logoLisa Dream vs. Misery

(The camera reopens after a commercial break inside the BRA arena. The fans are still going wild after the action they have seen thus far tonight. The camera then zooms down to the announcers table, where Garry and Sandra are at. Sandra does a last second primp to her hair, and Garry wolfs down a piece of pizza...)

Garry: (with pizza sauce on his chin) Oh my were on!!!

Sandra: (giggling) Welcome back everyone...Ummm Garry (Sandra points to her chin, and an embarrased Garry wipes the sauce away from his chin.) Good grief.....anyways, time for another big mtch here at Battling Ring Angels.

Garry: That's right Sandra, next up we have from Long Island, New York a lady who claims to be a hardcore wrestler, Misery, and her opponent is another New Yorker that has really made a name for herself lately in the wrestling world, Lisa Dream.

Sandra: Should be an interesting matchup, Lisa has to contend with a 5 inch height advantage, and a 20 pound weight advantage by Misery, but Lisa has proven she can hold her own in that ting with anyone, so we'll see what happens.

Garry: Well Misery has already entered the ring. She sure snuck in there quietly. Guess she isn't into flashy entrances.

Sandra: Suppose not. Misery is dressed in a black catsuit with Misery written on the butt and see threw at the top and around the stomach. She does some stretching using the ropes as she awaits the arrival of her opponent.

(The lights dim as the words 'the DREAM', written in gold letters, show up on the jumbtron above the exit from the dressing room area. The sounds of twinking stars and awe music fill the arena (Note: Very reminiscent of Golddusts opening theme music). Smoke fills the entrance ramp. Then, there is a burst of light, the music changes to 'Nookie', by Limp Bizkit, and Lisa Dream exits the dressing room area. She is wearing a black blazer and skirt combination, and she arrogantly surveys the crowd. Lisa then makes her way down towards the ring, walking like a supermodel on the entrance ramp. She gets into the ring, and does a little bump and grind dance for the audience, removing the skirt and blazer in the process, revealing her skimpy white bikini fighting attire.) Garry: Arrogant little thing, isn't she?

Sandra: Yep, that pretty well sums up Lisa Dream. Alright, we're almost ready to begin, as the ref is giving the two ladies his instructions. However neither women seems to be paying much attention to him.

Garry: Hmmn...maybe they best ask Cyra Min if that is such a good idea to do. Don't get me wrong, I love the dirty tricks in the ring, but it seems clear that those tactics wont be tollerated in BRA. Sandra: WOW, you actually learned something Garry? I'm amazed!!!

Garry: Well here weeeeeeee gooo!!!

(Lisa and Misery slowly make their way to the center of the ring. Misery holds up her hands wanting a test of strength, put Lisa just laughs, and shakes her head no. Misery isn't happy about this, and Lisa turns to the crowd, and points at her head, telling them she is smart. However, she isn't that smart as Misery grabs Lisa by the arm, and yanks her towards her, and levels her with a shortarmed clothesline.)

Sandra: Not real smart on Lisa's part there.

Garry: A minor setback, she'll get over it, I'm sure.

(Lisa rolls herself quickly out of the ring to recuperate. Misery goes right out after her though.)

Garry: Alright, now's when it gets good!!

(Misery grabs a chair, and goes after Lisa. She swings it at her, but Lisa ducks away just in time, and then nails Misery with a kick to the stomach. Lisa then grabs the chair, and smashes it over Misery's head, and Misery drops to the floor like a sack of potatoes.)

Sandra: OUCH!!! Ya know that had to hurt!!

Garry: Yep, that's what it's all about Sandra. Lisa sure looks hot in that little white bikini, doesn't she?

Sandra: Just call the match fatty.

(Lisa grabs Misery, and throws her back into the ring, she then follows her in. Lisa then stomps on Misery's back a few times.)

Garry: The Dream is on fire now!!!

Sandra: She sure is, Misery isn't looking so good at all. (Lisa rolls Misery over, and now does a little bump and grind dance while standing over her. Now Lisa takes off running, she hits the ropes and bounces off of them, then goes across the ring and bounces off the ropes over there, and heads towards Misery. Lisa leaps into the air, and performs a springboard moonsault onto Misery. She then hooks her leg, and goes for the pin.)

Garry: WOW! Great move!!! Here's the count.....
Ding Ding!!!

Sandra: Well that was certainly a fast match!!!

Garry: Yup, I don't think Misery prepared to well for this match at all. Whoa, Lisa is doing a facesit on Misery now to humiliate her.....

Sandra: And this is a perfect time to go to a commercial break. Once again, your winner by pinfall is Lisa Dream, in a very fast lopsided match.

Garry: A break? This is good stuff going on in the ring now. The people want to see this!!

Sandra: No, you want to see it Garry. Go ice down your marble bag during the break please, you getting on my last nerve. Back in a couple mintues folks, don't touch that dial!!

(Fade out)
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