logo Peggy Christian and Samantha Staffer vs. Jennifer Christian and Laura Parker

As the commercial for Dr Cosmo McKinley's Famous Tollhouse Cookies fades from view the scene once again returns to the BRA arena as the next match in tonight's lineup is almost ready to get under way. A quick pan of the audience shows fan's loyalties displayed in various signs hung every which way. "Please Come Back Yvette!", "My heart belongs to Little Alex" and "Play Misty for me!" are some that show tribute to some of BRA's best and most popular that have not been forgotten.

Kenny: The tag team division is heating up and the newest team to try and make a statement are in action next against a veteran of the tag team wars and a youngster who was impressive in her first tag outing recently!

Cari: It doesn't take a computer to figure out the result of this matchup!

Kenny: Everything does seem to point to the Sisterhood pairing in this match despite Peggy Christian being a former belt holder in this division. Laura Parker has the skill and experience and La Petite Marquise has defeated both her opponents in singles matches.

Cari: It's the Sisterhood vs. the Cathouse and Thirtysomething are going down!

Suddenly the lights dim and a few explosions light up the entrance heralding the arrival of BRA's newest tag team. "What's New Pussycat" by Tom Jones blares over the loudspeakers and the crowd erupts as Samantha Staffer and Peggy Christian emerge from the curtains wearing identical black jackets with "Thirtysomething" written across the back. Both women stride down opposite sides of the aisle slapping hands with the fans. As they enter the ring they stride around once before removing their jackets. They show identical leopard print one-piece suits as they hand their jackets through the ring to attendants. Samantha wears high black leather boots and her red hair in a single braid down her back while Peggy wears sheer tights, white boots and her hair loose. They wave to the crowd who cheers them madly.

Kenny: The Sisterhood may win the match, but I think Thirtysomething would be the fan's choice judging by their reaction!

Cari: Might get them good beds in the hospital if they are lucky!

As the lights go down again "She Bop" by Cindi Lauper belts out and Laura Parker and La Petite Marquise Jennifer Christian burst from the back. Laura wears her white spandex pants, bikini top and black over the knee boots while LPM wears a pink two piece suit and white wrestling boots. They move to the music, driving most of the male members of the audience into a sweat! They enter the ring energetically and glare across the ring at their opponents.

Kenny: Willi Weinerschnitzel is notable by his absence here tonight!

Cari: Divided loyalties I guess. Client vs. girlfriend! Referee Max Polk may be an interesting factor in this match!


The crowd roars as all four women circle in the ring and to no one's surprise Laura pairs off with Peggy and Samantha goes in for LPM fast. The teen is caught by the larger woman's speed and finds herself trapped in a side headlock! LPM grabbed desperately at Samantha's waist as she struggled to stay on her feet. Peggy meanwhile goes in for a lockup with Laura but gasps as the brunette brings a knee sharply to Peggy's stomach. Grabbing her left arm Laura twists on a painful armbar before bringing another kneelift into Peggy's stomach that drops the older wrestler to her knees.

Kenny: Fast start by Laura and Samantha. Looking pretty even so far!

Cari: I am surprised by Samantha's speed but it can't last for long!

Kenny: I don't know. LPM doesn't look like she will break that hold anytime soon!

Samantha drags LPM around the ring in the headlock, stopping to grind it even harder, causing squeals of protest from the teen. Laura meanwhile drags Peggy to her feet by the hair and runs her head into the corner. Peggy slumps over the top turnbuckle in a daze and suffers more as Laura repeats the maneuver several times. Samantha meanwhile stops and snap mares LPM to the mat with a loud smack! Laura turns from the corner and sees Samantha leap up and drop a heavy thigh across the smaller girl's throat. Laura leaves her dazed opponent and rushes across the ring. As Samantha gets back to her feet she is met with a dropkick from Laura that sends her back to the mat. Laura gets up to survey her work and helps LPM to her feet as Peggy starts to emerge from the corner shaking her head. Laura and LPM join hands and run a double clothesline through the wobbly Peggy that drops her hard!

Kenny: Peggy is sure having a hard time getting started in this match!

Cari: Laura Parker has an agenda here. She has never beaten Peggy before and that would be insulting to anyone not being able to beat that glorified mid carder!

Kenny: It's early though, and Samantha is getting back into this match in a hurry!

As Laura and LPM both turn from the struggling housewife they are both shocked as Samantha runs and leaps into the air, driving a big black boot into each of the Sisterhood member's chests! Laura crashes on top of Peggy and both women lay in a daze. Samantha gets up fast and goes right for LPM, dragging the smaller girl effortlessly to her feet before scooping her up and slamming her hard to the mat! Getting up again she pulls the hurting teen into another side headlock, then raises a hand to the cheering crowd and takes off running before bulldogging LPM in the center of the ring!

Kenny: Samantha Staffer is on fire! She really wants to make the younger Christian suffer!

Cari: Laura had better snap out of it quick. Her partner could be in real trouble here!

Kenny: But Peggy is moving first! She's getting Laura in a body scissors!

Peggy still looks dazed but keeps control of Laura as the brunette recovers and tries to fight her way clear. Peggy sees her partner in control and works at keeping Laura tied up. Samantha meanwhile has LPM on a platter! She drags the faltering teen to her feet and bends her forward, gripping her head and hoisting her up vertical in the air, holding her there and smirking at Laura before falling back, suplexing her opponent hard to the mat! LPM lays on her back as her head rolls slowly back and forth. Samantha effortlessly leans across her as Max Polk goes for the count.




Kenny: NO! Samantha has pulled her opponents shoulders from the mat! She stopped the count while she had her cold!

Cari: Samantha is trying to show off! She's playing a game that could backfire on her!

Samantha gets to her knees and grabs LPM's hair before dragging her up and between her legs. Lifting her up she drops back down and piledrives LPM hard to the mat, leaving her in a crumpled mass! Laura's eyes open wide as she watches and she struggles more, but finds herself trapped in a full nelson as well as the scissors and her heavier opponent holding tight! Samantha smiles and gets to her feet watching her partner squeeze the life out of Laura!

Kenny: This is looking very grim for the Sisterhood! LPM is down, maybe for the evening and Peggy has Laura in a bad spot!

Cari: This would be a huge upset if it continues, but Laura won't go down easy!

In fact Laura has planted her feet and starts to push back. Her face is red from the pressure but she manages to roll back, forcing Peggy's back to the mat. Max Polk is down in a flash and starts to count the pin, forcing Peggy to throw Laura off and release the hold. Samantha shakes her head and moves for Laura but doubles over gasping as Laura drives a fist between the redhead's legs!

Cari: There's a good move! The Cathouse boss wasn't expecting that!

Kenny: Of course not! She's not a cheater like Laura Parker!

Cari: I don't think Max Polk is seeing it that way!

Kenny: Max the mole!

Laura gets to her feet and quickly slaps a side headlock on the redhead. Peggy is up but as she moves for Laura the featherweight champ uses Samantha as a springboard and leaps up, trapping Peggy's head in a leg scissors! With a roll forward Laura flips both Thirtysomething members to the mat!

Cari: Double mares! Great wrestling from the Sisterhood member!

Kenny: Wow! That was indeed great athleticism! Thirtysomething felt that!

In the ring LPM finally struggles to her feet as Laura rolls both opponents over. She comes over and starts to put the boots to Samantha as she tries to get up. Laura meanwhile grabs both of Peggy's legs and spread-eagles them. With a sneer on her face she glares down at the housewife before dropping both her legs on Peggy's inner thighs!

Cari: Leg spread double leg drop! A Laura Parker classic! The housewife won't be able to walk for a week!

Kenny: Poor Peggy is in agony! Look at her face!

Peggy lays on the mat groaning in pain! Laura sits between Peggy's legs, still keeping them spread. She folds her arms in total arrogance, her eyes darting pure hatred at Peggy! Samantha gets to her feet but LPM grabs an arm and propels her to the ropes but Samantha reverses it and clotheslines LPM on the return! The teen slams painfully to the mat as Samantha carries on to Laura and drives a boot to the lower back of the surprised brunette! As Laura rolls to the mat grabbing her back Samantha grabs her hair and pulls her up before dropping her hard with a DDT! She gives Peggy a smile as if to say she will take it from here. As LPM gets back to her feet groggily Samantha runs up and sends her sprawling with a hurricanrana! Samantha continues the assault as both Peggy and Laura struggle to clear the cobwebs. Samantha whips LPM into the ropes and lifts her up, twisting over into a powerslam that drives the air from her much smaller foe!

Kenny: BIG trouble for Jennifer Christian! Samantha is too big and powerful for her! The youngster has nothing left to fight with!

Cari: Laura has to get back in this! Now!

Samantha stands her hapless opponent up with an armbar and as Laura gets to her feet Samantha whips LPM right into her and both women go sprawling painfully to the mat! Peggy gets up but its clear the leg drop has caused some damage. She hoists her daughter up by the arm and whips her across the ring right into the waiting arms of Samantha who whips her over in a belly to belly suplex! Peggy stands and nods her head at Samantha, but does not see Laura who gets to her feet and sneaking up on Peggy from behind bulldogs her to the mat! Laura rises to her knees and senses her only chance is to pin Peggy first. As she tries to roll the dazed housewife over Samantha kneels on LPM and pulls her legs up and under her arms for a matchbook pin.

Kenny: Laura is across Peggy! She's got her pinned!

Cari: Max Polk is confused! There's two pins going on!

Kenny: Which one is he going to count?

Cari: I don't think even he knows!

Both Laura and Samantha stare daggers at the referee as he continues to stand looking in a state of total indecision. Samantha finally tires of it and releases LPM's legs and gets up. This seems to galvanize Max Polk into a decision but before her can start the count on Peggy Samantha grabs Laura's hair and drags her off of her partner.

Kenny: Good thinking by the Cathouse leader! At least she's got the referee back in the match!

Cari: For all the good it will do her! He has been smitten with the Sisterhood since he started refereeing!

Laura screams and pulls at Samantha's hands as she is dragged to a corner by her hair. Samantha goes to slam her head onto a turnbuckle but Laura puts a foot up, blocking the move, then drives an elbow back into the rookie's stomach.

Cari: Samantha may make a competent wrestler someday, but there is no match for experience, and Laura has plenty!

Laura grabs Samantha's red hair and drags the rookie's head over the top rope and starts to choke her on the rope! She reaches under the top rope and pulls her opponent's hair down with one hand, choking the air from Samantha's lungs! The referee tries to take a closer look as Samantha struggles on the ropes but Laura smiles sweetly at him and flashes an innocent look. Meanwhile Peggy gets up to her knees and sees her partner in trouble, but her daughter rolling vulnerable beside her. She makes a decision and getting up, drags Jenn to her feet and scoops her up and down in a bodyslam!

Kenny: Peggy had a chance to help her partner but I think she is going for the win here!

Cari: She is still hurting from the abuse Laura put on her, I doubt she could be much help anyway!

Kenny: Don't be too sure, she's going for the big splash!

Cari: But with no speed! She can hardly move her legs!

Peggy moves slowly, bouncing off one set of ropes and gets to the other, but as she bounces off Laura is there and drags the housewife down with a flying headscissors before she reaches the unmoving LPM. Samantha is slowly coming off the ropes, gasping hard for air and massaging her neck from the choke. LPM finally moves, but the match has taken its toll on her. She gets up and moves to Samantha, twisting an armbar on the surprised rookie. Laura releases Peggy's head and pulls her to her feet! Laura and LPM look at each other then whip both opponents at each other, but Samantha and Peggy reverse it and Laura and LPM collide in the middle of the ring!

Kenny: Double reverse from Thirtysomething! Laura and the little Marquise are down!

Cari: They really hit hard! I didn't think the old women had it in them!

Peggy drops to her knees and straddles Laura's back, leaning forward and trapping her in a full nelson. Samantha drags a listless LPM to the corner and rams her head to the turnbuckle! LPM can only slump over the corner as Samantha spins her around and starts driving forearms to her smaller opponent's chest! The crowd counts in unison as the teen reels from every heavy blow!

Kenny: The crowd is really getting behind Samantha and Peggy now! If Peggy can hold Laura, this match is over!

Cari: With that much weight on your back you would have a hard time getting up as well!

Kenny: Laura's a fighter but she is definitely in a tough position!

Samantha now drags LPM to the center of the ring by her hair. The teen is barely able to stand as she follows. Samantha eggs the crowd on as Laura struggles, watching with anger as Samantha finally scoops LPM up and completes an easy tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on the teen, dropping her hard across her knee before rolling her in agony to the mat.

Kenny: Samantha made that look effortless! She's hooked the leg and is going for the pin!

Cari: She has no need to hook the leg! LPM is done for!




Kenny: Done like dinner!


On hearing the bell Peggy releases Laura and gets to her feet to meet Samantha and they hug in the middle, the crowd roaring their approval! They raise each other's hands and accept the cheers from the crowd!

Cari: Impressive work, especially by Samantha Staffer. Laura and especially the little marquise could not cope tonight.

Kenny: Samantha is heading for the side of the ring, and she is asking for the mike! LPM is still down and Laura looks concerned!

Cari: Truthfully some may say Samantha overdid it. She could have won that match a lot earlier, but she showed a ruthless side tonight! A pleasure to see!

Samantha has grabbed the mike and stands in the middle of the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Did you enjoy the match tonight?"

The crowd roars with approval at the comment and Samantha continues.

"We did too! I think we proved that the Cathouse is going to be a force to be reckoned with! The Sisterhood has had their own way for far too long, and we aim to continue what we started tonight, and that is the destruction of the Sisterhood!"

If it was possible, the crowd cheered even more, except for the Sisterhood fans, but the cheering drowned them out!

"On a personal note, I know I am a rookie, and I will have to work my way up to it, but hear me, Yvette Malreaux, I won't stop until you and me meet one on one right here!"

Kenny: A personal challenge to the Marquise! That is a bold step!

Cari: At least she recognizes her place! She is not in Malreaux's class of wrestler!

Kenny: Yet!

Samantha grabs Peggy's arm and raises it before heading out of the ring. Laura stands and starts to shout threats at both Cathouse members as she cradles Jenn in her arms.

WINNER: Thirtysomething by pinfall.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws