logoLaura Parker vs. Shea London

Kenny: Welcome back everyone to tonight's featherweight title match.

Cari: Laura will make short work of Shea London. She has already beat her in a three-way match at the last PPV.

Kenny: But Shea has been preparing for this match with some tough opponents. Laura has not had much success recently. Losing a tag team match to Thirty something on the last card.

Cari: It was a lucky win. Jennifer was still not 100%. Plus Laura is due for a win.

Kenny: Laura does seem to be losing her wrestling skills.

Cari: Not losing them. She is still one of the best wrestlers in BRA and that is why she will beat London. When the belt is on the line, Laura will come through.

Kenny: Here comes Shea now.

(The lights dim, as pyro displays along the walkway start to blast as "Made in England" begins to blare over the PA. After a few seconds, Shea London and Tara Sawyer appear side by side in the entranceway. Both walk briskly down to the ring, both slapping hands with the cheering fans. Shea's face bears her trademark cute grin, whilst Tara's expression is one of detachment. Her last match seems to be clearly on her mind. As they reach the ring, Shea hops up onto the apron and sits on the middle rope, parting them for her friend to make her entrance. Tara enters the ring somewhat reluctantly, and Shea encourages the crowd to cheer her, which they do. Tara's face brightens as Shea then hops onto the nearest turnbuckle, raising her arms to the fans. )

Kenny: The fans give Shea a warm welcome.

Cari: Fans pfft! What do they know?

Kenny: They know who they like and they like Shea London.

Cari: Well here comes Laura Parker. We'll see how quickly the fans turn.

(The lights go down on the arena. Duran Duran's "Girls on film" begins to play through the speakers. A spot light picks up Laura Parker. She wears a strapless floor length, Alexandria Parker original, gown. Around her waist she wears the featherweight title belt. Her hair is worn up in a twist with a tiara in it. She is accompanied by her agent William Wienersnitzel. Laura smiles to the crowd with that perfect beauty queen smile of hers, the spotlight reflects in little gleams off her teeth. She bounces along with the time of the music to the ring. She walks up to the ring and enters it alone. She walks around the ring posing and waving to the fans very much the Beauty Queen. After making her walk, She stands with her back to Willie as he takes off the title belt and hands it to a ring attendant. He then unzips her gown, and Laura steps out of it. Laura is wearing her wrestling attire consisting of a white spandex pants and bikini bra, black over the knee boots and black shoulder gloves. She smiles as she stares at Shea London. The crowd reacts to Laura with a mixture of cheers, boos, catcalls and wolf whistles.)

Cari: Now that is a crowd pleasing entrance.

Kenny: It didn't please all of the fans.

Cari: Only the intelligent ones.

(The ref brings both wrestlers to the center of the ring as he goes over the rules. When he is finished, Shea goes quickly to her corner as Laura smiles and walks slowly to her corner waiving to the fans and smiling for the cameras. The bell rings and Laura turns slowly to face Shea only to be greeted by a pair of flying feet that catch her square in the chest. Laura gasps as she knocked to the mat by the surprise move.)

Kenny: Flying drop kick that takes Laura completely by surprise.

Cari: Laura was still waving to her many fans. London should have waited until she was through.

Kenny: The bell had rung. It's obvious that She isn't going to let Parker control the pace of the match.

(Laura lies on the mat gasping for air as She grabs her arm and forces her to her feet. London whips Parker into the ropes and sends her crashing to the mat with a clothesline. Laura's head hits the mat hard as She gets quickly to her feet. Shea climbs the top rope and leaps off raising her elbow in a flying elbow drop. At the last possible moment, Laura rolls out of the way and She hits nothing but mat. Laura uses the ropes to get to her feet as Shea rolls on the mat clutching her elbow.)

Cari: Laura shows her experience there by lulling London into a false sense of victory.

Kenny: It was a high risk maneuver that backfired. Shea may be in trouble now.

(Laura shakes her head to clear the cobwebs and advances on Shea. Parker grabs the hand of Shea's already sore arm and twists it causing Shea to scream in agony. Laura twists the arm into a hammer lock which she uses to force Shea to her feet. Parker then turns the hammer lock into an arm bar and begins to send a series of kicks into Shea's belly. Shea groans as five kicks in succession find their marks on her unprotected stomach. Parker releases the armbar and smiles for the camera as Shea is doubled over barely able to stand. Laura grabs Shea's head and forces it between her luscious thighs. She wraps her arms around Shea's waist and with a grunt lifts her up before slamming Shea to the mat with a power bomb. Shea lies arched on the mat trying to rub her back. Laura gets to her feet and again plays to the crowd and the cameras. Laura moves toward Shea's legs. London lashes out with a quick kick that catches Laura in the lower abdomen. Parker grunts and her hands got to her belly. They quickly move to her groin and she screams in agony as she slumps to her knees.)


Kenny: It wasn't a low blow. Laura is faking it.

Cari: It was too, a low blow. The ref should DQ London for cheating.

Kenny: Shea doesn't cheat. This is just Parker trying to get an easy win.

Cari: The ref seems to think it was a low blow.

(The ref begins to caution Shea about low blows. Shea denies doing anything wrong. Laura is screaming at the ref to have Shea Dqed. The fans begin to boo the obvious fake. Laura gets slowly to her feet, milking the injury she has received. Shea gets to her feet as the ref steps away for and signals for the match to continue. Shea charges Laura going for a spear but Laura steps out of the way. London hits the ropes and springs off them delivering a flying elbow to Laura's faces. Laura screams as she covers her face with both of her hands. Shea sends a jab into Laura's unprotected belly which cause Laura to drop her guard. London feints a right to the face which Laura cause Laura to raise her guard again. Shea then hammers Laura midsection with a hard left. Laura gasps as she doubles over from the force of the blow. London quickly puts Laura in a side headlock and falls backwards driving Parker's head into the mat with a DDT. Parker hits hard and bounces on the mat from the impact. London rolls her onto her back and covers Parker for the pin. The ref drops to the mat but is only able to slap it once before Laura gets a shoulder up. Shea drives Laura's shoulder down and continues the cover. The ref slaps the mat once before Laura gets her left shoulder up. Shea forces this shoulder down and the ref slaps the mat twice before Parker powers her way out of the pin attempt.)

Kenny: Shea is really taking it to Parker. That was close.

Cari: Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Parker has more stamina, she is just wearing London down.

Kenny: Parker is standing with her hands on her hips sucking air. I think it's Shea that is wearing down Parker.

(Parker moves in on London and Shea backs away. Shea leaps backward onto the second rope and springboards off it catching Laura across the throat with a spring board lariat. Laura falls backward to the mat. Shea gets to her feet just before Laura does. Shea fakes a punch to Laura's face, which again causes Parker to raise both hands to protect it. Shea sends a spinning heel kick into Laura's chest which drives her into the ropes. Laura is able to grab the ropes to keep from rebounding off them but she slumps to the mat with her back against the ropes. Shea runs and leaps straddling Laura and begins to bounce up and down on her.)

Kenny: A bronco buster!

Cari: That's cheating. Laura is in the ropes. Come on ref, break that up.

(As if hearing Cari, the ref moves to Shea and tells her to stop. Shea continues to bounce on Laura's chest as Laura bounces along like a rag doll. The ref begins to count and Shea stands up and moves away from Laura. Laura lies with her head and shoulders through the ropes trying to breathe in enough oxygen to continue. The ref steps between Laura and Shea. Laura continues to lie in the ropes using the time to get her energy back. The ref begins to count Laura out. She waves weakly to the ref and says something her can't hear. The ref stops counting and bends over to heat what Laura is whispering. She moves in closer to hear what is being said. The ref has to bend even closer to Laura's mouth to hear what she is saying. Shea tries to move in closer too. With the ref bent over, Laura lashes out with a kick that hits Shea in the groin. Her mouth opens wide and she attempts to scream but nothing comes out. Shea falls to her knees and then to her side, her hands between her legs. Laura has finished saying whatever it was to the ref and he moves away from her and looks at her strangely. Laura gets to her feet and smiles at him. The ref turns and sees Shea lying on the mat in the fetal position. He looks at Laura who merely shakes her head and shrugs.)

Kenny: I can't believe this! Parker is going to get away with that blatant cheating.

Cari: What cheating? I didn't see anything.

Kenny: That kick to the groin.

Cari; I didn't see any kick to the groin. And more importantly neither did the ref.

Kenny: Well the fans did and they are booing Parker royally for it.

(The ref checks with Shea to see if she can continue. She nods her head yes and slowly and painfully gets to her feet. The ref signals for the match to continue. Shea attempts another punch to Laura's face but she is slow and Laura grabs her arm. Laura places the arm in an arnbar and begins to walk Shea toward the corner. Laura climbs the turnbuckle to the top ropes and begins to walk along it.)

Cari: What a display of balance and skill by Laura!

Kenny: I've seen it before.

Cari: It is still one of the more dramatic moves in wrestling. I just wish she would come up with a name for it.

(Laura bounces on the top rope twice before leaping off and dropping an elbow on Shea's right shoulder. London screams in agony as she staggers back, her right arm hanging loosely at her side. Shea vigorously rubs her shoulder hoping to get some movement back in it. Parker runs across the ring and leaps into the air, flipping herself. She wraps her legs around Shea's head before spinning more and driving it into the mat.)

Cari: Huricanrana! Laura is really showing her ability now.

Kenny: That 'rana really hurt Shea. She is still laying on the mat.

(Laura gets to her feet and grabs a handful of Shea's hair and brings her to her feet. Laura whips her into the ropes and leaps to deliver a drop kick. Shea manages to grab the ropes and hold on. Laura hits nothing but air and falls to the mat on her back. Laura lies on the mat, momentarily dazed as She climbs the ropes. Shea leaps off the ropes and delivers a flying elbow to Laura's gut. The elbow sinks into muscle driving the air from Laura's lungs and forcing her sit up. Shea gets quickly to her feet and delivers a kick to Laura's face that causes her to lie back again. Shea delivers another devastating elbow drop to Laura's unprotected belly. Laura again sits on the mat as she rubs her sore stomach. Shea tries to kick Laura again but Laura manages to grab Shea's foot and twists it. Shea is knocked off balance and falls to the mat. Laura rolls out of the ring to recover.)

Kenny: Parker runs away from the beating she is receiving.

Cari: I call that smart thinking. She gets out of the ring to collect herself.

(The ref begins to count as Laura stands doubled over outside the ring desperately sucking in much needed air. London stands in the middle of the ring using the time to recover some of her lost energy. The count reaches eight as Laura slowly climbs into the ring. Shea advances toward Laura but Laura grabs the ropes. The ref forces Shea away from Laura. Laura lets go of the ropes and moves toward the center of the ring. Shea runs toward Laura, but Laura runs away and out of the ring. The crowd boos this lack of action as the ref begins to count again.)

Kenny: It looks like your heroine is only good at running away.

Cari: Laura saw something she didn't like in the ring and stepped out. I call that smart strategy on her part.

Kenny: I call that being a chicken.

(At the count of eight, Laura again reenters the ring. Shea charges Laura and again Laura slides through the ropes and onto the arena floor. The boos are even louder now. The ref begins to count again. Shea runs toward the ropes and grabs the top one, springing over it before hitting Laura with a suicide planca. Laura hits the concrete floor of the arena hard with Shea on top of her. Shea gets slowly to her feet and grabs a handful of Laura's hair. She rams Laura's face into the steel barricade. Shea pulls Laura's head back and repeats the ramming. Laura screams as her beautiful face is now bloodied from the impact. Shea attempts it again but this time Laura grabs the top of the barricade and blocks the move. The ref has been counting and Shea hears him. She lets go of Laura and gets back into the ring. The ref begins the count again on Laura as she slumps to the floor holding the barricade to keep from going all the way down.)

Kenny: It looks like the end for our Featherweight champ. I don't think she has the strength to get back into the ring. Shea will win this by a count out DQ.

Cari: London may win the match but a DQ will keep the belts in Laura's hands.

Kenny: What do you mean?

Cari: The belt can only be won by a pin or a submission. Any other ending of the match means that the title holder keeps the belt even if she lost the match.

Kenny: The count has reached eight. Shea better do something.

(Shea realizes the trouble she is in and runs out of the ring. She grabs Laura and begins to drag her back into the ring. Laura tries to fight her, but her strength is nothing like it was before the beating she has been given.)


Kenny: Shea is trying her hardest to get Laura back into the ring but Laura isn't cooperating.

Cari: Again Laura is showing her wrestling experience. She knows that she keeps the belt even with a count out loss.

Kenny: Shea has gotten Laura to the apron, she just has to get her under the ropes before the ref counts 10.

Cari: This seems like an awfully slow count by the ref. I wonder if Shea has bought him off.

Kenny: What a terrible accusation.

(Shea manages to get Laura into the ring just as the ref is brining his hand down for the last time. He signals that there is no DQ as Shea gets into the ring and rolls Laura on her back. Shea covers her and the ref checks both shoulders. He slaps the mat once. The ref raises his hand to slap it again as Laura manages to reach out with one hand and grab Shea by the throat. London makes a gurgling sound as Laura tightens her choke. The ref stops the pin count as he tells Laura to break the choke. Parker ignores him and continues to squeeze the throat of Shea. Shea releases Laura's shoulders as both her hands try to pry Parker's hand from her throat. The ref begins to count as Laura lifts one shoulder from the mat to keep from being pinned.)

Kenny: I can't believe the blatant cheating of Laura Parker.

Cari: She is smart enough to do anything to win.

(Laura conitinues to choke Shea as the ref counts. Shea begins to weaken from the lack of air . Laura raises her other hand and is now using two hands to choke London. The counts reaches five and still Parker won't let go. The ref signals for the bell. Laura finally uses her choke to throw London off her. London lies on the mat as the ref raises her hand in victory. A ring attendant enters the ring and gives the featherweight title belt to Laura. She raises it over her head and parades around the ring. Jennifer Christian enters the ring and celebrates with Laura.)

Kenny: This is unbelievable. Laura Parker loses the match by a DQ but she is still the featherweight champ.

Cari: Laura is smart enough to know the rules. The important thing is that she keeps the title belt.

(Laura and Jennifer leave the ring as the camera fades to commercial.)

The Winner, SHEA LONDON, by Disqualification.

Laura Parker remains Featherweight Champion.

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