Brandi Lynn
Texas Death Match

Sandra: "Now, it's time for the next chapter in a two year old feud with Callisto and Brandi Lynn."

Garry: "What does ancient history mean to me?"

Sandra: "Geez, Garry. Shut up and listen a minute. If you'd done your research on these two, you'd know that this feud has everything from breaking and entering to horse theft."

Garry: "I didn't think it was worth my time. I still don't."

Sandra: Well, do you think you could give everyone a brief summary of the rules."

Garry: "Yeah, sure. Well, basically there aren't many. A Texas Death Match continues until one or both wrestlers can't physically compete anymore. After all pins and submissions, the referee will give a mandatory ten count. If the wrestler can't make it up in that time, the match is over. If she can, the match continues. The whole fact that falls can count anywhere makes this match pretty dangerous."

Sandra: "Who do you think has the advantage in this thing?"

Garry: "Well, I hear that this is the specialty of Brandi Lynn. But, you just can't count out Callisto. I think the Body Shop Enforcer has the edge in cruelty and that means she should win this match."

Sandra: "Well, thank you very much for that run down."

Garry: "Just doing my job, Sandra."

Sandra: "Trying to turn over a new leaf are you?"

[Garry's comment is interrupted as the announcer speaks.]

Announcer: Ladies and Gentleman….the next match is a TEXAS DEATH MATCH!!!!"

[Crowd yells as the lights flicker down at the sound of a rattlesnake rattling. The music, 'Bad Company', by Bad Company begins to play. The spotlight strikes the announcer in the middle of the ring. After a moment the symbol 'A8' fades into view in the spotlight.]

Announcer: "Introducing first, from Whiskey Flats Texas…..BRANDI LYNN!!!!!!"

[Loud crowd response as a spotlight hits the entryway. After a moment, Brandi comes out. She is wearing a black duster over her wrestling suit. She has chosen black jeans, with knee pads, a black two piece sports top, and black wrestling boots. In her hand, she has a can of Bud Lite. She takes a large drink and then shakes it up and sprays it on the fans down the aisle way.]

Garry: "Good gosh, look at her!!! Wasting good beer like that."

Sandra: "Looks like she has some of the fans in a frenzy though."

Garry: "I'd be mad too if somebody spilled beer all over me."

[Brandi leaps over the ropes and into the ring. She moves to one corner and leans on the turnbuckle glaring at the entryway waiting for her opponent.]

Sandra: "Brandi does not look to be in a good mood tonight. I don't think I've seen hatred like she and Callisto have for each other."

Garry: "Oh really. I thought that was just a natural reaction everyone has for a Body Shopper."

(Sandra elbows Garry in the ribs...)

Garry: "OWWWW!! Whatcha do that for??"

Sandra: "Just my natural reaction toward you, Garry."

[The lights fade out for a brief second and the crowd is immersed in total darkness. Suddenly, a loud burst of fireworks erupt from the front of the entryway. The lights slowly fade back on as 'Enter the Sandman' by Metallica starts playing over the loudspeakers.]

Garry: "What's this? This isn't the old Callisto's music."

Sandra: "Maybe not. But it is for the New Callisto... Look at this..."

[The crowd goes wild as a spotlight spans the thousands that are in attendance. Suddenly it comes to rest on a tall muscled up brunette slowly making her way through a mob of fans toward the ring area. She wears a long black trench coat, black sports bra, cut off jean shorts, and Dark Sunglasses. Leaping over the Guard rail, she briefly locks eyes with Brandi in a staredown for a second. Then she reaches in her coat pocket and takes out her pack of Marlboro's. Lighting the cigarette, she inhales deeply and blows out a large cloud of smoke in brandi's direction.]

Garry: "I can't believe this. Callisto hated the crowd when she was in the Corporation. Now she's out there in the audience holding hands with them before she enters the ring. That no good Shop has done Brainwashed her, I tell ya."

Sandra: "No. She's just finally learned some respect for the fans, Garry. Maybe entering the ring via the crowd route is part of her path to redemption."

Garry: "Redemption? What does she have to do that for. She was just fine the way she was. Doesn't she have any bad Corporate habits left?"

[Overhearing Gary's last comment, Callisto looks at him for a second and gives him a 'wicked smile'. Then she winks at him briefly before taking another puff on her cigarette.]

Garry (blushing): "You see her wink at me? I think she likes me..."

Sandra (Rolling her eyes): "Oh Puh-Lease."

[Callisto takes a few more puffs on her cigarette outside the ring. Then dropping it on the floor she puts it out with a stomp of her boot as she enters the ring. Once inside both she and Brandi continue to glare at each other in a staredown...]

!! [Ding] !! [Ding] !! [Ding] !!

Sandra: "There's the bell, here we go. The two girls walk up to each other….it's a staredown!"

Garry: "Great….just what we need to see. The two of 'em looking at each other…what action. I can't believe this turkey is a pay per view event."

Sandra: "Uh oh, Brandi must've said something because Callisto just pushed her back hard…now we've got it going!!"

[The two fighters start raining right hands at each other.]

Sandra: "It's already started as a slugfest!!! Callisto kicks Brandi in the belly and begins to take the early advantage…She backs Brandi in the corner whips her to the other corner….No!!!….REVERSAL!!!

[Callisto's back hits the corner hard as Brandi catches her with a lariat.]

Sandra: "Callisto is down!! Brandi goes for an elbow…MISSED!!….Both get up….Callisto knocks the Texan down with a clothesline!!!"

Garry: "Pretty quick action by the two, but now Callisto has things going her way."

Sandra: You're right. She picks up Brandi by the hair and goes behind and puts her in a hammerlock!!"

Garry: "Pretty tame move, considering the match."

Sandra: "Callisto forces Brandi to the corner and slams her head into the turnbuckle"

Garry: "Oh."

Sandra: "She slams Brandi's head into the turnbuckle four…five….six….seven…OH!!"

[Brandi kicks her right leg back and catches Callisto between the legs.]

Garry: "I didn't think Texans were that smart."

Sandra: "Both girls are feeling the effect of that last exchange, but Callisto has recovered first and lays a forearm smash right in the chops!!! Irish whip to the turnbuckles. "

Garry: "Doesn't look like it's gonna be Brandi's day."

Sandra: "The pace is definitely favoring Callisto. She comes up to the cornered Brandi…knee to the belly!! She moves Brandi to the ropes irish whip….reversal…NO!!! ….


Garry: "That came out of left field!"

Sandra: "It may have turned the tide early in this match, though. Callisto is getting up….KNEELIFT by the TEXAN!!"

[Callisto falls backwards as Brandi almost looses her balance with the knee lift.]

Sandra: "Brandi's been beaten pretty bad, but now she has the match in control. She reaches down and plucks the fallen Callisto and whips her to the ropes ….oh!!!


[Brandi preparing for a back drop a little early as Callisto stops and performs the move.]

Garry: "She showed her hand a little early there."

Sandra: "Callisto goes for a quick cover….Two count only."

Garry: "I think Callisto forgot the point of the match. It's not to win falls, but to totally incapacitate your opponent."

Sandra: "Incapacitate?"

Garry: "It means …."

Sandra: "I know what it means, I'm just surprised you do. Back to the action, Callisto has just picked up the Texan by her hair and ….OHHH!!!!…..She just poked Brandi in the eyes!!"

Garry: "Sound strategy, you can't hit what you can't see."

Sandra: "Callisto hits the rope and levels Brandi with a clothesline!! Now, she's pointing to the ropes!!"

Garry: "Uh oh, I don't know if the Texan is hurt that bad….and she's taking her sweet time, hurry damn it!!"

Sandra: "So much for unbiased commentary…Callisto perches on the top rope…."



[Callisto hits the prone Texan with an elbow from the top rope. She covers Brandi after a moment of minor celebrating.]

Sandra: "Well, that's gonna be the first fall….






Garry: "That may be a tactical error by the Texan. Falls don't mean anything…Take the pin and get some rest. Now, Callisto just can keep beating on her."

Sandra: "Callisto looks surprised that Brandi kicked out of that one. She shrugs and pulls the Texan to her feet….backs her into the ropes…..Irish whip….kick to the belly….



Garry: "Now, Callisto is strutting around the ring….she's signaling something."

Sandra: "I think Callisto is going for her patented StoneCutter."

Garry: "Say bye bye to the hick."

Sandra: "She picks Brandi up and turns around…Whoa…Brandi slipped it!!!! She grabs Callisto by the head in a reverse headlock….."



[The crowd erupts as Brandi catches Callisto with a Reverse DDT and drives her head down into the mat.]


Garry: "NO WAY!!!"

Sandra: "Both girls are down…The Ref doesn't know what to do….so he begins to count both girls out. He's at six as Brandi is moving…she puts her arm slowly on top of Callisto….."


Garry: "Neither one of these girls are thinking at all!! Take the pin….take the break and then come out fighting."

Sandra: "Brandi gets up and picks up Callisto and backs her to the ropes….She Clotheslines Callisto over the top rope!!!"

Garry: "Get up, Callisto!!"

Sandra: "Callisto landed awkwardly. Her back hit the edge of the mat"

Garry: "She may have, there's one beside her. Good thing the redneck is out of shape too. She's leaning against the ropes breathing heavily. That's what you get for being an alcoholic!!"

Sandra: "Looks like she's responding, Brandi moves to the corner…she's climbing the turnbuckles!!"

Garry: "Thank goodness, Callisto finally looks to be rising…look out, Callisto!!"

Sandra; "Brandi is set at the top…she leaps down…



[As Brandi leaps, Callisto punches Brandi in the guts as she comes down. Brandi is bent over in pain.]

Sandra: "Callisto grabs an umbrella from a spectator and smashes it across Brandi's back!!"

Garry: "Ah yes, the other use for an umbrella."

Sandra: "Callisto grabs her in a front headlock….



Sandra: "Callisto covers her... She hooks the leg...



Garry: "The umbrella across Brandi's back was pure genius."


Sandra: "It may have ended the match. Brandi probably has some broken ribs."

Garry: "Looks like Callisto doesn't want this to end just yet anyway. She's got an angry look on her face as she moves toward the wounded Texan."

Sandra: "She didn't even let the ref count to ten. She takes the Texan by the hair and drags her up. Now she's leading her over here!!"

Garry: "Uh, Callisto, no offense, but I can see just fine without you coming over here."

Sandra: "She slams Brandi's head into the table."

Garry: "Looks like she wants the house mic."

Sandra: "Give it to her!!!"

Callisto: "Having fun yet, Brandi? How's that quest for Revenge going? Not so good, is it? That's too, bad... Oh, well... Hope you 'Enjoy the Pain'!!"

Sandra: "Now she turns her attention to Brandi. Callisto grabs the kneeling Brandi by the hair…she is raining punches on top of her forehead!!!"

Garry: "She's trying to cut the hick wide open!!! Uh oh, I see some blood."

Sandra: "Yeah, Callisto has drawn first blood here. Satisfied, she picks Brandi up and points to the steel steps….Irish Whip…REVERSAL!!!"

[Callisto is thrown at the steel steps. She hits the steps with her knees sending her somersaulting on her back.]

Garry: "Callisto hit those steps awkwardly!! She's holding her knee writhing in pain."

Sandra: "But, Brandi isn't in any condition to follow up the attack. She is on her knees, arms on the ring apron. Callisto is sitting up now but still holding her left knee."

Garry: "Callisto is showing some inner strength here. She's going to fight through it all and beat the living crud out Ms. White Trash there."

Sandra: "I think Brandi is showing something here. She's been on the receiving end most of this match and now she's trying to get to her feet."

Garry: "She probably is more comfortable on her knees."

Sandra: "GARRY!!"

Garry: "What?"

Sandra: "Geez, Callisto is up and is making her way unsteadily to Brandi. She grabs Brandi by the hair…OUCH!!! Low Blow, by the Texan!!!"

Garry: "What a cheater."

Sanrdra: "Whatever. Callisto is doubled over in front of Brandi, who just now has finally found her feet. Brandi climbs to the apron….



Garry: "Ouch, that's gotta hurt The sand is softer than concrete, but it ain't that soft."

Sandra: "The three count's just a formality now….but, Brandi isn't covering her. She's coming over here."

Garry: "Great, she smells bad enough from far away."

Sandra: "Garry wants to tell you something, Brandi."

Garry: "Uh, you're looking good out there, Brandi."

Sandra: "Oh, here's the mic, Brandi."

Brandi: "Now, you folks are gonna see what we do to horse thieves back home!!!!"

Sandra: "She's going to the apron and lifting it up. She's reaching for something…what is it?"

Garry: "It's a rope!! Who put a rope under there?"

Sandra: "Well, it doesn't matter, Brandi's taking it to Callisto who has just now got herself into a sitting position…she's not going to do what I think she's going to do, is she?"

[Brandi stomps Callisto twice and then slips the rope around her throat. She uses the rope and a handful of hair to pull Callisto to her feet where she slams Callisto's face into the apron.]

Garry: "Uh, it looks like we may be about to witness a good old fashioned lynching."

Sandra: "Brandi slides underneath the ropes and loops the rope around Callisto's neck over the top cable. Yep, she pulls it taut!!"

Garry: "I guess you may call this a 'Hangman'?"

Sandra: "Callisto is off her feet struggling desperately with the rope around her neck as Brandi pull it as hard as she can!!"

Garry: "Someone needs to tell her that you don't have to actually kill somebody in a Texas Death Match!"

Sandra: "Thank heavens, Brandi finally released it. Callisto crumples to the arena floor gasping for air."

Garry: "Somebody may have to call 9-1-1 before this thing is over."

Sandra: "You may be right….Brandi pulls the rope from around Callisto's neck and…now what's she doing?"

Garry: "She's wrapping the loop on the bottom of the turnbuckle pole."

Sandra: "What…she's wrapping the other end against a barricade….What is on her mind?"

[Brandi tests the rope to make sure it's tight before going over to Callisto.]

Sandra: "She picks Callisto up and gives her a couple of punches to her forehead….she's setting her up for…


Garry: "Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase clothesline."

Sandra: "Good thing Callisto got an arm up, or any chance of her having a singing career could've been ended right there. As it is, she's in a bad way as Brandi is slowly making her way to her. The ref, thank goodness, has taken down Brandi's rope."

Garry: A little late, it's already caused too much damage."

Sandra: "Brandi grabs Callisto's legs, Callisto is trying to fight it but she's hurt too bad…



Garry: "Give up, Callisto!! Falls don't mean anything!!"

Sandra: "But, does that mean Brandi will release her?"

Garry: "She's got to!"

Sandra: "It looks like Callisto did just give up!! But, Brandi is keeping the hold on. Look at her face!! Even with blood dripping down it, she has a look of satisfaction and hate, all in one."

Garry: "I can tell you what Callisto's face looks like…Pain!!!"

Sandra: "The referee is telling Brandi to release the hold, but Brandi is shaking her head!! He can't disqualify her, it's a no DQ match!! Finally, the ref shoves Brandi away from Callisto breaking the hold!"

Garry: "About time that sorry stripe shirt did his job."

Sandra: "Brandi is glaring at the ref now. Doesn't look like she appreciated being manhandled."

Garry: "It seems to me that she would…"

Sandra: "Don't even say it!!"

Garry: "What?"

Sandra: "Looks like Lynn is going to go back to work on Callisto's legs. She stomps Callisto's left leg twice. Now, she grabs both of them…maybe the Texas Cloverleaf again!!"

Garry: "She's trying to break Callisto's legs!!! She is a mean ol' Texan!!"

Sandra: "She's got it hooked now all she has to do is turn it…



Garry: "Beautiful counter!!"

Sandra: "Lynn is blinded as she drops Callisto's legs. Brandi is leaning against the ring trying to get the sand out of her eyes as Callisto is crawling away!!"

Garry: "Looks like Callisto is trying to regroup herself."

Sandra: "Brandi looks like she can see now as she looks for Callisto with rage in her eyes!!"

Garry: (chuckling) "Nah, just sand in her eyes."

Sandra: "Callisto is leaning against the barricade trying to get the feeling back in her leg as Brandi comes at her. Callisto is motioning for something…she has a LAWN CHAIR…she smashes it over Brandi's head!!!"

Garry: "Uh, I don't think that's gonna do much there Callisto."

Sandra: "All Callisto has is the frame of the chair…she hit Brandi with the mesh!!! Brandi has a sick grin on her face as she winds up to punch Callisto's lights out…

OH MY!!!!

Garry: "Smart move by Callisto, she hit the Texan with the steel frame of the chair!!!"

Sandra: "That got Lynn right in the side…she's hurt. Callisto slams Brandi's head against the barricade twice and then watches Brandi fall in a heap. The tables are turned again!!"

Garry: "Callisto is definitely gonna mess up Texas right now!!"

Sandra: "She picks Lynn up by the hair and throws her over the barricade. Callisto slowly follows her up. That knee is still hurting. She picks up the Texan again…right to the face knocks down Lynn!!! Now Callisto is going for a body slam….uh oh!!!"

Garry: "Yep, her knee couldn't handle it and they both go down…Brandi may have a pin!!


Sandra: "Callisto just kicks out. She rolls the Texan off of her."

Garry: "Lynn's just so much dead weight now…not like that's a big surprise."

Sandra: "Brandi has been stunned, but she's awake now as Callisto puts a claw to her stomach!!"

Garry: "Oh!!! Genius, pure genius. She hurt the stomach earlier now she's gonna really punish it."

Sandra: "Brandi catches Callisto with an eye rake!!"

Garry: "That's Callisto's move she can't copy that!!"

Sandra: "She did and it's effective enough as Callisto releases her!! Brandi gets up unsteadily to her does Callisto…Brandi comes behind Callisto…



[Brandi grabs Callisto from behind with a sleeper hold. She jumps on Callisto's back trying to bring down Masters.]

Sandra: "This could be it…Brandi is almost piggyback on top of Callisto trying to knock Callisto out! Callisto's knee probably can't hold on much longer…it doesn't Callisto goes backward…flinging Brandi into the steel barricade!!!"

Garry: "Sometimes the best moves are accidental. Brandi's out!!"

Sandra: "You may be right, she probably hit her head against the fence. Callisto is slowly getting up. She tests that left leg…she grabs Brandi by the hair. Looks like she's going for a suplex…NO!!



Garry: "That's a beautiful sight. Brandi is balanced on the steel rail…this match is over!!"

Sandra: "Callisto knocks her back over towards the ring with an uppercut. I think Brandi may be out now. Now, she follows her out. She grabs her by the hair and slams her head against the barricade one time…now she's climbing the barricade herself and is perched on top of it…



[Callisto unsteadily balances on top of the guardrail and puts Brandi's head in a front chancellery and then spins and drops to her back beside the ring driving Brandi's head into the sand.]

Sandra: "There's the cover…


Garry: "Callisto gets the fall!!!"

Sandra: "And Brandi looks to be out of it. She's not moving down there on the sand."

Garry: "The ref is counting Brandi out. If he reaches Ten Cally wins the match."

Sandra: "This is the first fall we've actually had a count. Neither wrestler allowed it in the first two falls. Brandi's moving. She's trying to get to a knee. The refs at



Garry: "Darn it! Brandi grabbed the railing and pulls herself to her feet at the count of eight. That had to be the slowest ten count I've ever seen."

Sandra: "It doesn't matter. Brandi made it to her feet in time and this match continues."

Garry: "She's not on her feet for long."

Sandra: "Callisto hits her with a Football Spear Tackle!! She rams her back first into the steel fence."

Garry: "These girls are going to break every bone in their bodies before the night is through."

Sandra: "And you thought this would be a boring match."

Garry: "I stand corrected."

Sandra: "Callisto is back to her feet and she starts kicking Brandi in the gut."

Garry: "She's stomping a mudhole in the Texan. Brandi can't take much more punishment like this."

Sandra: "I agree. Brandi's stomach was hurt earlier and those Big Boots from Callisto isn't helping matters too much."

Garry: "Brandi covers up trying to protect those ribs. All that's doing is making Callisto angry."

Sandra: "Callisto leaps up in the air and comes down with a Fist Drop to Brandi's forehead."

Garry: "That opened up that cut again. Brandi's bleeding worse than she was before."

Sandra: "Cally's definitely smelling blood here. She's got Brandi by the hair and throws her face first into the steel fence."

Garry: "She could probably pin her again and end the match but it looks like Callisto has other plans as she drags Brandi up again by the hair."

Sandra: "Irish whip into the Steel steps. Brandi hit her back pretty hard there."

Garry: "She's feeling it to. She's got a painful look as she arches her back up in pain."

Sandra: "Callisto grabs Brandi by the hair and throws her into the ring. She climbs the ropes and quickly follows in after her."

Garry: "You mean there actually going back to the ring. They've been fighting on the outside for most of the match."

Sandra: "I think Cally's back in there for a purpose. She rakes Brandi across the back and then throws her into the turnbuckle."

Garry: "She's setting her up in the corner. Brandi looks out of it as Callisto backs up to the middle of the ring. This could only mean one thing...



[From the center of the ring Callisto gets a running start and leaps high into the air. She dives chest first splashing into Brandi who's trapped in the corner trying to catch her breath.]

Sandra: "Beautiful move by the Shop Enforcer. That had to drive the air out of Brandi's lungs."

Garry: "Her leg didn't look too hurt with that move as she leaped high into the air. But it don't look like she's finished yet. She's gonna try that move again."

Sandra: "Callisto backs her way to the center of the ring. Mad dash to the corner by the Shop Enforcer. Again she leaps in the air..."



Garry: "That's it for the Texan. Say goodnight. This one's over."

Sandra: "Callisto smiles that wicked smile of hers as she pushes Brandi out of the corner. The Texan falls flat on her face."

Garry: "Callisto rolls her over. She knows she's got this won as she leans back on Brandi for the pin."

Sandra: "A little non challant cover there. The ref counts...

<1>....<2>....<3... NO!!!"

Garry: "She kicked out!! I can't believe she kicked out!!"

Sandra: "And neither can Callisto. She makes Brandi pay with more boots to the stomach. Now she drags her back to the corner."

Garry: "She fires more rights to Brandi's forehead as she places her in the corner. She's going to try for a third Warrior Splash."

Sandra: "Callisto hoping that the third time is the charm to put away the Texan. She sprints full speed toward the corner. Callisto leaps..."



Garry: "Brandi moved and Callisto hit nothing but the turnbuckle. Cally looks hurt."

Sandra: "Callisto paid going for the same move one too many times. But both girls are down. Which one will rise to her feet first."

Garry: "It's Callisto. She looks like the wind is knocked out of her but she walks toward Brandi."

Sandra: "She grabs Brandi by the hair... But Brandi fires back with a left to the midsection. Another left has Callisto gasping for air."

Garry: "Oh, no. The Texan's caught her second win. She's making a comeback."

Sandra: "She's back up and wailing away with huge rights and lefts on the Shop Enforcer."

Garry: "Callisto staggers but she's still on her feet. That Big Brunette just won't go down."


Sandra: "She does now...



[Brandi hits a stunned Callisto with a kick to the gut doubling her over. She bounces back into the ropes for added momentum. Then springing back she catches Callisto in a Side Headlock and BullDogs her face first into the mat.]

Garry: "What a turnaround. Cally is in a lot of trouble. She needs to find a way to buy some time as that mean ol' Texan is firing on all cylinders."

Sandra: "Brandi follows up the Bulldog by grabbing Callisto by the leg. She's locking her up for a submission...




Garry: "She's got it locked on tight. Brandi's really working on that leg. Probably trying to limit some of Callisto's power moves."

Sandra: "Either that or she might be trying to break her leg. Callisto used to be called the Crippler back when she was in the Corporation. Brandi might be giving her a taste of her own medicine."

Garry: "I still don't know why these two just don't tap out. The Fall won't count but Callisto just won't give in to Brandi Lynn."

Sandra: "I don't think her pride will let her. She's reaching desperately for the ropes, though. She stretches out and grabs ahold of it."

Garry: "So what. Brandi doesn't have to break the hold. This match is No DQ. She can keep it on as long as she wants."

Sandra: "Brandi finally lets go of the hold and hops back to her feet. She's stomping away at Callisto's wounded leg."

Garry: "Callisto's rolling on the mat clutching her knee. She's in a lot of pain there. Smart move by Cally. She rolls out of the ring trying to buy some time."

Sandra: "She won't get much time. Because the Texan is right on her trail. Brandi climbs the turnbuckle as Callisto struggles to a knee on the outside."

Garry: "Callisto's up. Brandi leaps off the turnbuckle...



[Brandi leaps off the turnbuckle and catches Callisto by the head. With her momentum and her weight behind her she drives Callisto Face First into the sand.]

Sandra: "Good lord what a move. Brandi could probably pin Cally but she's not through with her yet."

Garry: "Brandi's got a sly grin on her face as she throws Callisto into the steel Barricade. Gosh that things been used a lot tonight."

Sandra: "Brandi's got something else she's wanting to use. She's just grabbed a table out from under the ring. She's setting it up."

Garry: "This don't look good for the Shop Enforcer. I don't like that look in Brandi's eye."

Sandra: "She's grabbed Callisto and lays her on the table. Now she slides back into the ring."

Garry: "And she's climbing the ropes again. Callisto better get off that table quick."

Sandra: "Brandi perches on the top rope and points at Callisto's lifeless body lying on the table. She leaps high into the air..."



[The crowd gasps and erupts as Brandi leaps high in the air. Brandi crashes ontop of Callisto sending them both through the table.]

Garry: "Good Lord!! That table shattered!! She broke Cally in half!!"

Sandra: "Brandi had to feel some of that too. But Callisto got the worst of it. Brandi lies ontop of Cally in that wreckage below. The ref is making the count...


Garry: "That's two falls a piece now. I don't know if Callisto can make it back to her feet after going through that table. This match should be over."

Sandra: "Brandi looks on as Callisto starts to move under that pile of rubble."

Garry: "The ref's at six, seven... Cally's to her knee's. She staggers..."

Sandra: "She's back up. I don't know how but she managed to get back to her feet. What a show of Heart by Callisto."

Garry: "Just plain stubborness if you ask me. Will this match ever end?"

Sandra: "Callisto's not on her feet long, though. Brandi charges and almost 360's her with a clothesline. Callisto's down and takes advantage of the situation by stomping away at her knee."

Garry: "That knee is hurting the Shop Enforcer. She'll be lucky just to walk again after this match."

Sandra: "Now Brandi kneels down over Callisto and begins hammering fists into her head."

Garry: "She's trying to return the favor and bust the Body Shopper open."

Sandra: "I see blood on Callisto's face. She's been cut open over her left eye. Both women have been busted open in this match."

Garry: "Brandi looks satisfeid with her handiwork. She leaves Callisto lying in the sand and walks over to a nearby fan. The fan hands her a beer. This is an odd time to drink a cold one, don't you think?"

Sandra: "I don't think that's what Brandi has in mind. Callisto struggles to her knees as Brandi's shaking up that beer. She pops the top...



Garry: "Talk about putting a tear in your Beer. Brandi just rubbed a little alcohol to that wound as she threw beer in Callisto's face. That's the second week in a row that's happened."

Sandra: "And Callisto is in a rage. Brandi throws a right but it's blocked by Callisto. A right by Callisto staggers the Texan. Another right by the Shop Enforcer makes Brandi see stars."

Garry: "Callisto charges with a clothesline but Brandi ducks... A backdrop by the Texan puts a halt to Cally's comeback."

Sandra: "Brandi stomps away with boots to the forehead further opening that cut."

Garry: "Callisto's bleeding badly. This match might have to be stopped before these two go too far."

Sandra: "With these two going at it, I'm not sure anybody could stop it if they wanted to. Brandi throws Callisto head first into the corner turnpost."

Garry: "Cally struggles to get to her feet. Both girls look a little winded at this stage in the match."

Sandra: "Brandi grabs Callisto by the hair. She looks like she's leading her someplace. Don't know where she's headed. But she slams Cally's head into the steel Guradrail along the way."

Garry: "Brandi giving Cally a guided tour of the scenery here at Panama Beach. She shows her the scorers table as she slams Callisto's head into it."

Sandra: "They're headed away from the ring now. There's one of the many vendors along the beach at this event. Looks like he's selling 'BRA' hats and T-shirts."

Garry: "He's not anymore...


[Brandi picks up Callisto over her shoulder as she nears a wooden stand on the beach. The Vendor scurries to safety as Brandi Power Slams Callisto through the Vendor stand.]

Sandra: "Oh!! That had to hurt!!"

Garry: "Brandi could get a pin here anytime. But she's not through looking at the scenery."

Sandra: "There's a Volleyball net."

Garry: "Odd time for a Volleyball match... OHHH!!!"

Sandra: "Brandi throws Callisto into the net. Like a rubberband she rebounds off of it. Huge Lariat almost takes her head off."

Garry: "Brandi's not through with the net as she throws it on top of Callisto. Cally struggles but she's tangled up in the net."

Sandra: "Callisto is totally at the Texan's mercy. Brandi hammers at Callisto's bleeding forehead with a couple of kneedrops."

Garry: "Brandi back on top raining down fists again. Callisto can't defend herself either trapped inside the net."

Sandra: "This is getting way out of hand. Brandi grabs Callisto net and all and brings her to her feet. What is she gonna do next?"

Garry: "Looks like she wants to tour the ocean. She's heading for the water."

Sandra: "Brandi dragging Callisto toward the water. This don't look good for the Shop Enforcer. She's in a bad position here."

Garry: "Wait a second... Brandi stops in her tracks as she sees a lady with a surfboard walking toward them."

Sandra: "Brandi stops the woman and rips that Surfboard out of her hands. Meanwhile Callisto is still trying to free herself from the Volleyball net. She's free... Oh my..."



Garry: "Aimee Morgan eat your heart out. Brandi just smashed that Surfboard over the head of Callisto!! She smashed the board half into!!"

Sandra: "And Callisto drops like a rock into the sand. Brandi drops down for a pin. The Referee counts...


Garry: "And Brandi gets her third fall there. That's got to be it. Callisto's been knocked out from the Surfboard."

Sandra: "Brandi backs away as the ref starts his ten count. Meanwhile an irate surfer pleads her case to the Texan. Brandi just gives her a scowl and coming to her senses the woman backs away."

Garry: "The refs at five, six... Cally's moving."

Sandra: "Seven, eight... she better hurry....Nine..."

Garry: "Callisto's up!! She just barely got up before the ref reached ten."

Sandra: "And the Texan takes her back down again with a Football Spear tackle. Brandi rains more fists down on Cally's head."

Garry: "Brandi in full control here. She's dragging Cally by the hair toward the water. Looks like they're going for a swim."

Sandra: "This is well out of hand. Somebody needs to stop this thing now before they kill each other. Both Brandi and Callisto are now waist deep in water."

Garry: "The ref should do something. But he's not following them in. I don't think he knows how to swim."

Sandra: "Oh, my. Brandi ducks Callisto's head under the water. That Texan's going to drown the Shop Enforcer."

Garry: "I told you they were taking this Death match thing a little too seriously."

Sandra: "Brandi brings Cally up out of the water and she gasps a deep breath. Brandi's asking her something."

Garry: "I think the Texan is telling her to give in. But Callisto is shaking her head No. Bad mistake. Brandi ducks her head back under the water again."

Sandra: "Callisto's struggling hard. But Brandi's not letting her up."

Garry: "Brandi has a determined look on her face. She's going to end this match right here and now."

Sandra: "Callisto's struggling less. Her strength looks to be fading. She's stopped struggling."

Garry: "Brandi realizes that something may be wrong here and brings Cally up out of the water. S0he may have held Cally under there a little too long."

Sandra: "Brandi has a concerned look on her face. I know she hates Callisto but I don't think she hates her bad enough to... Look out!!!"

Garry: "Callisto was just playing opossum. A huge right by the big brunette stuns Brandi."

Sandra: "Cally reaches both hands around Brandi's neck choking her. Now she holds Brandi under the water. The Texan's kicking for her life."

Garry: "Callisto with a satisfied look on her face as she gives the Texan some of her own medicine. Brandi's kicking less and less now. She can't have much air left in those lungs."

[For several more seconds the Texan kicks the water struggling with Callisto as she holds her under the water. The fight slowly goes out of her though and finally Callisto brings her back up.]

Sandra: "Callisto thinks Brandi's had enough as she brings her back up out of the water. Brandi gasps for air hard. Callisto grabs her by the hair and drags her back to shore."

Garry: "It's a wonder those two didn't drown each other. Both ladies are drenched, though, and are all wet."

Sandra: "Callisto's back in control now as she lays a boot in the stomach. She clenches Brandi in a Headlock and drives her into the sand with a



Garry: "Brandi in a bad way now as she's on all fours gasping for air."

Sandra: "And Callisto takes advantage with a huge kick to the belly. Brandi rolls on the sand in obvious pain."

Garry: "Callisto won't let her regroup. She grabs her by the hair and brings her back to her feet. Looks like Cally wants to show Brandi a little tour of her own."

Sandra: "What's this?"

Vendor: "Get your Hotdogs. Get your Red Hot Hotdog's here."

Garry: "It's a Hotdog vendor. Cally don't have time for a snack."

[Dragging Brandi by the hair, Callisto walks past a line of fans waiting for refreshments at the Hotdog stand. The vendor looks at the two wet, bleeding and battered women in amazement. Then he asks...]

Vendor: "Anything I can get you ma'am."

Callisto: "Yes... I want a Texas Jumbo Chili Dog special."

Vendor: "Sorry Ma'am. We don't serve that type of Hot Dog here."

Callisto: "You do now!!"

Sandra: "Oh my lord...


[Pinning Brandi's Head between her legs, Callisto grabs Brandi by the waist and lifts her high up over her head. With tremendous strength and impact Callisto throws Brandi back first through the booth.]

Garry: "Callisto's just invented a new snack. She's got her a Brandi Dog."

Sandra: "Cally adding insult to injury. Brandi's lying in ketchup, Hot Chili, Mustard sauce. Goodness, she's a mess."

Garry: "Callisto could get a pin here. Instead she's bumming a cigarette from a nearby fan. Gee that's a nasty habit. She's picking an odd time for a smoke break."

Sandra: "The fan gives her a light and she's puffing heavily. She drops down beside the downed Texan. Now what she's doing..."

Garry: "She's got a 'Wicked Smile' on her face. She eye's Brandi's stomach. Oh my...



Sandra: "Callisto just burned Brandi with that cigarette she bummed from a fan. That was uncalled for."

Garry: "A lot's been uncalled for in this match. Callisto throws the cigarette away. I think she's going for a submission hold...


Sandra: "Callisto's got it locked on and she's Wrenching back that arm of the Texan. Brandi's screaming out in pain."

Garry: "That was the move Callisto once broke a girls arm with. She's trying to do the same to the Texan."

Sandra: "To Brandi's credit she's not tapping out despite being in an incredible amount of pain."

Garry: "She's gonna have to give in whether she wants to or not. There's no way out of that move."

Sandra: "Brandi's kicking the ground with all her might. She's gonna tap out here... No she...



Garry: "Great counter by the Texan. She paid Cally back for that sand she threw in her eyes earlier."

Sandra: "Both girls down now as Cally wipes the sand from her eyes. Brandi struggles to get to her feet."

Garry: "And Cally struggles to get to hers. Look out Cally. Brandi's up first."

Sandra: "A fired up Texan rocks Callisto with a right hand. A huge left staggers her back a few steps."

Garry: "She charges in... A Clothesline knocks Callisto back down to the sand."

Sandra: "Brandi back in control now as she grabs Callisto by the hair. She's threatening to pummel the life out of Cally as she brings her up."

Garry: "Brandi swings again... Misses. Callisto counters with a kick to the gut..."

Sandra: "That doubles Brandi over and Cally reaches behind and grabs her by the head...

!!!!! STONE-CUTTER !!!!!"


[The crowd erupts as Callisto plants her version of the Stonecold Stunner on Brandi bouncing her off her shoulder. Brandi falls lifeless to the sand.]

Garry: "That's Cally's patented finisher. This one's over. The fat Lady's singing."

Sandra: "But Cally isn't pinning her just yet. She's tapping that Big Black boot of hers."

Garry: "That's a loaded Boot. Cally wants a little insurance that the Texan stays down."

Sandra: "Callisto helps Brandi up a bit bringing her to a knee. Now she perches herself behind the Texan."

Garry: "Brandi looks out of it but she somehow manages to get to her feet. She turns around looking for Cally..."

Sandra: "She found her...



[The crowd let's out a huge heel pop as Brandi turns around and is met by a quick Thrust Kick to the chin. Callisto falls ontop of her for the pin.]

Garry: "Cally hooks the leg for the pin... The ref makes the count...


Sandra: "She's got it. We are all tied up at three falls apiece."

'One... Two...'

Garry: "It doesn't matter what the falls are. There is no way Brandi is going to get up after that. Go ahead and raise Callisto's hand. She's the winner."

'three... Four...'

Sandra: "Callisto's out there celebrating as she's bummed another cigarette from the crowd and is enjoying a smoke as the ref makes the ten count."

'Five... Six...'

Garry: "What's this. Brandi's moving. I can't believe she's still conscious after that."

'Seven... Eight...'

Sandra: "Brandi's starting to get to her feet as Callisto's still celebrating. She better move quick..."

'Nine... Te... No'

(Loud crowd pop)

Garry: "I can't believe it. This thing still ain't over yet. We're gonna miss our midnight flight."

Sandra: "Callisto still doesn't realize the match will continue. Brandi's walking over to Cally with an angry look on her face."

Garry: "Cally stop puffing on that cigarette and turn around. Brandi's behind you."

Sandra: "Brandi taps her on the shoulder. Callisto turns around in surprise."

Garry: "And she's decked by the Texan with a huge right hand. She knocked the cigarette out of her mouth. Callisto has demonstrated another hazard of smoking not listed by the Surgeon General."

Sandra: "Brandi is now over Callisto reaching for her hair…oooh!!! Callisto just slowed Brandi down with a very low knee!!"

Garry: "That knee was about three inches south of the equator if you know what I mean."

Sandra: "That blow has doubled up Brandi as she leans on the barricade rail trying to catch her breath. Callisto is crawling to her feet holding on for dear life to the apron. There seems to be desperation now in both their faces. They both stand toe to toe, trading punches with each other."

Garry: "Forty minutes later and we're back to the way we started off this match!"

Sandra: "It's a question of who wants it more!! Blow after blow and the crowd is getting into it…Callisto is getting the upper hand!!"

Garry: "The Texan is cowering along the railing of the barricade, this has got to be it!!"

Sandra: "Callisto slams Brandi's bleeding head once more into the barricade. The only thing keeping Brandi up is the steel railing of the barricade. She reaches and picks up the dazed Texan for what looks to be a body slam…OH MY GOSH!!!"

Garry: "Callisto's leg just gave out!!! The Texan lands on top of her!!!"

Sandra: "1::::::::::::::::2:::::::::::::::::3NO!!! Callisto just gets the shoulder up!!"

Garry: "That knocked the wind out of her though. Now both wrestlers are down and out. The ref has started counting!!"

Sandra: "I can't believe that he would even think of declaring a draw for this bout…he's at five!!"

Garry: "Look, Callisto's moving!!"

Sandra: "You're right!! Callisto is struggling to get to her feet…Now Brandi is rolling over to her stomach.”

Garry: "Hurry, Callisto!! Get up!!"

Sandra: "Callisto is to her knees…Brandi is almost all the way up now!!! Both ladies are up!! Callisto ducks a Lynn punch and counters with a left to Brandi's jaw!!"

Garry: "That dazed the Texan…Now this is where Callisto finishes the job!!"

Sandra: "Callisto grabs Brandi by the arm and..what's she doing, Garry?"

Garry: "Looks like she's going to send Lynn into the steel ring post!! Pure genius!!"

Sandra: "Irish whip into the post…



[Callisto hits the posts face first and the momentum knocks her backwards and Brandi puts her into a reverse headlock.]

B O O T H I L L ! ! ! ! ! !"

Garry: "Oh my gosh!!!"

Sandra: "Brandi covers her!!


Garry: "Get up, Callisto!!!"

Sandra: "The ref has started the ten count on Callisto..but, Brandi hasn't gotten up yet, either."

Garry: "Maybe we'll get that draw after all…stay down, Texan!!"

Sandra: "The ref's at five..Brandi is stirring!!"


Sandra: "Brandi is reaching for the apron!!"

Garry: "Stay down, dammit!!"


Sandra: "Brandi wobbles slowly to her feet!!!"


Sandra: "That's it!!!! Brandi has won this hellacious match!!!"


Announcer: Winner of the match....BRANDI LYNN!!!!







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