

Garry: Now it's become a free for all as all six wrestlers are in the ring.

Sandra: The ref has lost control of this match early.

(The crowd goes wild as the wrestlers turn the match into a rumble. Sabrina and Shanon have taken the opportunity to double team Tiffany. Kimie and Nina put on a display of martial art's move and counter move. Kelly takes any chance she gets to hammer an opponent's kidney as they turn their backs to her, working over another opponent. THE Shoppers whip Tiffany into the ropes. On her rebound they double drop kick her. Tiffany is sent through the ropes and onto the concrete floor of the arena. Kelly hits Sabrina with a guillotine leg drop before she can rise from the mat. Nina hits Kimie in the stomach with a savate kick which causes her to double over. Nina drags her to the ropes and places Kimie's head over the top rope. She then forces Kimie's neck across the ropes and begins to choke her.)

Sandra: Sabrina and Shanon found a way to get one of the illegal people out of the ring.

Garry: And Kelly is making Sabrina regret her cheating by stomping away on the downed Miss America.

Sandra: Sabrina didn't cheat, she was just protecting her partner. But look at Nina and tell me she isn't cheating.

Garry: I think she is just trying to untangle Kimie from the ropes.

(The ref grabs Kelly and tries to force her out of the ring. Kelly is resisting the ref the entire way. Kimie's face is turning blue from the choking she is being given. Suddenly Nina screams as she is raised from the mat by Shanon who breaks the choke by German suplexing Nina to the mat. Sabrina rolls to her feet and sees that she is the only illegal person in the ring. She goes to her corner and climbs out of the ring. Sabrina bridges to pin Nina but Nina kicks out before the ref even counts one. Kimie staggers to her corner and tags in Kelly. Nina and Sabrina are on their feet going at each other. Nina hits Shanon with a series of kicks that drive her into the only neutral corner. Shanon manages to block many of the kicks but enough get through to cause her to gasp in pain. Shanon counterpunches with a hook to Nina's jaw which rocks her. Kelly merely stands in her corner watching her two opponents beat each other, conserving her strength. Sabrina yells encouragement to her partner and stretches her arm into the ring in an effort to have Shanon tag in. Suddenly Sabrina disappears from the ring apron.)

Sandra: What happened to Sabrina?

Garry: We have a camera covering that action, check out the monitor.

(Tiffany, whom everyone thought was out after taking that hard fall to the concrete has snuck up behind Sabrina and pulled her legs out from under her. Sabrina is on the floor of the arena and Tiffany is stomping on her. Sabrina grabs Tiffany's leg and twists causing Tiffany to fall to the floor. Both wrestlers are quickly on the feet. Sabrina grabs Tiffany and whips her into the steel barricade. Tiffany groans as she hits the barricade and bounces off. Sabrina puts Tiffany into a head lock and tries to ram her head into the barricade. Tiffany raises her foot and blocks the attempt. Sabrina tries again but again Tiffany uses her foot against the barricade to block it. Suddenly Tiffany shocks the crowd by holding on to Sabrina as she walks up the barricade and leaps backward from it. Sabrina's back is driven into the concrete floor with Tiffany on top of her.)

Garry: Tiffany showing her abilities has Miss America in big trouble on the mat.

Sandra: I don't know what that move is called, but it certainly was impressive.

(In the ring Nina and Shanon continue to beat on each other as Kelly seems intent on merely watching them. Both of the active wrestlers are showing the effects of this brawl. Both have looked to their corners to tag out but have found nobody home. Shanon hits Nina in the belly with a jab that causes Nina to double over. Nina is straightened up by a knee lift to the face. Shanon places Nina in a headlock and falls backward, driving Nina's head into the mat with a DDT. The Goddess flops to the mat. The Professor rolls the actress over and pins her shoulders to the mat.)

(Outside the ring, both Tiffany and Sabrina have gotten to their feet. They begin to grapple with each other seeking an advantageous hold. Kimie Kurita leaps from the ring apron and hits both of them with a suicide planca. All three wrestlers land hard on the unforgiving concrete. Kelly shakes her head at her partner's impetuous act. Kelly looks back in the ring to see the ref slap the mat once. Shanon screams as Kelly grabs her and lifts her into the air. Kelly holds her in the above her head for a moment before sending her crashing to the mat with a body slam. Shanon arches her back in pain as she rolls on the mat. Kelly leaps into the air to bring an elbow down to Nina's head, but Nina manages to roll out of the way in time. Kelly gets to her feet as Shanon gets to hers. Kelly moves in on the still groggy Tiffany. Shanon leaps to the econd rope and spring board's off it into a back flip followed by a drop kick to Kelly's back. Kelly is sent crashing face first to the mat. Nina gets to her feet and shakes the cobwebs out of her head.)

Sandra: THE action is fast and furious in the ring.

Garry: Things aren't any slower outside the ring.

(Outside of the ring, All three wrestlers get slowly to their feet. Nina grabs Kimie and whips her into the ring apron. Kimie's head makes solid contact with the side of the ring. Before Tiffany can savor the move, she is grabbed by Sabrina who suplexes her onto the concrete floor. Kimie is now starting to bleed from a cut to her head caused by her contact with the ring. She staggers toward Sabrina and surprises her with a kick to the groin. Sabrina screams in agony as she slumps to her knees. Kimie's next target is Tiffany who is writhing on the floor from the suplex. Kimie straddles Tiffany and grabs a handful of hair. She raises Tiffany's head from the floor and rains a series of martial arts pinches to it. Tiffany screams after each punch lands. Tiffany slams her fist upward into Kimie's crotch, bringing forth a strangled moan from Kimie. Kimie falls to the floor and curls into the fetal position.)

(In the ring, All three women are on their feet. Nina looks over the edge of the ring and sees all three wrestlers outside the ring lying on the floor. She knows she will get no help from her partner at this time. The three grapplers circle each other looking for an opening. The first to move is Nina, she feints a back fist at Shanon a but nails Kelly with a wheel kick to the chest. Kelly staggers backward as Shanon jumps to the second rope and springs off it flipping in the air. She wraps her legs around Nina's head and sends her crashing to the mat with a huricanrana. Nina bounces on the mat from the force of the move. Before Shanon can follow through with another move, Kelly drops an elbow to her stomach, forcing the wind out of the Professor in a whoosh. The assassin picks Shanon up in a fireman's carry. Nina gets to her feet and nails the assassin with a drop kick to her unprotected midsection. Kelly falls backward from the kick and in the process performing a Samoan drop on Shanon. Nina again pes on top of the pile, pining Shanon's shoulder to the mat. The ref counts one before both Kelly and Shanon power their way out of the pin. Nina is tossed across the ring by their combined effort.)

(Outside the ring, Tiffany has gotten to her feet first. She picks up Kimie and carries her to the barricade. Tiffany raises kimie in the air and drops her straight down so that Kimie's neck lands across the top of the barricade. A strangled cry escapes Kimie's lips as she falls limp to the floor. Sabrina grabs Tiffany in a headlock and bulldogs her face first into the floor. Sabrina raises Tiffany from the floor and places Tiffany's head between her luscious thighs. Sabrina squeals in surprise as Tiffany hooks both her knees and powers off the floor. Sabrina is sent to the floor on her back as Tiffany rolls her up. Tiffany gets to her feet and sees the other two wrestlers on the floor. She runs to her corner and jumps to the apron. Sabrina is next on her feet, she too surveys the seen and goes to her corner. Last up is Kimie. She rubs her sore neck as she staggers to her corner.)

Sandra: Now the match has returned to the ring where it belongs.

Garry: I think the wrestlers outside the ring look like they ave taken a much worse beating than those inside the ring.

Sandra: You're right about that. Hitting the concrete floor or steel barricade isn't a pleasant experience.

(The three wrestlers in the ring get to their feet. They each look to their corners and see the bad shape their partners are in. They all know that there will be no help from their partners for a while. Tiffany and Kelly seem to have the same thought as they move in on Shanon. Nina lashes out with a spinning back fist, which Shanon ducks Kelly punches her in the gut causing Shanon to double over. Kelly takes her arm and whips her into the Babe's Squad corner. Tiffany grabs the professor's long red hair and traps her in the corner. THE ref sees the illegal move and runs to the corner shouting at Tiffany to let go. Tiffany tries to ignore the ref. He begins to count. Kelly moves toward the corner but is stopped when Nina grabs her and spins her around. Nina surprises Kelly with a knee to the groin, doubling the assassin over. Kelly gets planted in the mat with a DDT.)

Garry: Nina's Knockout! This match is all over.

Sandra: Not if Sabrina or Shanon or Kimie have anything to say about it.

(Nina rolls Kelly up for the pin. Tiffany lets go of Shanon before the count reaches five. She points at Nina and the ref runs and drops to the mat. Shanon prepares to rescue Kelly, but before she does she sends an elbow into the nose of Tiffany. Tiffany screams curses at Shanon as blood gushes from her nose.)

Garry: That's cheating Shanon should never have touched Tiffany.

Sandra: Give me a break.

(Shanon runs across the ring and grabs Nina in a head lock. She grabs Nina and hooks her leg as she falls backward in a fisherman's suplex. Tiffany holds the leg as she pins Nina's shoulders to the mat. Nina kicks out. Kelly rolls onto her stomach and begins to crawl toward her corner. Nina rolls toward her corner and tags in Tiffany. Tiffany leaps over the ropes intent on getting revenge against Shanon for the bloody nose. Sabrina yells for Shanon to tag out. Shanon ignores her as she advances on Tiffany. Tiffany grabs Shanon's arm and sends her crashing into the ropes near Sabrina. Sabrina tags Shanon as she comes off the ropes. Tiffany leaps into the air and wraps her curvaceous legs around Shanon's neck, before sending her crashing to the mat with a Huricanrana. Sabrina climbs to the top rope and leaps off. Delivering a guillotine leg drop to the throat of Tiffany. Tiffany bounces on the mat from the force of the drop. Nina sees Sabrina in the ring and charges into the ring. Kelly has managed to tag in Kimie. Kelly and Kimie converse in their corner as the fight between the Babe Squad and the shoppers continues in the center of the ring)

Garry: I knew it would be only a matter of time before those Shoppers started cheating.

Sandra: What are you talking about?

Garry: Sabrina attacked Tiffany just then, even though Shanon is the legal woman. Now the ref is seven helping them out by keeping Nina from getting into the ring.

Sandra: Look at the ref. He is signaling that a tag was made. Sabrina is the legal person in the ring.

(Shanon climbs out of the ring as the ref blocks Nina from entering it. Tiffany lays moaning on the mat. As Sabrina kips up to her feet. THE crowd cheers its appreciation of this energy. Sabrina climbs to the top rope again to deliver a moonsault but Tiffany rolls out of her way and Sabrina lands face first on the mat. Kimie takes the opportunity to drop a knee to the back of Sabrina's head. Tiffany uses the ropes to get to her feet and shake the cobwebs out of her head. Kimie grabs a fist full of Sabrina's hair and whips her into the Syndicate corner. Kelly grabs Sabrina's arms and traps her in the corner. Kimie moves in and delivers a series of kicks and punches to Sabrina's midsection. Sabrina groans from the impact of the martial arts moves. The ref orders Kimie away from the corner. Kimie continues to attacks Sabrina as the ref starts to count. Kimie backs away when the count reaches four. The ref lectures her about the rules. With the ref's back to her, Kelly releases one of Sabrina's arms and uses her free hand to pound on Sabrina's kidneys. When the ref looks back Kelly releases Sabrina, who slumps to the mat. Kimie drags Sabrina out of the corner and lifts and spreads her legs. She leaps in preparation to drop an elbow on Sabrina's groin but never gets the chance to do it. She is sent flying by a running drop kick delivered by Tiffany. Kimie goes through the ropes and falls to the floor of the arena. Sabrina gets to her feet but she is shaky on them. Tiffany gets up quickly and sends Miss America to the mat with a spear. Tiffany gets to her feet and drops a leg across Sabrina's chest. Tiffany rolls her up for the pin. The ref drops to the mat and slaps it twice before Tiffany is k nocked off Sabrina by a missile drop kick delivered from the top rope. Tiffany slaps the mat in frustration as a victory is snatched from her hands. Kimie runs backward toward the Body Shop corner attempting to use the ropes for increased speed. She hits the ropes and throws her elbow back striking Shanon in the chest. Shanon manages to stat on the ring apron by holding onto the ropes. Kimie springs off the ropes and delivers an elbow drop to Sabrina's stomach. Shanon charges into the ring after the Kimie and the ref is forced to restrain her.)

Sandra: That was a dirty trick by Kimie.

Garry: What dirty trick? She accidentally hit Shanon. Now Shanon is just using that as a reason to cheat.

Sandra: I don't think it was an accident and I am sure Shanon knows it was no accident.

(The ref has to physically restrain Shanon from entering the ring. Kimie takes advantage of this by kicking Sabrina in the groin. Sabrina moans and rolls onto her side. Kimie moves in to do more damage but is knocked to the mat with a leg sweep by Sabrina. Kimie lands hard on her back. Tiffany climbs to the top rope and posing for her fans in the arena before doing a moonsault onto Kimie Tiffany covers Kimie but screams in rage as her feet are grabbed by Sabrina and she is dragged off Kimie. Sabrina releases Tiffany as she is off Kimie. Sabrina springboards off the bottom ropes and turns a somersault in the air before landing on Kimie in a splash. She covers Kimie as the ref drops to his knees. Tiffany grabs both of Sabrina's legs and rolls her off Kimie and onto her stomach. Tiffany quickly bends Sabrina's legs and applies a figure 4 leg lock. Sabrina screams in agony as the pressure is applied. She beats the mat in pain with her fists. The ref asks Sabrina if she submits but she shakes her head no. Sabrina rocks back and forth trying to reverse the leg lock. Tiffany blocks her attempts. Sabrina attempts a move to the right and Tiffany shifts her weight accordingly. Sabrina moves quickly to the left and takes the overbalanced Tiffany with her.)

Garry: I can't believe it! Sabrina has reversed the figure 4 leg lock.

Sandra: What a move. Now it is Tiffany that is screaming in pain.

(The ref now asks Tiffany if she submits. She roars out her defiance as she claws at the mat in an effort to reach the ropes. Sabrina increases the pressure as Tiffany screams in agony. Nina rushes into the ring and breaks the hld with a snap kick to Sabrina's head. Kimie has meanwhile made it to her corner and tagged in Kelly. Tiffany grabs the ropes and uses them to get to her feet. Shanon has entered the ring but leaves it agin when she sees the ref force Nina out of the ring. Sabrina gets to her feet and rubs her sore knee. Tiffany takes her time getting to her feet and continues to hold the ropes as protection. Kelly attacks Sabrina with a punch, which Sabrina ducks. Sabrina scoops Kelly up and drops her to the mat with a powerful body slam. She climbs to the top turnbuckle and delivers a split leg moonsualt to Kelly. The ref is prepared to count, but Sabrina is ripped of by Tiffany who nails her with a cross body block. Tiffany gets to her feet and leaps to the second rope, spring boarding off into a frog splash onto Kelly. Sabrina climbs to the top rope and does a summersault splash onto Tiffany and Kelly. The ref begins to count. Sabrina realizes that Tiffany could get the pin so she rolls off the pile of wrestlers and pulls Tiffany off. Kelly manages to raise a shoulder just before the three count. Tiffany and Sabrina get to their feet at the same time. Sabrina whips Tiffany into the Syndicate corner. Kimie wraps her arms around Tiffany's neck, flipping her out of the ring and onto the arena floor. Nina runs to the corner and begins to attack Kimie.)

Garry: The action is never ending in this match. I think Kimie attacked the wrong person though.

Sandra: I think she has the right target.

(Nina and Tiffany continue to double team Kimie outside the ring. Kelly gets to her feet and looks to her corner but finds no one to tag in. Sabrina puts Kelly in a headlock and drops to the mat. Kelly's head is planted into the mat. Sabrina kips up and climbs to the top turnbuckle and waives to the crowd. The crowd sheers her on.)

Sandra: Miss America is signaling the crowd for her finisher, the star-spangled Splash.

Garry: What a show off.

Sandra: She is just giving the fans what they want.

(Sabrina leaps off the top rope with a corkscrew splash that nails Kelly. The ref drops to the mat as Sabrina cover Kelly, pinning her shoulders to the mat.)


(Tiffany and Nina are still double teaming Kimie. Kimie manages to strike out with a kick that hits Nina in the groin. Nina drops to the floor, cursing Kimie. Tiffany Lifts Kimie up and drops her to the floor with a viscous pile driver.)


(Tiffany realizes that Sabrina is about to win the match. She jumps up to the apron and runs into the ring. She leaps at Sabrina. Striking her with a drop kick to the head.)


(Tiffany crashes into Sabrina just as the ref slaps the mat for the third time. Sabrina rolls off Kelly. THE crowd is silent, waiting for the ref's signal. The ref goes to Sabrina and raises her hand in victory.)

Garry: What? That can't be right Tiffany knocked Sabrina off Kelly before the ref's hand hit the mat.

Sandra: No! Sabrina clearly pinned Kelly.

Garry: That's not what I think.

Sandra: It doesn't matter what you think. The ref has ruled Sabrina the winner.

Garry: That is so unfair.

Sandra: What a great ending to a great match. All the wrestlers gave it their all. That's all of our time for tonight ladies and gentlemen. So long until next week.

(The credits role across the screen as the camera fades out.)


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