logoLori Wilson vs. Lightnin

(The camera reopens after a commercial break, and goes right to Sandra, and Garry.)

Sandra: Hello again everyone. Well...our producers are telling us that we are really running behind here, so let's get right to the action.

Garry: Argg, I hate it when we run behind, I like running behind a good looking behind, but that's different.....

Sandra: The ONLY thing you run for is the refrigertor you pig..!! Anyways folks, our next match is the battle of Lightning I guess you could call it, we have "Lady Lightning" Lori Wilson taking on Lightnin. This should be a great match up I do beleive.

Garry: This sounds fun, are they hot looking?

Sandra: Sheesh, Van Driesal needs to get me another person to work with, your to much of a pig for me Garry.
Let's go back stage real quick folks, I hear Lori Wilson has something to say before she comes out.

(The camera fades back to the dressing room, where "Lady Lightning" Lori Wilson is lacing up her boots. She is already dressed in her black singlet with the lightning bolts, and her bandanna on her head. She then looks up to the camera, and adjust her kneepads as she speaks.)

Lori: "Tonight is the night, when Lori Wilson finally makes her triumphant return to wrestling in the United States. And Lightnin is my first opponent...all I have to say is that while she is unquestionably powerful, like lightning is, there's one thing she needs to remember...lightning is also unpredictable, and can strike at a moment's notice...and this is where I will come in. Lightnin, I hope you are ready for what's to come, because I could leave you wondering just what happened after I strike...and I will strike, from all corners of that ring. I'm looking to prove myself, to prove I can succeed on my own, and I'm not about to let myself or any of my fans down. Tonight, Lightnin, you'll go down to the Strike!"

(She stands up and leaves the room to head for her match as the shot fades out.)

Garry: Sounds like this gal means buisness, Sandra.

Sandra: Well she didn't come here to knit tonight, that's for sure.

("Hysteria" by Def Leppard kicks in over the speakers. Lori Wilson steps out from behind the curtain as the crowd cheers. She is dressed in her black singlet with thin white lightning bolts down the front, back, and sides. Lori also wears black kneepads and wrestling boots, and a black bandanna which reads "Lady Lightning" in yellow lettering. She stands just in front of the entrance way, pumps her right fist into the air, as white sparklers shoot up behind her on either side of the entrance. Lori then walks down the aisle, slapping hands with fans along the way to the ring. As she gets to the ring, she jumps onto the apron, then walks to the corner and vaults over the ropes, landing so she is standing on the second turnbuckle, and raises her arms in the air to the approval of the crowd. She then hops down from the turnbuckles, then climbs through the ropes and exits the ring. Lori then walks over to the railing, and she removes her bandanna. She spots a young girl standing near the rail, and she reaches over and drapes the bandanna around the girl's neck, smiling at her, then turning back to the ring, where she climbs back in through the ropes, then turns and pulls on the ropes, stretching, then turns her attentions to her opponent.
The crowd gives a mixed reaction to the announcement as the lights dim down and an artificial storm, with spotlights and sounds of thunder, rages in the arena. "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks kicks in over the speakers. Lightnin is a tall blond woman, entirely clad in black leather and wearing a microphone in one hand. She is quite muscular, and her hair is fixed in a ponytail that reaches down to her perfectly shaped posterior. Her top is very low-cut, showing a large part of her medium sized breasts. The suit has white lightnings on both arms and on both legs. She wears sunglasses and thick gloves with cut-off fingers. As Lightnin makes her way to the ring, she teases a couple of male fans, caressing their cheeks, but then shoves them back into their chairs. She raises the microphone as she approaches the ring and the music immediatly stops.

Lightnin: "YO, yo, yo. What do we have here? Fans waiting for another Battling Ring Angels match and a girlie in the ring waiting to get a beating. Boys, take a good look what this body does in the ring, and you'll redefine the words "female power". And you girls in the audience take a look too, and you'll know what your men are dreaming about."

(Then she drops the microphone, takes off her sunglasses and the gloves and slides into the ring.)

Garry: Well Lightnin isn't waiting for the bell, she goes right at Lori, and nails her with a series of European uppercuts, and drives her back to the corner, and continues her barrage of uppercuts.

Sandra: Now that was uncalled for....

Garry: Works for me! I like her spunk. Whoa, Lori blocks the next blow, and throws Lightnin out of the corner with a hiptoss.

Sandra: Good resolve, the mark of a veteran.

Garry: The mark of having a rabbits foot in your pocket. She was getting pummeled, and was lucky to get out of there.
Well Lightnin quickly gets to her feet, only to be met with a clothesline by Lori. The smaller girl is relying on her speed here, and it seems to be working for her.

Sandra: It sure is it seems...OUCH!! Lori moved in on Lightnin, and Lightnin nailed her in the side of the knee with a kick. Now that may slow Lori down some.

Garry: Yup, that put her quickly down on her sweet little butt.

Sandra: Sheesh, go in the back, and grab a Playboy mag, and do something with yourself, puhhleeze!!

Garry: Nah, that plastic Sable is in there again, I like looking at real women, so I'll stay out here.

Sandra: Eww just don't do anything to yourself out here please. It's bad enough looking at you, I can't imagine seeing you do that out here. Not to mention the fact that the fans will all get sick and ask for refunds.

Sandra: Queit skank, I'm calling a match here, pay attention!
Well Lightnin now grabs the sore leg of Lori, and drops an elbow onto her knee. She's gonna slow the high flyer down now I think.

Sandra: Thats seems to be her intent here. Ut oh, now what?

Garry: She's dragging Lori to the corner by her sore leg. Now she climbs out of the ring, and pulls Lori who is still in the ring to the corner....

Sandra: Oh my! OUCH!!! Lightnin just slammed Lori's knee into the ringpost!!!

Garry: Ya gotta love it!!!

Sandra: I don't think Lori loved it, she's in a tremendous amout of pain here. The ref is counting Lightnin out, she best get back into the ring before the count is up.

Garry: She's back in now, and is going right at Lori. She grabs that leg again, and goes for an ankle lock, but Lori manages to kick her off with her good leg before she can lock it on.

Sandra: Lori isn't finished yet Garry, she's got a lot of fight left in her. That kickoff sent Lightnin into the ropes, and she is stuggling to free herself from them.

Garry: Yup, and Lori is back up on her feet again finally, she's favoring that knee though as she hobbles over towards Lightnin.

Sandra: The ref is now holding Lori back so Lightnin can get out of the ropes, and Lori obeys his wishes, and waits. This is good for Lori too, gives her time to walk off that sore knee.

Garry: Get that goofy ref outta there, let em fight!!

Sandra: oh shut up, and eat a few dozen burgers tubby.

Garry: mmmnnnn...bugers...I am hungry....

Sandra: Oh gee, imagine that, the bottomless pit is ready for his 10th meal of the day.

Garry: Ahem! 5th, thank you very much! Well Lightnin is back up, and here we go again. The two women circle each other looking for an opening. Which lightning will strike first here? hehehe

Sanda: Lori does, with an armdrag.

Garry: yup, but Lightnin quickly gets back up to her feet from that...Oh only to be met by a beautifully exacuted dropkick that sends Lightnin right back to the mat hard!

Sandra: Lori is fast, that's for sure, and yes she does strike like Lightning.

Lori climbs up on the second rope, and jumps off nailing Lightnin with an elbowdrop! Lori now lifts Lightnin up to her feet.

Sandra: This is an exciting match, and Lori seems to be taking control now.

Garry: Not anymore, Lightnin just nailed Lori with an eyerake, that'll slow Lori down.

Sandra: I don't think that's a legal move.

Garry: It slowed down Lori didn't it? So if it works, it's all good. Lightnin is on the offense now, as she nails Lori in the back with a double axe handle blow to the back. That drops Lori down to her knees. Now she forces Lori's head into the ropes, and begins choking her with the second rope.

Sandra: Now this is uncalled for!! Count ref you idiot!!

Garry: Sheesh, take a chill pill hun, he's counting now.

Sandra: Well he sure took his sweet time doing so.

(Lightnin breaks the hold just before the ref gets to the count of 5, but goes right back at it again, ignoring the refs pleas for her to stop. Lightnin bresks the hold just before the 5 count again, and this time the ref pulls her away from Lori, who is struggling to catch her breath.)

Sandra: Come on Lori, you can do it hun. Get out of there for a bit.

Garry: Nah stay and get your sweet little ass handed to ya. Oh geez, she took your advise I see, what a pity. Come on Lori, stay in there and fight!!

Sandra: Oh hush fatty, she will, just wait.

Garry: Ya know your looking really good tonight San, or maybe the 12 beers I've drank have my last call glasses on already.

Sandra: Umm I suggest you shut up before your chewing on your balls after I kick them so hard, they'll be up in the back of your mouth.

Garry cringing at the thought: Oh um, sorry. OK back to the action. The ref has held Lightnin back, and that has allowed Lori to get back into the ring. She seems to have caught her breath, and is ready for action again. The two women tie up, and Lightnin nails Lori with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Lightnin gets up, and follows that up with an elbow drop, but NO!! Lori rolled out of the way just in time, and Lightnin drives her elbow hard into the mat. Lori then climbs the ropes and flys off nailing Lightnin with a Asai moonsault.

Sandra: Great move, and Lori was in need of something big there!

Now she grabs Lightnin, and brings her to her feet, no eye rake that time, and she whips Lightnin into the ropes. Lightnin bounces off, and Lori catches her and nails her with her version of the Belly to Belly Suplex!!

Sandra: Intense action!

Garry: Sure is. Now Lori brings Lightnin up to her feet again. She stands her up in the center of the ring. Lori now runs to the ropes, and bounces off. WHOA!!! She just leveled Lightnin with the Lightning Strike (somersault missle dropkick)!!!!

Sandra: What a dynamic move!!!

Garry: Here's the count....


Garry: There it is!!! we have a winner!!! "Lady Lightning" Lori Wilson just pinned Lightnin!!!!

Sandy: Well both women put up a great fight tonight, but only one can win, and tonight was Lori's night.

Garry: Well the ref holds Lori's hand high in the air, and she waves to the fans, and exits the ring.

Sandra: UT OH!!! Lightnin exits too, and runs up behind Lori, and nails her with the Lightning Bolt!!!

Garry: Whew that really leveled Lori. Lightnin just gets up and walks to the back like nothing happened.

Sandra: There was no call for that at all!!!

Garry: I liked it. Anyways folks, we gotta go to another commercial break, stay tuned, more action coming right up. Once again, your winner is Lori Wilson.

(Fade to black)

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