logoLindsey Locke vs. Missy "the Ninja" Jones

(As the Angeltron shows off some of the many items for sale at the concession stands, many fans take this break to buy drinks or popcorn. Others run to the washrooms, making sure that they don't have to leave for any reason during the next match. )

Kenny: "Well, this match should be a good one."

Cari: "Well, that remains to be seen. Not that it matters, neither Missy or Lindsey could ever take the belt away from our Celestial Champion, Laura Paker."

Kenny: "Has Laura even wrestled in the past 2 months? I mean, with all the change over in managment, she has held onto that belt without ever defending it. With all the exciting rookies and established stars in BRA, Laura will be lucky if she can't get the rust out of her joints in time to defend her belt at the PPV."

Cari: "Bah, who wants a ninja or a nun for a Champion."

Kenny: "Nun?"

Cari: "Yeah, Sister Locke. Miss Honesty, Miss Goodness. I have it on good authority that she's never..."

( Cari whispers into Ken's ear. )

Kenny: "What? No way, she's a beauty, there are millions of men who would..Wait a minute! That doesn't matter at all!"

Cari: "oh it matters, no wonder she'd stressed all the time."

Kenny: "Stressed?! What the hell are you talking about?"

Cari: "Hanging out with sick kids, doing charity work? That's a sign of stress."

Kenny: "Stress!!! That's a sign of kindness, of a good heart! Lindsey is a Hero and everyone knows it."

Cari: "Bah!"

Kenny: "Hey, doesn't Laura have a charity?"

Cari: "Yeah, but that's a scam.....doh!"

Kenny: "Really?"

( Ken opens his lap top. Luckily for Cari the lights dim down. )

Cari: "Hey, put that thing away, we've got work to do!"

( With that Cari grabs the laptop and smashes it down on the concrete.)

(The entire arena goes dark. A yin-yang with a sword through it appears on the Angeltron, and a familiar hush comes over the crowd. They know what is coming. Lights flash on and off quickly, as if there were lightning far in the distance. All is dark again, and nothing can be seen or heard but a low roll of thunder, followed by the sounds of an electric organ. Jim Morrison joins in with the Doors (as well as a few fans), singing "Riders on the Storm" and the lights pulse dimly. An attendant at ringside tears off her white shirt and a blonde wig, to reveal the well-known figure clad in all black, with ninja bottoms covering a jet black 1-piece. The Ninja jumps into the ring, to oohs and ahhs from the fans, as the Angeltron shows various breathtaking clips from the Jade Dawn animated series. )

Cari: "Well, at least that damn poet didn't come out with her..."

Kenny: "Speak of the the devil..."

Cari: **Groan**

(The New York Poet steps over the railing yet again, and Cari slams her forehead down on the announcers' table. )

Poet: �Hello again. For Lindsay Locke I have yet another poem. �

Cari: �Go away. Please, for the good of mankind, get lost and never get found.�

Kenny: �It seems 27% of the audience actually enjoy the Poet's poems, though 19% of those say it's because it gives them a good chance to throw spoiled food. Of course, that's just a guess, because my computer smashed on the floor!!"

Poet: �Very amusing. At any rate, this piece is titled �

"Your Kids."

�To claim ownership over the ground,
to take that which already bears the iron bond
of families torn, broken, burned to embers.
Does a child look up and notice her idol
cast like pine needles flying in the dark wind.�

(A few fans clap, while others throw things. A rotten tomato lands on top of the announcers' table and splatters all over Kenny. )

Cari: (looks up) �Is it over? Please let it be over. Hey Ken, you're looking a bit red. �

( The poet bows to the crowd, before returning to his seat. Ken grabs Cari's Nehru jacket and wipes his face.)

Cari: "HEY!"

Kenny: "Oooops, sorry."

(The lights darken again as strobe lights go off around the arena, simulating lightning, Lindsay walks to the entry. She stands with her arms out in a "T", palms down. As pyrotechnics go off, she raises her hands to a "V", palms up. Lindsay stands in a way that is both defiant and cute, with a smile on her face. "Immigrant Song" by Led Zepplin hits as Lindsay, accompanied by Janus, Sakura Ito and Angela Downey, makes her way to the ring. Lindsay wears her outfit of blue spandex shorts with silver lightning bolts on it. On the back it says "Lightning" in silver letters. She wears a blue spandex top with silver bolts on it and blue boots with silver bolts on them. She also has silver knee pads. Her blond hair is in pigtails. The crowd cheers wildly as the fan favorite walks to the ring, smiling and slapping hands with fans. Behind her Angela, Janus and Sakura follow in tow. All four women enter the ring and the members of the Threesome hit the now well known "Threesome Pose". Sakura drops to one knee and flexes her two powerful arms. Lindsay stands right behind her, holding three fingers up. Janus stands behind both of them and holds her hands in the air. Angela Downey points at them. The crowd is cheering like mad for their favorites. They split up and Lindsay gets hugs, first from Sakura and then from Angela. Finally, she walks over to Janus and gets some last minute advice. The ref clears the other members of the Threesome out of the ring and Lindsay stretches in preparation for the match. Janus, Sakura and Angela patrol the outside of the ring, making sure that no outside interference will take place. )

Kenny: "Well, All three members of Threesome were in action tonight, but it shows the comradery that these women share with each other."

Cari: "Friendship is so overrated."

Kenny: "How would you know, you've never had any."

(Cari contemplates the many ways she could make Ken scream as the ref checks both wrestlers for foreign objects. Lindsey extends her hand to Missy and the Ninja doesn't hesitate at all and extends her hand forward. Both wrestlers shake hands, then Missy backs off and bows)

Missy: "Let's do this."

(Lindsey nods back. Both wrestlers know the importance of this match. Who ever wins here, will more than likely get a title shot at the upcoming PPV.)

Kenny: "See!See! We need more of that! This is a sport of champions, two competitors giving all they have in the spirit of sport."

Cari: "If you want sport, go to Australia, if you want blood and pain , come to BRA."


( Both women step out from their corners. Missy slowly walks near the ropes, watching her opponent carefully as Lindsey moves to the center of the ring, her legs tensed like a cat. )

Kenny: "Neither wrestler wants to be the first to act here, they seem to be looking each other over."

Cari: "BOOO! This isn't a 'watch me' contest!"

( After a few more moments of sizing each other up, both wrestlers come together in the middle for a clinch. Missy and Lindsey test each other's strength, pushing at each other. They seem well matched, with Missy being slightly taller and heavier. As they test each other, Missy quickly acts, in one quick motion she twists her body, slamming her hip up into Lindsey, while pulling over with her arms. Lindsey is sent up and over in a quick hip-toss. Locke hits the mat and quickly rolls forward, before leaping back up onto her feet. She turns to face Missy, who quickly brings her arms up in a defensive position.)

Kenny: "Lindsey is very quick, but she's got to be careful, Missy knows every move and when to use it."

( Both women come together again, as Missy grabs a hold of Lindsey's arms, Locke grabs her by the bicep and falls backwards. As she falls, she kicks her feet up into Missy's stomach. The Ninja is forced foward and is sent flipping over as Lindsey sends her over in a monkey flip. Missy hits the mat and quickly combat rolls to her knee's. She spins on the mat, looking at Lindsey as Locke rises to her feet with a smile of her face, as if to say "one for you, one for me" Missy's expression remains stone faced, but the twinkle in her eye gives away her thoughts.)

Cari: "What the hell is she smiling for?"

Kenny: "I think Lindsey's in a good mood. She know's this is a serious match, but she also knows that Missy is an honorable opponent."

Cari: "Honor doesn't help, it only hurts."

( Missy rises to her feet and circles around the ring as Lindsey watches her. Again both women come together, this time, Missy fires an open hand thrust into Lindsey's chest, knocking her backwards, Missy quickly follows her in and pushes Lindsey against the ropes. Lindsey bounces off the strands as Missy prepares to throw another punch. Lindsey brings her hands up to block, but it's a ruse as Missy kicks her foot up into Locke's midsection. Lindsey clutches her tummy as Missy quickly steps forward and wraps her strong arms around the lightning bolt. The Ninja hoists Lindsey into the air and squeezes her tight.)

Kenny: "Bearhug! Looks like Missy's trying to slow Lindsey down a bit."

Cari: "Always a smart move with these high flyer types. Although, I used to smash their legs into the ring post, much more effective."

Kenny: �OUCH!�

( Missy suddenly slams Lindsey down. Sticking out her knee, Locke�s spine is jolted on impact.)

Cari: �Atomic Drop!�

( Lindsey bounces off and stumbles away, Missy makes a quick charge at Lindsey and nails her with a short arm clothesline, dropping her to the mat. Lindsey tries to rise quickly, but Missy grabs her leg and twists her ankle to the side. Locke lets out a yelp as Missy sets up for a Step-Over-Toe hold. Lindsey tries to pull her leg free, but Missy has a strong grip. She twists Locke�s ankle again as Lindsey reaches for the ropes. Locke�s hands grab the bottom rope and the ref calls for a break. Missy drops the hold immediately and backs off.)

Cari: What? Booo!�

Kenny: �What was wrong with that?�

Cari: �Clean break? Come on! Missy should have waited until the four count.�

(Lindsey rises to her feet and shakes her ankle out. Missy steps in to continue her attack, but Lindsey darts away, moving to a better position. Missy moves right after her and both women dance towards and away each other, looking for an opening. Lindsey fires off a roundhouse kick that barely misses Missy�s head. The ninja fires back a kick of her own, that Lindsey barely side steps.)

Kenny: �Both women are extremely agile, although is this is going to become a kicking and punching contest, my money�s on Missy�.�

( Ken turns to see Cari exchanging some money with a shady looking character behind the guardrail )

Cari: �$50 on Missy.�

Kenny: �What are you doing?�

Cari: �A little side bet, you know, umm..er. for the kids.�

Kenny: �Sure��

( Lindsey and Missy come together again. Lindsey reacts first, putting Missy into a headlock. She clamps down tightly, as Missy struggles to break free. The Ninja starts to force Lindsey towards the ropes as Lindsey puts on the squeeze. As the near the ropes, Missy picks up the speed of her movement. When they hit the ropes, Lindsey bounces back first and using the momentum, Missy pushes free of the headlock, sending Lindsey running across the ring. Lindsey takes off, accelerating into the opposite ropes. She bounces off as Missy charges to meet her. Lindsey jumps forwards, extending her feet forward. Missy tries to dodge, but Lindsey�s quickness manages to strike. )

Kenny: �Dropkick to the knee! Missy goes down in a heap!�

( Missy drops to the mat, clutching her knee after Lindsey�s feet slam into it. Locke rises up quickly and grabs Missy�s leg. With brutal precision, Lindsey jumps up and slams her knee down across Missy�s leg, causing the Ninja to fight back a squeal. Lindsey rises to her feet and holds Missy�s leg straight up. Locke then tumbles forward, pulling Missy�s leg with her , stretching it beyond it�s normal range. Missy�s leg snaps back as Lindsey releases it and rolls to her feet.)

Cari: �Locke seems intent on crippling Missy�s leg. Looks like they both had the same idea.�

Kenny: �I don�t think Locke is intent on crippling Missy, but she is trying to slow her down.�

( Lindsey pulls Missy to her feet and whips her into the turnbuckles. Missy impacts into the corner back first, her arms hanging over the top rope. Lindsey chases after her and flips into the air, performing a hand spring, before slamming an elbow across Missy�s chest. The crowd cheers as Lindsey pulls Missy out of the corner and quickly wraps her in a headlock. Lindsey then drops backwards.)

Kenny: �DDT! Lindsey�s going for the cover!�

( The ref falls to the mat and slams his hand down, it only hits once before Missy kicks out. Lindsey jumps up to her feet and pulls Missy up with her. She whips the Ninja towards another corner.)

Cari : �Reversal!�

( Missy reverses the hold, sending Lindsey slamming into the turnbuckles. Locke hits the corner and stumbles out. The Ninja steps forward, ramming her knee up into Lindsey�s midsection. In a series of quick attacks, Missy slams her fist down across Locke�s bent over neck, while wrapping her other arm around her neck, Missy then jumps backwards, slamming Lindsey�s head into the mat.)

Ken : �A DDT from Missy! She�s going for the pin!�

( Missy jumps down and hooks Lindsey�s leg. The ref slaps his hand down twice, before Lindsey kicks out. Missy places her knee across Lindsey�s chest, while slamming her fists down into Lindsey�s firm midsection. The Ninja then opens her hands and clamps down on Lindsey�s belly.)

Cari: �Stomach claw! Haven�t seen that one used in a long time!�

( Lindsey�s face is contorted in pain as Missy tries to dig through her belly to the canvas. With the Ninja�s position, she is making hard for Lindsey to grab a breath, while the claw makes every breath painful.)

Kenny: �This is a submission move!�

Cari: �Locke will probably give up. She�s got no real stamina, I never gave up to a stomach claw.�

Kenny: �That�s because nobody had big enough hands to get around your��

Cari: �Don�t say it computer boy!�

( The ref asks Lindsey is she wants to give up. Locke shakes her head in defiance. Lindsey tries to push Missy off of her, but the Ninja is perfectly balanced. Lindsey reaches her arm back for the ropes, but they are out of reach. Finally she reacts by drawing both her legs back. Lindsey�s knees impact into Missy�s arm, breaking the hold. Missy steps away, rising to her feet as Lindsey rolls into a ball, clutching her tummy. Missy does no let up and grabs Lindsey by the arm, pulling her up. She whips Lindsey into the ropes and waits. Lindsey stumbles across the ring and hits the ropes, as she does, she wraps her arms over the top rope, preventing her from rebounding in. Missy scowls and charges after Lindsey. Using the ropes, Lindsey suddenly leaps up onto the second rope, using it as a slingshot and pushes herself out, thrusting her arm forward.)

Kenny: �WOW! Flying Clothesline! From the ropes!�

Cari: �That was ok �I guess.�

( Missy hits the mat as Lindsey rolls to her knee�s. Locke rubs her belly one more time before resuming her attack. She grabs Missy by the arm and pulls her up. Lindsey quickly gets behind the Ninja and wraps her arms around her waist. With a groan, Lindsey lifts Missy up and then falls backwards, slamming Missy up and over. Lindsey maintains her hold and bridges up.)

Kenny: �German Suplex into a bridge for a pin! She might have it!�

( The ref slaps his hand down on the mat two times, on the descent for the third, Missy kicks out.)

Cari: �Close call for the Ninja!�

( Lindsey steps up quickly and hauls Missy up, she quickly bends down and grabs Missy�s knee, folding her leg upwatds behind her butt. Lindsey then lifts Missy up before dropping to one knee. Missy�s bent leg, slams down onto Lindsey�s strong thigh.)

Kenny: �Kneebreaker! That�s gotta hurt!�

( Missy drops to the mat, clutching her leg. Lindsey bolts for the ropes and leaps up onto the second strand. Again using the momentum, she flips backwards in the air, splashing down across Missy�s body.)

Cari: �Nice one..�

Kenny: �Moonsault off the ropes! Jericho calls that the Lionsault!�

( Lindsey remembers to hook the leg this time and waits to hear the three count. She only gets to hear the ref�s hand hit twice before Missy kicks out. Lindsey looks at the ref, but he holds two fingers up. She pulls Missy up off the mat, planning her next move. She hesistates for a moment , giving Missy the opening she needs. The Ninja fires up a right cross that connects with Lindsey�s jaw. The blonde staggers backwards as Missy fires a thrust kick into her midsection. Lindsey stumbles back into the corner as Missy move in on her. The Ninja quickly wraps her arm around Locke�s head in a side headlock, before charging out of the corner. As they hit the center of the ring, Missy leaps up into the air, kicking her legs forward.)

Kenny: �Bulldog!�

Cari: �Locke eats some canvas!�

(Missy rolls Lindsey over for the pin. The ref slaps his hand down again, but Lindsey kicks out before the three count. Missy rises to her feet as Locke crawls towards the ropes. The Ninja wastes no time, pulling Locke up, she whips Lindsey across the ring, sending her rebounding into the ropes. Missy charges after her and both women come running into the middle of the ring. Missy leaps up into the air, extending her legs. At the same moment, Lindsey does the same.)

Kenny: "Wow! Double dropkick! They both went for the same move!!"

Cari: "And the both paid for it!"

(Missy and Lindsey's bodies collide with each other, knocking them both backwards and down to the mat. The ref hovers above the downed combatants as they both struggle to rise. Missy gets to her knee's first and quickly drops across Lindsey's torso. The ref slaps his hand down twice. The crowd lets out a cheer as Lindsey raises her shoulder to avoid the third count.)

Kenny: "Missy almost got the win there."

Cari: "Almost is for hand grenades and Horseshoes"

(Missy glares at the ref for a moment, before rising to her feet, pulling Lindsey up with her. She scoops her blonde opponent up and then slams her hard to the mat. Lindsey bounces once on impact, her back arching in pain. The Ninja quickly grabs Lindsey's legs and steps between them.)

Cari: "She's going for a deathlock!"

Kenny: "Scorpian Deathlock to be exact!"

(Missy starts to turn Lindsey over to complete the move. In desparation, Lindsey rocks her torso the other way, trying to block the move. Missy keeps the pressure on, using her superior leverage.)

Kenny: "I think she's going to lock it on!"

Cari: "Good, I like hearing that goodey-goodey scream."

( Lindsey lets out a yelp as Missy finally turns her over. The pressure on Lindsey's knee is tremendous and the look on the pretty blondes face leaves nothing to the imagination. Locke's fans cheer for her to break the hold, but the looks on their faces tell another story. The ref drops to the mat, asking Lindsey for her submission. There is brief silence for a second as the crowd waits for Lindsey's response.)

Lindsey: "NO!"

(The Locke faithful explode with cheers as their hero refuses to surrender. She claws her hands on the mat, desperately trying to reach the safety of the ropes. Missy leans back, causing Lindsey to scream out in pain. )

Kenny: "I don't know how much more she can take, if she doesn't get to the ropes soon...)

Cari: "Bah, there hero types talk big, but when it comes right down to it...)

( Lindsey extends her arm forward, her fingers inches away from the ropes. Again the ref asks for her surrender. Locke ignores him, focussing all her attention on the bottom strand. In a cruel move, Missy begins to bounce up and down, varying the pain level in Lindsey back. Lindsey's head drops to the mat, her arm falls as well, only inches from the rope.)

Cari: "She's passed out! It's over!"

Kenny: "I don't know, the ref is checking!"

( The ref goes to raise Lindsey's arm, whether by fatigue or unconciousness it flops to the mat. As he grabs it a second time, a young ringside fan screams at the top of her lungs. Lindsey's arm flops down again)

Susie: "Don't give up Lindsey! You're my hero!"

( The ref lifts Lindsey's arm for the third time. As he lets it go, the crowd gasps. Then a huge roar as it shoots out, Lindsey's body moving forward that extra inch as her hand grasps the rope.)

Cari: "Boo! That kid cost me $50!�

Kenny: "She did it! My god! What courage! What bravery!..."

Cari: "I'm going to be sick..."

(Missy breaks the hold immediately and turns to look at her downed foe. Lindsey just lies on the mat, her arm extended, her hand clutching the rope. Missy grabs Lindsey by the leg and pulls her off the rope. The Ninja quickly leaps forward, dropping her elbow into the tender back of Locke. Lindsey grunts in pain as Missy repeats the move, before turning her over for a pin. Again the ref slaps his hand down twice before Lindsey kicks out. Missy hauls Locke up to her feet and scoops her up for a body slam. Missy takes a few steps before thrusting her body downwards, driving Lindsey into the mat.)

Kenny: "Powerslam! Missy is going all out to finish Locke!"

Cari: "She's like a freaking cockroach!"

( Missy rises to her feet and heads towards the turnbuckles. The crowd rises to it's feet as the Ninja scales the ropes. Missy perches on the top turnbuckle before rising to her feet. The ninja then leaps off the top rope, thrusting her body forward.)

Kenny: "Frog Splash ....NO! NO!!!"

( Using every ounce of strength, Lindsey draws her legs up to her chest. Missy impales herself on Missy's knee's, bouncing off and rolling away, clutching her midsection. Lindsey is in no better shape as she lies on her side, holding her one of her knees)

Cari: "Both women are hurt! I love it!"

( The crowd is in a frenzy as Lindsey slowly rises to her feet. Missy is slowly recovering, rising to her hands and knees. Locke limps over towards her opponent, planning her next move. Luckily, being on her knee's, Missy makes things easier for Locke. Lindsey steps forward, straddling Missy's head. She quickly closes her thighs and bends forwards, wrapping her arms around the ninja's waist. Missy forces her body to react and she starts to rise up to her feet. With a grunt, Lindsey acts quickly, she lifts Missy's body up into the air, inverting her. Locke quickly changes her grip, wrapping one arm, through Missy's legs and locking it around her thigh. Lindsey then jumps backwards, while pushing down with her arm.)

Kenny: "Cradle Piledriver! She just planted Missy into the canvas!"

( Missy's head impacts just before Lindsey's butt, forcing her head and neck to absorb a horrific hit. Her body bounces up on impact and flops down. Lindsey quickly rolls Missy onto her back and hooks the leg for the cover. The ref leaps to the mat, slamming his hand down.)

Cari: "That's it, it's over. She's not going to get up..."

Kenny: "Kickout! I don't believe it!"

(Missy lifts her shoulder up at the last possible moment. Everyone is stunned, none more than Lindsey. She looks at the ref, holding three fingers up. He shakes his head and holds two. Lindsey rises to her feet, still showing signs of her wounded leg. She pulls Missy up by her arm and goes to put her in a headlock. Showing her resolve, Missy fires a bolo punch into Lindsey's breakbasket. Locke's eye's nearly bulge out of her sockets on impact. As she begins to double over, Missy fires a European uppercut that snaps Lindsey's head back. Missy quickly grabs the stunned Lindsey and picks her up in a cradle lift.)

Cari: "Backbreaker coming up!"

Kenny: "No!! Gourdbuster!!!"

( In a show of strength and skill, Missy flips Lindsey in the air and drops to one knee, slamming Locke's belly down against her outstretched thigh. Missy quickly shoves Lindsey off her thigh and covers her for the pin. )

Kenny: "1..!"

Cari: "2..."

Kenny: "3...NO! NO!"

( Again, Lindsey lifts her shoulder to prevent the pin.)

Cari: "Man, that ref is going to have the sorest hands in the building after this match. He's hit more canvas than Dali."

(Missy can�t believe it and shakes her head. She rises to her feet, pulling Lindsey with her. Missy whips Lindsey into the turnbuckles and then charges after her. Lindsey hits the corner and turns as Missy comes charging in.)

Cari: �Incoming!�

Kenny: �NO!! Look!�

( As Missy charges in, Lindsey leaps up onto the ropes. Missy plows into the turnbuckles. As she stumbles back, Lindsey wraps her arm around Missy�s head and leaps off the top, spinning her body in the process. Missy�s is twirled in a half-circle before her head is slammed into the canvas.)

Kenny: �Tornado DDT! That�s gotta be it!�

( Lindsey gets to her feet and heads for the corner. She quickly jumps up to the top rope and rises to her full height. The crowd is screaming in anticipation as Lindsey jumps off the top. Locke rotates her body in the air.)

Cari: �450 Splash!�

Kenny: �She calls that the Firebird!�

( Lindsey�s body slams down across Missy�s chest. Locke slowly hooks the leg, as the ref counts.)

Kenny: �1�.2��

Cari: �Kickout! Missy kicked out!�

(The Locke faithful groan, as Missy kicks out. Lindsey has a look of total surprise on her face. Somehow Missy kicked out. Lindsey goes to grab Missy by the arm and haul her up, but halfway, Missy locks her leg around Lindsey�s and pulls her backwards.)

Kenny: �Small package!�

Cari: �1��.2��..3!! YES!�

Kenny: �NO! Lindsey kicked out!�

Cari: �I heard a three count!�

Kenny: �That was 2 and 9/10�s. But Locke kicked out.�

( Missy and Lindsey rise up together, Locke reaches forward to grab for Missy, but the Ninja kicks her leg up. Lindsey blocks it, catching it. Lindsey smiles, but then notices as Missy is also smiling. The Ninja, jumps up off her other leg, snapping it around, impacting into the back of Lindsey�s head.)

Kenny: �Enzuguri!�

( Lindsey flops to the mat as Missy lands on her knees. The Ninja quickly rolls Locke over and hooks the leg. The ref dives down for the count, but stops as Lindsey gets her foot on the ropes. Missy grabs both legs and puts Lindsey into a matchbook pin. The ref slaps his hand down again, but Lindsey is able to power out, using her legs to send the Ninja staggering backwards. Lindsey slow starts to rise, but Missy comes right after her. Grabbing her by the arm, Missy hauls Locke up, as she is rising, Missy bends down slightly, encircling her arms around Lindsey�s waist, the Ninja then lifts, turning Locke in the process. Lindsey is inverted with her head hanging down around Missy�s knees.)

Cari: �Tombstone coming up!�

Kenny: �If she hits this, it�s over!�

(As if knowing the outcome of the move, Lindsey kicks her legs and places her hands on Missy�s thighs. Before the Ninja can get Locke into position, Lindsey pushes off with her hands, causing her legs to fall down Missy�s back, as the momentum carries her, Lindsey wraps her arms around Missy�s waist. The Ninja�s body is bent backwards, as Lindsey�s feet hit the mat. Straining with every last ounce of strength, Lindsey pulls Missy�s body off the mat, inverting her. Missy�s head is now pressed against Lindsey�s lower abdomen.)

Cari: �If she going for a tombstone, she�s got to get Missy�s head lower�

Ken :Yeah, it�s ..oh my god! Rikishi Driver!!�

(Lindsey jumps up and kicks her legs forward, she pushes down on Missy�s body, so that the Ninja�s head is sticking between her thighs. Missy impacts into the mat, bouncing up like a pogo stick. Lindsey rolls to her feet and points to the top turnbuckle. The crowd rises to it�s feet as the Lightning bolt quickly scales the ropes. Wasting no time, Lindsey leaps off, she soars through the air before slamming her elbow down across Missy�s chest. The impact causes both women to bounce up off the mat. Lindsey reaches forward and grabs both of Missy�s legs, folding her over. The ref jumps to the mat, slapping his hand down.)

Kenny: �Lightning Strike�.1��

Cari: �2�.�

Kenny: �3�is it?�

Cari: �yeah, dammit!�

( The arena explodes with loud cheers as the ref holds three fingers up. The bell rings as Lindsey releases her pin and flops to the mat. Janus and Sakura slide into the ring to check on they�re victorious comrade. Lindsey is spent, her chest heaving from exertion as her friend lift her off the mat. Missy gets to her knee�s, shaking her head, knowing she was close to victory. Lindsey steps away from Sakura and Janus for a moment and walks over to Missy. She extends her hand out, and Missy takes it. Lindsey helps Missy up and the Ninja bow�s.)

Missy: �Today you are the victor, but when you are champion, I will take the belt from you.�

( Lindsey bows her head slightly and returns to her friends. Sakura is all smiles, happy that her companion has earned a great victory. Janus is her usual self, looking around the outside of the ring for interference. She has no idea what is about to come.)


Kenny: �Wow! Missy just nailed Janus in the back of the head with something.�

Cari: �Whoah! Did she have a blackjack on her the whole match? And she didn�t use it! Missy you owe me $50!�

( Sakura turns, surprised by Missy�s actions. Lindsey also looks, but is too tired to react.)

Missy: �That was for the table��

( Missy then slides out of the ring.)

Kenny: �oooh, I guess that was a little payback for the burning table thing.�

Cari: �Some people just carry grudges, it�s not healthy.�

Kenny: �Hitting Janus in the back of the head is never healthy.�

( Janus starts to rise, growling. Sakura and Lindsey grabs her before the Hardcore warrior can chase after Missy.)

Kenny: �Well, Lindsey�s going to get her chance at Parker.�

Cari: �She�s got two chance at her..�

Kenny: �Two?�

Cari: �Slim and none.�

Kenny: �Folks, that�s it for us tonight. Remember to tune in next week, when BRA returns to its weekly schedule. Goodnight and god bless.�

Winner: Lindsey Locke
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