logo Alexandria Parker vs. Sakura Ito

We return to the Battling Ring Angels arena and the fans are on their feet. Row after row, all the way to the rafters, they stand and cheer. Many hold signs and placards. The camera pans across the arena to give a few glimpses of the signs. Some of the more catchy ones say: "The Threesome Is Soooo Cool!"; "Never Turn Your Back On Viper"; and "Cari is carrying my love child". The camera settles on Cari and Kenny, seated at the announce positions. The two look directly into the camera and await their signals.

Kenny: Wow have we seen action tonight! And fans, as broadcasters we want to dedicate this one to the late great Gordon Sollie. The Dean of Wrestling Broadcasting.

Cari: For once I agree with you. But probably only this once.

Kenny: Did you see the guy with the "Love Child" sign?

Cari: I'm not carrying anyone's love child.

Kenny: Of course you're not�

Cari: What's that supposed to mean?

Before Kenny can answer, or the fans even have a chance to boo her a loud Bam is heard as the ramp explodes with pyro's and other fire like fireworks. The fans all jump back as the heat can be felt throughout the arena. In the middle of the entrance ramp stands Alexandria Parker, absorbing the hatred from the fans. She wears black form fitting pants with a fire red image embrosed on both sides. Her upper torso is covered by a black, sheer shirt with a fire image across the middle. Standing next to her with a large mirror held high in the air is Miss.Vanity dressed in a matching ensemble. Sauntering down the aisle Alexandria's fire red hair dandles down her back in a cascade of curls. The crowd lets out dozens of catcalls as Miss.Vanity holds the ropes for Alexandria.

Kenny: Well, that was quite an entrance�

Cari: I'm still waiting for an answer.

Kenny: Alexandria has been a bit quite lately.

Cari: I'm waiting!

The lights in the arena dim slightly, as, over the speakers, Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' begins to play. As the first slow stanza ends, and the music picks up, a burst of pyrotechnics brightens the ramp. Out of the fireworks jogs Sakura Ito, known also as 'Chibiyama' or the Little Mountain, closely followed by her manager, John Nanakami, as well as both Janus and Lightning Lindsey Locke, the other members of the Threesome. Sakura appears in prime shape, her thickly muscled body dressed in her standard ring garb, which consists of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is coloured a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. John is dressed in a pair of black slacks and a grey sweatshirt, an airbrushed picture of a mountain peak and cherry blossoms scattering in the wind adorning the back. The pair make their way down to the ring, Sakura taking the time to clap hands with any willing fans. Sakura steps through the ring ropes, while John, Lindsey, and Janus takes a position in her corner. She hops up onto the second turnbuckle and flexes both of her arms, showing off impressive biceps, getting an audible pop from the fans, before flashing them a sign of three fingers up. It is easy to see the intense look and the fire in Sakura's eyes as she stretches out in her corner, her feelings for her opponent fairly obvious.

Kenny: Three fingers held aloft�the symbol of The Threesome.

Cari: Who stole it from the Triple Threat who stole it from the Four Horseman�

Kenny: So who's love child are you carrying, anyway?

Before she can answer, the bell rings and both wrestlers hook up in the center of the ring. Alexandria gains the first advantage by pulling Sakura over with a hip toss and getting the big Japanese girl down to the mat. Alexandria sends a few well placed kicks to Sakura's ribs before she steps away and gestures to the fans.

Kenny: Good fast start by Alexandria Parker.

Cari: And she's telling the fans that they're number one in her book.

Kenny: Sure she is�

Sakura is still trying to shake off the effects of the kicks when Alexandria follows up with a few kicks to the knee of the now kneeling Sakura. She is kicking and stomping away on Sakura's left knee, trying to ground her. Sakura goes down and rolls onto her back, gripping her knee. Alexandria uses this opportunity to scrape her boot over Sakura's face.

Kenny: Alexandria trying to ground the bigger girl.

Cari: And clean the bottom of her shoes also.

But this bit of humiliation seems to have just rallied Sakura. As Alexandria again shows his disdain for the fans, Sakura stands and looks at her. Alexandria'' back is to Sakura.

Cari: Alex! Turn around!

As Alexandria turns, she is met by a clothesline from Sakura that puts her down on her back. This brings a huge pop from the fans. The rich lady rolls around on the mat holding her neck and just looking generally perturbed.

Kenny: My sources tell me that when you take your eyes off an opponent, you will fall victim to moves like that.

Cari: My sources tell me you're a loser.

Sakura stands Alexandria up by pulling her hair. She sends the redhead to the ropes and hits her with a tilt-a-whirl bacbreaker. Alexandria hits hard against Sakura's knee and lands on the mat with a thud. Sakura follows this up with a headlock on the mat. She controls Alexandria's movement and uses her strength to keep Alexandria in check.

Kenny: This is really frustrating Alexandria Parker right now.

Cari: She's got the rookie right where she wants her.

From the headlock, Sakura moves behind Alexandria and applies a hammerlock the further keeps Parker down. Sakura is putting all her strength into the hold and Alexandria is slapping the mat.

Kenny: We are seeing a great display of amateur wrestling skill from Sakura Ito.

Cari: You said it�she's an amateur.

Kenny: So you still haven't told me who's love child you're carrying.

Cari: Shut up.

Sakura is not letting Alexandria get to her feet. Alexandria is struggling to stand, but Sakura is trying to keep her down. Seeing her employer in a tough spot, Ms. Vanity jumps on the ring apron and distracts the ref. While she's doing this, Alexandria uses her free hand to send a quick shot to Sakura's throat. Sakura breaks the hold and grabs her neck in pain. Alexandria sends another shot to Sakura's groin. Sakura goes down and Alexandria starts to shake off the effects of the hammerlock.

Cari: Excellent escape by Alexandria Parker. And good thinking on the part of Ms. Vanity. My sources tell me Alexandria is 127.43% a better wrestler than Sakura!

Kenny: That's ridiculous.

Cari: So are you.

Janus grabs Ms. Vanity and pulls her off the ring apron. Vanity wiggles free and runs to the other side of the ring. Meanwhile, Alexandria stands Sakura and hits her with a release German suplex that puts Sakura on the mat hard. Alexandria pops back up and delivers a leg drop across Sakura's throat.

Kenny: She's working on the neck and trying to make it hard for Sakura to breathe.

Cari: Sitting next to you makes it hard for me to breathe. You really should try something like Old Spice.

Alexandria stands Sakura and Irish whips her to the ropes. On the return she hits Sakura with a well placed Super kick that drops her like a felled tree. Sakura goes down and hits hard. Alexandria points at her downed body and waves her hands to the fans as if she's brushing something aside.

Kenny: There's the Fatale Kick!

Cari: You know what I like about Alexandria?

Kenny: I'm not sure I want to know.

Cari: She always lets these loser fans know where they stand.

Parker moves into position for the pin. The ref drops down and counts, but only reaches two before Sakura gets the shoulder up. The crowd gives a big pop. Alexandria stands and shakes her head. She starts to argue with the ref about a slow count. Finally she returns to Sakura, sending a kick right to her midsection. She stands Sakura and hits her with a brainbuster that puts her down hard. Again Alexandria goes for the pin.

Kenny: One�Two�Thr�No! Ito gets the shoulder up again!

Cari: I can't believe it.

Kenny: Neither does Parker.

Alexandria stands Ito and whips her to the ropes. Alexandria sets her up for and tries for a spinning heel kick, but Ito ducks her on the return. As she comes back again, she hits Parker with a clothesline that drops her to the mat. Sakura drops to her knees and tries to catch her breath also.

Kenny: What movement by Sakura Ito! But that may have taken it all out of her.

The crowd is being spurred on by John Nanakami and The Threesome as they start to rally behind Sakura. Sakura struggles to her feet and pulls Alexandria up. She whips her to the turnbuckle and Alexandria's back his hard. Sakura follows her in. She straddles the second ropes and starts to rain blows down on Alexandria's head�

Crowd: One�Two�Three�Four�Five�Six�Seven�Eight�Nine�Ten!

Sakura gets into position and monkey flips Alexandria out of the corner.

Kenny: Not the type of move we normally see from Sakura. But effective. At a 69% rate.

Cari: Whatever.

Sakura follows Parker and stands her. She positions Alexandria, lifts her, and executes her triple powerbomb combination. Big crowd reaction.

Kenny: The "1-2-3 Mountain Bomb"! Three straight powerbombs and Parker is out!

Cari: Damn!

After the third powerbomb, Sakura goes for the pin. The ref gets into position for an easy 1-2-3 and it's over. Sakura stands and pumps her fist in the air. After she holds three fingers in the air.

Kenny: You've got to think that's the biggest win of her career so far.

Alexandria starts to stir as Lindsay and Janus enter the ring to celebrate with Sakura. Parker sits up and starts to walk over to Sakura. She taps Sakura on the back and Sakura turns. Alexandria offers Sakura her hand.

Cari: Usually Sakura shakes hands with her opponents after all her matches, but she didn't even offer Alexandria. She is a truly poor sport.

Alexandria is showing her hand while Sakura thinks about it. Ms. Vanity slowly enters the ring, mirror in hand, and sneaks over. She is about to bring it down on Sakura, when Janus grabs it out of her hands. Vanity turns and sees Janus standing behind her with the mirror, and she takes off out of the ring. Alexandria sees that her trick has failed and takes off also, pointing at the Threesome menacingly. The crowd is going nuts.

Cari: Well, these three idiots may have just dug their own grave with the sisterhood.

Kenny: Don't go away folks, we'll be right back.

Winner: Sakura Ito
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