Kimie Kurita
Sandra Blake

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(The beach. Sand and fun are the normal words associated with the wild and notorious party scene. But tonight there is a different form of entertainment: sports and violence. Certainly, there are girls, but these are not the types of women one would be wise to ask to get in a bikini and pour water on themselves. These are ruthless women, with the drive to win in the ring. The fans wait impatiently for the match, for they know that Battling Ring Angels always puts on a marvelous show. The camera pan around the beach. It is nighttime but the only illumination comes from the floodlights surrounding the ring. The fans are wild, knowing that what they are about to see is merely one of many grand fights on the card. The camera then pans down to Garry and Sandra, the charismatic, on-air, personalities who are seated, in awe of another BRA Pay Per View.)

Sandra: Folks, this next match is going to be a wild display of martial arts techniques and talents. Both women are talented in forms of the most lethal forms of combat.

Garry: (excited) And not just that, Sandra, they are hardened killers! Kimie Kurita - the ‘Li’l Dragon’ and Sandra ‘the Tiger’ Blake. Hmm, you think Sandra is related to you, Sandra?

Sandra: (shaking her head) You’re an idiot. Besides, if we were related, I would want nothing to do with her. She is a ruthless creature who has aligned herself with some characters of questionable tastes.

Garry: What do you mean? Kimie is close associates with Evonne Carmikel, as a Syndicate member of high standing and Sandra has made recent friends with Dr. Cosmo McKinley!

Sandra: (disgusted) Yeah, don’t remind me.

Garry: I wonder if Sandra and the nurse are friends? I mean, like, CLOSE friends.

Sandra: Pervert!

Garry: (dismissing her) Anyway, this match is gonna be great. It will round out a perfect set of matches that we have seen so far - Little Alexandra as the new Featherweight Champion, Laura Parker has regained one half of the tag team champions, and Nina Larue has retained the Hardcore championship. What more could you ask for? Oh, well, we ARE on the beach and I met some really interesting girls earlier and -

Sandra: Enough! We ARE on the air, you know!

(The lights die with a sudden and ominous feel. When the lights explode, the fans cheer and a tiger appears on the Angeltron as Sandra Blake appears at the top of the ramp. ‘Maneater’ by Hall and Oates blares across the beach. This blonde amazon stands close to six feet tall and holds herself in an impressive stance, glaring at the crowd. She stands with a stern confidence; a tiger stripped Brazilian cut one piece with black leggings underneath as her attire. She wears fingerless gloves and combat boots. Her fingernails are painted with tiger stripes. Appearing next to her is an unusual blonde girl with crimped hair and a silver mini dress with matching 5-inch heels. She appears next to Sandra, carrying a Bloomingdale’s shopping bag. Both women make their way to the ring.)

Garry: (leering) You, know, she used to be a stripper. I wonder if the other one, Sapphire, was one, as well.

Sandra: Is that all you can think of?

Garry: (cruel laugh) Yeah. Sadly so. Sandra was a stripper. I like the sound of that.

Sandra: Don’t even think about it, pig!

(As Sandra enters the ring, Sapphire comes around to the far side of the ring and stands close to the announcer’s table. Sandra takes the microphone and raises it to her lips, glaring at the top of the ramp, with occasional flashes of her eyes towards the audience.)

I hope everyone brought pancho's tonight. Things are going to get a little bloody. This little dragon has flapped her mouth in the past daring anyone to slay her. Well, tonight it happens. Only one of us is going to leave this ring under her own steam. I hope you paramedics brought lots of plasma and Band-Aids.

(Calls out to Kimie)

Kimie? Did you tell them your blood type?

(Sandra grins)

Anybody got any requests? Any pieces of the beast they would like saved for them?

(The crowd begins to cheer out odd requests, many of them perverted and bizarre, taking Sandra off-guard. As Sandra shakes her head in disgust, she hands the microphone back to the ring announcer and goes to her corner.)

Sandra: Wow! Strong words from the Tiger! I wonder what she plans on.

Garry: Nothing warm and friendly for Kimie, that’s for sure!

(‘Gimme the Prize’ by Queen cranks from the sound-system, and the fans come to their feet. As if responding to Sandra’s challenge, Kimie Kurita appears from behind the curtain. The Red and Black Dragon logo forms in a spotlight over the entrance and Kimie prances down the isle to the ring, wearing her black PVC shorts, leather sports bra, and her Doc Martins. Fingerless gloves wrap around her petite hands. She stands a few inches over five feet and has a solid build. She walks to the ring, emotionless and cold.)

Sandra: The Tiger and the Dragon do NOT like one another, Garry. This is going to be an ugly match. Sandra is screaming blood and Kimie is surely thinking of it.

Garry: Someone is going to be carried out of here, tonight, Sandra . . .

(Inside the ring, the official seems to remind the women of the rules. They each glare at one another, not saying a word as weeks of hatred and anger have been leading up to this point: arrests, threats, cheap attacks and words most foul. As the bell rings, both women go into a fighting stance, showing their discipline in the arts, staring one another down. Sandra is the larger of the two, towering over Kimie, giving her the seemingly obvious advantage. Kimie is the first to attack, first circling then dodging, then offering up a roundhouse kick to the big blonde, catching the Tiger in the face and sending her backwards, bouncing into the ropes. Sandra comes, off and ducks as Kimie tries clothesline her. The Tiger stops herself behind Kimie and catches her with a hiptoss, sending the smaller woman to the mat. She leaps back up with courage and resolve, backing away from her larger opponent who creeps forward. Suddenly, Kimie jumps backward, landing on the corner ropes then flies forward, catching the Tiger in a cross body block. They both fall to the mat with a loud thud, with Sandra taking the brunt of the fall. The beachfront crowd screams with delight at the excellent move. Suddenly Kimie springs up, grabs Sandra by the left leg and runs forward, dropping herself on the mat. Sandra screams in pain, clutching her leg and moaning on the mat. She attempts to scoot away, but Kimie leans forward and whispers something to the amazon, backhanding her in the head, which creates a loud impact, causing Sandra to flinch in pain.)

Garry: Ouch! That sounds like a nasty attack.

Sandra: Hmmmm. What that SOUNDS like is loaded gloves, to me!

Garry: You are SO suspicious! Can’t you take anyone at face value?

Sandra: Not when some of these ‘ladies’ are concerned.

(Kimie reaches down to strike Sandra with an open palm but Sandra blocks with one arm and thrusts a closed fist to Kimie’s face, sending the smaller woman back, reeling in pain from the sudden attack. This gives Sandra the chance to get to her feet and approach Kimie. The Dragon begins lashing out with kicks, but they produce no connection, however, they have the effect of driving Sandra back, quickly, avoiding the lethal legs of her opponent. With the final kick from Kimie, Sandra catches her leg and Kimie attempts a spinning heel kick with her other, but misses. As the smaller woman turns the Tiger wraps her up and delivers an inverted atomic drop, directly on Kimie’s tailbone, sending her across the ring, screaming in frustration, landing on the far ropes. Sandra pounces on her prey and digs her nails deep into Kimie’s back, raking them down. Bright crimson lines appear as Kimie’s agonizes screams can be heard. The official looks suspiciously at Sandra but the action continues, preventing further investigation. Sandra spins Kimie around so that they face one another and again she rakes her nails, but this time directly above the smaller woman’s eyes. Kimie screams and raises her hands, but blood begins to appear, running into her sockets. Sandra seems quietly pleased as she rams a knee into Kimie’s midsection and then applies a DDT, planting Kimie on the mat. She goes for the cover but Kimie manages to kick out, her face slowly covering in crimson liquid. Sandra lifts the Dragon up and throws the dazed woman into the far ropes. She bounces back and Sandra misses. On the return from the other side, Kimie, despite her temporary blindness, manages to raise an elbow as Sandra turns, cracking the big blonde right between the eyes. It drops her to the mat and Kimie scrambles to take control. She lifts up the blonde’s legs, forming a ‘V’ and drops her knee directly into the Tiger’s crotch, getting agony from her opponent as a reward.)

Sandra: Ouch! That looks ugly!

Garry: But often times ‘ugly’ is the name of the game. I mean, you’re ugly and you’re part of the game.

(Kimie goes to work on the amazon, releasing her fury and rage from the attack that left her bloody. She lowers and elbow drop on Sandra’s head and the blonde reacts with a stunned spasm. Kimie drops it again, showing her quickness and resolve. On the third drop, Sandra manages to roll out of the way, with Kimie reaching nothing but mat. The crowd jumps to their feet, wildly cheering, even though both women are hardly the normal ‘fan favorites.’ Kimie rolls around holding her arm but Sandra comes forward, wildly stomping on the smaller girl’s head, causing Kimie to thrash wildly. She brings Kimie to her feet and puts her in a wristlock and charges her towards the turnbuckle, smashing her head directly into to top. Kimie’s head bounces with a dull crack and more blood pours from the wound. Sandra spins her around and offers her a punch to the midsection and whips her across the ring, smashing the smaller girl’s back into the corner. As Kimie stumbles forward, Sandra is there to greet her. The big blonde seizes Kimie by her tights, lifts her up to a suplex, holding her for what must be ten seconds. Then she drops herself, planting Kimie on the canvass with a painful bounce where she first impacts on her back, then flops over to her front, barely moving and twitching as Sandra gets to her feet, met by the cheering fans.)

Garry: Good God! Did you see the power in Sandra Blake!? Not bad for a stripper, huh?

Sandra: Power is the word. This is a grudge match, Garry, and from what Sandra said earlier, this is going to get uglier before it gets better.

Garry: Yeah! I hope so!

(Kimie is almost immobile as Sandra plots her next move. She lifts Kimie to her feet and the Li’l Dragon stares at the blonde, bloodied and in pain. Sandra wraps her hands around Kimie’s throat in a blatant chokehold but Kimie responds by driving her knee into Sandra’s crotch twice, in rapid succession. The blonde’s hands instantly go in a defensive poise as she falters and her legs give way, but Kimie is there to prevent her fall for her own sinister motives. She drives Sandra to the turnbuckle and the Tiger is too stunned to prevent it. With a heavy impact, Sandra’s back is driven into the corner and her eyes flutter. The lithe Kimie mounts the second rope and begins to backhand the blonde, over and over. Within seconds, the blood begins to fly from Sandra’s forehead as Kimie’s suspicious gloves hit the target. What must amount to four or five hits, Sandra is wobbling under Kimie’s brutal strikes. Sandra is unmoving but her arms prop her against the ropes. Then, with lightening quick moves, Kimie jumps to the top rope. In a flash she jumps backwards, wraps her legs around Sandra’s neck and executes a perfect hurricaranna tossing the big blonde to the center of the ring with a painful bounce. The crowd goes wild from the pulling off of the fantastic move. Sandra tries to sit up but the blood on her face and the dizzying effect of the move causes her to fall back to the mat as Kimie approaches with anger and fury in her eyes. As she makes her way over she circles and feigns attacks, as Sandra slowly makes her way to her feet. As soon as the Tiger rises, Kimie then comes at her from behind with a backhand to the head. As Sandra freezes, Kimie executes a Russian leg sweep, driving Sandra, face first into the canvass. On the outside, Sapphire looks upset and begins rummaging through her Bloomingdale’s bag, hunting for something - perhaps an equalizer. Sandra swipes out at Kimie, catching the smaller woman off-guard and pushing her away, long enough for Sandra to roll out of the reach of the Dragon. She makes her way to her feet and slowly smiles at Kimie, proving that she is made of tough material, indeed.)

Sandra: This is going to get pretty wild, Garry! Just LOOK at the expression on the Tiger’s face!

Garry: She looks mean! I still think you too must be related.

(Kimie and Sandra both meet one another in the ring. The blood on them appears to be proud symbols of battle. They muscle for supremacy but Sandra easily wins out. She throws Kimie into the far ropes. Sandra watches as Sapphire, her assistant, swings the metal bat she has produced, connecting with the back of Kimie’s legs and she falls to the mat, landing face-first, screaming in pain and anguish from the shot. The official looks out at Sapphire and sees the bat, yelling and screaming but Sapphire smiles and drops it.)

Sandra: Cheap shot!

Garry: Well, accidents DO happen, you know . . .

(Sandra comes forward and grabs the ropes above Kimie and uses them as leverage to begin jumping up and down on the smaller woman. Kimie continues to scream in pain, never giving up. After a few moments of the vicious attack, Sandra bends down and seizes Kimie by the legs, tossing her into the middle of the ring. She then offers her a leg drop across the throat before jumping back up and applying a figure-four leg lock to the already bruised and weary Kimie. The smaller woman shouts in pain as the agony can be seen on her face, printed without mistake. Sandra leans back, enjoying the torment she is putting the smaller woman through. The official checks for Kimie’s submission but she gives none, sticking out and showing her stamina. Sandra, hardly frustrated, merely enjoys the prolonged suffering and torment even further, and the look on Kimie’s face and continues to apply the pressure. Slowly, Kimie tires to make her way to the ropes but the look Sandra flashes is one of anger as Kimie gradually makes her way to the ropes. Sandra knows that if she had only placed Kimie closer to the center she would have been unable to escape. Instead, Kimie latches onto the ropes and the official calls for the break. Frustrated Sandra leaps up, bloodied and bruised, glaring down at Kimie. With a merciless gaze she stomps down on the Dragon’s head, crushing the smaller woman into the mat. Kimie is weary and she looks down for the count. She is unable to resist as Sandra reaches down and quickly removes her gloves and places them on her own hands, still stomping away at Kimie.)

Sandra: This might get ugly if those gloves have what I think they do.

Garry: Um, yeah. That, combined with those ‘Lee’s Press On Claws’ Sandra has is gonna make things get nasty.

(In desperation, Kimie kicks out, getting the blonde in the legs. She knows that this is ‘do or die’ as her weapons have been removed and are now being used against her. Sandra shouts something at Kimie, some kind of taunting phrase. In retaliation and desperation, Kimie reaches up, slapping Sandra in her act of defiance. Enraged, Sandra decides to drop herself on the smaller woman, beating with her hands and clawing away, like a furious and uncontrollable animal, filled with demonic rage. Kimie’s screams can be heard resounding through the beach as the blood flies, proving Sandra correct in her opening statements as to what she was going to do. The Tiger then rises and the camera focuses in on the bloodied and beaten Kimie, her face a mess and her arms and chest a crimson puzzle of flesh. Lifting Kimie up, the Tiger puts her into a power-sliding sidekick into Kimie’s sternum. It knocks her against the far ropes and as she returns she puts Kimie into a leg sweep planting Kimie, hardly, on the mat on her back. The leg drop to Kimie’s neck, completes the Pounce, Sandra’s finishing move. The official goes for a count and at three the bell rings as Sandra leaps up, thrusting both arms in the air, with her confident stride.)

Garry: Wow! Sandra’s finisher is a monster!

Sandra: Yeah, the Dragon might be out!

(Sandra turns to begin to further beat Kimie, as the girl is out cold but the ref gets in her way. Sapphire shouts something as the Tiger considers placing the dastardly official through the same finishing maneuver. Sapphire’s words seem to have a calming effect on Sandra as she backs down as medical personnel come to the ring. Garry looks into the camera.)

Garry: As the medical team tried to revive the sleeping dragon, here are some ads, leading up to the big three way match-up with Yvette, Lisa and Evonne. They cost us lots of money so pay attention.


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