Four Way Hardcore Match

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(The cheering fans were crowded around the huge ring that had taken a half-hour to set up, patiently anticipating the next match. The Panama City police had been dispatched to deal with the protestors that had come out in force to disapprove of BRA’s nastiest and what was touted as being the most bloody match in the history of the organization. The ring lay silently on the beach, nestled in the sand as the cameras panned over the monstrosity that has just been set up. It was a giant ring with a cage over top it. Instead of canvass as the mat, the surface was a vat of four-inch thick lime green jell-o that seemed to wiggle with the wind, as the nighttime sand blew across the area. Giant spotlights had been set up to illuminate the area and the crashing waves of the ocean could be heard in the distance. The fans gazed upon the ring, that no longer had ropes, but in its place was barbed wire. The giant Angeltron was set up to show the fans who were far away what was going on and Garry and Sandra, the erstwhile commentators, were sitting at the booth, excited at the events ready to transpire.)

Garry: Welcome back, everyone. We have the best match ever seen lined up for you now. Of course we want to remind our home viewers that due to decency standards in some locations, we have to block out this match for some of the more conservative areas in Utah, northern Florida, and Cincinnati.

Sandra: But for the rest of you, this match is going to be hell-bent on utter destruction. None of these ladies like each other. None of these ladies have much respect for one another and all of them want murder Nina Larue. The Hardcore title is on the line, but that is almost a second thought at this point.

Garry: What a bunch of bad eggs. And the day after Easter, too. I hope Skye kills the other two and she and Nina manage to work out their problems.

Sandra: Fat chance, round boy. Skye is the most ruthless of the bunch!

Garry: The rules of the match are simple – no rules!

Sandra: Not exactly. If someone is pinned, they are DQed and the match continues. However, it is left to their option if they are to leave or not. They just cannot win. This is pretty much going to finish the grudge match once and for all.

Garry: Yeah, and Nina and Skye really SHOULD team up.

Garry: Maybe so but – oh wait! The matches are ready to start!

(Sounds ensue behind the ramp and curtains of the makeshift entrance. The ghastly visage of Dr. Cosmo McKinley appears. His white lab coat floats softly in the breeze from the ocean. His thick, round glasses rest atop his nose as he looks down into the screaming fans. They boo him, mercilessly, until he snaps his fingers and the statuesque, long-legged, barrel-chested, redheaded assistant of his, Nurse Ansalong, appears behind him, wearing her nurse’s uniform that is two sizes, too small. Her chest causes the top of her uniform to strain beyond belief. Upon seeing the redheaded bimbo, the crowd comes to their feet, as the epitome of T&A nurse fetishism reaches a crescendo. Her tall figure is enhanced by the long stiletto heels on her feet, out of place on any other nurse’s uniform, but firmly setting the lustful tone with the brassy redhead. She and the doctor make their way to the cage, accompanied by whistles and catcalls. The doctor smirks, knowing that with the snap of his fingers he has changed boos to cheers. As they reach the bottom of the ramp, they take seats close to the cage. Moments later, several bulky orderlies with tattoos and crooked noses descend the ramp and stand behind the doctor and nurse, looking like Mafia agents in white lab coats, folding their arms and appearing quite menacing. After a moment of settling in, Nurse Ansalong, responding to the catcalls directly behind her, turns and smiles with a wicked grin. She pulls out some pill bottles and begins tossing them to fans.)

Sandra: Whaddya know?

Garry: Huh?

Sandra: I guess we ARE all stars in the Dope Show.

(The lights dim as the familiar, haunting strains of ‘Elgar's Cello Concerto’
played by Jacqueline du Pre soar around the BRA stage, with the beachside fans screaming in excitement. The fans stir as they realize that this is the entrance music for Debbie Loretto, the hot - in more ways than one - bad girl member of the Body Shop. However...she doesn't appear to be making an entrance. A buzz of conversation can be heard around the beach as the music continues for a few moments with no activity around the entrance ramp. Suddenly, the beautiful cello music is violently yanked from the speakers and replaced by the resounding opening riff of Rage Against the Machine's ‘Killing in the Name.’ The Angeltron springs to life, showing various scenes from Loretto's short but eventful career in the federation - slamming a chair against Medusa Rage's head; punching it out with Kelly Mase; and applying her patented finisher, ‘Seeing the light,’ to Mia Lexington. At the end of the display, her long fingers can be seen groping towards the Fallen Angel title belt, only for it to be snatched away at the last minute by Nina Larue. As a pyrotechnics display erupts around the entryway, Debbie Loretto finally makes her appearance, dressed in tight black shorts, a black T-shirt, and black shades that largely obscure her facial expression. She stalks down to the ring in time with the crunching riffs of the music. She acknowledges the yells of the crowd with a raised fist - climbing into the cage, she waits for the finale of the protest song, psyching up the crowd as her hands go to her T-shirt, and finally ripping it open to reveal a black sports bra, and her tanned upper torso. Throwing the T-shirt out of the cage, and removing her shades...she awaits the competition.)

Garry: She DOES look mighty hot, standing in that jell-o, you know. Reminds me of the time I was in Tijuana and –

Sandra: Save it!

(‘People of the Sun’ by Rage Against the Machine, blares over the loudspeakers as green pyrotechnics obscure the stage. Suddenly, out of the green fire, Skye Soaring Hawk, her jean vest, matching daisy dukes, and knee-high buckskin boots obscured by a floor-length leather duster, her face shaded by a flat-topped, wide-brimmed cowboy hat, strides down the aisle, a wide, slightly crazy smile spreading across her face, her eyes wild, searching back and forth. When fans scream their support, she turns, raising her barbwire-wrapped fists as if to ward
off an attack before continuing to the ring. She enters the cage, staring down Debbie, and as she enters, she tosses her duster to an attendant then throwing her hat to a lucky fan. She smirks at Debbie, tightening her fists, arranging the barbed wire as to make the most of any future punches. Outside of the cage, McKinley jabs Nurse Ansalong in the ribs and she begins to shout and cheer, wildly, for the amazon.)

Sandra: GOOD GOD! Skye has her hands covered in barbed wire! Sweet Mother McCree! This is gonna be a massacre!

Garry: (looking nervous) Oh yeah. I guess Skye has really come to play, tonight.

Sandra: Someone’s gonna get killed!

(There is a buzz behind the stage as something seems to be going wrong. Garry gets a message in his earpiece as he seems to concentrate on what is being said over the screaming, beachside fans.)

Garry: Wow! It looks as if Tiffany Epitaphine can’t be found! Maybe she forfeits! It looks like they are going to send out the Hardcore Champ, next!

(Entrance: Suddenly, Sisqo's ‘Thong Song’ begins to blare over the speakers as the fans stand to their feet, awaiting the arrival of ‘The Goddess’ Nina Larue. The curtains slowly part, revealing the sleek, curvaceous temptress. Nina wears a white, satin and lace bra and matching, thong panties. She completes the ensemble with white, knee-high, platform boots and white, feathery, angel's wings, attached to the back of her tiny bra, giving her the look of a true angel. Her long, black hair falls to the small of her back in a cascade of luxurious curls, framing her beautiful face. Nina poses for a few moments, holding the BRA Fallen Angel, Hardcore title aloft. ‘The Goddess’ does a sexy, bump and grind, eliciting catcalls and whistles from the male fans. With a smirk upon her lovely visage, Nina drapes the championship belt across her arm and sashays to the cage, careful not to let any of the fans touch her. The ref holds the door open, allowing Nina to gracefully enter the diabolical cage. She hands him her belt before seductively leaning through the door and blowing the fans a kiss, showing off her barely contained, ample cleavage. The catcalls and whistles are almost deafening as "The Goddess" poses and preens, preparing for the match-up. Debbie and Skye, stare at her and Nina smirks back, then she looks around the evil ring, unsure of the situation. Perhaps it suddenly dawns on her how dangerous of a match this is to be. On the outside, McKinley again jabs his assistant and she pinches her nose, booing, waving her hand about with the universal symbol of ‘stinky.’)

Garry: With that cowardly Tiffany Epitaphine not showing up I guess this thing is ready to start.

Sandra: (squinting) Oh God! What is that!?

All the lights go off and a red spotlight circles around the cage. A woman's deep voice speaks out.)

Voice: She, who has lost her trust in humans, is damned with Wrath.

(A firecracker explodes at the top of the Angeltron above the fans. Madonna's Frozen' blows over the speakers. Nina, Debbie and Skye look around, trying to make out what is going on. As the loud humming starts, the red light
rises slowly and sets on Tiff standing on a structure to the side of the Angeltron. She is in a black overcoat. The Angeltron’s giant screens focus on her red lips as she speaks, with music still blaring in background.)

Tiffany: So the circus is all set! Well, Wrath is always willing to kick some *bleep*, but tonight?! Look down there. No ropes, barbed wire, exploding cage,
and, if that wasnt enough, jello?!! No! I decide not to get down and dirty
tonight. But I respect the competetive women down there. Well, atleast two
of em. So I will add one more ingredient to this, cooking.

(Tiffany raises her arms. Darkness. The lights come back again, and simultaneously, and blood begins to seep into the ring from pumps on the ringposts pours in, mixing with jello. Tiffany gone. On the outside, Nurse Ansalong looks queasy and without batting an eye, Cosmo casually hands the nurse an empty popcorn bag.)

Sandra: This is wild! I can’t believe what I’m seeing!

Garry: Jeez, Sandra. Calm down. You say that kind of thing every week.

(The bell sounds and the crowd comes to life, screaming out their anticipation. Nina, Debbie and Skye, look at one another. Debbie and Nina are transfixed on Skye, seeing that she has come with the ultimate in business. They gaze upon her cold stare and recoil in horror as they notice blood dripping from Skye’s fist from where the barbed wire has cut into her. The look Skye gives them both is one of utter terror and evil. It is at that point that they realize that the woman is insane. She has snapped. Skye’s gaze speaks volumes to the educated Debbie and the busty Nina. They are frozen in momentary fear as they see the lock on the cage snap shut.)

Garry: Oh God! I wonder if this was such a good idea, after all.

Sandra: Garry, you may be right.

Garry: It’s a good thing we have medical personal on the outside.

Sandra: You mean Cosmo and Ansalong? Yeah, right!

(Still weary of one another, on the inside of the cage, Skye waits patiently, for she knows there is no escape from her wrath now. Cosmo cheers on the outside and Nurse Ansalong, seems queasy already. She holds the popcorn bag to her mouth again and sets it down, her eyes glassy. At that moment is when the action in the ring, starts. Carefully, Nina approaches Debbie with the offer of some kind of truce. Under the circumstances, Debbie seems willing. Sloshing through the jell-o, Nina gestures as if to tell as a secret but seizes Debbie by the arm, throwing her into the Skye, hoping for something to happen. Nina’s prediction is correct. Skye sees her coming and swings out her barbed fist, catching Debbie in the head, taking her down to the lime jell-o. Blood explodes from the brunette’s head as she screams, falling to the sweet green slime on the mat. Skye then looses all control as she stomps away at Debbie’s midsection. Debbie groans and grunts in pain from her head and the assault on her stomach. However, she raises a foot, her long leg catching Skye in the chest, sending the amazon back against the barbed ropes. Skye lands and screams as her back impacts with the gnarled wire. Nina, keeping her distance, is unsure of what tactic to take as Debbie slowly gets to her feet. Skye rips herself off the wire. Flesh and blood remain where she once was. Despite her derangement, she winces at the flesh attack and stumbles forward, her arms and back, scraped and torn. Skye swings at Debbie and misses, allowing Debbie, despite the blood pooling in her eyes, to launch a punch, impacting with Skye’s jaw. The sound of the impact rings out as Skye stumbles backwards, shaking the cobwebs out. Nina seizes the opportunity to strike and runs through the jell-o at Skye. The busty model jumps, grabs Skye by the hair and throws the huge woman into the turnbuckle, impacting with the small explosive. The spark and sound from the impact shatters eardrums and smoke spirals out from the post, as the explosion is heard. Skye screams in pain and Nina looks shocked, realizing that this cage is the potential doom of everyone involved. It is almost do or die. Whatever the chances, Nina, Debbie and Skye, must win and escape. Skye falls to the jell-o, her head covered in soot, screaming in painful agony.)

Sandra: Well we are off to a fast and furious start!

Garry: (glum) This is only going to get uglier and uglier, I fear.

(As Nina smirks at the fallen Skye, happy that the barbed wire-armed amazon is down for the moment, she is attacked from behind by Debbie Loretto. Debbie snakes behind Nina and bends down, offering a balled fist, crotch shot, causing Nina to scream out and fall, face-first, into the lime jell-o. Still bleeding, Debbie places her hands through Nina’s hair and smothers her face deeper into the jell-o, then begins to slam her head, harder and harder, with great force, into the mat below the layers of sweet dessert.)

Debbie: Get ready to lose that belt, Larue!

(Debbie is hit from behind as Skye has slowly come to her feet, growling and glaring. The barbed fist impacted with the back of Debbie head cutting deeply into her scalp. As Skye launches her fist, the wire has intertwined with Debbie’s hair, tugging and scrapping. As Debbie’s hands, fast and furious to reach up and defend herself, they clasp on to Skye’s lethal wire. Skye tosses her off Nina so that she may get a better shot. Debbie screams, fresh blood pouring down her head and neck, causing the crowd to scream in terror as she slumps into the vat of green murk, her blood mixing with the tasty treat. Nina tries to make it to her feet but Skye is prepared, driving a boot sharply into the small of her back, sending her back into the murk. Skye stands tall, with an evil smirk on her face, grinding away at Nina. Her wild-eyed stare is that of a woman insane, the object of whatever fear Debbie and Nina may have. With her barbed hands, she reaches down to grab Nina. Nina screams in agony as the wire tears against the flesh on her head. The diabolical Skye then executes a Russian leg sweep, sending Nina onto her back, splatting into the jell-o. Skye, despite the soot and grime on her face, and the blood forming on her body, rises to one knee and clamps her barbed fists together, slamming them into Nina’s stomach ripping the busty brunette’s top and sending her back into the jell-o squirming and writing in pain. Skye looks up just in time to see Debbie’s foot impact with her face. Debbie’s boot strikes the bridge of Skye’s nose with such force that an eerie crunching sound is heard, and blood squirts from the amazon’s nose. Instinctively, Skye screams and raises her hands to her nose, but the barbed wire has proved to be her undoing as it scrapes into her flesh, causing more blood and terror.)

Cosmo: Oh my. This has turned out to be rather disgusting.

Nurse Ansalong: I though you said it was going to just be jell-o!

Cosmo: I see that I was misinformed about the barbed wire and exploding blocks.

(The action continues as Skye is in utter agony, Nina is in the jell-o and Debbie is the only one standing, wobbling back and forth as the blood flows from her head, from the vicious attacks from Skye. She decides that Skye must be taken out – and fast. The woman is deranged and she will likely try and kill Debbie and Nina. The crowd senses the fear and desperation, as many cheer but many stand in stunned amazement as the most bloody and hellish match in BRA history commences. Desperately, Debbie grabs the block of wood wired with the explosives and yanks it from the post. She makes her way to Skye and is prepared to slam it down upon her, as the Native American rises, but a leg sweep from the crafty Nina Larue sends her tripping, as the surface of the ring is still the bloody jell-o. She lands on Skye and the explosion erupts, sending both women screaming in agonizing calls of pain. Skye convulses, as her face is no longer seen – now covered in blood. Debbie appears blinded and stunned as her face is now covered in black soot, much like Skye’s. Both squirm and writhe as Nina gets to her feet, desperate to accomplish something. She kicks Debbie out of the way and stomps away at the blinded Skye. Skye screams out as blood runs into her mouth and down her chest. Nina has become possessed with anger and fear at the ruthless tactics of the Native American. As soon as she is certain that Skye is stunned she reaches down with both hands and takes her by the neck. She then seizes Skye by the arm, avoiding the barbed wire and hurls her into the wire ‘ropes.’ In most matches, it would cause Skye to bounce back. However, not in this one. Skye’s tortured body impacts with the barbed wire and clings there as Skye tries to make a sound but is unable to. Nina then jumps, landing on Skye, forcing her body to be pressed deeper into the wired mess. Flesh is torn and blood pours from the wounds of the amazon and she screams in agony and terror. Nina then forces her own body upon Skye’s, pushing her into the twisted metal, deeper than before. Skye’s screams of pain can only barely be heard over the crowd as they watch with stunned amazement. Nina then tries to tug Skye out of the wire, preparing for a martial arts move, but to her horror she finds that Skye will not budge as her body and the wire have become one. Nina backs away, seemingly shocked at what she has done. The moment of weakness in her allows for Debbie to react, as she has leapt up, her vision now returned. The tall brunette has seized Nina from behind, placing her in a chokehold, her powerful biceps straining against Nina’s neck. Nina thrashes in the grip of the bloody Debbie, stunned that actions have happened so fast. Debbie, with one powerful sweep, tosses Nina to the side, the busty brunette landing in the jell-o with a splattering impact. Debbie is about to move in on Nina when she sees Skye, pained and desperate, like some caged and tortured animal that is dying and screaming. She shudders for a moment. Every instinct in her body tells her to release the poor woman but then she pauses, knowing that Skye is dangerous and would not show her the same mercy if the roles were reversed. No longer able to gaze upon the suffering woman, she turns to attack Nina and lunges forward. However, Nina has had a moment to recuperate, and thrusts out a leg, catching Debbie under the chin, a loud crack, following the impact. She falls backward, landing into the jell-o. Nina then leaps up and looks down, angered and dazed.)

Nina: Kneel before ‘the Goddess,’ urchin!

(Nina begins to stomp away on Debbie, doing her best to wear her down. On the outside, Cosmo whispers to Nurse Ansalong who rises from her seat and nervously approaches the cage. As Nina slams her knee into Debbie’s head, from a painful drop, the busty redhead waves her hands around, trying to catch Nina’s attention, shouting out her name.)

Nurse Ansalong: Nina! Nina! Nina! Does the hardcore title mean you do other kinds of hardcore, too?

Nina: (livid) What on earth are you saying, you bubble-brained twit!?

(As Nina is distracted for a moment, Debbie takes the opportunity to strike. Despite her blood loss she manages to find the strength to slam Nina from behind, sending the busty brunette into the barbed wire and smashing herself into the cage. On the outside Nurse Ansalong winces in false pain and Dr. McKinley laughs as if hearing a rather good joke. The pain on Nina’s face is validated by the terror and pain in her voice. Her stomach rips along the barbed wire as the desperate and furious Debbie Loretto scrapes her. Mercilessly, Debbie drops an elbow on top of Nina’s head, driving her body deeper into the wire, as blood squirts out from the cage. Nurse Ansalong, once taunting Nina, finds herself covered in a stream of Nina’s crimson blood. The barrel-chested redhead screams as her hands cringe. She turns for the popcorn bag and releases her stomach fluids, as she had suddenly gotten to be an interesting shade of green. Back in the cage, Skye has ripped herself loose of the barbed wire that she had become tangled in. As she rips herself off the mesh, flesh and blood remain behind, as the crimson fluid pours from her body. Her hands are badly damaged from the barbed wire around them and she sloshed her way through the green and bloody murk towards Debbie. Debbie never sees the Native American as Skye begins to slam her mauled and barbed hands into her back. Debbie cries out and cringes as flesh and blood are ripped asunder from her back. She collapses to the jell-o and blood begins to pool through the slime. Skye, in her anger and rage, seizes Debbie by the neck and puts her into a swinging neckbreaker, the wire cutting deeply into her neck and landing her on her back in the slime. Debbie is unable to scream. She is unable to make any noise. She thrashes around like a dying fish out of water as blood pours from her. Nina turns just in time to see the horrible sight of mangled flesh and blood that was once Debbie, laying on the bed of jell-o. Nina looks queasy at the sight. Then Skye lands a sold punch into her already bleeding stomach, knocking Nina back slightly. She then convulses and vomits on the bed of jell-o and collapses from the sudden shock and the shot to her gut.)

Sandra: Jesus! That is disgusting!

Garry: (dropping his pizza and turning green) Yeah . . .

(Skye then seems to lose focus. As she is about to bring the kill on Nina – perhaps quite literally – she seems to stare out into the beach crowd and her eyes become glassy, her face covered in her own blood and anguish. Nina looks up, hesitantly and bolts into action, knowing she has to take Skye down. The stakes have been raised and despite her own physical illness and the blood on her own body, as well as the massive amounts of pain she is suffering through she makes her way to Skye and offers the amazon and enzugiri kick to the head. Skye’s jaw snaps and her lip splits, sending her backward into the turnbuckle. Nina then checks Debbie, sees she is down and moves on to Skye. The crowd is in a fevered pitch, wondering what is going to happen next. As Skye falls against the turnbuckle, Nina doesn’t stop. She places her foot on the wire and begins to deliver shots to Skye’s head, but it is clear that she is unsure and perhaps even frightened. Skye blocks the third shot, by extending her wired hands and scraping them against Nina’s legs, causing the busty brunette to howl and a massive gash appear. She manages to keep her balance as Skye is weary and the blood stings her eyes, making her partially blinded. The dusky skin from Skye’s face is no longer visible. It is a dull shade of crimson. But still she digs the barbed wire into Nina’s flesh, cutting and scraping. Nina, in desperation, seizes the explosive block behind Skye and slams it down on her head. The area erupts in black smoke with a large ‘pop.’ Again Skye screams and her face is covered in black soot. The explosion shocked Nina but in her adrenalined state she continues to slam the block down as hard as she can on Skye’s head, resounding out with another explosion. Skye slumps to the jell-o bed and thrashes her arms about. Nina again slams the block into her head but no explosion is forthcoming. Again it comes down and again. Nina has a crazed and angered look on her face as she continues to batter and bruise Skye, who appears to be nearing unconsciousness.)

Nina: Why (bang) won’t (bang) you (bang) just (bang) go (bang) out!?

(Fresh wounds appear on Skye but with the amount of blood she has lost, it is hard to tell. Nina casts a glance back at Debbie who is only now starting to stir. Sensing that Debbie is currently not a problem, Nina begins to rip off one of the coils from Skye’s hands, hoping to either disarm the Native American or at least get her own weapon. The searing pain felt by Skye brings her back into the land of the living as flesh and blood rip from her hand by Nina. Nina clearly feels so much pain she is barely able to stand, from the gash in her leg. She pulls and pulls and mangoes to rip off the wire but Skye clocks her in the side of the head with her other hand – the one still with the lethal wire, tearing at Nina’s ear, blood spilling in a frenzied explosion of pain and suffering. It sends Nina crashing into the barbed wire ‘ropes.’ With a squeal she lands, and the camera shows a perfect shot of her bloodied and torn body, clothing half-way torn to shreds, and vomit, blood and jell-o clinging to her body. Hardly the sight she wishes to have shown on camera. But there it is. Skye rises, wobbling back and forth. Her nose looks broken and she grits with blood-stained teeth. Debbie makes her way to her feet and backs off, wanting no part of the altercation. She has, for the time being, had enough. Skye, with madness and evil in her eyes, mumbles something that cannot be heard as she grabs Nina by the hair as the busty beauty thrashes and screams, still in pain from her arm being sliced on the wire and her leg from Skye. Skye lifts her up over her head and drops her on the barbed wire, connecting with her head as a new gash appears. Nina cries out but Skye merely laughs at her. As she picks her up to take her for another ride, Nine takes the barbed wire in her hand and hits Skye in the head. Nina digs into the side of Skye’s face and a large gash appears on her cheek as the twisted metal makes its lethal kiss to Skye. Skye stumbles and loosens her grip, allowing Nina to fall behind her and snake the coil around the back of Skye’s neck, sending both of them into the jell-o. Nina rises, with the wire around Skye’s neck, digging and choking her, with blood coming out of her neck and blood seeping from her mouth, sputtering and thrashing about. Nina has killer’s eyes as she sets out to her dirty work. Debbie approaches and Nina looks up at her.)

Nina: Help me, you idiot! We’ll BOTH be killed if you don’t! At this point it’s either her or us!

(For a split second, Debbie must make an important decision. She knows Nina is right. Skye has snapped and has gone insane. Looking at the blood and the carnage around the jell-o and blood soaked ring, it is evident that Skye is out of control. Debbie silently nods, looking down at Skye, and seeing that she clearly needs help. All three women are battered, torn, bloody and in suffering pain. This is the worst any of them have ever been in their lives and it is all at the mercy of the twisted and evil cell that they have entered. Debbie jumps on Skye as Nina holds her and begins thrashing away at the bloody mess of flesh. She beats her fists on Skye hoping to wear her down.)

Debbie: Skye, give up! We can end this!

(Bloodied hands of Skye reach out and seize Debbie by her own blood-soaked and matted hair. Debbie is in shock as Skye seems to be a woman possessed with anger and hatred. She is in her own world as she lashes out, pushing Debbie away. Nina strains, choking Skye, but the crazed Native American throws up her hands and gasps on to Nina’s arms, throwing her off. Nina’s poor leg gives out, crashing her to the jell-o. She screams in terror at the pain and Skye rises. Debbie is the first to get up and charges Skye, knowing that she must be taken down. She lands atop her and takes her down to the mat. Skye seems unable to move and Debbie goes for a pin. Skye kicks out and as Debbie rises, Skye lashes out a fist, impacting between Debbie’s legs. As Debbie falls, grasping herself, Skye’s hand goes back and finds on of the boards, discarded on the jell-o. She grabs it, and swings it around, catching Debbie in the face and the impact has the sound of crushed bone. Debbie is unconscious before she even hits the jell-o. Skye brings herself over to Debbie and covers for a three count. Skye is hardly in the condition to celebrate and Debbie still does not move.)

Garry: A pin for Skye! Yes! Now Debbie has to leave!

Sandra: No! Remember the rules? She has the OPTION of leaving.

Garry: Um, I am certain I would leave.

(Perhaps it was instinct that carried Skye. Perhaps it was her insane drive to cause pain to her enemies. Either way she rose, likely unaware that Debbie was out and likely even unaware that she was even in a match. She looked around and all she could see were the outside fans. Nina was nowhere to be seen from Skye’s blurry vision. Then there was the noise behind her. She turned. There was Nina, holding the remaining two boards that she had wrenched from the turnbuckles, with the explosives. Before Skye could react, Nina struck. With a board in each hand she slammed them both against Skye’s skull, each hitting a side of Skye’s head. The explosions occurred and the crowd came to their feet, gasping at the blood and smoke that came from the cage. Skye fell into the murky jell-o as if a corpse. Exhausted, Nina fell on Skye and the three count ensues. Nina is declared the winner, but she looks like anything but a winner. She is torn, bloody and weary. Medical attention is clearly needed. As McKinley and his squad of medical Nazis rushed the cage door, Nina rushed to the door, begging to be let out first. The door swung open, knocking Nina in the head and the crowd rushed past her to give Skye a once-over. Skye thrashes as the orderlies surround her and grab her.)

Nina: What the Hell!? What about me!? The Goddess is clearly dying!

(Ignoring Nina, Nurse Ansalong, with her bloodied uniform, jabs a needle in Skye’s rear and Skye immediately begins ranting and raving about seeing ghosts from the past and the ancestral spirit of her father. McKinley shakes his head as the orderlies drag Skye from the cage, pushing Nina into the jell-o as they go.)

Garry: Nina needs help! She’s he winner!

Sandra: Yeah, because she is the only one still standing!

(As the orderlies cart off Skye, Nina stumbles out of the cage, dazed and confused. Moments later more . . . credible medical staff members arrive, to care for Nina and Debbie. The screen fades to black, awaiting the next match.)

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