logo Janus vs. "Ninja" Missy Jones

(The crowd is buzzing with excitement, in anticipation of the next match-up. The Hardcore division was taken to a new level last card, with the brutal battle between two fierce competitors. Tonight, two more worthy warriors step into this savage arena.)

(The camera pans across the throng of people, waving their homemade signs in the air. "FORK ME", "I LUV A THREESOME!" and "Gimme Moore!" are just a few that get the privilege of TV time. Another camera shot appears, showing the announcer�s table. As always, Ken and Cari: sit side by side, calling the action. Suddenly, the lights go dark. For a moment or two, everyone seems confused, as no music or mic work is heard.)

Ken: "What the?"

Cari:: "Maybe Johnny Angel didn�t pay the lighting bill?"

(The lights suddenly come up again, as everyone seems to be standing around, slightly confused.)

Cari:: "That was strange, lucky the lights came on, it�d be a shame to end this card early."

Ken: "Well, we�ve already seen some great action tonight."

Cari:: "Yup, but now it�s time to put on your rain slickers, cause this is gonna get messy."

Ken: "You said it! Tonight, we get to see the Hardcore Champion Janus, taking on the "Ninja" Missy Jones, in a Hardcore contest."

Cari:: "Even though this isn�t a title match, it should be brutal. After last cards blood bath between Sasha and Skye, I have it on good authority that Janus wants to up the ante even further in the division."

Ken: "Well, tonight we�ll see if the Ninja can withstand the fury of Janus."

Cari:: "It also remains to be seen if Janus is still Hardcore or not. Being that she�s been hanging around the Lollipop crew."

Ken: "I don�t think there is any doubt of that."

(The arena goes dark as the opening beats of "Time" from The Chambers Brothers starts to hit the arena speakers. As the song raises, the lights flash back on and the members of The Threesome stand by the entrance. Janus in the center, wears her traditional black leather pants, black velvet shirt and blue and black cowboy boots. Her scarred and burnt left hand carries a black leather bag. Hanging on her left shoulder is the Fallen Angel Belt. To her right stands Lindsay Locke and to her left Sakura Ito. Each wear their usual wrestling attire. Lindsay has on her outfit of blue spandex shorts with silver lightning bolts on it. On the back it says "Lightning" in silver letters. She wears a blue spandex top with silver bolts on it and blue boots with silver bolts on them. She also has silver knee pads. Her blond hair is in pigtails and she wears a blue "Lind's Kids" t-shirt. Sakura has her usual wrestling attire of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is coloured a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. The three ladies enter the ring and strike the Threesome pose. Sakura, kneeling, shows off her impressive biceps. Lindsay stands just behind her, smiling and displaying three fingers. Janus stands behind both of them holding the Fallen Angel Belt in the air. Finally, they split up Janus takes the microphone)

Janus: Sasha!! You say you raised the bar? Well tonight, I plan to tear it down! Tonight I plan to show you, Lesley Magnus, Angel Dust and anyone else who wants a crack at me and my title, that I am the Dark Angel! I am the monster of this company! And I will not be neglected! So send her to me! Bring me the Ninja!"

Lindsay and Sakura leave the ring and take up positions while Janus sits in the corner, awaiting the start of the match.

Cari:: "See? What did I tell ya? Janus wants to up the ante..."

Ken: "I can see that. What is ...it�s the Poet."

Cari:: "On no..."

(The New York Poet steps over the railing yet again, this time with a small rectangular duffel bag. Cari: rolls her eyes at the sight of the Poet, but shows interest in the duffel. )

Poet: Hello again. I have yet another poem to read today. "

Cari:: I�d much rather know what�s in the bag. "

Ken: "There�s... (he looks down at his computer) ...a 78% chance that it�s something for the Ninja to use in the match. It is hardcore, after all."

Poet: "Hey, I have to read my poem!"

Cari:: "Sorry, no time. (she gives the Poet a shove toward the ring) Whew! Glad we don�t have to sit through another one of that guy�s stupid rants. Where is the Ninja, anyway? I kind-of like her."

(As if on cue the entire arena goes dark. A yin-yang with a sword through it appears on the Angeltron, and a familiar hush comes over the crowd. They know what is coming. Lights flash on and off quickly, as if there were lightning far in the distance. All is dark again, and nothing can be seen or heard but a low roll of thunder, followed by the sounds of an electric organ. Jim Morrison joins in with the Doors (as well as a few fans), singing "Riders on the Storm" and the lights pulse dimly. The Angeltron shows various breathtaking clips from the Jade Dawn animated series, and the fans begin to cheer, faces searching back and forth for the well-known figure clad in all black. But after a bit of waiting, no Ninja emerges. )

Janus: "OUCH!!!"

(The lights immediately come on. Janus is hopping towards a corner, grabbing at her foot. Sticking up through the canvas is a metal blade. The kind of blade attached to a sword, a Japanese style sword. The weapon of a Ninja.)

Ken: "My GOD! She stabbed her from beneath the ring!"

Cari:: "Janus is lucky her foot wasn�t cut off, those thick cowboy boots must have given her some protection."

(As Janus grabs at her foot, the blade pulls back under the canvas. A moment later, the familiar figure of Missy Jones appears from underneath the ring and slingshots herself under the ropes. The Ninja is dressed from head to toe in a black, loose-fitting gi that certainly holds some surprises inside There also appears to be a set of nunchakos in her right hand. )

Cari:: "Umm Game on."

( The ref immediately stands in front of the Ninja demanding her sword. Missy holds up her hands, showing only a pair of Nunchuk�s, and pockets filled with other evil devices , but no sword appears on her person.)

Ken: "Missy must have left that sword under the ring. Someone needs to inform her that even though it�s a hardcore match, the rule of law still exists."

Cari:: "I suppose a sword could to a lot more damage than a chair, But then it�s Janus�s fault for agreeing to a Hardcore match with a Ninja."

(The Fallen Angel scowls for the opposite side of the ring. She begins to move across the ring, as Missy strikes an odd pose.)

Missy: "Ok Two-Face, you�re going down!"

(With that Missy stretches out her arms, her Ninja suit forming a mock Batman type attire.)

Cari:: "What is that for?"

Ken: "Two Face. Batman. Get it?"

Cari:: "No."

Ken: "Missy is mocking Janus."

Cari:: "Never a good idea."

Ken: "Nope."


(The Fallen Angel charges across the ring as the ref calls for the bell. Immediately, the Ninja spins her Nunchuck�s showing her skill. Janus just keeps barrelling towards her with reckless abandon. Missy swings the chucks in a vicious arc as Janus comes in range. The wooden baton strikes into Janus�s shoulder, knocking her to the side. Missy swings again, striking the back of her opponent�s knee, knocking the big woman to the mat. As Janus falls, Missy strikes her on the back of the head, dropping the Hardcore champ to the mat.)

Cari:: "Ummmm,, ouch!"

Ken: "Missy just schooled Janus with those Nunchucks! She�s going for the pin and she might have it!"

(The crowd is stunned as the body of the Hardcore champ lies somewhat still in the ring. Missy covers Janus and hooks the leg as the ref drops for a count. He hits two before the Fallen Angel kicks out, much to the delight of the fans.)

Ken: " Missy was going for an early win here. But it�s going to take something drastic to put Janus down."

(The Ninja then rakes her fingers across Janus�s eyebrow area. The hardcore champ recoils in pain as the sharp nails draw blood. Janus rolls onto her stomach to avoid the attack as Missy quickly wraps the cord of the chucks around Janus�s throat and begins to choke her. Janus brings her hands up to her neck, trying to pull the tight cord from around her throat. She slowly starts to rise, and Missy jumps onto her back, keeping the choke hold on. Janus�s face is turning red as the choke is starting to take affect. The crowd watches as Janus stumbles across the ring, the Ninja wrapped across her back. Missy wraps her legs around Janus�s rib cage, squeezing with each breath that the Fallen Angel takes. In desperation, Janus seems to be making her way to the ropes, but instead of grabbing a hold of them, she dives straight through them.)

Cari:: "What the hell?!"

Ken: "Janus just dove out of the ring, bringing Missy along with her!"

( The camera catches the move and shows Janus intentionally spinning as she dives, turning her body so that Missy impacts onto the hard floor with Janus on top of her. Missy lets out a gasp as she hits, and loses her grip on Janus�s neck. Both women are down as Janus rolls off the Ninja and onto her knee�s. She takes a moment to catch her breath as Missy also recovers from the winding blow. Janus rises to her feet with a nasty scowl on her lips. Missy curls up in pain as Janus fires a savage kick into her side. The Ninja tries to roll away but Janus grabs a hold of her right leg and lifts it up. The Fallen Angel plants a series of kicks into the back of Missy�s leg, causing the Ninja to squirm in agony. Janus then jumps up in the air and drops her knee�s across Missy�s limb. The Ninja yelps out for a moment as all of Janus�s weight crashes down across her knee. A twisted smile comes across the hardcore champs bloodied face as she see�s her opponent in pain.)

Cari:: "Janus going right for the Ninja�s right knee. Seems she�s got some kind of game plan here."

Ken: "Smart move, Missy is a skilled marital artists and those legs are deadly. If Janus can weaken that limb, Missy will be in deep trouble."

(Janus rises to her feet and scans the area. She moves towards the spanish announcer�s table and grabs one of their TV monitors. She rips it from it�s holder and lifts it above her head.)

Cari:: "Man, those guys never get through a whole show without something happening to them."

Ken: "What is Janus planning to ...Oh my GOD!!!"

(The horrified ringside fans watch as Janus looms above the Ninja. She slams the TV down towards Missy�s leg. Fortunately (for Missy) she moves her leg at the last moment as the monitor slams into the floor, sending glass and plastic scattering all over. Janus scowls, upset that she didn�t hit her mark. She moves over to the now kneeling Ninja and goes to grab her. Missy quickly spins her body, lashing out her left leg, impacting her foot straight into Janus�s knee. The Fallen Angel howls and stumbles backwards, clutching her leg.)

Cari:: "Both women seems to be keying in on each other�s legs."

(Ken punches a few keys on his lap top.)

Ken: "There is a 79.7% chance that Janus is trying to take away the Ninja�s speed by taking out her legs and a 76.8% chance that Missy wants to keep Janus off her feet by attacking her legs."

Cari:: "You were in computer club at school ...weren�t you."

(Ken mumbles something to himself as he turns his attention back to the match. Janus rubs her knee as Missy pulls herself up using the guardrail. The poet slides the black duffel bag towards Missy. Lindsey and Sakura both give the Poet a look as he bows slightly and moves away from the action. Janus wipes the blood from her forehead before reaching back into her pocket and pulls out her fork.)

Ken: " There it is! The best dam fork in the business. Super Steel Silverware�s finest creation."

( The Ninja smiles, and reaches into her black bag.)

Missy: "That�s not a fork, this ..this is a fork."

(Missy pulls out a 18 inch Sai from her bag. Janus doesn�t seem impressed and charges towards the Ninja. The ref jumps in between both combatants for a moment. Janus pauses, a scowl on her lips as the ref demands that Missy hand over the Sai.)

Cari:: "What is that zebra doing? I thought there were no rules?"

Ken: "Well, technically there are no rules, but certain guidelines must be maintained. Stabbing weapons over 2 inches in length are not allowed. Missy�s Katana and Sai are completely illegal. Heck, imagine if there were no rules, Kelly Mase would have shot Viper by now."

Cari:: "Ahhh, good point. So clubbing your opponent over the head with a 2x4 is ok, stabbing them is not?"

Ken: "Yes, strange as that may seem."

Cari:: "Well, Missy seems to be a bit annoyed with the hole situation. But she�s giving up her stabbing weapons. "

Ken: "Jesus! She�s carrying a freaking arsenal.)

( The camera shows a bunch of brutal looking weapons removed from the duffel bag. The ref tosses the bladed ones to security. As this is going on, Janus looses her patience and grabs a folding chair. Janus starts to move towards Missy as the Ninja looks up. Missy immediately rolls away jumps to her feet as the chair crashes down.)


Cari:: "OOOPS!"

Ken: "Oopps? Oops my butt! She hit the ref!"

(The crowd cheers as the ref slumps to the floor. Janus howls with delight as she can now continue the match uninterrupted. Missy rolls to her feet as Janus raises the chair up again. As she lifts the chair up, Missy leaps into the air, extending her feet forward. They impact into the metal chair, slamming it into Janus�s head. The big woman staggers back, dropping the chair to the ground. Missy quickly runs forward and jumps up onto the guardrail before pushing off. Janus looks up to see the Ninja�s leg�s wrap around her head, before her body is sent flipping over and onto the floor.)

Cari:: "Hurricanranna by Missy!"

Ken: "Nice agility shown by the Ninja on that one."

(Missy quickly dives across Janus�s chest for the pin, but the dark angel kicks out before the two count. Missy quickly rises to her feet and pulls Janus up with her. The Ninja goes to whip Janus into the guardrail, but the dark angel reverses it, sending Missy towards the metal barricade. Janus charges in after her as Missy leaps up onto the metal barricade and pushes off, rotating her body into a cross body block. She impacts into Janus staggering the big woman, but to her horror, Janus does to fall. Instead Missy feels her leg and throat grabbed, before her body is hurtled downwards. Janus drops to one knee, slamming Missy�s body against her outstretched thigh. Missy yelps in pain as her back is nearly snapped in half. Janus suddenly stands up, showing her strength and lifting the Ninja up again. Janus turns and charges into the ring post, slamming Missy�s back against the unforgiving metal.)

Cari:: "Missy�s going to need some time at the chiropractor after this match."

(Janus rolls Missy back into the ring, before the walks over to the slowly rising ref. Janus grabs him by the shirt and pulls him close to her face. The bad side.)


(With that, she shoves him away, before grabbing the folding chair. Janus slides the chair into the ring and climbs in. Missy is slowly rising to her feet as the dark angel approaches her. Janus grabs the rising Missy by the hair and pulls her up, as she rises, Missy fires a forearm shot up between Janus�s thighs.)

Cari:: "ow"

Ken: "That�s gotta hurt!"

(Janus lets out a gasp and bends forwards. Missy quickly wraps her arm around Janus�s head and leaps backwards.)

Ken: "DDT!"

(Janus is planted into the mat, as her head is driven down. Missy quickly rolls away, taking a moment to clutch her back, before grabbing the metal chair. She walks over to the corner and places the chair between the 2nd and top rope. Missy then turns and see�s Janus pushing herself up. Missy charges across the ring as Janus is on her knees. The Ninja leaps forward, slamming both her feet into Janus�s forehead, snapping her head back and flopping her body to the mat.)

Cari:: "Right in the face! Missy can nail those dropkicks with deadly accuracy!"

(The ninja wastes no time and quickly hauls the stunned Janus to her feet. Missy shoves Janus into the corner opposite the chair. She then grabs Janus in a side headlock and takes off running across the ring. Janus is forced to follow as Missy drags her along side. As they approach the corner, Missy tries to shove Janus forwards, but she is sent flying towards the corner as Janus, drops to the canvas, shoving Missy from behind with all her might. The ninja slams chest first into the propped up chair with a sickening thud. She staggers back, only to feel the strong hand of Janus around her throat. In one motion, she feels her body lifted and spun in the air, before she impacts into the canvas.)

Ken: "Spinning choke slam by Janus! What power by the champ!"

(Janus quickly stomps down on Missy�s body, viciously slamming her heavy cowboy boots down on her oppponent. Missy curls into a ball as Janus plants her boot in her midsection. The dark angel steps away for a moment and grabs the chair from the ropes. Missy is rising to her feet as Janus lifts and brings the chair down.)


(The ninja slumps to the mat as the chair smashes on top of her head. Janus lifts the chair in the air again, pumping her hand to the crowd. The throng cheers as the large dent in the chair is shown to them. Janus drops the chair on the ground and bends down to grab a handful of Missy�s hair. She pulls the Ninja up and fires a knee into her midsection. As Missy doubles over, Janus roughly shoves her head between her thighs, before closing them around Missy�s neck. The dark angel then bends forward, encircling Missy�s firm waist with her arms. )

Cari:: "Piledriver time!"

Ken: "Yes, it would ...NO!"

( As Janus lifts Missy into the air, the ninja pushes off with her legs, forcing her head free from between Janus�s thighs. The Ninja uses the momentum to curl her torso up, so she is sitting on Janus�s surprised shoulders. Missy fires 3 rapid shots to Janus�s face, staggering the Hardcore champ. The Ninja then forces her body over Janus�s head and down her back. On the way down she hooks her arms around Janus�s waist, pulling her backwards. Janus shoulders slam down into the mat with Missy at top her.)

Cari:: "Nice move!"

Ken: "The Ninja is quite adept at getting out of and into holds."

Cari:: "She�s got Janus pinned!"

Ken: "1 ...2... Kickout by the champ!"

( The ref hand was raised for the third count, but Janus powers out. Missy reacts quickly wrapping her arm around Janus�s neck. Missy reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small shruiken (throwing star). She rakes the sharp point across the champs forehead, adding more damage to that area. A trickle of blood begins to flow down into Janus�s eyes as she kicks and tries to free herself from the choke. Missy slowly rises to her feet, maintaining the headlock. Missy then fires her leg backwards, kicking it up into Janus�s belly. As Janus grunts, Missy takes off across the ring, dragging the dark angel along with her. The Ninja leaps up into the air, extending her legs forward.)

Ken: "Bulldog!"

Cari:: "OUCH! Right onto that chair!"

(There is a crunch as Missy drives Janus�s face down onto the dented metal chair. Missy quickly rolls Janus over and hooks the leg for the pin.)

Ken: "Quite the style difference here, I don�t thnk Janus has even gone for a pin here and Missy has made a couple of attempts."

Cari:: "Missy is a technician in the ring, she knows her moves and is here to win a match. Janus just wants to pound something and send a message. But she better hurry up, or it will be the wrong one."

(Janus kicks out at the two count again, lifting her shoulders off the mat. Missy scowls and hauls Janus up by her arm. Missy fires off a quick kick into the big woman�s midsection. Janus groans as Missy whips her into the ropes. Missy chases after her and launches her body into the air for a dropkick. Janus hits the ropes, but hooks her arms over the top, stopping her momentum. The ninja hits nothing but air and crashes to the canvas. Janus takes a moment as Missy rolls onto her back, the hardcore champ then runs foreward and jumps up into the air. She drops her leg directly across Missy�s rising head, smushing her face into the mat.)

Cari:: "Legdrop! Right across the back of the head!"

(Janus pushes herself up and grabs a handful of black locks, pulling the stunned ninja up. In one motion Janus scoops her lighter opponent up into a firemen�s carry. Janus then takes a few running steps across the ring, before leaping into the air and slamming Missy into the mat.)

Ken: "Running Powerslam!"

(Both women bounce up on impact, Janus rises to her knee�s and stares down at her prostrate foe. The Hardcore champ doesn�t bother with a pin attempt and pulls the dazed ninja to her feet. Janus grabs Missy by the hair and the back of her gi and hurtles her through the ring ropes.)

Cari:: "Janus just chucked Missy out of the ring."

(Missy attempts to soften the blow by combat rolling across the floor, but she still hits hard. Janus climbs out of the ring and heads straight for the ring bell. The BRA staff bail out of the way as Janus grabs the bell and rips it from the table. Missy grabs a hold of the barricade to help her up. As she turns, she see�s Janus running right towards her, with the bell as a battering ram. Missy waits and ducks as Janus charges in. The ninja ducks down and then up quickly, sending the surprised Janus into the even more surprised crowd. People scatter as the ring bell clangs onto the floor and Janus lands in the front row. Missy quickly climbs back into the ring and up the corner as Janus struggles to rise amongst broken chairs and startled fans.)

Ken: "What is Missy planning on doing here?"

Cari:: "She�s going to try and break Newton�s law!"

( The crowd gasps as Missy launches herself off the top rope. Janus however is rising with a chair as Missy leaps. The hardcore champ swings the chair in a nasty arc as the Ninja flies towards her.)


Ken: "My GOD! Janus just nailed Missy in mid-air with a chair shot! The Ninja is down!"

(Missy was helpless to prevent the blow, already committing to the aerial attack. The chair slams it her chest , stopping her momentum cold and dropping her to the floor. Security guards pull fans away as Janus straddles the dazed ninja. The hardcore champ wastes no time and pulls Missy up from the floor. Janus grabs her opponent by the hair and pulls her towards the barricade. The dark angel then rams Missy�s head into the steel bars, The ninja�s body convulses for a instant then flops unmoving to the floor. Janus lets out a howl, wiping the blood from her forehead. She turns and glares at a few of the ringside fans, then storms towards them. A few recoil in horror from the scarred beast, others cheer her on. She ignores them all and grabs a cup of beer from a startled patron. She then walks back to Missy and kicks her over onto her back.)

Janus: "I want you awake for this!"

(Janus then pours the beer down onto Missy�s face. The Ninja turns her head away as the liquid revives her. The Janus then bends down and lifts Missy to her feet. Janus goes to grab Missy in a bearhug.)

Ken: "Janus is setting up Missy for the Faces of Pain!"

Cari:: "And onto the concrete floor! This is going to hurt!"

(Janus lifts Missy into the air and prepares to slam her back down face first into the concrete. As Janus starts to swing her down, Missy curls her legs back and tucks her torso forward. Janus is forced over and face first into the floor as Missy uses the Hardcore champs power against her.)

Ken: "Wow! Missy countered it! Janus wasn�t ready for that and she hit hard!"

Cari:: "Missy has shown she can go toe-to-toe with the Hardcore champ, she�s just got to get a little nastier!"

Ken: "Missy fights with a sense of honor, she�ll do what she needs to win and no more."

( Missy quickly rolls Janus onto her back and hooks her for the pin. The ref slaps his hand down twice.)

Ken: "Threee?"

Cari:: "NO! Janus kicked out at the last second!"

( Missy cannot believe how close she was. She holds three fingers up to the ref, who in return holds two up.)

Cari:: "I would have thought the ref would have given Missy a fast count there, considering that Janus nailed him with a chair."

Ken: "Our ref�s a professionals and don�t hold grudges ..well most of them don�t."

(Missy hauls Janus up to her feet. Both women are bloodied and bruised, Missy bleeds from the top of her head and Janus has a nasty cut on her forehead. Missy drags Janus and pushes her over the barricade. Missy vaults over the guardrail and walks over to her duffel bag.)

Cari:: "What is she pulling out this time?"

Ken: "Looks like...a police baton."

Cari:: "Nope that�s a Tonfa stick."

( Missy twirls the stick in her arm before walking back to the slowly rising Janus. She swings the club into Janus�s midsection, dropping the Hardcore champ to the floor. Missy then straddles Janus�s back and pulls her into a camel clutch. Missy then puts the Tonfa stick across Janus�s throat and pulls back.)

Ken: "Vicious move by Missy, she�s got the champ trapped!"

Cari:: "Using the stick to choke out Janus is a smart move, something I would have done in my career."

( The ref asks is Janus wants to quit, but she doesn�t respond. Instead she tries to rock herself side to side, trying to shake the Ninja off of her. Missy pulls back hard, forcing Janus�s neck to be strained to the limit. The ref asks again but Janus lets out a growl with a surge of strength, breaks one arm free from the clutch. Missy quickly moves off of Janus as she breaks free and rises above her. Janus rolls onto her back with Missy straddling her sides. As Missy goes to swing the tonfa down, Janus kicks up her pointed cowboy boot. It impacts at the junction between Missy�s legs. )

Cari:: "OW!!!"

Ken: "That�s going to leave a mark."

(Missy drops her weapon and clutches at her groin as pain fibres shoott hrough her body. Her mouth is stuck in a �O� position, before she stumbles away. Janus forces her aching body to move and rises to her feet as Missy staggers away. Janus walks over towards the spanish announcers table.)

Ken: "What is she going to do to them now?"

Cari:: "What ever it is , it�s can�t be good for Missy."

(Janus grabs a small bag that was sitting under the table. She pulls out a bottle of some sort and a lighter. She pours the contents of the bottle over the table and then clicks the flame on.)

Ken: "Ummm, she�s not going to do what I think.."

Cari:: "Call the Fire Department!"

(Janus�s eye�s seem to be in a trance as she drops the lighter onto the table. The Spanish announcer�s bail as the wooden structure is immediately engulfed in flames. Janus starts to move towards Missy, who is now staring at the fire, while still clutching her groin. She moves away from the oncoming Janus and slides into the ring. Janus scowls and slides in after her. Missy turns and stomps on Janus as she slides under the ropes. Missy lands kick after kick in quick desperation, trying to stop the Hardcore champ. Janus continues to rise, taking the blows, her eye�s still glazed over in a sadistic glare. Missy takes a step back and fires off a kick towards Janus� chest. The big woman blocks the kick and grabs Missy�s leg, causing the Ninja to hop. Instantly Missy leaps up and spins her other leg around.)

Ken :"Enzuguri!"

Cari:: "NO! Janus blocked it!"

(Janus grabs Missy�s other leg as it snaps around. Janus now has both of Missy�s legs in her arms, facing Missy�s back. Janus then leans back, causing Missy�s body to rise in the air. She then jumps forward and slams Missy�s body downwards, face first into the mat.)

Ken: �Faces of Pain!' Janus just hit her finisher!!"

Cari:: "What a counter! Janus knew Missy would go for the enzuguri!"

( Janus rolls Missy onto her back and covers her for the pin.)

Ken: "1"

Cari:: "2"

Ken: "3...what the?"

( The ref�s hand never hits the mat for the third time as Janus pulls Missy�s shoulder off the mat. Janus smiles sadistically as she hauls Missy up to her feet.)

Ken: "Janus could have had the win there, I don�t get..."

Cari:: "The message.."

Ken: "What message?"

Cari:: "Remember Janus said she wanted to up the ante? I think she�s about to."

(Janus shoves Missy�s head between her thighs and quickly wraps her arms around her waist. With a grunt she hauls Missy up into the air and holds her there.)

Ken: "She�s not? Oh no..."

Cari:: "Oh yes!"

(The crowd looks on in horror as Janus takes a couple of steps towards the ropes. Missy is coming around and looks back in horror as she sees the burning table. She tries to move, but Janus launches her down. The Ninja�s body sails over the ropes and into the burning mass of wood.)

Ken: "Good God!, The table exploded!"

Cari:: "Message sent and delivered! Janus just up�d the ante�. Big Time!"

( Missy�s body extinguishes most of the flames around her on impact, she lies still amongst burning pieces of wood as Janus raises her arms in the air, letting out a primal scream. She jumps down from the ring as the ref goes to check on Missy. Janus steps through the burning pieces and places her foot on Missy�s chest. The ref quickly slaps his hand down three times as Janus raises her arms in truimph.)


Ken: "Get the EMT�s in there!"

Cari:: "Ok, now that was really cool!"

Ken: "Cool? Are you insane! Janus powerbombed Missy through a flaming table!? You call that cool?"

Cari:: "Yup!"

Ken: "Good god! And there�s another Hardcore match to go yet."

Cari:: "Yeah, I better take a leak now, while they�re cleaning up."

( Cari: gets up from the table as EMT�s tend to Missy. Janus grabs her title belt and holds it high in the air as she is joined by her stunned Threesome teamates. Lindsey looks down at Missy with concern as Sakura shakes her head at the carnage all around her. The three slowly head back to the dressing rooms as technicians clean up the ring and start to set up the steel cage for the next match.)

Winner: Janus, by pinfall Winner: �Janus, by pinfall
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