logoLeslie "Viper" Magnus vs. Sakura Ito

The Battling Ring Angels Arena goes wild as we return to action. The crowd is on their feet and cheering at the top of their lungs. Posters and signs dot the landscape of humanity. A brief overview of them yields a few laughs and a few thoughts. Several young men in the forth row from the top have painted letters on their chests and stand in unison to spell out 'SWEET MELLISA'. A young girl near the front holds a sign advertising 'I want to be Tiffany Lane when I grow up' and a young man holds a red sign proclaiming 'Cari is my honey!'.

Kenny: Folks, we are returning to the BRA arena, and Cari�your honey is here.

Cari: I'm going to get you, dork.

Kenny: He's kind of cute. But you're picking 'em a bit young now, aren't you?

Cari: Jerk.

Kenny: Him or me?

Cari: Both.

The lights in the arena dim slightly, as, over the speakers, Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' begins to play. As the first slow stanza ends, and the music picks up, a burst of pyrotechnics brightens the ramp. Out of the fireworks jogs Sakura Ito, known also as 'Chibiyama' or the Little Mountain, closely followed by her manager, John Nanakami, as well as both Janus and Lightning Lindsey Locke, the other members of the Threesome. Sakura appears in prime shape, her thickly muscled body dressed in her standard ring garb, which consists of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is coloured a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. John is dressed in a pair of black slacks and a Grey sweatshirt, an airbrushed picture of a mountain peak and cherry blossoms scattering in the wind adorning the back. The pair make their way down to the ring, Sakura taking the time to clap hands with any willing fans. Sakura steps through the ring ropes, while John, Lindsey, and Janus takes a position in her corner. She hops up onto the second turnbuckle and flexes both of her arms, showing off impressive biceps, getting an audible pop from the fans, before flashing them a sign of three fingers up. Sakura stretches out in her corner, preparing for the match. Her demanor is especially intense this evening as she focuses mentally on her opponent.

Kenny: Three fingers in the air�the sign of the Threesome. And you do see Janus at ringside, don't you? No love lost between her and Sakura's opponent this evening.

Cari: The Threesome? What a rip-off! Try The Four Horsemen�The Triple Threat�they should start calling themselves The Three Rip-Offs.

Kenny: I don't think that's fair.

(The sound of hissing slowly fades up, filling the arena. On the Angeltron, the image of a pit viper, curled up against a wall, slowly shifts its head side to side ready to strike. In a flash it strikes, opening its gaping maw, showing two long fangs before engulfing the lens. At the same time, green and white pryo explode from the wrestler entrance as the sound of George Thorogood and the Destroyers blasts over the loudspeakers. ) "I walked forty-seven miles of barbed wire, I got a cobra snake for a necktie A brand new house on the road side, and it's a-made out of rattlesnake hide. Got a brand new chimney put on top, and it's a-made out of human skull. Come on take a little walk with me baby, and tell me who do you love? Who do you love? Who do you love?" (The crowd rises to its feet as the "Viper" Lesley Magus steps out from behind the pyro. She is dressed in a green spandex sports bra and black martial arts pants, her hair tied tight behind her head in a ponytail. Her hands are partially covered by black fingerless gloves. A tattoo of a Viper curls up her arm and around her shoulder, and as always, a long link of bike chain is wrapped around her neck and down her torso.. Jet black wrestling boots cover her feet as she slowly makes her way down the ramp.) Viper drops her bike chain on the announcer's table and walks over to the ring.

Cari: I love that song.

Kenny: You would. The Delaware Destroyers?

Cari: Amboy Dukes Incorporated.

Kenny: You ever been to Delaware?

Cari: I've been butt in every state in the union.

Kenny: My computer tells me you were 0 for 11 in Rhode Island.

As Lesley walks to the ring, she passes Janus and shoots her a look. Janus stares back and starts to move towards Viper. Lindsay quickly stops between them and reminds Janus that this is Sakura's match. Lesley rolls into the ring and Sakura approaches her. She proffers first an Oriental bow, then the more traditional American handshake.

Sakura: Please, Magnus-san, let us fight with honour tonight. Neither of us wish another enemy.

Lesley thinks about it, but does not return the gesture. Instead she goes to her corner and waits for the bell. It rings and the two hook it up in the center of the ring.

Kenny: Not very sportsmanlike from Lesley.

Cari: Sakura wrecked her bike�even you know that's a big no-no in the biker trash world.

Lesley and Sakura get in a collar and elbow tie up and right off the bat, Sakura uses a hip toss to get Lesley down. Lesley stands and charges, but Sakura uses another hip toss to again put Lesley down. Lesley is a bit frustrated and perturbed by this start.

Kenny: Sakura is off to a great start.

Cari: This isn't Lesley's kind of match.

Lesley gets back to her feet and is clearly re-thinking her strategy. As she debates, Sakura goes to the ropes and uses her momentum behind a perfect clothesline that puts Lesley on the mat again. Lesley struggles back to her feet. Sakura grabs her in a waste lock and delivers a German suplex�after which she bridges into a pin. The ref goes for the count�

Ref: One�Two�

Kenny: Only Two, as Lesley Magnus kicks out. But she needs to figure out what to do in this match.

Cari: She's a hardcore wrestler, not this type. She should be in there with Janus.

Sakura reaches down and grabs a handful of Lesley's hair. She hauls the Viper back to her feet, but Lesley thinks fast and sends an elbow into Sakura's midsection, followed by another and another. Sakura is taken by this and lets go. Lesley uses what strength she has left to hit Sakura with a DDT that puts the Japanese superstar on the mat, stunned and hurting. Lesley kneels down and tries to catch her breath.

Cari: Hardcore or not, Lesley is a crafty veteran. She's gonna wipe the ring with this rookie.

Kenny: She certainly got out of some trouble there.

Lesley gets back to her feet and hauls Sakura up. She grabs a handful of Sakura's hair and moves her into a standing side headlock. Viper is turning and twisting her arms and the ref is checking for a choke.

Lesley: I thought you had more sense Sak. LaRue is a liar, a cheat and a bitch! And if you're stupid enough to believe her, you deserve each other, and you deserve this!!

And with that, Lesley sends a knee into Sakura's face that stumbles and staggers the Japanese lady, Sakura goes back to the mat as Viper smiles at Janus, who is intent on the match. Janus begins to move towards the ring, but Lindsay again holds her back.

Cari: Oh just let them go!

Kenny: This isn't their match.

Cari: I want to see blood!

Kenny: Karen Blood is not scheduled tonight.

Cari: Geek!

Lesley goes to the mat and starts to place what may be a choke on Sakura. Sakura's legs are kicking and her arms are trying to get her free. The ref looks over and orders Lesley to break the choke. Lesley is a bit slow in complying.

Cari: That's how you win a match! Killer instinct.

Kenny: I have another name for it.

Cari: Keep it to yourself.

The ref starts to warn Lesley about these types of tactics. Meanwhile, Sakura is on one knee and trying to get back up. Lesley sees her and charges over. She hits Sakura on the back with a double axe handle blow�followed by another that puts Sakura back on the mat. Lesley reaches down and pulls Sakura up by her hair. Again she goes for a standing side headlock, but Sakura escapes and instead puts Viper in a waste lock. Viper senses this and does an escape of her own...placing Sakura in a full nelson. Sakura uses her arm strength to get Viper's arms out of position and does her own escape. The two women now stand toe to toe. Sakura goes for a clothesline that Viper ducks. Viper tries to return the favor with a kick, but Sakura ducks her and again they stand on opposite sides of the ring eyeing each other. The crowd applauds the skill they have both just shown.

Kenny: Wow! What skill!

Cari: If they had skill, someone would be on the mat bleeding.

The two wrestlers cautiously approach each other, but there is commotion in the ring side area. Nina LaRue has made her way to the ringside seats. She is being escorted by security, keeping the fans away from her. The fans cheering her entrance distracts the two wrestlers. Lesley sees her and gets mad. Nina mouths something at Lesley that we can't quite make out. Lesley charges right out of the ring and over to the announcer's table.

Cari: What's this?

Kenny: Maybe she's had enough of your lip?

Lesley grabs her chain and starts to move to Nina's seat. But the problem is Janus and Lindsay just happen to be standing in her way. Not be design, that's just where they were. Janus sees Lesley get the chain and goes ballistic. She charges over to the Viper and the two start going at it. Sakura jumps out of the ring and tries to separate them�as does Lindsay. Janus and Lesley are rolling around on the arena floor, exchanging punches.

Cari: Finally! Blood!

Kenny: What's going on here?

Cari: Lesley was going to hit someone with that chain. Probably that loser Lindsay or Sakura. Janus just decided to follow the golden rule.

Kenny: What's that?

Cari: Do unto others before they do unto you.

Kenny: I think Lesley had another target in mind.

Cari: One of the fans?

Kenny: Hardly.

Sakura and Lindsay are finally getting the upper hand in separating Janus and Lesley. But suddenly the bell rings.

Cari: Huh?

Kenny: The ref has reached ten. This is a double count out.

Sakura grabs hold of Janus and restrains her while Lindsay does the same with Lesley. Lesley shakes free and is clearly pissed. Sakura and Lindsay are the only thing stopping Janus and Lesley from killing each other. Nina smiles evily and walks back to whence she came�clearly pleased with her work.

Winner � Double count out.
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