logo Tara Sawyer vs. Kelly Mase

The Battling Ring Angels Arena goes wild as we return to action. The crowd is on their feet and cheering at the top of their lungs. Posters and signs dot the landscape of humanity. A brief overview of them yields a few laughs and a few thoughts. Several young men in the forth row from the top have painted letters on their chests and stand in unison to spell out 'JANUS RULES'. A young girl near the front holds a sign advertising 'Lindsay Locke is my hero' and a young man holds a red sign proclaiming 'Nine LaRue for First Lady'.)

Kenny: We are back to the BRA arena and back to action. And action is whet we have coming up.

Cari: You would think that, wouldn't you? But it's not true. Kelly Mase is going to KILL Tara�what's her name?

Kenny: Tara Sawyer�

Cari: Just like in the movie�Tara will soon be 'Gone With The Wind'.

Kenny: This may just be Tara Sawyer's chance to 'Inherit The Wind'.

Cari: I'm gonna knock the wind out of you!

Kenny: Let's go to the ring.

(The lights dim, and Melanie C's "Going Down" begins to blast over the PA system. Tara steps through the curtains, alone for the first time in her career. She seems nervous, but still smiles and waves to the fans as she jogs down to the ring. Reaching ringside, she hopes up onto the apron and rolls under the bottom rope. Quickly getting back to her feet, she rushes towards the nearest corner, and hops onto the second turnbuckle, raising her arms in the air. The crowd showers her with their support.)

Cari: And just like her entrance music, Tara Sawyer is going down!

Kenny: Good entrance by Tara Sawyer, getting the fans on her side.

Cari: Who cares?

(As the lights dim, red pyrothecnics shoot into the sky, simulating rockets as "Live and Let Die" blares from the loudspeakers. As the smoke clears from the entrance Kelly "The Assassin" Mase steps forward, her black leather outfit of boots, pants and vest seeming to absorb the light around her. She surveys the crowd with a blank face as her brother James and the crazed Native American, Skye Soaring Hawk come out to flank her. She leads the procesion down the ramp, pausing for a moment. As James directs Skye towards a seat at ringside, Kelly dives under the bottom rope, standing stock straight and staring at Tara Sawyer, waiting for her to make the first move.)

Kenny: The Assassin is ready for action.

Cari: I'd stay away from the nut Skye Soaring Hawk, especially after the beating Sasha gave her.

Kenny: That was a blood bath.

Cari: Biggest we've ever seen in this company.

(The bell rings and Tara starts to circle Kelly, who is eyeing her closely. Finally, Tara thinks she sees an opening and charges in. She is met by an arm drag takeover by Kelly. She goes to the mat and rolls aside, standing slowly and a bit more wary. Kelly seems pleased with the initial encounter. Tara gets up and the two meet in the center of the ring. Tara goes for a clothesline, but Kelly ducks her and sends a kick to her gut that doubles over Tara. She continues this attack with a kick to the face that puts Tara down.)

Kenny: Tara's inexperience showing early in this match.

Cari: She should just hang it up now.

(Kelly reaches down and gets a handful of Tara's hair. She stands the young girl and whips her to the ropes. As Tara comes back, Kelly hits her with a clothesline that almost spins her around in the air. Tara hits the mat hard and rolls around in clear pain. Kelly presses the attack with kicks to the midsection of the rolling Tara Sawyer.)

Cari: Kelly is keeping up the attack.

Kenny: That is an excellent strategy.

(Kelly again pulls Tara to her feet and sets her up for a short arm clothesline, but misses when Tara reverses her and grabs Kelly in a waste lock. She quickly flips Kelly over and hits her with a northern lights suplex. Tara tries to bridge into a pin, but Kelly kicks out after one.)

Kenny: Tara stunned the Assassin with that move�

Cari: Yeah, but not enough to win.

Kenny: Kelly kicked out fairly fast.

(Tara grabs a hold of Kelly's hauls her to her feet. She sends Kelly to the ropes with an Irish whip and grabs her up into a powerslam. The ring shakes under the weight of these two women. Again, Tara goes for the cover, but Kelly again kicks out, this time at two.)

Cari: She can't beat Kelly with nickel and dime moves like this.

Kenny: Still, good strategy to try for the pin after a high impact move.

Cari: You are a low impact announcer.

Kenny: ummmm, back to action!

(Tara is back on the attack, hauling Kelly to her feet once again and sending her to the turnbuckle. But�)

Kenny: Nice reversal by Kelly Mase!

(Kelly sends Tara into the turnbuckle and Tara's back slams against the ring corner. Kelly follows her and starts to send karate style kicks into Tara's midsection. She sends a flurry of kicks that Tara is too stunned to defend against. After the kicks, Kelly sends shoulder blocks into the midsection of Tara. Against the post, she has nowhere to go.)

Kenny: Kelly has poor Tara cornered right now.

Cari: This is just a beating. I love it!

(Kelly grabs Tara around the neck and DDT's her right out of the corner. Tara's head slams with a bang against the mat and she lies motionless in the ring. Kelly kicks her boot against the young girl, as if checking for life.)

Kelly: You just don't learn from all those beatings I've given you and Shea London!

Cari: She has a point.

Kenny: All those victories have been suspect.

Cari: Who has the title belts?

Kenny: ��.

Cari: Yeah, I thought so!

(Kelly goes for the pin, but Tara manages to get a shoulder up at two plus. The crowd gives her a nice cheer for her efforts.)

Kenny: Fans appreciate the hard work of Tara Sawyer.

Cari: She shoulda stayed down.

(Kelly stands and is clearly a bit shocked by Tara's kickout. She pulls Tara up and sends knees into her midsection. She grabs Tara and swings her around and into a backbreaker. She drops Tara to the mat and watches as the young girl rolls around in pain.)

Kelly: You can't beat me with a partner, and you can't beat me without one!

Cari: Again, very true.

Kenny: Just stop with that.

(Kelly pulls Tara to her feet. She slaps the young girl's face a few times and whips her to the ropes. But on the way back, Tara jumps up and grabs her around the neck, slamming Kelly down into a bulldog. Both women roll around on the mat, trying to get their bearings.)

Kenny: That caught Kelly 100% off guard! But that was all Tara had left in her tank.

Cari: This is just not right!

(The crowd is chanting Tara's name, trying to get her back to her feet. She is stumbling back up, but so is Kelly. Almost on cue, Skye starts to go nuts outside the ring. The ref turns and looks at the crazy woman. This allows Kelly to roll over and send a shot to Tara's lower extremities. Tara grabs herself in pain and doubles over. Kelly sends a kick right to the face of Tara. The ref returns to the match and sees that the tied has changed.)

Kenny: Low Blow! Come On!

Cari: I didn't see anything.

(Kelly grabs Tara by the hair and drags her over to the corner. She stands her and hefts the big girl, sitting her on the top rope. Kelly sends a few shots to Tara's head, keeping her in place. Kelly climbs the ropes and delivers a brainbuster on Tara.)

Cari: The Headshot!

Kenny: Kelly goes for the pin�that's it!

(The ref raises Kelly's hand in victory while Tara rolls around from the effects of that move. Kelly sends a few kicks into the prone youngster and walks away with her entourage in toe.)

The Winner is�Kelly Mase.
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