logoMelissa Shared vs. Karen Blood

(The scene opens and the camera pans across the teeming masses here to glimpse a scene of their favorite BRA wrestler. The camera dips and does a close-up down a row of screaming fans, many of them hoisting signs aloft to get attention, reading everything from 'The Sisterhood Lives Forever!' to 'I Want to Be Caught in the Cathouse!'. The camera does one final pan down to the announcers' table, manned as always by Kenny Harbour and Cari 'The Brat' Trammel.)

Kenny: Alright, fans! We're ready to go back to the action . . .

Cari: *Yawn* You mean we're going to see more sad excuses for greatness flail at each other in the ring?

Kenny: That is very unfair, Cari! As a matter of fact, this next match should be quite good. It is a showcase for two of the new rookies to the Battling Ring Angels . . .

(At the mention of rookies, Cari rolls her eyes and fakes being asleep.)

Kenny: . . . Sweet Mellisa Shared and Karen Blood. Hey, Cari, are you paying attention?

Cari: *snore* Hmmm . . . oh, yeah yeah, sure.

Kenny: Speaking of the rookies, here comes the first down to ringside.

(Aqua and Orange lights flash all over the arena. Suddenly, the sounds of "Mmmmbop" from Hansen, plays through the arena's speakers. Sweet Mellisa Shared jogs to the entry and takes a deep breath. She swallows hard and forces a smile. The young blond begins to slowly walk to the ring, trying to slap hands with the fans. Dressed in her orange spandex bottoms, with aqua trim, an orange spandex top with aqua trim, orange knee pads and orange boots, with a t shirt that says "California State High School Swimming Championships, 1999." If you look closely you can see her knees shaking. As she reaches the ring, she climbs in through the bottom and middle ropes. She gets her right leg in fine, but catches her left leg on the bottom rope and falls flat on her face right in the center of the ring. The crowd's cheers turn to laughter at this. She stands and goes to her corner, a bit red faced. She starts to stretch for the match.)

Cari: *laughing* Oh, geeze. You can't be *serious*! When I heard about this girl, I didn't think she actually *exsisted* . . . I thought she was some camerman's joke . . .

Kenny: That is very mean, Cari. This is Mellisa's first recorded match ever . . . she's probably very nervous.

Cari: She probably should be.

(Referee Vicky Trask does a quick check with Sweet Mellisa over the rules. As she double-checks them with the obviously nervous wrestler, the crowd starts to react as, from the locker room entrance, a blur runs out and down the aisle, a blur by the name of Karen Blood. Neither Shared or Trask notice the woman as she hops over the ropes and rushes across the ring. Blood shoves Trask out of the way and slams into Sweet Mellisa, driving her into the corner with a gasp of pain before preparing to work over the young Californa girl.)

Cari: Wow! Now *that*'s an entrance . . . she even pushed around that old woman Trask . . .

Kenny: Karen Blood looking to just demolish her opponent before the opening bell . . . but my computer calculates that with Trask's record for keeping the rules, Blood is risking a 22.6% chance of being disqualified and rising.

(Trask spins from the push and starts to storm back to the two wrestlers, shouting a warning at Blood, who seems mostly oblivious, concentrating on demolishing Shared. Sweet Mellisa looks totally shocked with no idea of what to do, her head recoiling violently from the application of two stiff punches, one to either side of her head, then a swinging crescent kick that makes her fall limp in the corner, shrieking in pain. Trask grabs Blood by the shoulder and spins her around.)

Vicky: You try *one* more stunt like that again, Blood, and you're DQed! Got that?

Cari: And there she goes, butting her head where she's not wanted. Trask should let this match continue before I go up there and take her down like old times.

Kenny: Referee Trask is doing a capable job trying to get this match under control. And my computer says that Vicky Trask actuall had a record of . . .

(Kenny's computer goes blank as Cari 'accidentially' unplugs it with her foot.)

Cari: Oops . . .

(Meanwhile, back in the ring, Blood shoots the referee an evil look, which Trask delivers right back. Sweet Mellisa manages to collect herself enough to flop out of the corner, looking far too bad off to be able to produce much offense. After a few moments of jawing back and forth, Karen leaves Trask and returns to Shared, hauling her up be her hair violently, eliciting another gasp from Mellisa. The crowd lets out a round of boos as Blood sends the half-dazed Shared into the ropes . . . )

Kenny: Blood sends her in, drops to go for a Drop Toe Hold . . . but wait . . .

( . . . Karen drops too early for the sweep. Shared, half-conscious and very unused to the feel of the ring regardless, snags her foot on the bottom ring rope on the rebound from the Irish Whip, falling foward again as she did when she entered the ring, accidentially falling over in a crude falling headbutt, colliding right with Blood's forehead. With a solid crack, both wrestlers are left dazed on the mat. Trask waits a moment, then begins a double count-out. Shared looks completely out of it, while Blood looks to slowly stir. )

Cari: No way! This can't be happening . . . she didn't even attack . . . she just . . . fell!!!

Kenny: Accident or not, it happened . . . after those tactics early in the match, Karen should feel lucky Trask has let the match go on this long.

(Blood manages to retake her feet by a 6 count. Sweet Mellisa looks totally spent and is rubbing her bruised forehead on the mat. A little bit of crimson can be seen by the camera . . . coming from Blood's nose. As she wipes it, a look of rage comes over Blood, who storms over to Shared and begins stomping away on her prone form with a passion. Vicky Trask hoves close by, waiting to intervene if neccesary.)

Kenny: It looks like Blood's gone crazy! Sweet Mellisa can't even fight back! This is inhumane! Trask should stop the match!

Cari: It's not like she's doing anything illegal. Blood is just making sure this Valley girl knows what kind of business she's in now.

(Shared simply seems to bounce with each stomp, eliciting soft cries of pain and the occasional shriek, with no resistance in her body. This doesn't seem to matter to Karen, who continues her assault. After a few moments more, Trask shouts at Blood, telling her to stop. Blood ignores her, continuing to kick away at Sweet Mellisa. Trask gets angry, yells once more at Karen, then calls for the bell.)

Cari: Huh? What is that sour-puss Trask up to?

Kenny: She's called for the bell! It looks like she was going to stop the fight and give it to Blood, but when she wouldn't back down, she disqualified her for disobeying the referee!

(Blood spins on Trask as she calls for the bell. Vicky stares back at her just as hard, not backing down an inch. The tension is thick for a few moments, then Blood turns and storms back to the locker room. The ringside attendants slide in to help the bruised and beaten Shared back to the locker rooms.)

Cari: Now I'm disgusted. That was just starting to get good.

Kenny: I'm not even going to answer that . . .

WINNER: Sweet Mellisa Shared, by DQ

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