logoNina Larue vs. Heather Fatale

We return to the Battling Ring Angels arena and the fans are on their feet. Row after row, all the way to the rafters, they stand and cheer. Many hold signs and placards. The camera pans across the arena to give a few glimpses of the signs. Some of the more catchy ones say: "Janus Forked Me Last Night!"; "Happy Birthday BRA!"; and "Thanks for the memories Brandi." The camera focuses on Cari and Kenny sitting at the announce position.

Kenny: Well fans, we're back to action and up next we have a wild one�Heather Fatale will take on the returning Nina LaRue.

Cari: That's "The Goddess" Nina LaRue. Get it right.

Kenny: I'm Sorry.

Cari: You sure are. But not half as sorry as Heather Fatale. Look at her trembling in the ring.

Kenny: She has been rather quite lately. But I'm sure she has a plan for this match.

Cari: Yea�she's gonna lose.

Suddenly, Sisqo's "The Thong Song" begins to play as the fans jump to their feet, awaiting the arrival of "The Goddess" Nina Larue. The curtains part and Nina stands before the crowd, clad in a black, lace, thong bikini, showing off her sleek, curvy figure. She completes the look with black boots, with a platform heel, and her long, black hair falls to the small of her back in a cascade of curls, framing her flawless face. The busty beauty poses for a moment, surveying the crowd, before sashaying to ringside. The bewitching brunette gracefully enters the ring, the crowd showering her in catcalls and wolf whistles. With a sly smirk across her gorgeous visage, she seductively leans over the top rope, blowing a kiss to the fans and offering them a view of her ample cleavage. Needless to say, the catcalls and whistles are now deafening. Nina does a few sexy stretches, arching her back in a tantalizing fashion, as she awaits the start of the match.

Cari: Stunning.

Kenny: Nina does look ready to do battle. And she wrestles at a 98% success rate when she comes to the ring as focused as this.

The ref calls for the bell and the two women meet in the center of the ring. Heather stands next to the taller and more powerful Goddess, sizing her up and looking for a weakness. She sends a forearm shot at Nina, but it has no real effect. Next she sends a side kick at Nina, but Nina just goes with the blow. Heather looks around, as if she's confused. She slingshots off the ropes and tries for a cross body block, but Nina catches her and powerslams her to the mat.

Kenny: Nina in complete and totally control of this match.

Cari: She's just plain better.

Nina stands over the downed Heather and looks at her with a disdainful glance.

Nina: Who do you think you are, Skank?

Kenny: That wasn't very nice.

Cari: But it was accurate.

Nina stands Heather and sends a kick to her head that puts Heather right back down on the mat. The force of the kick seems to have knocked Heather for a loop because she's lying motionless on the mat. Only her heaving chest shows any life in her body.

Kenny: Nina is as good as ever.

Cari: She has always been at the top of her game. Unlike Heather.

Nina stands the dazed Heather up again and sends a low blow that doubles Heather over, grabbing her lower extremity. Nina grabs her and delivers a DDT that drives Heather's head hard into the mat. Her finisher, Nina's Knockout, has left Heather dazed and confused on the mat. Nina jumps back up and gives a sexy wave for the fans.

Cari: She's deadly, but she's also a great showman. She knows what the fans want to see.

Kenny: Her wrestling prowess?

Cari: That and her sexy body. Beauty and skill�she's the real deal.

Nina places her boot on Heather's chest for a humiliating pin while the ref counts out 3.

Cari: One of the worst matches I've ever seen.

Kenny: Heather seemed totally out of it.

Cari: That's what being in the ring with greatness will do to you.

Winner: Nina LaRue, rather easily.
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