
It had been a great night of wrestling so far! It has been a night that has seen the crowning of the first ever Featherweight champion of BRA. It has been a night of surprises as well! The mysterious and despicable Lifeguards turning out to be Jenny and Linda Anderson gone bad! A night of wild and weird as Nina LaRue defended her hardcore title in a pit of exploding jello! And now, perhaps the highlight of many a night of wrestling! Let’s go to ringside!

Gary: Never has there been such a collection of evil, low down and beautiful woman in the ring at one time as what is coming up now! I don’t have enough adjectives to describe them!

Sandra: You don’t have enough adjectives to describe a polar bear in a snowstorm! Three women who stand for all that is bad in the world of wrestling! If there were a way I would like to see all three women lose tonight, but there must be a winner.

Gary: This jealousy stuff really becomes you! What’s say we discuss it after the match over a beer at the Pink Palace just up the road!

Sandra: Never, in your wildest dreams, fat boy!

All of the lights in the beach area dim as flashing strobelights

highlight the entrance from the dressing room area. Smoke sweeps the entrance

ramp as the jumbotron located above the Gates of Heaven displays a room with

chains hanging from the ceiling, a black and white scene that the camera slowly

moves through. The beginning of ‘SUPERSTAR’, by Cypress Hill, plays over the

loudspeakers…then, as soon as the heavy guitars begin, there is an

explosion of pyrotechnics, and Lisa Dream emerges through the smoke to a huge

reaction to the crowd. Some boo her, some cheer her, but all make some noise in

relation to the gothic beauty. Wearing her typical black leather halter top and

black leather pants combination, Lisa looks at the crowd with a far off

expression in her eyes while on the entrance ramp. She then makes her way to

the ring.

> >

> >As soon as she enters the ring, Lisa scowls at the referee and orders a microphone to be brought to her from ringside. It is quickly produced, and, surveying the crowd, Lisa raises the

microphone to her black painted lips.

> >

> >“That’s right, little darlings, I have returned, and I know exactly what is

preying on all of your one dimensional minds! You are all hoping, dreaming,

wishing that you would see just as much of me tonight as you did when I was last

in the squared circle! Well, let me dissuade all of you horny fools of that

ridiculous notion, because you do not deserve, NONE of you deserve, to see more

of me than I deem fit! Did you really think that I was going to come out here,

and strip down for you, just because all of you have seen it before? Give me a

break….you are all stupider than I gave you credit for!”

> >

> >“Of course, as ignorant and ridiculous as all of you DREAM-o-phobics are, you

don’t hold a candle next to the two fools that I am facing tonight. Evonne

Carmikel, do not think for a SECOND that I have forgotten what you attempted to

do to me at the Pay Per View in Paris! You try to kill me, peon, you had better

make sure it succeeds. For now I have finally earned the right for some

redemption, and you, Evonne Carmikel, are going to suffer for it. I am going to

toss you from one end of that ring to the next, and force you to beg me for

forgiveness for your actions!”

> >

> >“However, feel fortunate, you gangly little worm, because it is not you that

I am most interested in here. Yvette Malreaux, you have earned my undivided

attention, and you are going to realize how unbeneficial that is. You believe

that you can just strip me down in this very ring, and force me to kiss your

feet, and not have to pay for it? You pitiful little mutant, I am going to

break every little bone in that frail little body of yours, and even then I will

not stop! You WILL be crying for my mercy, you WILL be pleading for it to all

stop before this night is all over, and I am going to enjoy breaking you,

Marquise. I am going to enjoy seeing you wallowing in your own misery, brought

on by your own actions. There is no escape, darling…even when you DREAM, I will

be there to torment you.”

> >

> >“So much to say, but it is all so bland next to the beatings that I am SO

looking forward to. You are trapped in the Valley of the Dream, honeys, and you

will soon realize exactly how painful that can be!”

With that Lisa dumps the microphone and saunters around the ring, waiting for the arrival of the next wrestler, which is not long in coming. The lights go out, as the fans boo, expressing their

hatred of one of the most detested athletes in BRA. However, this does not deter her as Yvette appears from the curtain with a wicked smile for her fans and a nasty glare for her enemies.. Explosions and pyrotechnics erupt. Fireballs shoot into the air. As the first few bars of the French National Anthem play, the crowd is worked into a frenzy of anger, then suddenly the traditional music is cut off. A voice, in a French accent, with a seemingly innocent tone speaks out. “I’m not going to hurt you.” Then there is the sudden and streaking sound of a whip cracking and the same voice laughs cruelty. The Angeltron explodes to life, showing scenes of terrorism, violence, sex, and clips of some of Yvette’s greatest moments, followed by the Lords of Acid’s ‘The Most Wonderful Girl.’ Yvette appears from the curtains, clad in her white S&M style outfit with white crop and cape, then throws her head back, laughs and extends both arms, forming a ‘Y’ (for ‘Yvette, of course). She twirls around for the fans to gaze. Yvette slowly makes her way to the ring. She scans the entire area with a look of pure sadism, almost challenging anyone to oppose her.

Sandra: Well, that’s two thirds of the most detested threesome in wrestling so far, just one more to go!

Gary: Peggy Christian has already been here! I don’t think the ambulance will be able to bring her back!

Sandra: I don’t know why you pick on her! She is the heart of ladies wrestling!

Gary: She sure isn’t the talent!

Sandra: Maybe if she looked like one of the Babe Squad she would get more of your attention!

Gary: I wouldn’t want to make you jealous though!

( The camera shows a shot of SYN1 driving into the parking lot. As the theme to Goldfinger begins to play, the long white Limousine slowly drives onto the sandy beach, stopping a few yards from the ring. The driver exits and walks around to the back of the car. He opens the door and…)

Evonne: “You Idiot! You can’t be that stupid! IRS!!! You sent those papers to the IRS!! My god! Do you know what will happen to me?”

Ansalong: “But Dollar ..ack! Ack!”

(The buxom red head is tossed out of the limo. She bounces on the pavement, rubbing her posterior as Evonne exits. The CEO looms over her bumbling assistant and looks down the long walkway to the ocean side ring. She is dressed in her wrestling attire. Her gold and black singlet, Gucci wrestling boots and black knee pads. Her hair is tied back in a ponytail and her eyes are covered with a pair of sunglasses. Evonne stares back at Ansalong as the red head slowly rises. Cosmo’s nurse is dressed in a new, jet black armani suit. It hugs her form perfectly, although Ansalong seems to be very uncomfortable in the attire.)

Evonne: “You may have ruined me you incompetent twit! But I shall not be denied my revenge against these two fools. By all things unholy, I will hear them both scream tonight!”

( Evonne turns and scowls into the ring. She points and Yvette, dragging her finger across her throat. Evonne then turns her attention to Lisa and cracks a devilish grin. Evonne moves her arms mimicking the movement she used to throw Lisa off the Eiffel tower. The six foot brunette slowly walks up the ring steps and patiently waits on the outside apron, before stepping into the ring.

Sandra: What a handful for one referee tonight! You could not pay me enough to get in the ring with those three!

Gary: I would pay for the privilege!

Sandra: You could not afford women that classy! They may be despicable, but they are way out of your financial bracket!

Gary: Don’t be too sure! Every time BRA has a PPV my shares in Splatz Brewery go through the roof!

Sandra: That’s only because of the amount you put away!


Movement is slow as all three women look cautiously to see what the other is up to, but the daggers flying between Lisa and Yvette are apparent. Both of the women meet mid ring, a few feet apart. Yvette is the first to speak.

“I face a gothic freak and an amazon!”

“Better than being an insignificant peon!” replied Lisa, but as she finished her sentence her hand came up with lightening speed and gouged Yvette’s eyes before she could respond! Evonne laughed as she sat in her corner watching Lisa drop Yvette to the mat with a spinning heel kick as the Marquise staggered back screaming from the gouge. Lisa drops an elbow quickly to Yvette’s face as she keeps up a relentless assault, seeming not to notice Evonne at all lounging on the ropes.

“You have messed with perfection for the last time, worm!”

As she returns to her feet she drops another elbow to Yvette’s face, smiling as she does. Yvette covers her face and rolls away under the ropes to the ground below. Lisa thinks about following, but checks over her shoulder to see what Evonne is doing. Seeing Ms Carmikel in no hurry to get involved yet, Lisa turns back to the outside only to be met with a faceful of sand.

Gary: Them’s the hazards of fighting on a beach.

Sandra: We have sure seen a lot of sand used tonight to be sure!

Lisa stumbles back blinded and cursing! “Ah!! You big provincial fool!! What have you done!!”

For the first time in the match Evonne moves from her corner. She moves behind Lisa and spins her around quickly. That is followed by a brutal knee to Lisa’s stomach, bending her over gasping. With a speed belied by her size, she gets set up for...

Gary: The Goldnight!! Lookout Lisa, it’s dreamsville for you!

With a sickening thud Evonne rises up and drops Lisa’s face to the mat with her patented finisher. Yvette sees this and realizes with a shock how Evonne has taken advantage of the situation! She starts to climb in the ring as Evonne flips a lifeless Lisa on to her back and drops over top of her.

Sandra: This could be over! Yvette has to hurry!

Gary: What a crafty plan by Carmikel! I always said she would win this hands down!

The ref drops to the mat and begins the count…





But before the ref could get the final count Yvette slides in under the ropes and while still down delivers a brutal side kick to Evonne’s head, knocking her off of Lisa.

Sandra: That was close! Evonne almost won the match without making a move!

Gary: I think that has been her strategy all along! Brilliant!

An irate Marquise gets to her foot and lets fly with a few well placed stomps to first Evonne, and then the still prostrate Lisa.

“I shall crush you both so badly that neither of you will be able to walk for a week!”

As Evonne stirred Yvette dragged her to her feet before lifting the bigger woman and dropping her with a piledriver! Evonne sagged to the mat as Yvette got up. She looked at Evonne moaning on the mat and turned to where Lisa was stirring, getting to all fours. Yvette took one step and then drove her boot hard into the ribs of the perfect one, sending her tumbling to the mat. Lisa screamed from the pain, hurling invective at the Marquise! Yvette had the presence of mind to look over her shoulder and see Evonne back on her feet and moving towards her. Like a flash she whipped around and surprised the bigger woman with a reverse spinning kick to the chin, dropping Ms Carmikel to the mat again. Yvette spat at her on the mat.

“Evonne, you are a waste of space! A great deal of space but a waste none the less!”

Just as Yvette finished her speech she heard a shrill scream from behind her a split second before a charging Lisa flew at her, grabbing her head and bulldogging her directly on to the forehead of the Syndicate boss laying on the mat!

Sandra: Oh gosh! Their heads just made the most sickening sound!

Gary: That was someone’s skull cracking! But who!

It was hard to tell as both Yvette and Evonne were laid out on the mat with Lisa, still looking in pain screaming over top of them.

“YOU are not perfection! YOU are not perfection! You are both imposters!! There is only one true level of perfection, and I am IT!”

Sandra: The match is her’s! Why doesn’t she pin one, or both of them!

Gary: Shhh..let her have her moment! I don’t think she is done hurting them yet!

Lisa kicks Yvette moaning off of Evonne. Dragging the bigger woman up by the hair, Lisa takes Evonne and spins her around before whipping her through the ropes onto the sand below! Yvette is behind her on all fours now, shaking her head slowly from side to side. Lisa looks back and forth between the two, figuring out which one needs her attention first. Seeing Evonne not moving in the sand, she turns in time to see Yvette get groggily to her feet. As the Marquise finally gets level she is met by Lisa leaping up with a snarl on her face and…

Sandra: Hurricanrana! Wow Yvette went down hard there!

Gary: Right into a schoolgirl pin! She’s got her, nooo!!

The count barely starts before Yvette bucks the smaller woman off. Lisa pounds the mat as she gets up.

“You think that you have escaped, worthless pretender! The Dream thinks not!”

Lisa wraps both hands around Yvette’s throat as a rage seems to possess her! It is a moment before the ref pries her off, leaving Yvette gasping on the mat. Taking advantage, the Marquise rolls out under the ropes again, holding her neck as she leans on the apron. Lisa finally breaks free and comes to the ropes, just in time to see a recovering Evonne sneak up behind Yvette and slam her head from behind into the apron. The Marquise crumpled to the sand as Lisa started to scream at Evonne!

“How dare you! She is mine to finish! Mine!!”

Angered, she dives through the ropes at Evonne, attempting a flying cross body block, but Evonne has positioned herself well and catches the airborne wrestler and turns her perfectly, dropping her onto a table right behind her!

Gary: Powerbomb on to the table! What a great move, she executed that perfectly!

Sandra: Lisa has let her anger control her and it’s making her do some stupid moves! She should have seen the table behind Evonne!

“Insolent Wretch! Now you wish you had fallen to your death in Paris!”

Evonne got up and turned her attention to Yvette who was slumped on the apron, shaking her head again.

“Fool! Only NOW do you understand I am your superior!”

Evonne rolled Yvette under the ropes into the ring and followed her in. Grabbing her by the hair, Evonne lifts the Marquise up and down with a vertical suplex. Getting to her feet she shows her power and follows it with another. She rolls on top of Yvette, going for the cover.





Yvette kicks out on the two count, but seems to be suffering. Evonne checks outside the ring and sees Lisa stirring on her feet. Leaving the Marquise for a moment, Evonne gets to her feet, but is instantly dragged down and rolled over into a small cradle! The ref counts.







Evonne rolls away screaming;

“Not THIS time!”


Sandra: Almost got her there! She seems to have a weakness for that move!

Gary: Good try by Yvette! LPM pinned Evonne with the same move! I guess we know where she learned it from now!

This has given Lisa time to slide back in the ring . As she gets to her feet she forms a perfect triangle with the other two, staring tired and intensely across at each other. Each wrestler casts one eye on the other two as they stand in the middle.

Gary: Feels like were at the OK corral!

Sandra: We’re going to have a showdown!

Evonne was the first to speak of the three, speaking to Lisa, but keeping an eye on Yvette.

“I know we’ve had our differences Lisa, but Yvette is the real enemy here! Join with me and together we shall destroy her! You can have the win, I only want to hear her scream!”

Lisa, breathing heavily and still rubbing her back from the slam through the table, hesitated. Yvette glared at her, almost daring her to take her up on it.

“I’ve missed you Lisa, the Syndicate isn’t the same without you!”

“Maybe not Evonne, but I don’t need the likes of you to help me beat this European tramp! Don’t get me wrong, I have no love at all for this insignificant pretender! She has risen way above herself to be in the presence of perfection! At least she has not tried to kill me!”

The crowd gets restless and starts to jeer from the inactivity. Lisa turns her head in anger at the crowd. That is when Evonne pounces, rushing Lisa and dropping her with a clothesline to the back of the head, but her momentum carries right into the foot of Yvette, dropping her. Yvette leaps on to Evonne and starts raining blows to her as the crowd cheers on this flurry of activity.

Sandra: Looks like the match is heating up now!

Gary: These three look like they could go all night!

Yvette sees Lisa getting back up and starts to get up to face her, but Evonne grabs her ankle and pulls her to the mat. Lisa seizes the gift and drops an elbow smash to the back Of Yvette's head! Lisa gets to her feet at the same time as Evonne does. The syndicate head backs into the ropes for a moment as she sees Lisa fly into a rage, stomping Yvette as she lay helpless on the mat. After a moment, Perfection hauls Yvette up to her feet and runs her dizzy head into the corner turnbuckle. As Lisa continues to slam Yvette’s head in the corner, Evonne slips from the ring and ducks down.

Sandra: What is Evonne up to now?

Gary: She’s pulling something from under the ring! It’s a metal chair!

Sandra: It figures she would be up to no good!

Lisa slams Yvette to the mat on her back, having knocked her senseless in the corner. Lisa finally drops across Yvette, who puts up no resistance. The referee drops to his knees.

Gary: here comes the count!






Sandra: Oh that had to hurt!!

Lisa rolls off of Yvette holding her head and moaning! Evonne throws the chair from the ring as the referee looks up. Evonne pushes him away with her boot.

Sandra: She’s not pinning her! Yvette is helpless!

Gary: You heard her! She wants to make Yvette scream! And it looks like she’s going to use Yvette’s own finisher on her!

Sandra: The Bastille! That will be too much for even Yvette to handle! Beaten by her own finisher!

Evonne twists Yvette and starts to apply the hold! The Marquise grimaces! Her face twists in pain as Evonne yells at her!

“Scream you French whore! I want to hear you scream it!” But Yvette's lips remain tight, refusing to utter a single sound. A look of frustration crosses Evonne's face, the ref is asking Yvette for a submission, the crowd is going wild, and suddenly both Yvette and Evonne are sprawled on the mat with Lisa standing above them!

Gary: A vicious kick to Evonne’s head! She had no idea!

Sandra: I’m surprised Lisa got up from that chair on her head!

Lisa is standing, but looking very much the worse for wear. Still, she drags a stunned Evonne up to her feet and manages to lift the Syndicate boss up and..

Sandra: Piledriver!

Lisa: It must have taken everything she had to do that!

Lisa gets to her knees beside Evonne, who is helpless on the mat. Breathlessly she screams at her.

“I told you…..she was……..mine!! No one…..gets in the way…….of perfection!”

Yvette wobbles to her feet, in obvious pain as Lisa finishes yelling at Evonne. Grabbing Yvette’s arm she swings back, then whips the Frenchwoman into the far ropes, waiting for her to bounce off.

Gary: Here she comes right into a spinning heel kick! …NO!!

Sandra: Yvette has ducked it! Oh wow!!

Gary: Atomic drop by Yvette! What a recovery!

Sandra: Now look out! Yvette’s going for the Bastille! No one can match her in cruelty!

Lisa starts to scream as the pressure mounts on her battered body! The screaming seems to waken Evonne from her stupor and she slowly gets up, realizing the match is drifting away! Yvette grins maniacally as her exhausted body fights to make her foe submit. Evonne gets to her feet and stumbles at Yvette, attempting a clumsy clothesline. Yvette easily ducks it, but is forced to release the hold on Lisa, who just subsides sobbing to the mat, rolling onto her back and holding her face. The Marquise then spins Evonne around and tucks the Syndicate boss’ head under her arm. Looking back for a moment, she somehow hoists Evonne up and over in a snap suplex, right on top of Lisa!

Gary: Geez! Poor Evonne!

Sandra: poor Lisa you mean! She was right under those 150 pounds!

Both Lisa and Evonne lay motionless on the mat. Yvette, tired and exhausted from the match, drops to her knees by their heads. She places one hand on each of their chests.

Gary: The ref is counting!










Sandra: What a finish! Yvette has pinned both of them! She is the winner!

Gary: Another victory for the Sisterhood tonight, and what a sweet one it was! Yvette has defeated not one, but two of her worst enemies tonight!

Sandra: I think she wants to say something! Here she comes!

Yvette slides under the ropes and over to the announcer’s table. Wearily, she grabs a mike.


“Bah! I, the great Yvette Malreaux need no such thing as a partner to devastate, dominate and crush my

opposition! I cannot be stopped! As I have often said, I am the greatest force in BRA. There are peers but no equals. There are no betters; only servants. A new era is on the verge of beginning where the

forces of Hell have no means of stopping me. The destruction of anyone foolish enough the challenge me shall fall much like this pair of tired and moronic trolls. If TWO cannot defeat me then what chance does ONE have?! Make no mistake; I rule this federation. All others exist because I allow it!”

Raising her arms to the jeering crowd, she drops the mike and makes her way from the ring.


WINNER: Yvette Marquise DeSade Malreaux by pinfall





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