logo Skye Soaring Hawk vs. Jenny "Cheerleader" Anderson

(The BRA arena is packed with thousands of screaming fans. The best and would-be best of the Wrestling World have signed on to fight in this new Federation. Some of the fans carry signs, recognizing that many of the wrestlers here, already have established themselves. "Wish Upon a Starr", " BODY SHOP 4 LIFE " and "AB-ME KAYLA" are just a few of signs that litter the arena. The camera pans around showing off the new ring in all it' glory. New Ropes and mats, shining ring posts. Obviously a lot of time and effort has gone into setting up this venue and it has paid off. The crowd is eager for the arrival of the next two combatants. Another camera shot appears. It zooms in on the announcer's table. On the left, Sandra Allistar, one of the great all time wrestlers of the 70's and early 80's. She is an attractive middle aged woman. She sits smiling, avoiding looking at the person next to her. Gary Grimmore, perhaps the most hated man in Sports Entertainment Broadcasting, known for his sexist and racy comments on the air.)

Sandra: Welcome back Folks, that first match was great and the next one should be a fantastic display of high flying abilities with Skye Soaring Hawk vs. Jenny "The cheerleader" Anderson.

Gary: I can't wait to see Jenny, her skirts are always a bit short...just the way I like em.

( Sandra rolls her eyes in disgust as the lights dim down )

("Wake Up" by Rage against the Machine starts blaring over the loudspeakers. Suddenly, green pyrotechnics shoot from the floor, obscuring the entrance. When they finally die down, Skye Soaring Hawk, head down, in a flat, wide-brimmed cowboy hat and a floor length leather duster, slowly walks to the ring, looking from side to side, smiling at the fans who cheer for her, jeering at the ones who don't. )

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen the falling contest is for one fall, making her way down the aisle, from Reno,Nevada, she stands 5"8 and weighs in at 130 pounds....SKYE SOARING HAWK!!!!!!!!

( There is a large cheer from the crowd and Skye climbs up into the ring. She removes her hat and duster , revealing her black Sports bra and Jean shorts with knee high laces buckskin boots. She climbs and sits on the turnbuckle, awaiting the arrival of her opponent.)

Sandra: Well Skye look to be in tremendous shape...

Gary: I couldn't agree with ya more Sandra, that is one girl that I would let scalp me anytime.

Sandra: Have you no shame?

Gary: Nope, none , no morals or convictions either.

(The lights dim and they spot lights starts flashing red white and silver colors. the Ohio state song sounds through the arena and from behind the curtains, Jenny arrives wearing her wrestling attire a red white and silver cheerleader uniform. Jenny holds two pom-poms in her hands as she makes her way towards the ring doing a pom-pom routine towards the ring, getting the crowed going.)

Sandra: Hmmmm, that skirt is quite short.

Gary: Cart Wheel!!!! We want a Cart Wheel!!

Announcer: And her opponent, from Los Angeles , California, weighing in at 105 pounds...The Cheerleader, Jenny Anderson!!!

( The Crowd cheers again, it is obvious that both wrestlers have a strong following. As Jenny gets into the ring she does a short dance routine after she is done with that she moves to the ropes and throws her pom poms into the crowed )

Gary: ahh...no cartwheels.

Sandra: Well the ref is checking Skye out for illegal objects, although I think that this fight is going to be on the level.

Gary. Really? Boring!!

( The ref finishes checking over Skye and moves over to Jenny. The Cheerleader giggles and smiles and the ref checks her over. Skye turns for one last stretch as the ref walks to the neutral corner. Suddenly Jenny takes off from her corner charging across the ring. Skye turns waiting for the bell and is shocked to see Jenny's feet crash into her chest. Skye goes flying out of the ring and onto the floor. )

Gary: Wow!! I thought Jenny was a good girl?

Sandra: So did I, and so did Skye I think?

( The ref screams at Jenny as she just smiles and dances back to her corner. Skye pulls herself up and has an evil scowl on her face. )


Gary: Game on!!!!

( Skye slides back into the ring and stands up as Jenny points and laughs. )

Jenny: Come off it Hawk, your no match for me or anyone in the Body Shop.

( Skye responds with raising her fist and extending her middle finger. Both wrestlers begin to circle each other. They come together in a clinch and begin testing each other's strength. Skye slowly starts to force Jenny backwards, The pair back into the corner where the ref calls for the break. Skye ignores him and rams her knee up into the cheerleader's midsection. Jenny let's out a gasp clutches her gut. Skye throws a punch into Jenny's chest, sending the Cheerleader back into the corner.)

Sandra: Skye has been training hard as of late,especially with her fists.

Gary: They look disgusting, all those calluses, a woman's hands shouldn't look like that.

(Skye then pulls her out of the corner and whips her across the ring into the other corner. Jenny impacts and slumps down. Skye charges over and goes to grab Jenny, the Cheerleader grabs the top ropes and lifts her legs up, slamming them into the oncoming Skye. The raven haired Beauty stumbles away on impact. Jenny leaps up to the second rope and jumps off, extending her arm out )

Gary: Beautiful Clothesline!!!

Sandra: Jenny loves to use the ropes to perform her moves. She uses the momentum to give her more power.

( Skye hits the mat hard and clutches the back of her head. Jenny jumps up and quickly grabs Skye's right leg and twists it over in a Step-Over-Toe hold. Skye growls in pain and frustration as Jenny twists violently on her leg. The cheerleader smiles as Skye grimaces. She twists on the leg, trying to bend it in ways it was never meant to go. Skye quickly brings her other leg up and draws her knees towards her chest. She then launches them forward, hurtling Jenny off and away. The Cheerleader rolls away and quickly jumps to her feet. Skye rise's rubbing her knee and glaring at her opponent. Jenny suddenly takes off and rebounds into the ropes. She comes charging across the ring. Skye turns and prepares herself as Jenny comes flying in. The Cheerleader lashes out her arm to snag her prey. Skye drops to the mat and Jenny passes over her and continues to the other ropes. Skye leaps back quickly to her feet, Jenny rebounds back and...

Sandra:WOW!!!! Jumping side-kick from Skye!!

( Skye leaps up the air and extends her leg, catching Jenny in the chest, sending her sprawling to the mat. )

Gary: Nice leap....for a girl.

( Skye wastes no time and rushes over as Jenny starts to rise. The Apache warrior grabs Jenny by the arm and lifts her up. Jenny squeals as Skye takes two steps before Body Slamming the Cheerleader to the mat . Jenny bounces once and clutches her back. Skye cracks a wicked smile and begins stomping on the cheerleader. Jenny tries to squirm away, but Skye is relentless in her attack. Skye bends down and grabs one of Jenny's legs and begins kicking her in the hamstring.)

Gary: Ouch!! That will slow her down!

Sandra: Yes, smart thinking by Skye, weaken the Cheerleader's ability to perform those fast paced moves.

Skye: "2-4-6-8 who do we really hate? Jenny, Jenny, Jennnnnyyy!"

( Some of the ringside crowd laugh at Skye's mock cheer. Jenny however is none to pleased )

( Skye lands on more kicks and drops Jenny's leg to the mat. The blonde winces in pain as Skye grabs a hold of her hair and hauls her up. Jenny is flung into the ropes again, she rebounds and Skye attempts to pick her up. Jenny leaps in the air, and wraps her legs around Skye's head, Jenny then flips to the mat, sending Skye flying across the mat. )

Sandra: Beautiful!! Flying Headscissor takedown..!!

Gary: Mmmmm...what..did I miss something? ( Gary has a large beer and a foot long hotdog in his hands)

Sandra: BRA isn't paying you to eat.

Gary: Hey, a Man's got to do, what a man's got to do.

( Skye gets up quickly , but is sent back to the mat with a flying dropkick from Jenny. Again Skye rises and again Jenny sends her down with a dropkick. The cheerleader gets up quickly and grabs on of Skye's legs and looks out into the crowd.)

Sandra: Turnabout's fair play I guess.

( Jenny begins kicking Skye in the hamstring, paying her back for earlier blows. Skye tries to twist and turn away. Jenny quickly drops the leg to the mat and then jumps in the air. Skye looks on in horror as Jenny drives her knees into her thigh. The Apache screams in pain as Jenny slams all her weight down on that leg. Jenny quickly scrambles to her feet and runs to the corner. The begins scaling the ropes. Skye grabs at her leg and slowly begins to rise. Jenny has scaled the turnbuckles and is perched on top. Skye gets to her feet and turns around. Jenny leaps off the top rope....)


( Jenny nails Skye with a perfect Missile Drop-kick, Skye is sent flying across the mat, so hard that she slides out from underneath the bottom rope and to the floor. Jenny gets to her feet and waves to the crowd. Skye rolls to her knees on the floor and puts her hands up on the ring apron. Jenny takes off running to the opposite ropes and rebounds across gaining speed as she goes. Skye just gets to her feet and Jenny comes leaping through the ropes. Both women are sent tumbling to the ground. )

Sandra: Oh my GOD!!! Jenny just leaped through the ropes with a cross body block to the outside!!!

Gary: Hey!!! I can't see anything from this angle.

Sandra: Look at your monitor, you idiot!

Gary: oh, I knew that, just testing ya.

( Jenny is first to rise. She reaches down and hauls Skye to her feet. Jenny grabs her by the arm and goes to whip her into the guardrail. )

Gary: She's gonna....

Sandra: No!! Reversal!

( Skye reverses the throw and sends her lighter opponent flying into the steel fence. Jenny impacts and slumps to the floor. Skye howls with delight and moves in quickly. She hauls Jenny up and then scoops her up. Skye walks towards the edge of the ring and flops Jenny down on the apron. Skye then slams her fists down like a hammer into Jenny's midsection. The Cheerleader curls up into a ball and gasps. Skye pushes her back into the ring and jumps up on the apron. Skye steps between the ropes and smirks. Jenny is on her knee's, trying to catch her breath. Skye takes a step and lands a vicious kick into Jenny's ribs. The cheerleader cries out and rolls to her side. Skye quickly falls to the mat, covering her opponent. The ref slaps the mat...)

Gary: 1....2...

Sandra: Kick out by Jenny.

( Skye shrugs her shoulder and hauls Jenny to her feet. She wipes Jenny across the ring and into the ropes. Jenny rebounds back and Skye goes to grab her. Jenny ducks and runs towards the other ropes. Skye turns around as Jenny leaps up, planting her feet on the second rope and performing a backflip, crashing into Skye and sending them to the mat, Jenny quickly grabs Skye by the legs )

Sandra: Moonsault off the ropes!! 1...2......

Gary: oh..close one...Skye kicks out!!!

( Jenny wastes no time and gets to her feet quickly. She takes off running again for the ropes. Skye gets to her feet. Jenny leaps up again....)

Gary: Owww...that's going to leave a mark.

( Skye catches Jenny in mid-air as she attempts a body block. Skye quickly drops to one knee and slams Jenny's back across her other outstretched thigh. Nearly splitting Jenny in two. Skye slams her elbow into Jenny's midsection again and shoves the cheerleader off her leg. Skye rises and looks down at her stricken opponent.)

Skye: Guess you won't be doing anymore of those back-flips, will ya?

( Skye bends down and hauls Jenny back to her feet. Skye then throws a couple of jabs into the cheerleaders face. Jenny's head snaps back and she staggers putting up her hands in an attempt to block the blow. )

Gary: I think Jenny is cut!!!!

Sandra: Yes, Skye tagged her with one of those punches.

( Jenny has a small cut on the side of her lip. The cheerleader tastes the blood in her mouth and her face turns into a snarl. Skye just keeps coming and throws more punches. Jenny ducks and then leaps up hurling her foot up and out towards her foe. )

Sandra: Leaping side kick...NO!!

Gary: Skye caught it!!! She's gonna....OUCH!!!

( Skye catches Jenny's foot before it can do any harm. The Apache warrior smiles and goes to smash Jenny's knee, when the Cheerleader leaps up and spins her other foot around ,catching Skye in the top of the head )

Sandra: Enziguri!!!!!!

Gary: Jenny with the quick pin attempt!!!

( The ref slaps his hand to the mat twice before Skye kicks out. Jenny sits up and throws a flurry of wild punches into her opponent's head. Skye covers up quickly and the enraged Cheerleader attacks )

Gary: Jenny seems a bit agitated.

( Jenny lifts Skye to her feet and goes to whip her into the ropes. Skye reverses the whip and sends her lighter opponent into the corner and quickly follows her in. Jenny leaps up in the air and kicks her legs out behind her , while grabbing a hold of the top rope. Skye is kicked right in the chin as she follows Jenny in )

Sandra: Nice Mule kick by Jenny, she caught Skye by surprise with that one...

( Skye stumbles back and Jenny quickly scales the ropes. She leaps off and slams her down on top of Skye's head. The Apache slumps to the mat. Jenny quickly grabs Skye by the hair and lifts her up, shoving her head between her thighs. Jenny closes them quickly and reaches forward , wrapping her arms around Skye's waist.)

Gary: PileDriver coming up, if Jenny is strong enough to lift her up. Which I doubt.

Sandra: Are you saying women aren't strong enough to perform the big moves?

Gary: I am so glad you agree with me.

( Jenny grunt and tries to lift Skye up. Jenny gets her slightly off the ground before Skye drops back down. Jenny grits her teeth and tries again. Skye spreads her feet apart, trying to lower her center of gravity. Jenny struggles to lift her up. Skye takes a moment and then tries to rise herself, Jenny feels Skye's movement and changes plans. Jenny kicks her legs back and falls forward. Skye yelps as her face is slammed into the mat. )

Sandra: Smart move by Jenny, she wasn't going to get Skye up in that Piledriver, so she used a pedigree variant

( Jenny smirks as Skye rolls on the match clutching her face )

Jenny: " Come on Hawk, I thought you said you were going to destroy me?"

( Jenny flips Skye onto her back and covers her )

Sandra: 1....2....kickout by Skye, she's got plenty left in her.

(Jenny lifts Skye up and throws her into the ropes. Skye rebounds and Jenny leaps in the air. Skye quickly hooks her arms around the ropes and stops her momentum. Jenny hits nothing but air and falls awkwardly on her back.)

Gary: Miscue!!!!

( Jenny rolls on the mat clutching her back. Skye looks out into the crowd as the fans cheer the display the two warriors are putting on. Skye grabs Jenny's legs and holds them up. She smiles as she turns Jenny over. )

Sandra: Boston Crab!!!

Gary: Jenny is squealing in pain...I love it!!

( Jenny is in terrible pain as Skye leans back, turning Jenny's body into a giant U shape. The ref asks Jenny if she wants to quit. The Cheerleader shakes her head and tries rocking back and forth.)

Sandra: It's going to be hard for Jenny to get out of this. Skye is 25 pounds heavier and a Boston Crab is hard to break if your opponent is heavier.

( Skye screams at Jenny to give up. The Cheerleader refuses and starts to drag herself towards the ropes. Skye looks back as Jenny starts to move them both backwards, towards the safety of the ropes. Frustrated with her opponent's refusal to surrender. Skye drops Jenny's legs to the mat. The Apache warrior turns and moves above her crawling opponent. Jenny is lying on the mat, trying to crawl for the ropes. Skye leaps up and drives her knee into Jenny's back, There is a loud "gasp" from the crowd as Skye performs the move. Jenny whimpers in pain as Skye digs her knee into her spine. Skye then grabs Jenny by the arms and places them over her thighs. Skye reaches forward and wraps her hands around Jenny's chin and pulls back )

Gary: Camel Clutch baby!!!

Sandra: Skye is keeping Jenny grounded and wearing her down with submission holds. I don't know if Jenny can withstand this...

( Skye pulls back, as Jenny screams out in agony. Again the ref asks if she wants to quit. And again, Jenny yells out her defiance. Skye begins twisting Jenny's head side to side, the cheerleader is in agony, but still refuses to surrender. )

Sandra: This kid's got a lot of guts, a lot of pride.

Gary: Pride never helped, it only hurts.

( The ref asks Jenny again if she wishes to give up. The Cheerleader sobs, but refuses to surrender. Skye gives Jenny's head one last twist before breaking the hold. She rises to her feet as Jenny lies on the mat. Skye looks out to the crowd and drags her finger across her throat. She then bends down and picks Jenny up. She heads towards the turnbuckles and deposits' Jenny on top. Skye then climbs the turnbuckles and goes to grab Jenny around the head. Suddenly Jenny lashes out her hand, striking Skye square in the face. The Hawk stumbles back off the ropes clutching her face. Jenny leaps off the ropes and grabs Skye around the head on the way down )

Sandra: TOP ROPE BULLDOG!!!! Jenny is still in it!!!!

( Jenny slams Skye's head into the mat. Skye lies still on the mat, Jenny crawls to her knees and turns Skye over and covers her. )

Gary: This could be it!!! 1....2.....3..

Sandra: NO!!!!! Skye got her shoulder up!!!

( At the last second Skye gets her shoulder off the mat. Jenny sits back up on her knees and grabs Skye by the hair. She rises, dragging her opponent with her. Jenny whips Skye into the corner and chases in after her. Skye hits the turnbuckles and slumps down. Jenny leaps in the air and splashes into Skye. Jenny backs away as Skye falls out of the corner. Jenny grabs her quickly and pulls her into position in front of the corner. Jenny then quickly ducks beneath the ropes and climbs to the top turnbuckle. Skye begins to move on the mat. Jenny leaps off the top extending herself out to splash down on her opponent. )

Gary: If she hits this , it's all over!!

( Jenny's eyes widen in fright as Skye raises her knees. Jenny impacts into them and flops off, curling into a ball. Skye also lies still ,as Jenny's impact has obviously winded her as well. )

Sandra: Match saving move there by Skye. Jenny tried to put it away and paid for it.

( Skye slowly rolls to her knee's and uses to the ropes to stand. Jenny is still curled in a ball, clutching her midsection. Skye takes a breath and moves over towards her foe. She grabs Jenny by the hair and lifts her up. Jenny is standing on wobbly legs and Skye lifts her onto her shoulders, then she begins to spin around and around. )

Gary: Have your trays in the upright position!! Airplane spin!!

( Skye completes a few revolutions before pushing Jenny off her shoulders. Jenny falls to the mat and lies on her back. Her chest moving up and down in rapid succession , trying to get a much needed rest. Skye doesn't give her the chance though, Skye leaps in the air and drops her thigh across Jenny's throat. The Cheerleaders legs rise up on impact and flop down. Skye lifts her leg off and hooks the leg for a pin attempt. )

Sandra; That's it.....

Gary: 1....2......Foot on the ropes!!!! Jenny's got her foot on the ropes!!!

( The ref points at the foot and tells Skye to break. The Hawk slaps the mat in frustration. She shakes her head and pulls Jenny up to her feet. Skye drags her to the middle of the ring and puts her in a side headlock. Skye then falls backwards, slamming the top of Jenny's head into the mat)

Gary: DDT!!! Lights out for Jenny!!!!

Sandra: This should be it...Skye will just....what the?

( Skye rises to her feet and points at the corner. The crowd rises to it's feet in anticipation of the finishing move. Skye turns Jenny onto her back and heads for the turnbuckles. Skye climbs up and stands on the top turnbuckle. She howls as she leaps off the top, bringing her arms and knee's together before extending them again. )

Sandra: Bird of Prey!!!! Skye's version of the Frog Splash!!!!

( Skye slams into Jenny's prone body and hooks the leg. The ref leaps to the mat and counts )

Sandra: 1....2......

Gary: 3...That's it!!! Nobody is kicking out of that one.

( Skye rises to her feet as the ref raises her hand in victory. Jenny rolls onto her side, trying to re-catch her breath. Skye looks out into the crowd as her name is announced.)

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner , at the 22 minute mark. ...Sky Soaring Hawk!!!!

( The crowd cheers as Skye raises her hands again in victory. Jenny rolls out of the ring and gives her opponent and evil glare before sticking her tongue out at her. )

Sandra: Well , that was a good match. Both women went right at each other, good straight forward competition, no real rule infractions, good clean and smart wrestling. A pleasure to watch and commentate.

Gary: Yawn....yes well, to each their own I guess , Personally , I enjoy the extra's , the hardcore stuff, the blows that make the fans scream for more. No blood, no guts, no glory

Sandra: Have you ever been in a match? Or do you just talk the talk, but have no idea how to walk the walk?

Gary: Honey, you'd best watch yourself. Luckily for you I'm a gentleman.

( Sandra shakes her head and looks into the camera)

Sandra: Folks, stay tuned, more great action coming up following these commercial announcements.

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