Sweet Misty
Cyra Min


The camera opens inside the office of Battling Ring Angels President Amanda Strike.
the camera zooms in on Amanda, who is seated at her desk.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to the debut of Battling Ring Angels. We hope you enjoy the show this evening, and we make this commitment to you here, we promise to make this the most entertaining wrestling federation in the world, and will continue to bring in the top superstars in the sport today here. Van Dreisal and myself already feel that the BRA roster stands above and beyond any other in the industry, and it will only get better as time goes on.

There are a few things you will not find here at BRA. One of them is you will not find wrestlers with superhero powers, or matches that are just utterly ridiculous. This is a wrestling federation, and the finest in wrestling will appear here every week.
You wont find jambroni wrestlers here either. All of our ladies are here to give you 110% of themselves every week, and if they don't they will get my foot shoved up their ass, and shown the door. I'm gonna do that later tonight to Sherry Ann, but that's another story.

Well I'm sure your ready for some action, so let's get things started. So without further adue.....Ladies and Gentleman,...Welcome to BRA!!!!!


The camera opens inside the BRA arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. The fans jump to their feet as they notice the cameras of BRA are finally rolling. The fans cheer and begin holding up their homemade signs, some of which read....

"Send me an angel"
"If these are Angels, get me to heaven fast!"
"I cheer for the Cheerleader"
"P.J., quick, what's 2 +2?"

The arena lights go out. The song "Send Me An Angel" Begins to play, and the Angeltron comes to life.

With that, the Battling Ring Angels announcers Garry Grimmoire (heel, sexist, arrogant, overweight - professional commentator) and Sandra Allistar (former wrestler, middle aged, face, "good natured")Come walking out from the back. The crowd gives them a nice ovation. Sandra waves to the fans, but Garry is busy checking out Sandra's rear end as he walks down the aisle. Garry becomes so involved with looking at Sandra's butt, that he doesn't watch his step, and stumbles and almost falls. His face turns red with embarrasment, and he begins to sweat profusily. Sandra turns around, and just giggles at Garry, then continues on her way to the announcers table.
They take their seats, and put on their headsets.

Garry: Hello, and welcome everyone to the debut of the Battling Ring Angels, I'm Garry Gimmoire, and next to me is my lovely collegue, Sandra Aillistar.

Sandra: Hello everybody, and welcome to what should prove to be an exciting evening of wrestling. The staff at Battling Ring Angels has been working round the clock for the past several days making final preparations to make this event a stellar occasion.

Garry: That is very true, and the talent of wrestlers in this federation has to be the finest anywhere in the world.

Sandra: Very true Garry, I've been in this buisness a long time, and I have to say that this place houses the finest roster anywhere.
Well Garry, what do you think about our first match of the evening?

Garry: Oh they are both ravishing beauties, it should be great to watch them go at it.....

Sandra: I see your still a pig Garry. I suppose I'll field my own question....We have Sweet Misty, she is fairly new to the professional ranks, but has really proven herself thus far as being a superstar in other federations. Not to mention the fans just love her.....

Garry: Mmmnn....me too, she's so hot!!

Sandra: Umm Garry, please don't drool on the mointor. Anyways as I was saying....I think Misty has what it takes to go far in this buisness, and she has already caught the eye of a women that is famous for picking up the most talented new comers in this industry, and that is Sherry Ann.....

Garry: Oh lord, I hope Misty doesn't join the bimbo shop.

Sandra: Well ya just never know,...when Sherry sees something she likes, she goes all out to get it. Anyways, Misty is facing another new face in the crowd tonight, and this women is Cyra Min. Cyra I'm told is a mean spirited wrester, and does what it takes to achieve victory.

Garry: And she is very nice to look at too.....

Sandra: Do you ever stop, you pig? Anyway...Cyra seems to have a dark past, and rumors abound that she murdered her father when she was very young.

Garry: Eeep!!

Sandra: Oh yes Gar, keep up your piggish remarks about her, maybe she'll do the same to you then.......

Sanda is cut off as "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" begins to play over the arenas sound system. The crowd cheers as Sweet Misty peeks out from the back blushing to the crowd. The crowd keeps cheering for the ever so sweet Misty. The Aneltron then comes on....

The fans cheers finally coax her out, and she begins to walk out from the back. Sherry Ann comes running out behind her, and taps her on the shoulder. Misty nervously turns around, and smiles as she sees it's her friend Sherry standing there.
Sherry extends her hand to Misty, and Misty takes Sherry's hand and shakes it. Sherry then gives Misty a hug, and wishes her luck in her match. Misty smiles, and Sherry turns her, and points her to the ring, and with a pat on the butt Misty takes off towards the ring. Sherry smiles, and goes back to the back.
Misty waves to the fans as she makes her way down the aisle, and the Sweet one stops and gives a few fans a peck on the cheek. She then makes it to the ring, and climbs inside.

Sandra: The fans sure do like Misty, and what's not to like? She's just so nice, and the fans love her shy personality.

Misty removes her red kimona, and hands it to BRA tech working at ringside. Misty who is now dressed in a light blue one piece suit that is webbed under her arms all the way to the top of her legs. The suit also has some faded white splotches here and there. She has white knee pads on too, pulls on the ropes, and does some stretching as her music stops.

"While the City Sleeps," by MC 900 Ft. Jesus begins to play. Cyra Min then slowly walks down the aisle towards the ring attired in a sparkling purple rubber bodysuit with silver "Circuits" design, and the neck is wide open showing off her ample cleavage to the fans.

Misty nervously looks out at the Asian beauty with purple hair heading towards the ring, then goes back to her stretching routine, trying to remain focused.

Garry: Wooo hooo, I just love that outfit!!! Whew, look at Cyra's eyes, she means buisness, and that buisness is kicking Misty's ass.

Sandra: Well that may be what she wants to do, but I assure you Misty can hold her own in the ring with about anyone. However she is at a 31 pound weight disadvantage in this one, that could work against her, but we'll have to see.

Garry: And is that weight ever in the right places. Mmmm Mmmm Mmm

Cyra steps into the ring, and walks straight to Misty. "I killed my father just to watch him die!" Cyra then just smiles and walks to her corner.

Sandra: Now that women needs help!!

Garry: Oh I'll help her....help her out of that out fit that is.......

Sandra: Your just pathetic Garry! You wanna helpsome, then help yourself to a Jenny Craig, please!! Alright the ref is giving these two ladies his instructions, Mistly listens intently to him, and Cyra just stares daggers at Misty ignoring everything the ref says. Looks as if we're about to get underway here folks.

The two women return to their respective corners, and await the sound of the bell to indicate the first official match in Battling Ring Angel history. Cyra continues to glare at Misty, and Misty just looks away, and waits for the bell.


Garry: And here we go, the BRA is officially underway!!!!!

Sandra: This is an exciting moment here.

The two women meet in the center of the ring, and lock up in a colar and elbow tie up. Cyra gets a hand free, yanks at Misty's hair, and pulls her into a side headlock. Cyra grinds away on Misty's head, and Misty struggles, trying to break free. The ref is checking to see if there is a choke going on, but after further review he looks out at the crowd and says "No choke". When he does that Cyra nails Misty with an eye gouge, and Misty cries out in pain. The ref caught that out of the corner of his eye, and makes Cyra break the hold. Cyra lets go, but quickly, she then grabs Misty by the hair, and sends her flying with a flying mare by the hair.

Garry: I don't think Misty is having to much fun.

Sandra: Not yet perhaps, but I'm sure she'll turn the tables soon enough here.....Ohhh ouch, might be a bit though.

Sandra grimaces as she sees Misty get put into a standing surfboard hold. Cyra yanks hard on the limbs of Misty, and the Kentuckian screams out in pain. The ref asks her if she submits, and she shakes her head no to him.

Sandra: Come on Misty, fight it hun!!

Garry: Go Cyra, break her in half!!

Sandra: There ya go kiddo, now your thinking!

Misty wisely gets her free foot on the ropes, and the ref forces Cyra to break the hold. She does, but gives Misty a stomp to the stomach as she releases her. As the ref backs Cyra away from Misty, Misty rolls out of the ring, for a much needed breather.

Sandra: Thata girl, use up that 10 count, and regain your bearings. For a rookie, she has a lot of ring smarts in her.

Garry: Pfft...she's just a chicken!!! A cute one though.

6....7....8... and Misty climbs up ont the ring apron, and gets into the ring. Cyra charges at her, and Misty steps out of the way just in the nick of time, and Cyra crashes into the ropes. Misty then nails Cyra with a Spinning Jump Kick, and that sends Cyra crashing into the far corner....

Sandra: And here comes Misty!!!

Misty moves in, and kicks Cyra twice in the gut, now she does a spinning jump kick that nails Cyra in the face.

Garry: Impressive!!

Misty grabs Cyra, and Monkey flips her out of the corner. Cyra hits the mat hard, and Misty quickly scrambles to her feet. She goes back to the corner, and climbs up to the top rope.....

Sandra: Oh my, Cyra may be a bit to far out there, hope Misty knows what she's doing here....

Misty leaps from the ropes, and goes for a suicide splash, she's got the distance, but Cyra sees her coming, and rolls out of the way, and Misty lands hard on the mat.

Garry: Rookie mistake there, to early for a move like that.

Sandra: Perhaps, but I'm amazed at how far out she was able to fly. Ut oh, here comes Cyra.....

Cyra gets up, and then drops a knee to the back of Misty's knee. Misty howls in pain, and Cyra jumps onto her back. Cyra leans down, and bites Misty on the shoulder. Misty screams out in pain, and Cyra let''s go with a disgusted look on her face. "You don't taste that sweet to me!" Cyra now wraps her fingers around Misty's chin, and rares back with a chinlock.

Garry: Cyra is impressive...What resolve!!! Mmnnn her butt looks nice in that position!!

Sandra: Your a sick excuse for a man Garry!....Eeep, poor Misty is really in a lot of pain here, Cyra looks as if she is gonna yank her head off!! Misty is fighting the pain, and reaching for the ropes.

Garry: She's almost there!! A couple more inches........She made it!!

The ref makes Cyra break the hold, but she isn't listening to him and he begins his 5 count.


Cyra breaks the hold, but slaps Misty hard upside the head before getting off of her. The ref drags Cyra back, and begins yelling at her to listen to him.

The crowd begins to cheer, and the camera flips over the the entrance ramp, where Sherry Ann is running down the aisle.

Garry: Oh lovely, here comes the bimbo queen herself. What in the hell is she doing out here?

Sandra: She's out here to support her friend!

Garry: Oh puke, this isn't the womens social hour. have her put Misty back in there so Cyra can whoop her ass somemore!!!

Sherry grabs Misty, and pulls her out of the ring while the ref is scolding Cyra. Sherry brushes Misty's hair out of her eyes, and gives her a few pointers. "Look hun, your letting her take you off your game. Now get your game face back on, and go get her Misty Style!!! Sherry then helps Misty back into the ring. Cyra is upset about Sherry being out there, and complains to the ref. The ref warns Sherry to stay out of this match, and she calmly jestures to him that he's number one with her middle finger.

Sandra: I hope Misty takes Sherry's advise, cause she is right......

Garry: She still has no buisness being out here!!!

Sandra: If I know Sherry, which I do, she isn't finished out there yet. Yup, here she goes verbally harrasing Cyra, and Cyra is pis...er..um...upset.

Sherry: Hey Cyra, how's your daddy? MURDER anyone lately?

Garry: Now that was low!! Whew Cyra is really mad now!!! Oh my!!!......

Misty takes advantage of the distracted Cyra, and nails her in the back with a missle drop kick, and then sends Cyra flying through the ropes, and out of the ring, she lands right in front of Sherry. The ref holds Misty back from going out after Cyra, and Sherry picks up Cyra, and throws her right back into the ring. The ref lets Misty go, and she runs to the corner, and climbs the ropes. Misty leaps into the air, and nails Cyra in the back with a flying elbow drop. Misty gets up and goes right back to the ropes, and climb to the second rope. She jumps off and exacutes a gulitine legdrop on Cyra.

Sandra: She sure took her friends advise!! Misty is doing things her way now.

Garry: I wanna see Sherry's mangers license. I know she has them is several other feds, but to my knowledge none have been issued in BRA thus far. She needs to be removed from ringside!!!

Sandra: Well....with that lucrative contract she got here, who knows, maybe she got a license thrown in as well?

Garry: Eww I hope not. Anyways, back to the action. Misty is on fire now!!!

Misty lifts Cyra up to her feet, and then sends her flying with a hiptoss. Misty now moves in on Cyra, but Cyra raises her foot, and nails Misty with a low blow.....

Garry: Whoa, now that'll slow her perky butt down a bit.

Sandra: Funny, you complain about Sherry being out here, but don't see anything wrong with all the underhanded tactics Cyra has done thus far.

Garry: Cyra has been an angel in there, she hasn't done anything wrong at all.

Sandra: OK tubby, just keep telling yourself that, maybe soon you'll beleive your own bullcrap.

Cyra: Did you learn to fight from your soroity sisters, or your co-workers at the strip club, Misty?"

Sandra: Oh yea Cyra, like that sweet girl would degrade herself to strip, get real!!!

Cyra grabs Misty by the hair, and lifts her to her feet. Sherry screams encouragement to her friend, but Misty doesn't hear it as Cyra stomps on Misty's foot, and it causes her to scream out in pain. Now Cyra picks Misty up, and taunts her while holding her up. "Personally, this is too much candy for me to eat. I need to break it into a few pieces." With that Cyra nails her with an over the knee backbreaker. Now she pounds on Misty's stretched out stomach with double axehandle blows.

Garry: Now this is a great match!!! Go Cyra, get her cutie!!! HEHEHE Poor Sherry is upset now...aww poor baby, don't like seeing your buddy get pounded on eh? TOO BAD!!!!

Sandra: Don't count Misty out yet Garry, you've witnessed how she can come back already. Ugg Cyra is really going to town on her though....

Cyra grabs a handfull of Misty's hair and lifts her head up, then punches in the nose...once...twice...three times! Sherry is going nuts on the outside. "Come on ref!!! Hair pulling and closed fist punches!!! Make her break the damn hold!!!! The ref tells Sherry to mind her own buisness. He then thinks about what Sherry said, and makes Cyra release Misty much to the delight of the crowd. Misty then once again rolls out of the ring for a breather. Sherry runs over and comforts her friend at ringside. Sherry grabs a towel, and wipes a trickle of blood from Misty's nose, and brushes her hair back out of her face.

Back in the ring Cyra is furious that the ref listened to Sherry, and made her break the hold. She pushes the ref and goes after Misty again.....

Sandra: Whoa, Cyra best watch it!! These refs have been instructed not to take any crap here, and Cyra is really pushing things by pushing a ref!!!

Garry: He had no buisness listening to Sherry Ann, this is his match to call, not hers!!!! She oughta knock him out!!

Sherry guides Misty to safety as Cyra comes out after her. Sherry then stops and turns to face Cyra, but the ref is hot on Cyra's tail, and grabs her. This infuriates Cyra, and she grabs the ref, and lays him out with a piledriver on the floor.

Sherry instructs Misty to get back into the ring as she sees another ref running down to the ring.
Misty climbs into the ring, and Cyra and Sherry begin to square off outside the ring. The new ref sees the other laid out, and walks over to Cyra, and calls for the bell.

Sandra: Well, I told ya this would happen. Cyra just went to far, and has apparently gotten herself D.Q.ed. What a shame, this was a great match. Hang on, the new ref is about to render his decision.

Referee: The winner of this match is Sweet Misty. Cyra Min is disqualified for hitting a BRA official.

Garry: Now that just sucks!!

Sandra: What? Cyra knows that hitting a ref is against the rules, she got what she deserved.....Well you heard it folks the winner of this intense match is Sweet Misty. Not an ending I like to see, especially in such a hard fought match, but rules are rules. Sherry has climbed into the ring, and is congratulating Misty, and wrapping her kimona over her shoulders. I'm sure Cyra and Misty will meet again one day, and I'm sure Cyra will be out for revenge. Well we have to go to a commercial break now, stay tuned for the next exciting Battling Ring Angels match.

Fade to a commercial break....... 1

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