logoDarling Katie vs. Arielle Starr

Garry: Welcome back again everyone, time for another exciting Battling Ring Angels matchup. That last match sure was exciting, let's see if these two women can keep things going here. Who's up next Sandra?

Sandra: Next up we have "Alluring Areille Starr going at it against Darling Katie. This should prove to be a great match up, as both women have been around the ring for a while, and both have accomplished big things in there.

Garry: Well the techs upstairs are all over us to speed things up here, we're really running behind schedule. Ah, here we go.....

(Suddenly, "Lucky Star" by Madonna begins to play as the curtains part, revealing "Alluring" Arielle Starr. She confidently stands in the spotlight. The beautiful blonde stands with both hands firmly placed on her hips, basking in the cheers and applause of the fans. The supermodel is clad in a tiny, white, silk kimono, with the word "Starr" written on the back in gold. She also wears gold, kicking pads and matching Asics, tennis shoes. Her long, blonde hair falls down to the small of her back in a cascade of delicate curls that frame her flawless face. She sprints to ringside, slapping as many hands as she can along the way. The referee graciously opens the ropes for the blonde and she smiles back at him as she enters the ring. With a sly smile, she looks at the audience and sexily slinks from her kimono, allowing the flimsy garment to lazily fall to the mat. She is clad in a gold, bra top and matching sports shorts that hug her ample cleavage and sleek, curvaceous body and show off her long, shapely legs. She blows a kiss to the fans as she is showered with catcalls and whistles.)

Garry: WOOHOO she's a hotty!!

Sandra: Umm no Garry, she's a woman. Anyways folks...Arielle stands in at 5' 10" and weighs 125 pounds, and hails from Hollywood, California.

(Cat Scratch Fever by Ted Nugent plays over the sound sytem at a deafening level.)

Garry: DAMN!!! Turn that down some up there, sheesh!!!!

Sandra: This is rather loud, wow!!

(Darling Katie comes out from the back, and receives cheers from the crowd. Katie is dressed in hot bink strapless bikini with boycut shorts, and as always, is barefoot.)

Garry: Mmmm Mmmm what a woman!!! I'm gonna enjoy this match a lot!!!

Sandra: Well I will to, but not for the same reasons as you perv. Folks, the Darling One stands in at 5' 5", and weighs 115 pounds. She is from New Orleans, LA.

Garry: WOOHOO A rajun cajun!

Sandra: No Garry, she isn't a native of the Big Easy, she's originally from Florida.

Garry: WOOHOO even better, the bikini state.....

Sandra: I give up, it's useless talking to you.

Garry: Pfft...your just jealous Sandra. Well if it makes ya feel better, you look great tonight too, that dress really shows off your figure well......*SLAP* OUCH!!!!

Sandra: Just call the action fatty!!!

Garry: Dang, can't you take a compliment?

Sandra: This should be a great match up folks, and a clean fight to I would imagine....

Garry; Not if Katie's wife shows up it wont be.

Sandra: Well, Katie asked Sherry to stay in the back, and let her do this on her own, so I don't think that'll be a problem.

Garry: Yea right, since when has Sherry listened to anyone? Oh well, anyways there's the bell folks, and this match is under way.

Katie: Time to go to school bitch!!

Garry: WOOHOO go girl, tell her how it is!! Alright less talk and more action girls...GO GO!!!

(Both women tie up in the center of the ring. Katie takes Arielle down with an armdrg, but Arielle quickly hops back up to her feet, and takes a defensive position. They tie up again, and this time katie comes up with Arielles arm, and twists it around, and then pushes back on her wrist, and has her in a armbar wristlock combo. Now katie lashes out with a kick to the small of Arielle's back as she holds the arm.

Garry: Katie has the early advantage here, and really going to town on Arielle.

Sandra: Katie has quite an aresnal of moves, and knows exactly when to apply them, but she best watch out, Arielle is very talented, and will lash out in the wink of an eye.

(Katie continues to hold onto the arm, and kick at the back, but Arielle mangages to stay focused through this, and put her foot on the ropes, and the ref asks katie to break the hold, which she does cleanly.

Katie steps back, and Arielle rethinks her game plan. Now the two move towards each other again. Areille goes on the offense this time, and nails Katie with a cresent kick. Now she takes her over with a well executed snap suplex.)

Sandra: Impressive, she's fast.

Garry: Yup, I hear she's well trained in the martial arts.

(Arielle now goes p to the top rope.)

Garry: Oh my, it's to early for something like this.

(Arielle leaps off, and attempts a frog splash, but Katie rolls out of the way just in time, and Arielle hits nothing but mat.)

Sandra: Oh, that's gotta hurt!

(Katie gets up quickly, and then nails Arielle with a springboard guilltine.)

Garry: Great move by the Darling One there.

(Katie rolls on top of Arielle, and applies a chinlock. Katie yanks back hard on the chin, and Arielle howls in pain. She tries to pry Katie's fingers loose, but it's to no avail, as katie just pulls back harder.)

Sandra: Katie really seems to be in control of things now, Garry.

Garry: Yup, and her butt looks so cute in that position....Ya gotta love it!

Sandra: Oh lord, what's the use?

(Katie releases the hold, and stands up. Now she reaches down, and grabs Arielle by the hair, bringing her up to her feet. She goes over to the corner with Arielle, and smashes her face into the turnbuckle.)

Kaie: "Arielle, meet Mr. Turnbuckle. Mr. Turnbuckle, meet Arielle!"

(With that Katie begins repeatedly smashing Arielle's face into the top buckle.)

Garry: This gal is on a mission!!

Sandra: Yes, Katie certainly is going to town now....umm....she was....

(Arielle blocks the next smash, and begins smashing Katie's face into the buckle. Now Arielle turns Katie around, and nails her with a spinning wheel kick to the stomach.)

Garry: Oh, now that hurt!

Sandra: Yes it did, nice escape by Arielle, and now it's her turn to turn up the heat.

(Arielle continues to kick away at Katie's midsection.)

Sandra: Katie is in real trouble now.

Garry: She sure is. WooHoo though, check out those gams on Arielle....mmm mmm.

Sandra: Your replusive Garry, how you ever got this job is beyond me.

(Arielle grabs Katie by the arm, and Irish Whips her across the ring, and into the ropes. Katie bounces off and heads towards an awaiting Arielle, but Katie baseball slides under Arielle, and drives her fist in between her legs. Arielle doubles over in pain, and Katie reaches up, grabs her, and rolls her into a sunset flip pin.)

(The ref jumps down and goes for the count. 1.....2.....NO kickout by Arielle.)

Garry: Wow that all happened so fast I almost missed it.

Sandra: Well if ya weren't so busy wolfing down hot dogs, you'd of seen it all.

(Katie is now yelling at the ref, saying his count was slow.) Garry: Tsk Tsk....quit crying and fight!

(While Katie is scolding the ref, Arielle gets up to her feet, and runs at Katie, and nails her with a dropkick. The kick sends Katie into the ref, and knocks him out of the ring, and Katie falls to the mat hard.)

Garry: Heehee, poor little fella really got dumped on his ass there, but what a way to go.

Sandra: Good grief, do you EVER stop

(Arielle brings Katie up to her feet, and then nails her with a German Suplex.
The ref slowly climbs back into the ring now as Arielle once again brings Katie up to her feet. She sends her into the ropes, and catches her, and lays her out with a Northern Lights Suplex.

Garry: Wow, this girl is really taking control here, very impressive!!

Sandra: Arielle is highly skilled, and I think Katie just may of takin her to lightly

(Ariells drops a knee into the small of Katie's back, and she howls out in pain. Arielle now slaps a Dragon Sleep on Katie.)

Garry: Say goodnight Darling.

Sandra: Things do look bleak for Katie here, that's for sure.

Garry: Bleak? Put a fork in her, she's done!!

Sandra: I never say someone is done, till I see them pinned, or till I hear them scream out a submission, and I assure you, that is something you'll NEVER hear Katie do.

(The ref lifts up Katie's hand, and it drops......He lifts it up again, and once again, her hand falls.)

Garry: Here it is, buh bye Darling.

(The ref lifts Katie's hand up the third and final time, and her hand falls, but before it goes all the way down it comes back up. Her fist is clenched, and she shakes her hand trying to restore her vigor.
The crowd begins to chant Katie's name to encourage her to continue. Arielle has a surprised look on her face, as she can't beleive Katie wasn't put out from her sleeper.

Sandra: Ahem...as I was saying.....

Garry: Yea yea yea, so your a know it all.

(With the crowd rooting her own, Katie powers up to her feet, but Arielle still holds onto the sleeper, which is loosely applied now though. Katie gets all the way up, and reaches back, grabbing Arielle by the hair, and pulls her head up onto her shoulder. Katie then drops to her knees, and nails Arielle with a stunner.)

Garry: Well done!

Sandra: Sure was, but Katie still isn't 100%, and is very slow getting up. That sleeper really took a lot out of her, and that last move of hers, was just done by sheer determination.

(Arielle staggers back up to her feet, and shakes loose the cob webs. She sees Katie leaning against the ropes, and charges at her. She leaps into the air, and nails Katie with a spear. Katie stays in the ring, and crashes to the mat.)

Garry: Alright, now I'll say it....SHE'S DONE!

Sandra: You may be right this time....UT OH, Arielle is going up top...... (Arielle gets up to the top turnbuckle and stands there a second motioning to the crowd that this is it. She then leaps off, and nails Katie with the Starrstruck (a Sky Twister Press) Now she rolls Katie up, and goes for the pin.)


(The ref rools over, and signals for the bell.)

Garry: That's all she wrote folks!!!

Sandra: Yes, we have a winner...."Alluring" Arielle Starr!! What a great match though, both women gave their all in this one.

Garry: Oh geez, they're screaming upstairs for us to go to a commercial. I guess we better. Once again foks, your winner by pinfall, Arielle Starr!!

Sandra: Stay tuned, we'll be right back.

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