
(The crowd is starting to reach a fever pitch in the Battling Ring Angels arena. This night promises them some of the greatest matches in the wrestling world today, and it shows in the enthusiasm of the fans. Many signs are notable among the crowd, such as 'Be Part of the Dream!', 'Face-Two-Face With Janus', and 'I'll Sell My Soul For A Night With the Babe Squad!'. The camera pans down to ringside, and our faithful announcing team of Kenny Harbour and Cari 'the Brat' Trammel.)

Kenny - Welcome back to the Battling Ring Angels! We're only half way through this show and the best is yet to come!

Cari - Hmmph. Such total amateurs and the fans are on their feet. If only I was in the ring, then this rubber-neckers would *really* have something to cheer about!

Kenny - I think that's unfair to all the great superstars that appear in the ring each week . . .

Cari - The only thing that's unfair is that I have to have you as a co-host.

Kenny - Hey . . .

(Kenny is interrupted in his attempted defense as the arena goes dark, the opening beats of "Time" from The Chambers Brothers starting to hit the arena speakers. As the song raises, the lights flash back on and the members of The Threesome stand by the entrance. Janus in the center, wears her traditional black leather pants, black velvet shirt and blue and black cowboy boots. Her scarred and burnt left hand carries a black leather bag. Hanging on her left shoulder is the Fallen Angel Belt. To her right stands Lindsay Locke and to her left Sakura Ito. Each wear their usual wrestling attire. Lindsay has on her outfit of blue spandex shorts with silver lightning bolts on it. On the back it says "Lightning" in silver letters. She wears a blue spandex top with silver bolts on it and blue boots with silver bolts on them. She also has silver knee pads. Her blond hair is in pigtails and she wears a blue "Lind's Kids" t-shirt. Sakura has her usual wrestling attire of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is coloured a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. The three ladies enter the ring and strike the Threesome pose. Sakura, kneeling, shows off her impressive biceps. Lindsay stands just behind her, smiling and displaying three fingers. Janus stands behind both of them holding the Fallen Angel Belt in the air. Finally, they split up as Janus takes the microphone.)

Janus-Angel Dust, tonight we find out who the real DARK ANGEL is! I want to beat you so badly I can taste it! You have insulted me for far too long, little girl! I can taste your fear! I can hear your knees knocking! I can smell your blood! I can feel your shivering! So pull yourself together, get down to this ring, and take your punishment!

(Lindsay and Sakura leave the ring and take up positions while Janus sits in the corner, awaiting the start of the match.)

Kenny - Janus looks to be in a foul mood tonight . . . it's no wonder with the repeated verbal attacks that Angel Dust has launched against her and the Threesome.

Cari - Overrated losers, all of them. Janus needs to ditch them and get back to her roots.

('Bitch', by Sevendust, crackles to life on the arena speakers. Music blaring, Angel Dust comes out with her arms the air, some of the audience boos, She sees the sign for Janus, takes it, tearing it in half. She then slides in the ring, a sneer on her face as she looks over at Janus.)

Kenny - It looks like Angelique feels the same about Janus. Though it's dirty to do that to one of our loyal and hard-working fans.

Cari - Fans, schmans. It's all about results in the ring . . .

(With barely an moment's hesitation, the two women charge each other, dropping most pretenses of a wrestling match and making it a barroom brawl! Toe-to-toe, Janus swings a flurry of body blows into Dustnelle, which are matched by Angel Dust's punches at Janus' head.)

Cari - Now THAT's action!

(After a few moments, it slowly appears that Janus is getting the upper hand. One last body blow is ended with a roundhouse right that sends Angel Dust staggering backwards, holding her jaw. Not giving her opponent a chance to rest, Janus grabs one of her trailing arms, Irish whips her to the ropes, and . . . )

Kenny - BIG clothesline by the Dark Angel!

Cari - You dork! Angel Dust didn't do anything!

(Dustnelle is put down on the canvas, rolling and holding her throat from the high impact. Not stopping for a moment, Janus starts savagely kicking and stomping with her thick cowboy boots, using the hard tips to brutal effectiveness, Angel recoiling with every shot.)

Kenny - Another brutal barrage! Janus knows how to use those boots to their best effectiveness.

Cari - Janus is a brut . . . er . . . efficent wrestler! Great style . . . I still think she needs to ditch Eat-o and La-la-la Locke and strike out on her own . . .

(Janus puts one last kick into Angel Dust's side, looking pleased with her work. As Dustnelle languishes on the mat, Janus turns and rummages into her leather bag . . . )

Cari - Now the blood's going to flow . . .

Kenny - Janus is searching for something . . . but wait . . . I don't think Dustnelle is completely out . . .

(True to Kenny's words, Angel Dust begins to stir, searching in her clothes for something herself. Hearing the motion behind her, Janus turns, just as Angelique pushes herself up, letting a metal chain uncoil from her hand, swinging it in a powerful arc, smashing up against the side of Janus' head, sending the champion staggering to the side. With another swift motion, Dustnelle brings the chain back the other way, from left to right, smashing Janus on the other side of the head, which finally brings her to the mat in pain.)

Cari - Nice use of a foreign object . . . this may turn into a good match regardless . . .

Kenny - Looks like Angelique is moving in for the kill . . .

(As Janus begins to stir and rise, wiping some blood from her chin, Angel Dust wraps the chain around her fist and comes in, kicking Janus in the side of the head as she rises, sending the champion back to the mat. Angelique goes down with her, straddling Janus and raining down a series of chain-wrapped punches to the side of her face . . . the burnt side of her face.)

Kenny - Dustnelle is on the offensive . . . though my computer notes that attacks to Janus' scarred side are 42% less effective due to the scar tissue and . . .

Cari - Scar tissue or not . . . that's a steel chain. End of story!

(Dustnelle raises her chained fist up in a sign of victory, when, surprisingly, she screams out in pain!! Somehow clinging to consciousness, Janus has produced from her sleeve something . . . a sharpened pencil . . . and jabbed it into Dustnelle's side with a savage thrust, actually breaking skin and leaving a small trickle of blood. With the momentary distraction, Janus moves, shoving Angel Dust off of her.)

Cari - I hadn't seen that one before . . . leave it up to Janus to think of new ways of hurting someone.

(Angelqiue hesitates a moment to check her side . . . a moment capitalized by Janus as she sends one more big boot to Angel Dust's temples. Hauling the stunned Dustnelle up by her hair, Janus rakes her eyes with a savage twist for good measure, hauls her up in a scoop body slam, tossing her with a meaty impact to the ringside below!)

Kenny - Janus is taking her outside. This may be the end of the match . . . my computer notes that Janus is 78% more effective outside the ring and . . .

Cari - Shut up and watch out!!

(As Kenny had rattled off statistics, Janus had brought Angel Dust up, cinched a solid choke hold on her, then raised and *dropped* Dustnelle across the announcers' table with a powerful choke slam, shattering the table underneath her opponent, sending the announcing crew scattering. Trammell shoots an evil look at Janus, who only returns the glare for a moment before rummaging Kenny's laptop out of the wreckage.)

Kenny - My computer!!

Cari - . . . . maybe something good will come of this, at least . . .

(Janus brings the computer down over Dustnelle's head with a loud rending of plastic and silicon. A fine red trickle of blood starts to mat Dustnelle's blond hair as Janus hauls her back up. Grabbing her wrist, Janus starts to turn to send her opponent hurtling into the ring post . . . but is unexpectedly stopped by a fierce pain in her ribs which stops her motion. Having forgotten about Angel's wrapped fist, Dustnelle capitalized, sending a powerful shot into the champion's side, then a vicious backhand, sending another spray of blood from Janus' mouth.)

Kenny - My poor . . . poor computer . . .

Cari - Stop whining and keep announcing, geek-boy!

(Janus falls to her knees. Angelique steadies herself, then grabs Janus, thrusting her head between her legs, setting up for a piledriver. She tries to pull, but Janus won't be budged, pushing up herself and sending Angel Dust flipping over her head, back into the splintered remains of the announcers table. As Angelqiue languishes, arching her back, Janus reaches down into her boot . . . )

Kenny - S-sorry . . . *Sniff* . . . looks like Janus is deciding to end this . . . what's in her boot can only be . . .

Cari - A Super Steel Silverware Fork!

(Janus holds the shining steel weapon up for the cheers of the crowd, light glinting off of it. Angel Dust shifts up to her knees, sees the fork, and makes a manic lunge for it . . . unfortunately just as Janus sends the pointed end hurtling down . . . )

Cari - Vicious jab with the fork . . . that tears Angel Dust right open! Might even scar . . . I was so good at this that you don't see any scars on me, do you?

Kenny - Well, actually, isn't that one on your . . .

Cari - *glares menacingly* Looking to die young then?

(Janus twists the fork in Angelique's forehead, eliciting more shrieks of pain and more blood. Satisfied after a long minute, Janus sends Angel Dust back into the ring, where she rolls around, clutching her forehead. Janus clambers back into the ring, still holding up the blood-stained fork for the fans. As she walks over to Dustnelle, Janus puts the fork back in her boot, then brings Angel Dust to her feet, grabbing her around the waist . . . )

Kenny - This is it! The set-up for the Faces of Pain . . .

Cari - Yep . . . this one looks to be over . . .

(True to the announcers' words, Janus lifts Dustnelle up, then brings her down . . . hard . . . in the inverted spinebuster known as the Faces of Pain. Angel's face smashes down hard and snaps back before she goes limp. With a snarl, Janus rolls her over, coming down for the pin and the three count.)

Kenny - Another win by Janus and another defense by the Hardcore champion!

Cari - More like another win for the Super Steel Fork Company . . . I need to buy their stock . . .

WINNER: Janus, by pinfall
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