
(The camera opens inside the office of Battling Ring Angels President Amanda Strike. The camera zooms in on Amanda, who is seated at her desk)

"Hello everyone, and welcome to the debut of Battling Ring Angels. We hope you enjoy the show this evening, and we make this commitment to you here, we promise to make this the most entertaining wrestling federation in the world, and will continue to bring in the top superstars in the sport today here. Van Driesal and myself already feel that the BRA roster stands above and beyond any other in the industry, and it will only get better as time goes on.

"There are a few things you will not find here at BRA. One of them is you will not find wrestlers with superhero powers, or matches that are just utterly ridiculous. This is a wrestling federation, and the finest in wrestling will appear here every week.

You won;t find jambroni wrestlers here either. All of our ladies are here to give you 110% of themselves every week, and if they don't they will get my foot shoved up their ass, and shown the door. I'm gonna do that later tonight to Sherry Ann, but that's another story.

"Well, I'm sure your ready for some action, so let's get things started. So without further adue.....Ladies and Gentleman,...Welcome to BRA!!!!!"

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