Jennifer Christian
Lil' Alexandra
Final match of the
Featherweight Tournament

(The scene opens at the outdoor BRA PPV. The ring is surrounded by a semi-circle of screaming fans. The throng is cheering and chanting, as the BRA combatants have once again put on a tremendous show. The setting is perfect, the waves lap up against the shore as another camera shot reveals the match announcers.)

Sandra: “Welcome back folks, well, it’s been over 4 weeks in the making, tonight we crown BRA’s first Featherweight Champion!”

Garry: “Yes, and just look at whose made it to this match. The Petite Marquise, the vision of loveliness and youth vs. the lunatic, The craziest wrestler in BRA, Lil Alexandra.”

Sandra: “It’s going to be crazy vs. courage”

Garry: “I wonder how Jennifer prepared for this match. Lil Alex is like no other opponent the young wrestler has faced. Jennifer has beat some great and well established wrestlers in her short career, but this is going to be something completely new to her.”

Sandra: “Nobody could prepare for Alex, she is completely unorthodox in her style and seemingly immune to pain. But she is human …I think.”

Garry: “Well, I know for a fact that nothing would please Cosmo McKinley more than a victory for the Dentonvale crew. Look for them to be at ring side, showing their”

Sandra: “Yeah, support. Don’t forget , that Jennifer is Yvette’s protégé and you can bet that the Sisterhood isn’t going to sit back and allow Cosmo to linger at ringside.”

(Lights begin to swirl on the beach as Ludwig von Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ belts out from the sound system. Little Alexandra appears from behind the curtain with a wild stare and ghoulish disposition. ‘Injected with a Poison’ by Praga Khan starts, the rapid rave song screaming out, setting the tone. She walks down the ramp with her bowler, tight white outfit, walking stick, white midriff shirt, exposing her abdomen, and suspenders going over her breasts, tightly, latching on her trousers. She descends the aisle smirking and giggling, swinging her walking stick through the air. She is like a woman possessed, furiously and maniacally prepared for the match at hand. As soon as Little Alexandra reaches the ring, she stops at the bottom of the stairs, and turns back to give the crowd a look of indifference. She then looks up, smirking to the camera. )

Garry: “That girl would makes Sybil look stable”

Sandra: “Yes, but there is no denying her abilities. She is one tough nut.”

( The spotlights move again as lights dim. Red and white pyrotechnics suddenly explode, and the Angeltron explodes into life. The first few bars of the French national anthem are heard, a testament to the wrestler’s guiding spirit and mentor. It then cuts out and “Fits Ya Good” by Bryan Adams belts loud out around the arena. At first, the initials “LPM” sing out bold on the screen, starting a chant of L..P..M!! around some of the arena. Images of La Petite Marquise applying the Croix de Guerre on Peggy Christian at French Kiss, Eden Starr in her first match, Veronica Millions as well as her great moments against Evonne blaze across the Angeltron. The curtain parts and Jennifer La Petite Marquise Christian sachet’s out dressed in the white S and M outfit modeled on the Marquise DeSades very own and a black Yvette Malreaux leather jacket. She looks every bit a sweet innocent little girl, despite carrying a pristine white riding crop with her. Jennifer hands the crop and jacket to an attendant before entering the ring.)

Sandra: “Hmmmm, no members of the Sisterhood came out with Jennifer, very interesting.”

Garry: “Bah, The Sisterhood knows that Jennifer can handle herself.”

( Inside the ring, Lil Alex cracks a devilish grin as Jennifer glares across at her. The little Marquise does some final stretches as the ref holds the new Featherweight belt high in the air. He turns, showing the belt to all 4 corners. After a moment, he hands the belt through the ropes and gives a nod towards Jennifer. She responds by nodding in return. The ref turns his head towards Alex, before he can see if she’s ready, the British lunatic charges across the ring.)

Garry: “Here we go!”


( The ref barely gets out of the way as Alex storms past him. Jennifer looks up in surprise as Alex comes barreling across the ring. LPM waits in her corner, seemingly startled over Alex’s mad dash. Suddenly Jennifer places her arms over the top rope and lifts her feet up, Alex slams into Jennifer’s boots and staggers back. Christian quickly jumps up to the second turnbuckle and leaps off, nailing Alex with a dropkick. The suspender clad nut is sent crashing to the mat as Jennifer quickly leaps up to her feet. Lil Alex immediately tries to rise, but Jennifer runs over and quickly grabs Alex by the arm, twisting it up behind her back in an armbar.)

Sandra: “Jennifer is on fire here! She is doing exactly was she needs to do, go right after Alex, deny her the chance to fight this match her way.”

Garry: “Her way? She has no way? She’s insane.”

( Alex slowly rises, grunting as Jennifer pulls on her arm. The tough blonde grits her teeth for a moment before kicking her leg backward. The crowd lets out a gasp as Jennifer squeals. The heel of Alex’s big boot slammed upwards, rising between the petite Marquise legs. As Jennifer turns and stumbles away, Alex quickly grabs her and places her in a side headlock. Without warning, Alex leaps up and backwards, falling to the mat. )

Garry: “DDT! Alex just planted Jennifer!”

( Jennifer’s head is driven face first into the mat. Alex rises to her feet and with a smile as the ref yells at her about the low blow.”

Alex: “Did I do that?”

( Alex suddenly starts kicking Jennifer in the stomach and chest, landing hard blows with her boots. Jennifer reacts immediately and tries to roll away, but Alex chases right after her. Jennifer rolls out of the ring, trying to get away.)

Sandra: “uh oh, not a good idea there. Alex loves to brawl , Jennifer needs to keep this match in the ring.”

(Alex almost seems excited as she climbs out of the ring. She grabs the slowly rising Jennifer by the hair and starts leading her towards the beach. The Brit scoops Jennifer up in a cradle lift and then drops quickly to one knee, slamming her opponent across her outstretched thigh. Jennifer screams in pain as her body is nearly broken in half. Alex suddenly shoves her off and pushes her into the sand. Jennifer tries to kick free but Alex straddles her, forcing her young opponent face first into the sand.)

Garry: “Ugg, talk about a face full of dirt.”

Sandra:: “Alex is choking Jennifer! She’s trying to bury her opponents head in the sand.”

(The ref comes charging over and screams at Alex to let Jennifer up. The white suited warrior ignores him, pushing Jennifer’s head deeper into the beach. The ref starts to count, but Alex seems intent on shoving Jennifer’s head to China. Just as the ref is about to DQ Alex, she breaks the hold. She stares out along the beach, as all eyes turn to see what she is looking at.)

Cosmo: “You are a complete Simpleton! DO you know how to tell time? Where did you get your license!”

( The crowd giggles slightly as a Golf Cart, correction. A stolen Golf Cart is working it’s way towards the ring. The occupants, Nurse Ivana Harlote, or at least that is how she’s dressed. In one of Ansalong’s tight outfits, Evonne’s ex-bookworm is trying to drive the cart towards the ring. Cosmo is fuming, checking his watch and constantly complaining about every minor detail.)

Cosmo: “ A blind monkey could have driven me better! And look! The match has started!”

( Jennifer takes the brief interruption to force her head out of the sand. She grabs a handful and hurls it backwards. Two voices yell out, Alex and the Ref’s. Jennifer pushes free as Alex rolls off her, trying to clear her vision. The ref is also staggering backwards, wiping the grains from his eyes. Jennifer rises to her feet and lashes out her foot, snapping it around and slamming it into Alex’s head. The blonde’s noggin whips to the side as she stumbles backward from the blow. Jennifer quickly makes her way back to the ring as Alex pushes herself up. The ref is clearing his eyes and yelps as he sees an out of control golf cart careening towards him.

Ivana: “Get out of the way!” BEEP! BEEP!”

( The crowd laughs as the ref eats another face full of dirt as he dives for cover. The golf cast slowly comes to a stop, a few yards from ringside. Alex licks her lips, the brittle and bitter of taste of blood and sand on her tongue. She smiles, looking towards the ring as Jennifer slides back into it. The British brawler starts to run towards the ring as Jennifer waits for her.)

Garry: “Get a load of Ivana! Whew! I didn’t know she was such a Hottie!”

Sandra: “That poor woman, Harvard Business Degree and she’s forced to wear the awful uniform.”

Garry: “Awful!? My god, it’s perfect!”

( Ivana steps from the modified golf cart as Alex slides into the ring. Immediately, Jennifer starts assaulting her with a barrage of stomps and kicks. Alex tries to rise, but the LPM, quickly sweeps her leg around, knocking Alex onto her back. Jennifer reaches down and grabs Alex by the legs, pulling her into the center of the ring. As they reach the middle, Jennifer twists Alex over and squats down.)

Sandra: “Boston Crab!”

( Alex screams out as Jennifer leans back, pulling on her legs and putting tremendous strain on her lower back. The referee is finally stumbling his way back to the ring and he slides in to see if Alex wishes to surrender.)

Alex: “Have you ever tried eating through a tube!?”

Garry: “I would take that as a no.”

( The ref recoils as Alex snarls at him. Jennifer leans even further back, pulling Alex’s legs up so that her body looks like a twisted “U” In desperation, Alex pushes herself up on her elbows, and pulls away with all her leg strength. Jennifer yelps as Alex is strong enough to flip her over, breaking the hold and sending Jennifer rolling across the ring.)

Sandra: “Tremendous strength shown by Alex.”

( The Brit rises to her feet, rubbing her back as Jennifer jumps up from the mat. The LPM runs across the ring at her foe, and leaps into the air. She turns her body trying to slam into Alex with a cross body block. Alex catches her in mid-air and using the momentum she spins and drops to the mat.)

Garry: “Wow! Brutal Powerslam!”

(Alex and Jennifer bounce on impact as Jennifer is slammed into the mat. Alex lays across her stunned foe for a moment, long enough for the ref to slap a count. )

Sandra: “1…2..”

Garry: “Kick Out!”

( Jennifer kicks out at two. A smile comes across Alex’s face as she gets to continue. She grabs a handful of Jennifer’s blonde locks and pulls her up, Alex the wraps her arms around Jennifer’s waist and pulls her up into a front bear hug. Jennifer gasps as the surprisingly strong arms of Alex begin to deny her breath. Jennifer struggles, desperately trying to pull Alex’s arms apart. She lets out a groan as Alex leans back, pulling her arms further into Jennifer’s tummy.)

Sandra: “Alex is putting on the squeeze!”

Garry: “ Jennifer’s face is turn red! She’d better break the hold or she’s done for!”

(Jennifer groans again as Alex tenses her muscles and pulls back as hard as she can. In desperation, Jennifer lowers her head forward and then drives it backwards. There is a crunch, a yelp and a squirt. Jennifer slumps to the mat as Alex releases her and clutches her face. A trickle of red drips onto the white jumpsuit of Alex as she clutches her nose. Jennifer crawls up to her knees and sucks in some air as Alex removes her hands from her face.)

Sandra: “Ouch!”

Garry: “oh, that’s broken!”

( Alex’s nose is slightly twisted and blood flows from the openings. It’s an eerie sight as she smiles through blood soaked teeth. Jennifer starts to push herself up but lets out a gasp as Alex steps forward and drives her boot into LPM’s midsection. Jennifer rolls onto her back as Alex slams her boot down again, planting it in Jennifer’s chest. Then in a brutal move, Alex stomps here boot down on Jennifer’s face, causing the pretty blonde to let out a squeal. Alex presses down with her boot, twisting and turning her foot as the ref calls for a break. Alex ignores him as Jennifer tries to push the boot off her face. At the four count Alex lifts her boot up. There is a sigh of despair from the Sisterhood fans as Jennifer’s face shows temporary boots marks. The word “Kodiac” can almost been read on her forehead. Her lip is bleeding as Alex puts her hands on her hips.)

Alex: “Now’s we both got the juices flowing.”

Sandra: “Brutal assault by Alex!”

Garry: “She loves to inflict pain on her opponents. I guess she wants them to understand what she is going through, but man, what a way to show it!”

( Alex bends forward and grabs Jennifer by the hair, she starts to pull her up, but suddenly , Jennifer wraps her legs around Alex’s limbs and pulls her down, rolling her over into a pin.)

Sandra: “Inside cradle!”

Garry: “That’s how she beat Evonne!”

( The crowd rises to it’s feet as the ref slaps his hand down. There is a cheer and then a sigh as Alex bursts free at the last second. Alex growls and rises to her feet as Jennifer rolls away. The Brit comes storming over as Jennifer rises to her feet. Again the LPM shows off her agility and jumping backwards, planting her feet on the ropes and spring boarding forward. She slams her fists into the oncoming Alex, knocking the brawler backwards. Jennifer springs up to her feet and charges at the stunned Alex. She leaps into the air, planting her feet into Alex’s belly, slamming her into the corner. Alex collides with the turnbuckles and stumbles out. Jennifer keeps up her momentum by jumping to her feet and running behind Alex. Quickly Jennifer jumps up to the second turnbuckle and leaps off, grabbing Alex around the head and driving her down to the mat.)

Garry “Bulldog! From the second turnbuckle!”

Sandra: “She’s hooked the leg!”

( Jennifer quickly rolls Alex over and hooks the leg. Again the ref drops for a count, but Alex somehow manages to kick out. Jennifer slams her hand on the mat and glares at the ref. LPM grabs Alex and drags her back into the corner. Jennifer shoves Alex so her head is resting on the bottom turnbuckle. She then backs off to the opposite corner, waving her arms in the air.)

Garry: “Looks like…”

Sandra: “Bronco Buster!”

(Jennifer runs across the ring and leaps into the air. She opens her legs, planning to straddle the ropes and slam her lower body down onto her opponent. Unfortunately, Alex has other ideas. The Brit raises her boot, as Jennifer leaps. There is a collective gasp of shared agony as Jennifer impales herself on Alex’s boot.)

Garry: “Oh, that’s gotta hurt!”

( Jennifer seems stuck in mid-air for a moment before collapsing to the mat in a ball. Alex pulls herself up, using the ropes to assist her. She wastes no time as she grabs Jennifer by the hair and pulls her up. Alex lifts the moaning LPM onto her shoulders and walks to the middle of the ring. Alex then begins to spin.)

Sandra: “Fasten your seatbelts!”

Garry: “Airplane spin!”

(Alex begins to rotate, as Jennifer wails. The Dentonvale resident completes ten full rotations before lifting Jennifer up off her shoulders and dropping her down, face first into the mat. Jennifer’s body continues to spin before it impacts into the canvas. Alex stumbles backwards, dizzy from the spinning and slumps against the ropes.)

(Outside the ring, Cosmo looks on from inside his shielded Golf Cart. He looks a bit surprise that no member of the Sisterhood is at ringside. Ivana stands outside the cart, holding what looks like a garden hose, which is attached to a hole on the side of the cart.)

Sandra: “That man gives me the creeps.”

Garry: “I think he has a cure for that. He also cures the Heebe-Jeebies”

Sandra: “He causes the Heebie-Jebbies.”

(Alex slowly gets her bearings and moves in on Jennifer. LPM is again, trying to rise. She screeches as Alex hauls her up by her blonde roots. The Dentonvale poster child whips Jennifer into the ropes. The little blonde rebounds off the ropes and Alex goes to separate Jennifer’s head from her body with a vicious clothesline.)

Garry: “Missed!”

Sandra: “Jennifer ducked!”

(LPM ducks under the swinging arm of Alex and continues on her way. She hits the opposite strands and bounces back in, Alex turns to face her as Jennifer leaps into the air. She rotates her legs around, lashing her foot through the air with terrific speed. It catches Alex on the top of her head, sending her straight to the canvas.)

Sandra: “Wow! Spinning Heel Kick! What elevation from Jennifer!”

Garry: “Well, she is a protégé of the Marquise! Every move she makes is almost as good as Yvette’s.”

(Jennifer quickly falls across Alex’s body and hooks the leg. As the ref counts you can see the strain on Jennifer’s face, hoping for a three count.)

Garry: “Alex kicks out!”

( Again the white suited warrior kicks out, this time barely beating the count. Jennifer reacts quickly and traps Alex’s head between her legs in a scissors. LPM puts on the squeeze as Alex struggles on the mat.)

Sandra: “Smart move by Jennifer, she needs to recoup and think about how to put Alex away for the three.”

Garry: “I don’t think it’s smart to have anything near Alex’s mouth…….”

Jennifer: ‘OUCH!”

Sandra: “She’s biting!”

Garry: “Told ya”

( Jennifer screams as Alex bites down on her inner thigh. Immediately Jennifer releases the scissors, a red bite mark is seen on her thigh. The ref scolds Alex about the infraction as Jennifer rolls away, clutching her leg.)

( Inside the Golf Cart, Cosmo taps on the window.)

Cosmo: “Make a note Ansal…Harlote. Rabies shot for Lil Alex.”

Ivana: “Rabies? Isn’t the person bit supposed to have one of those?”

Cosmo: “Fine, schedule one for the French wanna-be as well.”

(Alex pushes herself up as Jennifer uses the ropes to assist her in rising. Both women turn and glare at each other. Both are bloodied, Jennifer’s lip and forehead show signs on damage, while Alex’s nose continues to bleed. Alex moves in on Jennifer who steps out to face her opponent. Alex launches a fist towards Jennifer’s face, but the LPM dodges it and snaps a quick savate kick to the Brit’s belly.)

Garry: “See!? Yvette taught her that!”

Sandra: “whooo rah”

( Alex doubles over and Jennifer takes advantage. The little blonde steps forward, trapping Alex’s head between her shapely thighs. As she closes them around Alex’s head, Jennifer leans forward and wraps her arms around Alex’s waist.)

Garry: “She’s not trying to lift her up is she?”

Sandra: “Well, unlike Jennifer’s other opponents, Alex is close to her weight. She might get her up there.”

( The crowd claps as Jennifer pulls Alex up slightly. She grunts as she tries again, almost lifting Alex up in the air. Lil Alex tries to pull her head free, but LPM keeps her thigh muscles clenched and tries for one last attempt. With a grunt and then a scream, Jennifer hauls Alex’s lower body up, so that she is inverted. Then Jennifer kicks her legs back and falls forward. Alex’s head is driven into the mat with the combined weight of both women.)

Garry :”Pile Driver!”

Sandra: “She could have hit that one better.”

Garry: “Well, it’s no Third Estate, but it will do.”

( Alex bounces up slightly before falling to the mat. Jennifer quickly flips her over and lies across her. The ref slaps his hand down twice. Jennifer is expecting the third count , but it never comes. She looks up to see why and glares as Alex’s boot hangs on the bottom rope.)

Sandra: “She’s should have hooked that leg.”

( Jennifer curses herself for the mistake and rises to her feet. She quickly grabs Alex’s leg off the rope and pulls the stunned psycho into the middle of the ring. Jennifer quickly twists Alex’s legs into position for a figure four and then falls backwards. Immediately Alex yelps out as her leg is bent in the wrong direction.)

Garry: “She’s got her in the middle of the ring!”

Sandra:” Alex is known for her tolerance of pain, but she is miles from the ropes!”

(The ref asks Alex if she wants to quit. She ignores him as Jennifer pushes herself up on her elbows, adding even more pressure to the hold. Alex’s face is a vision of agony and she twists and turns, trying to relieve the pressure. The ref asks again, but the lunatic ignores him.)

(Cosmo watches from outside the ring. A look of concern comes over his face. Whether it is for Alex, or the fact that he might not get his hands on the Featherweight title in unknown. But either way, he is unhappy.)

Garry: “Alex has to reach the ropes!”

Sandra: “She’s trying, but it’s a long way to go and her leg’s gotta be close to breaking!”

( Jennifer screams at Alex to quit as the British Blonde drags her arms on the mat, trying to inch her way towards the ropes. Again the ref asks for her submission, but Alex ignores him.)

Sandra: “Is she singing?”

Garry: “I think so, if you can call that singing?”

( Alex is mumbling a tune to herself, trying to block out the pain.)

Alex: “I did it all for the Nookie…”

Sandra: “Nookie?”

Garry: “Alex’s been hanging around Lisa too much.”

(The crowd cheers as Alex manages to claw her way to the ropes. The ref tells Jennifer to break the hold, which she does immediately. The LPM rises to her feet and looks down at her blood stained opponent. Alex lies on the mat, clutching her leg. Jennifer takes a breath and then grabs Alex by the leg again and pulls her into the middle of the ring. Jennifer then moves to the side and leaps into the air, she extends her leg and slams it across Alex’s chest. The white suited wrestlers legs rise up on impact and she lies still on the mat, her eyes seemingly unfocussed. Jennifer quickly jumps up and heads for the corner. She begins to climb up the turnbuckles as the crowd jumps to it’s feet.)

Sandra: “Jennifer’s going for some big impact move here! If she hit’s this, it’s over!”

( Jennifer climbs to the top rope and rises to her feet. She holds her arms high in the air, waving to the cheering throng before turning her attention down towards her foe. Jennifer takes a deep breath and then jumps off. She spreads her arms out like a swan diver, as she body descends towards the canvas ..and canvas she hits.)

Garry: “Oh no! Alex moved!”

(At the last moment, somehow, someway, Alex rolled clear. Jennifer’s eyes nearly exploded out of their sockets as she saw her prey move out of range. Her body slammed into the hard canvas, rather than her opponent’s body. She bounced up on impact and then curled into a ball, gasping for the breath that had just been knocked out of her.)

Sandra: “Big Time miscue! But can Alex capitalize?”

( Alex rolls up onto her knee’s and grabs the second rope. She uses it to pull herself up. She limps up, favoring her right leg as she staggers across the ring towards Jennifer. The LPM is also rising, albeit slowly. Alex grabs Jennifer by the back of her S&M outfit and pulls her up. Alex then rams her elbow directly into Jennifer’s spine, causing the LPM’s body to stiffen. Alex repeats the move and drops Jennifer to the mat, her body twitching on the mat. The British wrestler kicks Jennifer over onto her back, before straddling her. Then Alex clamps her hands around Jennifer’s throat and starts to squeeze. The ref immediately calls for a break, which Alex ignores. Jennifer spurts and gags, desperately trying to pull the maniac’s hands from her throat. Again the ref calls for a break and begins to count. Alex keeps the squeeze on until the last second. Although it was the sound of a golf cart horn that turned her attention for choking the Marquise.)

Sandra: “What is the idiot doing?”

(Cosmo is beeping the horn like a madman. It seems that Ivana did not put the parking brake on and the cart is slowly moving back towards the ocean. Cosmo is desperately trying to press the brake, but it seems his lab coat is caught on one of the newly welded doors. Ivana turns and chases after him, as Alex watches the spectacle with a confused look. Jennifer takes the break to catch her breath. She looks up as Alex straddles her and pulls back her fist. Just as Lil Alex turns her attention back to her opponent, Jennifer’s hand flies up. There is a phrase, right on the button.)

Garry: “Wow! Nice Punch!”

( Alex’s eye’s seem to roll up into her head as she falls to the side. Jennifer leans back, not realizing what her blow has done. She slowly pushes Alex off her and rolls away. LPM rises to her feet and seems a bit confused to see Alex lying still on the canvas.)

(There is a loud cheer of Boo’s as Ivana jumps into the cart and presses the brake, just before Cosmo was about to crash into the water. The good doctor gives his assistant as good tongue lashing and points back towards the ring.)

Sandra: “She’s going up again!”

( Jennifer stumbles over to the corner and takes a moment. She starts to climb up, placing her foot on the bottom strand. Suddenly Alex seems to come alive and rises to her feet. The Sisterhood faithful yell out a warning, but the noise of the crowd overwhelms them. Jennifer takes another step and climbs up the second rope. Alex quickly hobbles over and slams her fist straight into the small of Jennifer’s back. The LPM squeals as Alex turns away from her, placing her back against Jennifer’s. Lil Alex then reaches back and grabs Jennifer’s head, pulling it down towards her shoulder. Then Alex steps away from the ropes, pulling Jennifer with her. As the LPM squeals and waves her arms in protest, Alex suddenly stops. She spins her body around, keeping her hold on Jennifer’s neck. Alex then falls to the mat, driving Jennifer’s neck down in a horrible position, before slamming her head into the canvas.)

Garry: “Clock Work Orange!”

Sandra: “WOW! Alex pulls Jennifer from the second rope and spun her into a neck breaker variant!”

( Alex quickly falls across Jennifer’s spasming body and hooks the legs. The ref slaps his hand down twice, Jennifer tries to kick out, but Alex pulls up on the leg, as the ref slaps his hand down for three.)


Garry: “It’s over!”

Sandra: “ Wow! A great contest! Jennifer gave all she had, and almost came away with it”

( Alex rises to her feet as the ref is handed the belt. Jennifer rolls into a ball, sobbing on the mat, partly from the pain, but more from the knowledge she came inches away from a championship. As Alex raises the belt above her head, more beeping is heard as a now beaming Cosmo exits the Golf Cart. Like a proud father he climbs into the ring and heads towards his offspring. Alex smiles, as if expecting a hug or congratulations. Instead Cosmo grabs the belt from her hands and greedily rubs it. Alex seems a bit distressed and looks around the ring as if she is looking for something she lost.)

Sandra: “That Troll! How dare he take her moment from her!”

Garry “Bah, her moment came and went already. I bet’s she won’t even remember that she won the Featherweight Title.)

( Cosmo holds the belt high, but is pelted with a series of drink cups. He quickly makes a bee-line for his covered Golf Cart as Ivana tries to direct a stunned and still wandering around the ring Alex towards the vehicle.)

Sandra: “Well, LiL Alex has become a Champion. Now if she could only get away from the clutches of that Quack!”

Garry: “Be thankful, that Cosmo has her under control. Could you imagine if Alex was allowed to run free?”

Sandra: “Well, I think there is more to that relationship that Doctor/Patient, More like Meal ticket and Leech!”

Garry: “Jealously is a sin you know.”

Sandra: “Yeah, so is Sloth”

Garry: “Hey!”

Sandra: “Stay tuned folks, more great action after these announcements…”



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