Sherry Ann, Sabrina Perizi and Shannon McCourt


Tiffany Lane, Laura Parker and Alexandra Parker

By: ToneDef

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[We are at the stage for the latest Battling Ring Angels Pay Per View, which occurs at beachside along the main strip inside of Florida. Much different from the typical arena, the spectators are all seated around the perimeter of the guard rail in removable chairs, and those that did not manage to grab a seat are standing at the far back. This does not diminish their enthusiasm, however…they still scream for their favorites and wave their home made signs with fervour. Some of the apparent signs say ‘I AM THE UNDERWORLD’, ‘GIVE ME A TOLCHOCK’, and ‘JENNIFER CHRISTIAN IS NOT LITTLE AT ANYTHING!’. At ringside, on the beach, is the announcers table.]

Sandra: "And here we go, folks, another spectacular match on our Pay Per View lineup! It…what is the problem, Garry?"

Garry (scratching at his shirt rapidly): "It’s all this sand…I tell you, I hate the beach! What are we doing here, anyways? Ridiculous…"

Sandra: "I think this is a great venue, and the fans think so too! Maybe you and Lisa Dream should get together and discuss the pros and cons of being out in the sun…"

Garry: "Don’t I wish….anyways, this is going to be a great match! The Sisterhood will finally prove their dominance in this league over those hapless Shoppers!"

Sandra: "I’m not so sure about that, Shannon McCourt and Sabrina Perizi have been on a role as of late, and…"

Garry: "And nothing! Who can possibly compare with Laura Parker, Tiffany Lane and Alexandra Parker? Nobody! I’m just glad I’ve got a front row seat here…welcome to the big leagues, Shoppers, I hope someone told you to bring your own medics!"

[The lights dim as Dona Summers "Bad Girls" plays through the sound system. The spotlights circle the beached area before coming to a stop in from of the wrestle' entrance. The curtains open and out steps Alexandria's assistant Vanity. She wears an Alexandria Parker Collection business suit of blue pin stripe mini skirt and blazer. Vanity carries a brief case instead of her usual mirror. THE next out is Nina Larue, dressed in a yellow micro mini skirt. She smiles as the whistles and catcalls rain from the crowd. After Nina, Willie Wienersintzel steps out. He is dressed in his usual cranberry "disco" suit. The crowd boos Willis appearance. The curtain is thrown open and out step Alexandria Parker, Laura Parker and Tiffany Lane. Wolf whistles and catcalls fill the area.]

Garry: "Oh yeah, baby, I heard they all had a party for Yvette Malreaux a little while back…what I wouldn’t have given to be there!"

Sandra: "And what do you think that they do at these parties?"

Garry: "They do what hot women do every time they get together….they get into pillow fights and…."

Sandra: "Hold it! I don’t even want to hear the rest of that comment!"

[They are dressed in leather hot pants and matching bra with wrestling boots covered by kicking pads. Alexandria's outfit is black, Laura is entirely in white and Tiffany is dressed in pink. The three members of the Sisterhood of Seduction walk arrogantly to the ring. They enter it and pose for their fans, bending over the ropes blowing kisses to their fans and in the process giving tantalizing views of their ample cleavage. They parade around the ring and as they pass the referee they give hi a wink and a kiss. When they are finished, they huddle in their corner and discuss strategy.]

Garry: "I’ll be surprised if the Sloppers even show up, the Sisterhood has them beat on so many different levels, it isn’t even funny!"

Sandra: "Yeah…cheating, underhanded tactics, trickery, vileness…"

['Cat Scratch Fever' by Ted Nugent comes over the PA, while the BRA-Tron comes to life and proudly reveals,’SHERRY ANN,’ ’PROFESSOR SHANON McCOURT’ and then ‘MISS AMERICA’ in a bright, bold, font. The silhouette of the Professor, Sherry Ann and Miss America can be seen as several skyrockets, scream to life from the ceiling above the entrance, as they shoot their way earthbound towards the entrance stage and erupt into red, white, and blue explosions. From the dark entranceway, Sherry Ann, Professor Shanon McCourt and Miss America Sabrina Perezi enter the area to a loud pop from the crowd. Shanon is wearing a black sports bra with a bright green four leaf clover, black boy cut shorts and black boots with green clovers on the sides and black knee savers. Her tag team championship belt is around her waist. Miss America is wearing a light blue sash with the words, ‘Miss America’ going across it, her hair is in a braid and she’s all smiles to her fans. Suddenly, several flash pots explode and with a roar from the crowd, Sherry, Sabrina and Shanon slap hands with the fans on her way down to ringside and exchanges high fives with them. Carrying a small Celtic cross for luck, Shanon hands it off to one of her fans as she makes her way down to the ring. Sabrina enters the ring by hopping over the top rope, goes to center ring and poses on one knee. Shanon and Sherry enter the ring and pose above Sabrina while green, white, and blue flash pots explode behind them.]

Sandra: "What an entrance!"

Garry: "Yeah, well, you know what they say about flashy entrances…they cover up the ineptitudes of those that use them…"

[A bunch of Shanon’s students, who’s faces are painted in orange, white and green and who are all wearing Body Shop T-shirts, then stand and raise signs in the air that read "BODY SHOP" and "Beauties of Destruction", the crowd begins chanting ‘BODY SHOP’ , ‘BODY SHOP!’]

Sandra: "What a strong chant for the heavy fan favorites! This is going to be a great match, I can just tell!"

Garry: "Oh, for sure, but not for the Sloppers heh heh heh, this is gonna be great! It looks like things are about to get started…"

Voice: "Now cease and desist, my employees, for I have something to say!"

[All heads turn towards the entrance ramp, and standing there, dressed entirely in his usual black robe, is Gabrielle, assistant to Archangel herself. Flanking him to either side are his assistants, Celeste and Angelique, both attired in white bikini’s with Angels wings attached to the back. They smile and throw BRA merchandise from their elevated position into the crowd as the black clad Gabrielle raises the microphone to his lips.]

Gabrielle: "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing! And what I have to impart has been passed to me directly from the all glorious Archangel, May She Live Forever. This match is no longer to be a simple 6 woman tag match…no, the Archangel requires a more potent event for that, for her Pay Per View. So, henceforth, from this moment onward, this match shall be treated as a tag team elimination match, with the last 2 women remaining on their feet becoming the NEW BRA tag team champions! So it has been decreed, and so it shall be. The angels have spoken."

Sandra: "Wow!!! Did you hear that?!? This is for the belts now, and the last 2 women still standing get the belts! I bet that Sherry and Shannon are NOT too happy over that!"

Garry: "Of course they won’t be, for they are going to lose their gold tonight! And put into the hands of those that deserve them a LOT more than those cowardly body Shoppers!"

Sandra: "Just think of the possibilities…it could be Laura Parker and Sabrina Perizi as tag champs! Shannon McCourt and Tiffany Lane! Wow!"

Ding Ding Ding

Garry: "Well, speaking of Shannon and Tiffany, it looks as if this match is going to be started by the two of them!"

[The two of them look to lock up in the center of the ring, but at the last second Tiffany lashes out with an eye gouge, which catches Shannon off guard. Tiffany then missile dropkicks the Irish wrestler to the mat, and walks around the perimeter of the squared circle, blowing kisses for the benefit of all of her adoring fans.]

Sandra: "And Tiffany has the advantage already, due to some rather…scrupulous tactics…"

Garry: "What? I didn’t see anything! Tiffany pulls Shannon to her feet, goes to whip her into the ropes…a reversal, and Shannon with a dropkick of her own."

Sandra: "And, you will notice, that Shannon doesn’t take the time to play for the crowd…she is right on top of Tiffany, bodyslamming the blond bombshell to the mat…and then following it up with an elbowdrop. Some nice technical moves from the Professor!"

Garry: "Nice and Shannon in the same sentence? I seriously doubt it…Shannon tags in Sabrina, who immediately jumps onto the ropes, and performs a springboard moonsault right down onto Tiffany. Bah, come on, Baby!"

Sandra: "A cover attempt, but Tiffany easily kicks out, it takes a bit to put her away!"

[Sabrina scoops Tiffany up and bodyslams her to the mat. Tiffany gets to a seated position, Sabrina whips herself at the ropes and hits Tiffany with a low dropkick to her face, and she follows it up with a dragon sleeper/bodyscissors combination. The blond bombshell struggles in her grasp, the fans admiring the position of her lovely body while in the hold, but Laura Parker is in the ring in an instant, breaking the hold with a boot to Sabrina’s face.]

Garry: "Now that is what I call good old fashioned teamwork! Sabrina still gets to her feet quickly, however, and goes to get Tiffany up…a low blow from the Blond Bombshell doubles her over!"

Sandra: "Followed up with a stunner, knocking the sexy patriot to the mat! Tiffany wastes no time in struggling to her corner and tagging in Alexandra Parker!"

Garry: "Yeah, Alexandra! The rich bitch begins to stomp away on Sabrina’s prone form with fervor, serves her right for ever opposing the Sisterhood!"

[Alexandra continues the attack for a few moments, then, pulling Sabrina to her feet, she hooks her up, and spinebusters the sexy patriot down to the mat. A cover attempt…kickout at 2. Alexandra gets to her feet, walks over, and slaps Sherry Ann in the face in her corner. Sherry Ann goes to enter the ring, the referee intercepts her, and, behind the referee’s back, all 3 sisterhood members enter the ring. They stomp away on poor Sabrina Perizi until the referee turns back around…then, Alexandra gets down, and starts to choke the sexy patriot.]

Sandra: "Typical underhanded tactics, I tell you, could any of them compete in a fair fight?"

Garry: "And what, exactly, do you call a fair fight? This is as fair as they come, darling! Alexandra breaks the choke, pulls Sabrina to her feet, whips her at the ropes…"

[They are the ropes beside her own corner, and Sabrina manages to stick out a hand while bouncing off of them, which Sherry Ann strikes. Alexandra misses it, however, and she Powerslams Sabrina on rebound. She begins to stomp on Sabrina again, but Sherry Ann has made it into the ring…and, walking behind the rich bitch, she taps her on the shoulder.]

Sandra: "Alexandra spins around…and is caught completely by surprise as Sherry lays into her with fury powered punches! She manages to drive Alexandra back into a corner, and the crowd counts along with her as she makes the required ten strike count!"

Garry: "Hey, were those closed fists? Sherry hiptosses Alexandra into the center of the ring, goes to the second rope…elbowdrop to the rich bitch’s face, come on, Alexandra!"

Sandra: "I think Parker may be in trouble here, Sherry has definitely got the advantage! She pulls Parker to her feet….gutwrench suplex takes down the Rich Bitch!"

[Sherry pulls Parker to her feet…Parker shoves her away and goes for a spinning back heelkick. Sherry ducks under the foot, kicks Parker in the belly, and delivers the Sherry stunner, knocking her to the mat. Sherry goes for the pin, Laura and Tiffany go to interfere, but Sabrina comes out of nowhere and flying bodypresses the two of them before they can enter the ring, knocking them off of the edge of the canvas to the beached surface below with Sabrina on top of them.]

Garry: "Noooo! 1….2…..3!"

Ring Announcer: "Alexandra Parker has been eliminated."

Sandra: "And Sherry does not even take a moment to gloat, she is acting as if she has a score to settle! She immediately goes to the outside, grabs Laura Parker…and whips the model into a ringpost!"

Garry: "I don’t think this was a very smart idea of Sherrys…"

Sandra: "That is for sure, Tiffany hits her from behind….and Alexandra Parker gets into the fray! Sherry puts on a good fight…but they eventually drive her down!"

Garry: "The referee is trying to reinstore some kind of order here, Sabrina and Shannon try to get to their fallen comrade, but Tiffany and Alexandra roll the body shop leader into the ring, and Laura Parker follows!"

[The Luscious Actress goes to the top rope, and axe handles Sherry to the mat as she struggles to her feet. She legdrops the fallen body shop leader across the throat, and then, pulling Sherry to her feet, she whips her into the ropes and flying headscissors her down to the mat. She goes for the cover, but Sherry Ann manages to kick out.]

Garry: "The Shop got lucky before, getting rid of Alexandra Parker, but they are going to pay for it now! Who can possibly compare to those two lovely sisterhood members?"

Sandra: "Both are rather talented, I confess that…it is just their methods that are rather scrupulous…again Laura whips Sherry into the ropes, and she goes for a hurricanrana…"

Garry: "No! Sherry manages to powerbomb the actress from her perch across her shoulders! But look at this, she can’t capitalize…she just remains on one knee, head bowed…"

Sandra: "I’d like to see if you were nice and perky after the damage that the Sisterhood did to Sherry…"

[The two rest for a few moments…then, Sherry manages to get Laura Parker into an armbar as the luscious actress is struggling to her feet. Sherry guides her over to her corner, and tags in Sabrina, who goes to the top rope and elbowdrops Laura across the outstretched arm. Laura cries out, and drops to one knee, holding her arm.]

Garry: "Typical Body Shop double team standards, I am getting really sick of their vagrant rule bending…Laura gets back up, spins around, walks right into Sabrina’s arms….inverted atomic drop."

Sandra: "Followed up by a jarring closeline, Sabrina is rather skilled in there, don’t you think? And she gets on the headscissors, look at Laura struggle!"

Garry: (dreamily): "Ah, now that is a nice position…"

Sandra: "Well, Laura certainly doesn’t seem to think so! She reaches out an arm…just a mere inch away from the ropes. Tiffany Lane goes to enter the ring, to aid her fallen comrade…the referee is right there to stop her, but Nina LaRue takes the opportunity from ringside to smack Sabrina with her handbag!"

Garry: "What? I didn’t see anything….Sabrina just fell off of Laura for no reason, she had better lay off the alchohol…"

Sandra: "Well, Laura gets up, clutching her throat, but she sees Sabrina there, and begins to stomp away on her, venting her rage…

[Laura’s typically luscious demeanor is all but shattered as she stomps down on Sabrina angrily, not too happy with how in control Miss America had been. She then hauls Sabrina to her feet, whips her at the ropes, and hits her with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker that lays her on the mat. Laura then poses for the crowd, who jeer her….she may have been gorgeous, may have been a very talented athlete, but it was Miss America that she was fighting, and that put her on the opposite side of the fan favorite. Laura scowls at them, and then tags in Tiffany Lane, who goes to the top rope, and splashes down onto the sexy patriots splayed form.]

Sandra: "And a pin attempt…but a kickout at 2 and a half! Sabrina is not done yet, and Tiffany seems none too pleased about it…she hauls Sabrina to her feet, and german suplexes her down to the mat! Another pin attempt, and another kickout…"

Garry: "How lucky could the Shop possibly be…hey, what is Shannon doing?"

[Shannon is up on the ropes, and is clapping her hands for her friend, which the crowd quickly follows. She then starts up a chant, which picks up very fast throughout the crowd…a chant of ‘SKANK, SKANK, SKANK…’ directed towards Tiffany Lane. The blond bombshell’s eyes widen at the insult, and, ignoring Sabrina in the center of the ring, she begins to yell insults at the crowd.]

Sandra: "Tiffany should be paying attention to her opponent…she is giving her time to recuperate, and, when she finally walks over to Sabrina, the patriot drop toe holds the blond to the mat!"

Garry: "And Sabrina does not waste any time in making a quick tag to Shannon, who does a spinning legdrop off of the ropes onto Tiffany’s fallen form! Come on Tiffany!"

Sandra: "Going to say something about the luck of the Irish now? Shannon hauls the blond to her feet, and side russian legsweeps her to the mat!"

Shannon: "What’s the mating call of Tiffany Lane? NEXT!!!"

Garry: "Tiffany did not take that too well, she lunges at Shannon, which is just what the irish gal wanted…another drop toe hold to the mat, and, when Tiffany struggles back to her feet….double arm piledriver! No!"

Sandra: "A pin attempt…and Laura Parker manages to make the save, I think that was enough to put Tiffany away!"

[Shannon is to her feet quicker than Tiffany, however, and, pulling the blond to her corner, she tags in Sherry. Sherry hops over the ropes, and hits Tiffany’s chest with a chop that echoes throughout the entire building. She does it again, and then, getting Tiffany in a side headlock, she goes to bulldog her…Tiffany, however, manages to push Sherry off of her, so that she hits the opposite turnbuckle, and a kick to the back of the head takes Sherry to the mat.]

Garry: "Wow! Did you hear the connection of that kick?!? That was amazing!!! But Tiffany can’t capitalize, both are on the mat!"

Sandra: "The referee begins the count….Sherry, however, manages to get to her feet first, and goes to pull Tiffany to her feet…low blow doubles over the Body Shop Leader!"

Garry: "Followed up with a spear, knocking her right to the mat! Way to go Tiffany! She gets to her corner, and makes the tag!"

Sandra: "Laura slides into the ring with her typical grace, and, going to the second rope, she performs a moonsault down onto Sherry! A quick cover attempt, and a kickout!"

Garry: "Bah, didn’t you notice how slow that count was? Despicable…We know who the referee’s favorites are!"

[Laura poses for the crowd while pulling Sherry to her feet, and whips her into the ropes. She follows it up with a hurricanrana, which is successful this time around, driving Sherry to the mat. Laura then suddenly jumps out of the ring and gives Willie a big kiss. While Willie is distracted, she grabs her managers toupee and gets back into the ring. Sherry is struggling to her feet, and Laura holds the toupee in one hand.]

Laura: "I think it’s time for you to meet Mr. Hairy!"

Garry: "Meet Mr. Hairy, what does she…oh, she just shoved that offensive piece of plastic down Sherry’s throat, choking her with it! Holding it in place!"

Sandra: "My god, do you want to know exactly how offensive that toupee is?!? I heard that it has long since been banned from the Food and Drug Administration! Sherry had better give up soon, or suffer some permananent damage!"

Garry: "Shannon and Sabrina try to make the save, but this time it is Nina LaRue on the outside of the ring who trips both of them to the mat…and holds onto their legs!"

[The referee misses it as she checks for a submission from Sherry…Sherry struggles valiantly to escape the hold, and does not submit for a few moments, but soon, when on the brink of unconciousness, she flails her arms about, giving up to the offensive move. Laura releases the hold, and Sherry slumps to the mat, in a semi concious daze.]

Ring Announcer: "Sherry Ann has been eliminated!"

Sandra: "And it is down to 4! Shannon has finally pulled free of Nina’s grasp, however, and Laura is caught completely off guard as she is struck with a flying, spinning back heelkick! Right down to the mat she goes!"

Garry: "Shannon pulls Laura to her feet, goes to whip her into the ropes…reversal, Laura ducks her head…and Shannon gets her with a spinning neckbreaker. Bah! The luck of the shop!"

Sandra: "A pin attempt, but a kickout…"

[Shannon pulls Laura over to the top rope, and looks to be setting her up for some deadly double team move. Tiffany Lane, however, takes the opportunity to seductivly enter the ring and gently slide a hand along the referee’s cheek, distracting the poor, lustful man, who is powerless to her womanly charms. While distracted, Vanity gets up onto the ring apron, holding the mirror which she typically carries down to the ring for Alexandra Parker, and she slams it into Shannon’s face.]

Sandra: "And another cheapshot from the Sisterhood, I tell you, can those women ever get the advantage on their own?!?"

Garry: "Hey, alls fair in love and war, I saw Shannon using some closed fists there, during the fight! Sabrina has had enough though, come on referee, keep her in her corner!"

Sandra: "Sabrina goes towards Vanity, and knocks her out of the ring with a well placed dropkick! The mirror has been dropped into a corner of the ring…"

Garry: "Laura has regained her bearings, and an elbowdrop from the top rope onto Shannon should put her away!"

[Tiffany Lane sees Sabrina in the ring, and, pushing aside the hapless referee, she storms over to her, and goes to slap her across the face. Sabrina blocks the fist, however, and retaliates, punching Tiffany with fervour, driving her back into the corner. Laura Parker went for a pin attempt, but Shannon kicked out as well, and Laura hauls the Professor to her feet, and whips her into the opposite turnbuckle.]

Sandra: "All hell is breaking loose here!"

Garry: "Those damn shoppers, get the legal woman back into the ring! Sabrina grabs Tiffany, and throws her out of the corner, and she lands right on that mirror…hey, that is a foreign object, disqualify her!"

Sandra: "This is getting hard to keep track of…"

[Sabrina mounts the top rope, and waves to all of her cheering fans, as Laura Parker dashes at Shannon, doing a series of cartwheels and flips on her way over. Sabrina jumps off of the top rope, and does a corkscrew splash down onto Tiffany’s splayed form just as Laura strikes Shannon in the chest with her 2 footed finishing manuever. Shannon goes down, and both Laura and Sabrina go for the cover. The referee glances at both of them, gets down onto the mat, and counts in synchronistic action.]

Crowd: "1….2…..3!!!"

Ding Ding Ding

Garry: "I don’t believe it! A synchronistic pin! And look at the two women that are left!"

Sandra: "This could get ugly….Laura Parker and Sabrina Perizi are NOT the best of friends here!"

[Laura Parker and Sabrina Perizi both get to their feet, and glare at one another as the announcer enters the ring with both of the tag belts. One is handed to Laura, and the other is handed to Sabrina.]

Garry: "What?!? This just can’t be, what the hell are the two of them going to do with the other as a partner? I wouldn’t want to be working with that Sabrina fool, that’s for sure!"

Sandra: "Things are going to get rather interesting in the tag division, that is for sure!"

[Contraire to popular belief, however, Laura does not attack Sabrina…in fact, she just exits the ring, and talks to Willie, most likely too stunned at the moment to do anything. Sabrina helps Shannon to her feet inside of the ring, and she appears stunned as well.]

Garry: "Well folks, that was one steller match…but we have the main event coming your way here in but a second!"

[Fade to a promotional piece on the events leading up to this three way match between Evonne Carmikel, Yvette Malreaux, and Lisa Dream.]

Winner: Laura Parker and Sabrina Perizi.





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