logoGina Moore vs. Patricia Flex

We return to the Battling Ring Angels arena and the fans are on their feet. Row after row, all the way to the rafters, they stand and cheer. Many hold signs and placards. The camera pans across the arena to give a few glimpses of the signs. Some of the more catchy ones say: "I came to watch Shea London Wrestle!"; "My Mom can beat up Jenny Christian's Mom!"; and "Eat At Joe's." The camera focuses on Cari and Kenny sitting at the announce position.

Kenny: Well fans, welcome back�and Cari, have you ever eaten at Joe's?

Cari: Shut up and call the match.

Kenny: We got a great one coming up here, and it will see Gina Moore take on Patricia Flex�

Cari: Moore like beat Patricia Flex�get it, Moore like?

Kenny: That was a real stretch. Don't count Flex out.

Cari: Moore has a long standing relationship with the Hit Squad and Missy Jones. She has too much backup for this loser Flex.

Kenny: Let's go to the ring�

"Material Girl" from Madonna starts to play as newcomer Patricia Flex makes her way to the squared circle. She is wearing a long dark blue leotard which shows off her many charms to an awe-struck crowd. Her feet are bare, and her toenails painted blue. Patricia smiles broadly to the crowd, waving happily as she enters the ring.

Kenny: Impressive looking woman.

Cari: And now she has the mic�.snooozzzz�

Flex: Gina Moore, Im sure you are a sweet person who is kind to children and animals and does a lot of work for charity. But today things won't be sweet. I don't intend to pin you today. Instead, before the world I will make you submit to me in the most painful hold the world has ever seen, 'The Face Lift". When you've tapped out, you'll have plenty of time to look after fluffy bunnies or whatever it is you do.

Kenny: Well, uhhhh, Bunnies?

Cari: Don't ask. For a closer look at Gina Moore, let's go to Garry Grimoire backstage. Garry?

Garry: Thank you Cari, this is Garry, who's way more talented than any of you guys at ringside, especially that geek with the computer. I'm just outside the dressing room with Gina Moore. Gina, I have to say your attitude toward wrestling has shown a marked improvement recently. But I know all the idiot fans are wondering whether you really have all the attributes you need to win at all costs.

Gina: Let me tell you something, Garry. Any of the stupid cows here who think they have muscle or skill or brains or talent, well they're just deluding themselves. First little Patty Puffed-up ego will find out. Then Piggy Christian will find out. If she's got the guts to face me, maybe even the high and mighty Miss BRA will someday soon find out. No power can stop me, no force can contain me, nobody can escape my grasp, because I have it all...

Garry: ... and Moore? Is that what you were going to say?

Gina: You'd best keep that rapier wit to yourself, or much like Ms. Flex, you'll soon be in a world of pain.

Garry: Well... umm... I guess we'll find out soon enough. Now let's go back to Cari and the geek at ringside.

Cari: I like Gina's attitude.

The lights in the arena briefly turn off, and the music of Bruce Springsteen begins to sound from the speakers, "It's hard to be a saint in the city." All eyes turn to the entrance ramp, but nobody is there, as the gruff voice from the New Jersey shore continues to spit out his poetic lyrics. From underneath the entrance ramp, a tall figure slowly and silently moves toward ringside. Gina looks from side to side in an eerie silence, as if she is searching for an assassin behind every cheering fan in the crowd. Solid and angular like a slab of granite, she is wearing a one-piece that is crimson all over, save for a navy blue cloth belt that cinches her waist. She wears black wrestling boots on her feet, and pads on her elbows and knees. The crowd cheers loudly, but Gina just frowns and continues to stare at her surroundings, quietly circling the ring area.

Kenny: There's the bell and we are ready for some action.

The two women circle each other and lock up in the center of the ring. Flex trying to use her strength to power Gina down, but Gina is also a tall and powerfully built woman. Neither woman seems able to gain the upper hand. The ref sees this is going nowhere and calls for a break. But Moore does not break cleanly. Instead, she sends a slap to Flex's face after the break. Flex slaps her back and the women stare each other down.

Kenny: This is a new side of Gina Moore.

Cari: I like it.

Flex pushes Gina and Gina pushes back. The pushing continues until Flex has Gina close to the ring ropes. She sends in a clothesline that knocks Gina up and over the top rope and down to the arena floor. Gina slowly gets back up and shakes it off while Flex stands proudly in the ring.

Kenny: A lot of power on Patricia Flex.

Gina is standing by the ring apron and waving for Flex to come get her, while Flex is trying to get Gina back in the ring. Finally, Flex begins to slowly move towards the ring apron where Moore is standing. Moore begins to move back towards the ring. When Flex gets close to the ring apron, Gina grabs her leg and pulls her down hard. Then, she pulls Flex out of the ring and starts nailing her with shots to the head and body.

Kenny: We have action outside the ring. Gina made Flex come to her, and that strategy tends to work 78.9% of the time.

Cari: Flex walked right into that�serves her right.

Moore grabs hold of Flex and sends her into the ring steps. Flex hits hard and goes to one knee. Moore rolls into the ring to break the ref's count, and then follows up with shots to Flex's other knee. Finally, Gina removes the cloth belt she's wearing and starts to choke Flex with it.

Cari: I like this new Gina Moore.

Kenny: I don't.

Gina sees the ref coming towards the ring ropes and tosses the belt aside. She rolls back into the ring and stands with her arms up in celebration. The crowd seems a bit stunned by her actions. Flex is also stunned, rolling around on the floor trying to catch her breath. She slowly gets back to her feet and rolls slowly back into the ring. Moore stands her and sends a shot to her face that puts Flex back down on the mat.

Gina: There's Moore where that came from!

Gina stands Flex again and scoops her off her feet. She delivers a body slam onto the big woman that shakes the ring. Flex is rolling on the mat in some real trouble.

Kenny: This is just not the Gina Moore I know.

Cari: Well get to know her, geek! She is Moore than this loser can handle.

Moore stands Flex again and pulls her hand back to punch. When Flex gets back for the blow, Gina sends a kick to her groin that doubles her over. She than delivers a Spine Buster on the doubled over Flex. Gina goes for the cover�

Kenny: Only a two count!

Cari: Slow count.

Gina smacks the ring, trying to convince the ref of a slow count. This is giving Flex some needed time to recover. Gina grabs Flex by the hair and hauls her back to her feet, but Flex uses everything she has left to rake the eyes of Gina. Gina reaches up to her face, while Flex goes to one knee to further catch her breath.

Cari: What a cheater this Flex woman is!

Kenny: Gina's been cheating during the whole match.

Cari: I didn't say anything was wrong with her cheating.

Flex gains her bearings and sends a super kick into the face of Gina that drives her to the mat. She follows this up with a leg drop across the neck of Moore.

Kenny: Patricia Flex is getting back into this match.

Cari: We'll see.

Flex pulls Gina to her feet and executes a vertical suplex that drives Gina hard to the mat. Flex stands her back up and executes an over the knee backbreaker to Moore. Moore falls to the mat and rolls into a ball.

Flex: Moore pain for you, Gina!

Kenny: Flex stretches Gina out and goes for the lateral press�

Cari: No! Gina gets the shoulder up at the last second. She won't lose that easily.

Kenny: Gina's matches last 65% longer than this.

Flex pulls Moore back to her feet and hits her with a running clothesline that almost snaps Moore in half. Moore goes to the mat and grabs her neck in pain. Flex sends kicks and stomps to her downed body. Finally, the strong woman goes around and locks on a Boston Crab. She is really stretching Gina's back and lower body to the fullest.

Kenny: Flex has that Boston Crab locked on in the center of the ring�and this may be it.

Cari: Gina is struggling to get to the ropes�but she may be too far out of position.

Gina is gritting her teeth and doing all she can to not tap out. Flex is really putting the pressure on the move. Suddenly, someone starts to run down the ramp. It's Brenda Busley of the Hit Squad. She jumps up on the ring apron and starts to yell at the ref. He leaves Gina and Patricia and goes over to argue with Brenda. While he's doing this, Sasha comes out of the stands and rolls into the ring behind Flex. She takes out an expandable baton and nails Flex with it. Flex drops Gina's legs and falls to the mat. Brenda gets down as Sasha rolls out of the ring.

Kenny: I can't believe this! Cheating!

Cari: The Hit Squad always looks out for its members.

Gina slowly gets up and checks her now wobbly legs. She looks down at the hurt Flex and sees her companions outside the ring. She goes over to Flex and looks down at her. She uses this advantage to slap Flex into the Two Much Mooore�an half Boston Crab half Dragon Sleeper that looks a bit like a sideways STF.

Kenny: Two Much Moore! And Flex is not even moving. She's still out from Sasha's attack!

Cari: That's it�the ref is calling for the bell! Nice win by Gina Moore!

Kenny: What are you talking about? That was completely tainted!

The ref is trying to tell Gina that the match is over, but Gina won't drop the hold. She is putting the pressure on Flex, who isn't even moving. Gina has a strange look on her face, like she's lost in it. Sasha and Brenda are stopping other refs from getting into the ring to save Flex.

Kenny: This is just sick! Gina won, and now she's almost trying to hurt Patricia Flex.

Cari: Isn't it great?

Finally, Gina breaks the hold and all the members of the Hit Squad leave the ring while EMT's attend to Flex.

Winner: Gina Moore�with a little help from her friends.
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