logoThirtsomething vs. Candy Clutch and Lady Fantasy

[The image opens inside the BRA arena. The seats are filled with waving, screaming fans. The camera�s pan around the sold out building, showing off the multitudes that have flocked to see the strongest promotion in women�s wrestling today. Inside the ring two women are walking down the ramp towards the ring. The crowd gives them a luke warm greeting as the two wrestlers climb into the ring.]

Ken: "Welcome back folks, our next match features two new wrestlers against .."

Cari: "Two old wrestlers�"

[Ken gives Cari a look and then turns back to the microphone.]

Ken: "Candy Clutch and Lady Fantasy are getting they�re chance to work the big show in a match against a rising team in the Tag Team division."

Cari: "Rising? The only thing that rises with Peggy is the Richter Scale."

Ken: " Please! Peggy Christian has been steadily improving her skills over the past few months and Samantha Staffer, whom by the way is a fantastic looking lady, has shown tremendous promise lately. I think this team could go to the top."

Cari: "What have you been smoking? And where can I get some?"

[The lights dim as the Angeltron explodes to life with the words "Cathouse presents Thirtysomething" in bold bright letters before showing images from the teams last successful match. Tom Jones "What�s New Pussycat" blares over the speakers heralding the arrival of Samantha Staffer and Peggy Christian wearing identical black jackets with "Thirtysomething" written on the back of them. They smile and slap hands with the crowd as they work their way to the ring. After they enter they remove their jackets revealing identical leopard print one-piece suits. Samantha wears her red hair in a single braid down her back and tall black boots. Peggy wears her hair loose and clear tights on her legs and white wrestling boots. They hand their jackets to the ring attendants and continue to play to their fans as they wait for the bell. ]

Ken: "Samantha and Peggy look great, they�ve both been working hard lately and it should be interesting to see how they handle the rookies."

Cari: "Handle? The only handles in there are on Piggy."

Ken: "If you don�t have anything nice to say, you should keep your mouth closed."


[The ref calls for the bell as Candy and Fantasy discuss some last minute strategy. Peggy and Samantha watch, waiting to see which of the rookies will start the match. Candy and Fantasy suddenly start walking to the center of the ring with their arms out.]

Ken: "Now that�s what I like to see, good sportsmanship."

Cari: "Peggy and Samantha aren�t dumb enough to fall for that, are they?:

Ken: "Not everyone is a cheat like you Cari, the rookies are merely�.."

[As Ken talks, Peg and Sam walk forward with they�re hands out. Suddenly Candy and Fantasy leap forward into the air, nailing Thirty something with surprise dropkicks. Ken sits stunned as Cari smirks.]

Cari: "Told you."

[Peggy goes tumbling out of the ring with Candy in hot pursuit. Samantha is more fortunate, landing against the turnbuckles. Fantasy immediately jumps to her feet and begins stomping down on her older foe. Outside the ring, Candy has grabbed a handful of Peggy�s hair and is pulling her up. Clutch rams her knee up into the older woman�s midsection, causing Peggy to let out a gasp.]

Ken: "The rookies are off to a fast, albeit dirty start."

Cari: "Whatever it takes to win. That�s the first rule that every wrestler should learn Of course, Candy has some ring experience in some other feds, so she might know that already."

[Inside the ring, Fantasy has hauled Samantha up and whips her across the ring. Staffer rebounds off the ropes and come bouncing back in as Fantasy lashes out her arm for a clothesline.]

Ken: "NO! Sam ducked it!"

[Staffer ducks her opponents attack and keeps on running, bouncing off the other ropes, Fantasy turns to see Samantha launch herself in the air with a picture perfect dropkick. Her feet plow into Fantasy�s chest, sending the rookie sprawling across the mat.]

Ken: "Wow! Did you see that elevation?"

Cari: "It was ok, I�ve seen better�"

[Outside the ring, Peggy is faring worse that her partner. Candy has rammed her older opponents shoulder into the ring post. Peggy slumps to the floor, clutching her arm as Candy looms over her. Candy reaches down and grabs a handful of Peggy�s blonde hair and pulls her up. Clutch then goes to whip Peggy into the barricades.]

Cari: "Incoming!"

Ken:: "No! Reversal!!"

[The crowd cheers as Peggy reverses the whip and sends Candy smashing into the guardrail. Peggy glares at her younger opponent and then decides to climb up onto the ring apron. Samantha has pulled Fantasy to her feet and scoops her up into a carry. Sam then lifts up and slams Fantasy into the mat.]

Ken: "Big body slam!"

[Fantasy bounces on impact, clutching her back. Samantha wastes no time and pulls her lighter opponent up and whips her into the turnbuckles. Fantasy hits hard and slumps down to the mat. Peggy watches with a smile on her face as her partner grabs Fantasy by the arm and hauls her up. In a quick motion, Staffer wraps her arm around Fantasy�s head in a side headlock. Staffer suddenly charges out of the corner, dragging Fantasy along with her. At the half way point, Sam jumps into the air , kicking her legs forward.]

Ken: "Bulldog! Samantha planted the rookie�s face right into the mat!"

[ Staffer quickly flips Fantasy onto her back and covers her for the pin. The ref drops to give a count , but it�s stopped at two as Candy Clutch jumps into the ring and stomps on Staffers head. Peggy protests from the corner as the ref forces Candy out of the ring.]

Ken: "Clutch made a clutch save there."

Cari: "Nice one, you must have thought that one up earlier."

[Samantha rubs the back of her head and glares at Candy. She rises to her feet, pulling Fantasy up with her. Staffer then drags Fantasy towards Peggy. Sam reaches her arm and out and Peggy tags in. There is a cheer from the crowd as she steps into the ring. Peggy blushes slightly and goes to work. She puts Fantasy into an armbar and begins putting on the pressure. Fantasy groans in pain, as Candy screams at her from across the ring. The young wrestler drops to her knee�s as Peggy increases the pain by wrenching on that arm. The ref asks Fantasy if she wants to give, but she ignores him. Instead she starts to rise to her feet, fighting through the pain.]

Ken: "Fantasy is trying to break free of the hold , but Peggy�s got a firm grip �.LOW BLOW!!"

Cari: "That�s how you break out of a hold."

[The crowd boos� as Fantasy drives her free arm up between Peggy�s thighs. The old grappler�s body tenses for an instant, her mouth forming a silent �O�. She drops her her knee�s clutching her groin. The ref warns Fantasy about the infraction. She ignores him and grabs Peggy by the hair. She drags her heavier opponent towards her partner. Candy is all smiles, and sticks out her boot between the ropes. Fantasy smashes Peggy�s head down into Candy�s boot, causing Christian to flop backwards onto the mat. Fantasy tags in her partner and Clutch quickly steps through the ropes. She immediately grabs one of Peg�s heavy legs and begins to launch kicks into her hamstrings. Peggy yelps at each impact, the pointed boots of Clutch, tenderizing her muscles in a horrific manner.]

Cari: "That�s it, kick her while she�s down!"

Ken: "Way to instill good values with our younger fans."

[Candy smirks and suddenly jumps forward in a roll, pulling Peg�s leg with her. The meaty limb of Peg is pulled to the limit, before it instinctive snaps back. Peggy clutches at her leg as Candy rises to her feet. The rookie grabs a handful of Peggy�s sweaty locks and hauls the bigger woman up. Peggy wobbles on her sore leg and grunts as Candy fires a punch into her stomach. Candy�s fist sinks into Peg�s gut, until it hits muscle. Peggy doubles over and Candy takes advantage. She quickly grabs the sides of Peggy�s head and stuffs her forward between her thighs. Closing them, Candy bends forward, wrapping her arms around Peggy�s girth.]

Ken: "Candy�s going for a big move here!"

[Candy grunts, trying to lift Peggy up. She gets up for a moment, but Peggy puts her leg around Candy�s, blocking the move. Candy goes to lift again, but suddenly finds herself rising up. ]

Ken: "Reversal by Peggy! Big back drop!"

[Candy wails as she is lifted up and over Peggy�s back. She lands hard on her back as Peggy slumps forward. Samantha yells encouragement from the corner, as Peggy starts to crawl towards her. Candy slowly rises to her knee�s and slaps her partners hand. Fantasy vaults into the ring as Peggy is nearing her partner. Samantha leans into the ring, stretching her arm out. Peggy reaches up�]

Cari: "Boot to the back of the head!"

[Peggy slumps to the mat as Fantasy fires a roundhouse kick that catches Peggy in the side of the head. The rookie drops across Peggy�s body. The ref slaps his hand down twice, before Peggy powers out.]

Ken: "If Fantasy has hooked the leg there, she might have had a win."

[Fantasy complains about a slow count and wraps her arms around Peggy�s throat.]

Cari: "hheehe"

Ken: "Choke!"

[Fantasy is yelling at the ref, while she denies Peg precious oxygen. The zebra starts counting for a break and Fantasy complies.]

Cari: "Rookie mistake, always wait until the 4 count to break a hold like that."

[Peggy splurts on the mat, sucking in air as Fantasy plans her next move. With a gleam in her eye she grabs Peggy by the hair and hauls her up. With a quick motion, Fantasy whips Peg into the ropes, the rookie then takes off to the opposite side, bouncing off the strands. Both women charge into the middle, Fantasy leaps up into the air, turning her body sideways.]

Cari: "Cross body block!"

Ken: "NO! Peg�s caught her!"

[The crowd cheers as Peggy withstands the impact and hold Fantasy in her arms. Peggy seems a bit surprised and pauses for a moment. Samantha yells for her to drop to one knee and Peggy complies instantly. Fantasy�s spine is dropped down across Peg�s meaty thigh, nearly splitting the young grappler in half.]

Ken: "Brutal backbreaker!"

[Peggy shoves Fantasy off her knee and flops across her. Peg hooks the leg for the pin. The ref slaps his hand down for the count as Candy jumps in to save her partner. Samantha leaps up over the ropes as well and all four women are in the ring. Candy reaches Peggy first, barely breaking up the 3 count. Candy kicks Peg in the head and then is nearly decapitated by a flying clothesline from Samantha. ]

Cari: "Hey! No fair!"

Ken: "Candy jumped in first, Samantha can come to her partners aid!"

[The ref is yelling at Samantha and Candy to get out of the ring. The tall redhead grabs Candy by the throat and hauls her up. In a show of strength, Samantha lifts Candy up by her throat and then slams her back first to the mat.]

Ken :"WoW! Huge chokeslam!"

[Peggy rises to her feet as the ref forces Samantha back to her corner. Peggy grabs Fantasy by the legs and flips her over into a Boston Crab. Peggy squats down on her lighter opponents back, causing Fantasy to scream out.]

Ken: "Crab! Right in the middle of the ring!"

[ As the ref forces Samantha out of the ring, Candy has slowly risen to her feet. Peggy sees her and gulps, knowing she�s helpless maintaining the Crab. Candy smirks and plows her boot directly into Peg�s midsection. The older grappler winces, taking the blow, but she keeps the hold on. ]

Ken: "Wow! Peggy just took it!"

[Candy seems annoyed and goes to kick Peggy again, this time it breaks the hold as Peggy slumps forward, clutching her midsection. Samantha is enraged and tries to help her partner, but the ref yells at her to stay on the outside, his back turned to the action inside. Fantasy rises to her feet and both women begin stomping down on Peggy.]

Cari: "Double team! I love it!"

Ken: "Samantha has to calm down here, she�s not helping Peggy by distracting the ref."

[After laying in a couple of shots each, Candy and Fantasy pull Peggy up to her feet. The older woman wobbles on her legs as the rookies fling her into the ropes. Peggy bounces against the strands and bobbling backs in. Candy and Fantasy turn and bend down, attempting to backdrop Peggy. Seeing what her opponent were planning , Peggy launches herself in the air.]


[The crowd cheers as Peggy flies up in the air and crashes down on her bent over opponents. Samantha cheers and claps her hands in the air as Peggy lies across the backs of her struggling opponents. Christian rolls off her foes and stumbles over to her corner. The crowd "pops" as Samantha steps into the ring. She has fire in her eyes as she grabs both opponents by the hair and hauls them up. Quickly Sam brings Candy�s and Fantasy�s heads together like billard balls. There is dull clunk as skull meets skull. Fantasy flops to the mat holding her head as Sam keeps her hold of Candy. Staffer bends down and hauls Candy up, lifting her into a fireman�s carry.]

Ken: "What is she planning here? She�s backing up into a corner �.Running Powerslam!"

[The ring bounces as Samantha runs out of the corner and smashes Candy down into the mat, plowing her own body weight into the slam. Both woman bounce up on impact and Sam quickly hooks the leg.]

Cari: "Hey? Isn�t?"

[The ref drops to count, then stops. He looks at Fantasy and then at Candy.]

Ken: "Which one is the legal woman?"

Cari: "He doesn�t know, he�s trying to remember!"

[Samantha glares at the ref and then a light bulb goes off in her head. She hoists Candy up and stuffs her head between her strong thighs. Samantha wastes no time and pulls Candy up by her waist. Quickly dropping to her knees, she plants Candy�s head into the mat.]

Ken: "Tombstone variant! Ouch! Candy�s neck compacted like a slinky."

[Samantha lets Candy flop to the mat. The redhead then moves over and hauls the stunned Fantasy up by her arm. Showing her power, Samantha lifts Fantasy up across her shoulders, before pushing her up in a military press. The crowd cheers as Fantasy is dropped across her prone partners body.]

Cari: "What is she doing? Both Candy and Fantasy are out of it."

[Samantha turns and points at Peggy. The crowd cheers as Sam, then points at the turnbuckles. Peggy seems a bit hesitant, but begins the climb. Sam flips Fantasy over, so that she is lying face up. Candy is starting to come around, as she feels the weight of her partner on top of her. Samantha casually walks over to Peggy, who is squatting precariously on the top turnbuckle.]

Cari: "Oh no, she�s not�"

Ken: "Peg�s gonna Fly!"

[Samantha tags her partner and after a second or two of coaxing, Peggy rises to her full height. She looms above the ring like an eagle. The crowd is on it�s feet, roaring it�s approval as Peggy takes a deep breath and then leaps off.]


[Candy�s eyes open wide in fear as the ring lights are blacked out by the falling Peggy. All the air is thrust from her body as Peggy splashes down on both her opponents. Peggy gasps, having the wind partially knocked out of her. The ref pauses for a moment, but then sees that Candy�s and Fantasy�s shoulders are on the mat. Three quick slaps later, the bell rings.]

Ken: "What a display of teamwork by Thirtysomething!"

Cari: "Well, the rookies didn�t exactly show here."

Ken: "I expect that they will have to have some more training, before they step into the BRA ring again. But, take nothing away from Peggy and Samantha, they took it to the rookies and showed that age has nothing to do with heart."

[Samantha climbs into the ring and helps Peggy to her feet. Both women embrace as the crowd embraces them. Peggy and Sam have they�re arms lifted by the ref as the announcer calls the win.]

Cari: "Shah �.right. Lets see how well Grandma and her sidekick do against an experienced team."

Ken: "I�d like to see that happen. Folks stay tuned, great action still coming up. Sakura Ito will be bringing her little mountain drop against Veronica Millions We�re back after this commercial."

Winner: Thirtysomething, by Pinfall.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws