logo Viper vs. Lindsey Locke

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(The screaming crowds and flashing lights made a spectacle of the arena, adding to the excitement in the air. The pumping music, flowing from the sound system created an atmosphere that held everyone in attendance on the edge of their seats. It was like fuel, adding to flames of an evening filled with the lust for action and women putting their bodies and lives on the line. The camera teased the home audience with shots of voluptuous and carnal vixens in the arena, blowing kisses and putting on their most seductive faces. Dominating the space above the ring, is a metal cage, looking ominous and sinister, perhaps a symbol of all the pain and suffering that was sure to come in the last match of the evening. Finally, the camera switched, focusing on Cari and Kenny, the erstwhile announcers in the arena. With a smirk of sheer mischief, Cari stared at the camera, as her hands lightly folded, reassuring the audience that she was the grand dame of the sport. Kenny merely checked his headset, and adjusted his glasses, looking up after a slight jab to the ribs.)

Kenny: Good evening everyone and welcome back. We�ve saved the best for last. The final show of the evening is Viper facing Lindsey Locke in a match that many thought would be Viper against Janus.

Cari: (narrowing her eyes to slits) Exactly. For once you make an observation that makes me not unhappy to be sitting next to you. Whereas I grudgingly admit that both Viper and Lindsey have good points, I also think that both of them are people I would like to be seen taken to the limits and put out of the sport permanently. Besides, with the cage hanging above us, maybe I will get my wish . . .

Kenny: Do you realize that every time you say that, you further alienate yourself from the audience?

Cari: (pondering a smack) Do you realize that every time you sit next to me your life is in danger?

Kenny: (gulps) Any predictions tonight, Cari?

Cari: Regarding you? You�ll go home frustrated and alone?

(As Cari starts in on her tirade against Viper and Lindsey, the she is cut off. The lights dip to black as the sound of hissing fills the speakers. The Angeltron slowly comes to life as the image of a Pit Viper swaying back and forth is shown on the screen. Suddenly the large snake strikes; in slow motion it�s maw opens revealing fangs oozing with venom. At that same moment, the stage explodes with a series of green pyro as �WHO DO YOU LOVE� by George Thorogood, blasts over the loudspeakers. Through the smoke and fire steps the Viper. As she steps through the smoke the audience witnesses her dragging a garbage can filled with assorted devices. Viper scans the area, taking a moment to soak in the cheers of the crowd. She raises her arms in the air, showing off her long snake tattoo down her right arm and shoulder before making her way to the ring. Dressed in her scaled green sports bra and black combat pants she walks slowly down the aisle, her silver bike chain dangling around her neck.. Her black boots shine as she slides into the ring and smiles at the ref before rising to her feet.)

Kenny: Goodness! What a stunning entrance! What do you think she is going to do with all the stuff in the garbage can?

Cari: (a sideways glance of disgust) I think she is going to take out some trash, Kenny.

(As strobe lights go off around the arena, simulating lightning, Lindsay walks to the entry. She stands with her arms out in a "T", palms down. As pyrotechnics go off, she raises her hands to a "V", palms up. Lindsay stands in a way that is both defiant and cute, with a smile on her face. "Immigrant Song" by Led Zepplin hits as Lindsay, accompanied by Janus, Sakura Ito and Angela Downey, makes her way to the ring. Lindsay wears her outfit of blue spandex shorts with silver lightning bolts on it. On the back it says "Lightning" in silver letters. She wears a blue spandex top with silver bolts on it and blue boots with silver bolts on them. She also has silver kneepads. Her blond hair is in pigtails. The crowd cheers wildly as the fan favorite walks to the ring, smiling and slapping hands with fans. Behind her Angela, Janus and Sakura follow in tow. All four women enter the cage and the members of the Threesome hit the now well-known "Threesome Pose". Sakura drops to one knee and flexes her two powerful arms. Lindsay stands right behind her, holding three fingers up. Janus stands behind both of them and holds her fallen angel championship belt in the air. Angela Downey points at them. The crowd is cheering like mad for their favorites. They split up and Lindsay gets hugs, first from Sakura and then from Angela. Finally, she walks over to Janus and gets some last minute advice. The ref clears the other members of the Threesome out of the cage and Lindsay stretches in preparation for the match. Janus, Sakura and Angela patrol the outside of the cage, making sure that no outside interference will take place.)

Kenny: I fear for the safety of both women!

Cari: Pffft! I fear for YOUR safety. Besides, Viper is tough as nails � and about as bright, while Lindsey seems to have brought the crew from Batman with her.

Kenny: That cage looks hellish!

Cari: (settling back in her seat, looking most pleased with what is about to transpire) Oh, yes . . . It�s time . . .

(Viper stares at her opponent as the cage begins to lower, perhaps staring through her soul, then carefully throwing a glance towards the three well-wishers that have come to her side. As the cage comes down into place, Lindsey sucks in her breath, preparing for the fight. As the cage is being locked down by BRA officials, the crowd begins cheering, knowing that what they are about to see should be a match made in Hell. Seeing that Lindsey is without weapons, Viper drags her palm down her face, shaking her head. Much to the dismay of the crowd, Viper removes the chan from around her neck and tosses it in her trashcan, getting rid of it before the cell becomes locked. Certain members of the bloodthirsty audience boo, wishing to see hardcore violence. Janus watches with intensity, returning every foul glance that Viper tosses her way.)

Cari: Dammit! What IS this non-sense!? I thought we were here to see a fight!

Kenny: Apparently, Viper wants to stay clean.

Cari: How simply repulsive! I thought that these people were paid for a reason, not to be some kind of nurse maidens!

(The bell sounds and Viper comes closer, still shaking her head, as if regretting the mess that she finds herself in. Both women circle one other, staring and watching, waiting for the other to make the first move. The crowd cheers them on, chanting for some kind of action. Viper whispers something, but the noble and silent Lindsey makes no sound in response, instead, she is the first to act. Viper is stunned as Lindsey assaults her with a hard knife chop to the chest, knocking her back. As she stumbles, Lindsey attacks again, driving Viper back. As Viper swings her arms trying to regain her balance, Lindsey lunges forward, seizing the brawler by the left hand and tugs at her, snapping her back, and towards the far end of the cage. Viper lands into the cage, with a hard impact, the sound of her body and the metal reverberating through the arena. Lindsey goes in for a further attack but Viper spins around, prepared for her, the impact with the cage not having the full effect that Lindsey had desired. As Viper turns, she executes a full round house kick, catching Lindsey in the side of the head, snapping back her neck. She stumbled backwards, spinning around like a drunken prostitute, trying to regain her bearings. Instead, Viper, liking the aggression from her opponent, continued her attack, coming forward like a steamroller, barreling into Lindsey. Taking the opportunity to pounce, Viper dives down, driving her balled fist into the side of Lindsey�s head with enough force to knock her opponent back, driving the senses from her. With strength and force rarely seen, Viper picks Lindsey up, slamming her back down on the mat, face first, with the attempt to lock upon her some kind of submission move, however, Lindsey�s speed and agility are seen, as she rears her legs back, pulling off a vicious mule kick to Viper�s head, then quickly squirming away, attempting to rethink her strategy.)

Kenny: The crowd is going wild from the first few moves we have seen from the ladies!

Cari: Kenny, you half-wit, what we have seen is a set of desperate women, trying to salvage their pathetic careers! Please! I have seen more active creatures hanging upside down in trees! However, it looks like Janus, for one, seems interested in the action. That �fork obsessed� weirdo is a menace, in my opinion.

(Notwithstanding Cari�s comments, Lindsey leaps to her feet, instantly jumping up with spark and energy. Viper seems dismayed at the sudden rebound of her opponent. Lindsey bobs and weaves, making her way towards Viper with the usual energy and spunk the crowd is accustomed to. Viper lunges and misses. Viper lunges and Lindsey blocks, frustrating the street brawler. However, as she lunges a third time, Lindsey darts out of the way, seizing the opportunity that Viper left open. She executes a palm strike, catching Viper in the face and the sudden sting startles her. In a flurry of activity Lindsey then runs and darts off the cage wall, coming back and rabbit punching Viper in the back, assaulting her kidneys. Suddenly, she grabs hold of Viper and snaps her into a spinning neck breaker, which plants her to the mat, as the crowd roars with excitement. As fast as she pulled it off, she then brings Viper back to her feet, and whips her into the cage, coming off with a jawbreaker as she catches Viper on the rebound. The crowd goes wild but some people are less than amused.)

Cari: Do these nitwits know nothing? Sure, Lindsey is a fast paced athlete � and I use that term ever so lightly � but these rubes and hicks have come to see real fighting. If they wanna see blood, they should be cheering on that uncouth and brain-dead Viper!

Kenny: Actually, Cari, it seems that both women are of that �fan favorite� status.

Cari: Harumph. All �fan favorite� means to me is that the poor taste of forty thousand people rubs off on you.

(Back inside the cage, Lindsey sees her opportunity to strike a victory early and begins climbing the cage, ready, preparing to leap. The crowd goes wild, watching and waiting as Viper lays silently. An eerie smile appears over Janus� face as she nods to Lindsey.)

Cari: (smirking) Heh. Oh, Kenny . . . Watch this. You�ll LOVE it . . .

(As Lindsey leaps off, Viper raises her leg, catching Lindsey under the jaw, sending her flying back as a look of dazed bewilderment washes over her in a flurry of stunned amazement. Her body stiffens as she hits the cage, bouncing off in a most painful and unsettling manner. The crowd goes wild as Viper slowly rises, spitting out several obscenities and rubbing her neck, planning her next move.)

Kenny: (stunned) How on earth did you predict that!!!!???

Cari: Simple you simpleton! I was the master of this sport! I dominated for years! I was unstoppable and I know a scam when I see one!

Kenny: Master of the sport? What about the time that �Amazon� Angel Ayers took you and-

Cari: (yanking out his mouthpiece from the connector, Kenny falls silent) What was that, Kenny? We lost you . . .

(Viper, like a methodical worker, begins her systematic assault on her opponent, even though it is clear that she seems to have a certain amount of reservations in doing what she knows she has to accomplish. The crowd is dazed and dazzled as they see her, in a manner of moments, apply a snap suplex to Lindsey, almost breaking her, then, as she tries to recuperate, she executes running clothesline that takes her to the mat. Then, a dropkick to the knee is followed by some hellish and excruciating kicks to the knee. Lindsey howls in agony, as Viper throws her on her stomach and methodically begins to stomp away at her opponent�s hamstrings in a relentless assault of punishment and systematic attack. Screaming angry words at Viper, Janus slowly becomes more animated.)

Kenny: Oh my gosh! Did you see that!?

Cari: (sarcastically and mocking his voice) Oh my gosh! You�re back on and we can hear you!

(Lindsey lays moaning, trying to escape as Viper begins to ponder her next move. She knows that she has to act quickly, as the speed exhibited by her opponent is her greatest asset as well as Viper�s greatest enemy. Deciding that she has to go for a power move, Viper pulls Lindsey to her feet and begins hammering away with hard lefts and solid rights, pummeling her with the skills of an expert boxer and pit fighter. Feeling confident that she has softened her up, she lands a blow to Lindsey�s midsection. As she is doubled over and dazed, Viper applies a piledriver, executing it as the fans go wild. Limply, Lindsey falls to the mat, in utter agony, dazed and bewildered. Then, without batting an eye, Viper goes to the cage and begins the ascent that would end the match.)

Kenny: That was a brutal move, Cari! Absolutely brutal!

Cari: Perhaps! However, it lacked the finesse seen by more skilled and focused wrestlers. Viper�s main problem � but not her only one, my dear � is that she is filled with so much anger. Of course, if I were as ugly as she were, I would be angry, as well. It must be terrible not finding a date on a Saturday night. Then again, maybe she and Janus should double date at the zoo.

(Startled, Lindsey slowly raises her head, shakes it, and looks around, regaining her senses. Her eyes focus on Viper climbing the cage. She springs herself up, bouncing from the mat with a stride in her step. She launches herself toward the cage wall that Viper is climbing. Throwing her body into the metal, she shakes the cage, startling Viper. However, it is not until she thrusts up her hands, wrapping them around her ankles, that Viper grows more concerned. For a brief moment, Viper does not know what to do. However, the hesitation allows Lindsey to yank her opponent, bringing her down hard from the cage, impacting with the canvass. As Viper hits the mat, the cage shakes as the crowd sits in stunned amazement. Wracked with pain, Viper screams out, arching her back, showing the agony. It is Lindsey who now climbs the cage, however, her goal is not escape. Instead she throws herself from a short distance, landing a leg drop across Viper�s neck. The brawler is stunned, as her only reaction is to instinctively reach for her throat. Quickly, Lindsey leaps up and begins to lock upon Viper an abdominal stretch. The first few moments result in obvious agony for Viper, but she is more resourceful than to submit. She manages to fling her arm back, striking Lindsey in the head, loosening her grip long enough for Viper to squirm free, averting certain disaster from Lindsey�s submission maneuver. Frustrated, Lindsey is able to control herself long enough to snake her way behind Viper, locking her up into a belly to back suplex, planting her on the mat hard, much to the amazement of the crowd in the arena.)

Kenny: Goodness!

Cari: (rolling her eyes) Do you realize how stupid you look and sound? Yeah, I suppose that was a good move, but Evonne Carmikel would have done better.

Kenny: �Dollar Lady?�

Cari: Watch yourself, buddy . . .

(Scooping up Viper for a slam, the brawler has other plans. Ramming her knee into Lindsey�s stomach on the way up, Viper manages to escape and back away. As Lindsey begins to rub the hurt out of her stomach, Viper leaps forward, striking like the snake of her namesake. Balling her fists she launches into a tirade of nasty shots, hammering away at Lindsey, knocking her back with each hit. Trying to maintain her balance, Lindsey goes on the defensive, but it is clear that Viper�s intensity is taking a toll on her.)

Cari: Finally, Viper does what I would have done � eliminate Lindsey�s speed and agility by wearing her down.

Kenny: I believe she has been trying that the entire match, but Lindsey is a hard one to wear down.

Cari: (with catty spite in her voice) Actually, Kenny, Lindsey�s wild activity is more like what happens when its free crack night at the zoo�s monkey house � uncontrolled and far too . . . perky. Oh wait. Look at that . . . Viper just dropped Lindsey on her head. THAT should take some of that spunk out of her.

(As Lindsey twitches and writhes on the mat, Viper glances down and decides to try to put her away, and make her escape from the cage.)

Viper: Nothing personal, Lindsey, I just want what your buddy, Janus has.

(Scooping Lindsey up, it is clear that Viper intends to execute a power move. However, Lindsey manages to wriggle her way free, a look of impending fear on her face at what could have happened. As she slides out of Viper�s grasp, landing behind her, she places a solid kick to Viper�s back, landing squarely and having the added effect of pushing her away. As Viper moans, turning to face her opponent, Lindsey rushes her, catching Viper in the chest with her shoulder. Zipping past Viper, Lindsey builds moment for her return attack. Viper swings, misses and takes a boot from Lindsey in the side of the head. However, it is clear that Lindsey�s speed is dwindling, the early punishment that Viper having dished out taking a toll on her. As Lindsey aims for another shot, Viper catches her foot, yanks, attempting to hyperextend it, and slams her opponent to the mat. Lindsey screams in shock and agony from the assault, barely moving out of the way when Viper follows up with a stomp.)

Cari: We may be seeing both women get a bit more desperate now.

Kenny: Possibly. Lindsey would be best advised to try and make a quick strike and make her escape from the cage. Her best asset � her speed and agility � is slowly wearing down. Viper, however, seems to work best under bad conditions. The statistics on my computer clearly state-

Cari: (sliding the laptop off the table, and watching it smash) I hate a know-it-all.

(As Viper attempts to stomp again, Lindsey is able to not only dodge, but also catch her foot, using all her might to throw her opponent to the mat onto her back. Viper grumbles and curses at how Lindsey was able to take advantage of her in such a way. Feeling her momentum rise, Lindsey then jumps up, ready for action. She runs across Viper, and on the rebound, leaps up, and drives her knee into the brawler�s head as she comes down. Startled and angered, Viper again groans as she thrashes about on the mat. However, Lindsey leaps up again, ready for another strike. With Viper still stunned, Lindsey grabs her by the wrist and yanks her to her feet, throwing her into the far wall. Viper bounces off with a thud and on the rebound executes a jawbreaker to the brawler. As Viper's head snaps back and her body tightens, the crowd is in awe over the brilliance of Lindsey�s technique. On their feet, the crowd cheers her on as Viper tries to push herself up, doing her best to shake off the attack. However, she does not see Lindsey climbing the cage. When Viper finally comes around, Lindsey notices that she will certainly not have the time to escape without her opponent catching her. Instead, she leaps off the cage, performing a somersault in mid air, landing cross body atop Viper. Viper again goes to the mat as Lindsey hears the wild cheers from the crowd, loving her moves. Satisfied with herself, Lindsey springs up, ready to start the climb, with Janus cheering her on.)

Cari: This is it. It looks like Lindsey is going for the big win. Might as well go for it. Since these two are hardly going to be doing any of the �hard core� part of this �hard core match.�

Kenny: Nonetheless, the crowd seems to be thrilled over the effort from both women! It is like a tornado of activity!

Cari: �Tornado of activity?� Sweet God in Heaven, where do you get such strange phrases?

(As Lindsey begins to climb, she discovers her fatigue, showing the signs that the battle has worn on her. Her actions are slower and she seems to be pained with every move. Viper looks up and watches, shaking her head to get herself back in the fight. She slowly makes her way up and runs backward, using the far wall to propel her to the side Lindsey is climbing. The impact on the side of the cage causes Lindsey to bounce off from a severe height, slamming onto the mat, at Viper�s disposal.)

Cari: Now THIS is an interesting turn of events . . .

Kenny: Lindsey is certainly at Viper�s mercy!!!!!

(With her opponent on the mat, face down. Viper hooks her legs down around Lindsey�s ankles and them quickly falls forward, grabbing her right arm and pulling it back while hooking her free arm around Lindsey�s neck. The pain and agony on Lindsey�s face is clear as Viper, as her name would suggest, begins to lock in on her opponent, not releasing. The printed pain across Lindsey�s features as she thrashes about makes apparent to the onlookers how much pressure Viper is applying. Moments lag on, stretching onward, as Lindsey�s eyes begin to flutter and as Viper�s muscles flex and strain, trying to get her opponent to submit. Finally, after what appears to be an eternity, Lindsey goes limp, her body writhing back and forth and Viper makes her move.)

Cari: That�s it, folks! Viper is mounting the wall, and with all the strength left in her body, she goes over the to, ending the match! Oh and now it seems that Janus has taken an interest in her. Maybe we will get a preview of the hard core title right now!

Kenny: Absolutely! There is no way that these two have any liking for one another. In fact, it looks like officials are storming the ring area preventing any fights. Now Lindsey Locke, is up and yelling at them to not fight!

Cari: Dammit! Why do these nitwits have to succumb to these notions of fair play and fair dealing? It hardly gets you anywhere in life!

(As Viper and Janus stare one another down the camera fades to black, as the crowd goes wild, desperately waiting for something to happen.)
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