logoPJ Lawrence vs. "Viper" Lesley Magnus

By The Kentucky Belle

(The fans are on their feet as the commercial break ends. The men look like crazed maniacs hooting and hollering. Women tote their messages proudly saying, "Sherry is the Goddess of Wrestling!" and "Lisa is Perfection!" The camera pans away and down to the two ring announcers, Sandra Allistar and Garry Grimmoire. Sandra smiles to the camera, very professional, while Garry plays to the crowd hooting and hollering back at them.)

Sandra: Well so far we've had some spectacular matches! The crowd is pumped and ready for more...and have we got what they want!

Garry: (Turning from the fans since he realizes they're on the air) What? We're on!? Oh yeah! We still have plenty of great cat...errr...wrestling matches left before this night is done! I can't wait to see our next Battling Angels in action!

Sandra: I bet you can't Garry...

(The lights dim and a giggle is heard across the loud speakers. Purple lights rain down from the ceiling to form the letters "PJ" on the aisleway. The giggle fades and "Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun!" blares over the speakers. The crowd screams and gets to their feet. PJ skips through the curtain smiling wide as she chews her gum, blowing a bubble every now and then. Slapping the hands of her fans along the way, she slides under the top rope and cheers to the crowd. Her schoolgirl outfit matches her bouncing pigtails as she climbs the ropes and raises her hands to the fans.)

Sandra: And PJ makes her Battling Ring Angels debut. A nice entrance but she seems more interested in the fans than she does about her coming opponent.

Garry: What? Did you say something? I was just admiring the school girl outfit she is wearing...mmmmmmm....

Sandra: Oh please!

(The lights go out and a hissing echos through the arena. The jumbotron comes to life showing a pit viper slivering to the side. It turns it's head and lunges for the camera engulfing the screen with it's mouth. Just then the pyrotechnics go off and the lights come back to life. Viper is crouched in a corner staring PJ down. She moves her head back and forth very snake-like as though sizing up her prey. Viper is wearing a bright green sports-bra and spandex shorts. Her hands covered with biker gloves and her right arm accented with a snake that seems to slither up to her shoulder. Her hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail.)

Garry: Wow! That was an entrance! Viper looks more like she belongs in the Zoo under the reptiles exhibit than free in the ring...

Sandra: I actually have to agree with you Garry. Viper looks intense and ready to devour her prey in one fatal strike.


(The two combatants close in on each other in the center of the ring. As they get near, PJ takes her gum out and sticks it to Viper's nose. She giggles and turns to the fans as though she did a horribly great move.)

Sandra: Uh oh...I think PJ is underestimating her opponent a little too much...

(Viper plucks the gum off her nose with two fingers pulling a long trail from her nose. She sticks the gum in her mouth and steps to PJ still laughing and carrying on. She grabs PJ by one shoulder and turns her around, then spits the gum right in the face of PJ!)

Garry: Oh yeah! Get down and dirty right from the start!

Sandra: Shut up Garry...PJ is stunned by this rebuttel!

(PJ steps back putting a hand to her face as if the gum itself was a serious punch. She looks up just in time to see Viper's vicious kick to her gut. Doubling over, PJ grabs her stomach and groans. A kneelift from Viper takes PJ off her feet and onto her back.)

Sandra: Good brawling combination by Viper.

Garry: She'll need to capitalize on that if she wants to keep the momentum in her favor!

(Viper does just that. Dropping to her knees next to her opponent, she laces her fingers around PJ's throat. PJ squeels and widens her eyes in surprise. She flails her legs and grasps Viper's hands trying to pull them away.)

Sandra: What dirty tactics! Viper's extreme background comes to light. These choke holds were legal in her former days of fighting...but not tolerated here! The ref begins the count.

(The referee starts counting...1....2....3....4. Viper breaks the hold and glares at the ref. He warns her puntuating his words with a finger in her face. Viper slaps the finger away and rears back to strike!)

Garry: No no! Don't do that! Just get on that goody-two-shoes!

(Viper wisely lowers her fist but is pleased to see the referee step back in fear a few feet. She turns back to PJ to continue her work and try to end this thing fast. PJ sweeps her leg under Viper and takes her down. Viper looks more angry than hurt, but PJ rolls ontop of her straddling her shoulders and rains punches down into her head!)

Sandra: And here comes PJ! She taking it to Viper after that blatent choke.

Garry: Oh! Oh no!!! Come on Viper! Get up!

(Viper flails her legs and tries to cover up. PJ raises her arms in victory then delivers a last hard blow to Viper's jaw. PJ gets to her feet while Viper rolls on the mat holding her head. Seeing an opportunity, PJ drops to her knees, grabs Viper's hair and slam her head repeatedly into the mat!)

Sandra: PJ is vicious! She is not letting up on Viper at all!

Garry: Come on ref! She's got her by the hair!!!!

(The ref warns PJ who lets go of the hold. She yells back and grasps her throat as though to ask, "And that was fair!?" She stands and picks Viper up. Whipping her into the ropes, PJ throws herself into the opposite set of ropes coming back toward her running opponent.)

Sandra: Clotheline coming up! NO! Viper ducks it!

Garry: They meet again in the center....Viper with a clotheline of her own! YES!!

(PJ falls back to the mat hard! Viper smiles and looks down at her prey...then drops one...two..three knees to the side of the head followed by a boot to the gut. PJ's legs convulse with each heavy blow. She looks about dazed. Viper drops another knee this time to the throat and holds it there.)

Sandra: Another choke! This is horrible! Come on Ref!

Garry: Yeah Baby! Choke her! CHOKE HER!

( Flailing about and grabbing at Viper's leg, PJ can do nothing against this assault. Viper stands and just smiles to the ref as if to say, "You're going to do what?" Picking PJ up, she scoops her up and drops her back down with a bodyslam.)

Sandra: Well I think that was the first wrestling move we have seen from Viper.

Garry: She can learn to wrestle. See? Snakes are smarter than their prey!

( Viper picks the little girl back up and hooks her in a reverse headlock, then heaves her quickly up and over in a snap suplex. Viper sits up and just shakes her head before draping one arm over PJ.)

Sandra: 1...2...!!! Kickout by PJ!

Garry: Come on Viper! You gotta cover her better than that!

(Viper, looking annoyed, gets to her feet and "helps" PJ back to hers. PJ, getting her bearings again, finds Viper's gut with a punch...then another... and another! Viper lets go and doubles over in pain! PJ launches herself into the ropes and comes back with a dropkick right to the face! Viper falls back into the ropes and falls over the top to the floor below.)

Sandra: The action spills out of the ring with a nice counter by PJ!

(PJ screams to the crowd as they cheer her on. She climbs to the top rope and perches there as Viper gets to her feet. She launches herself down landing another dropkick right to the face. Both combatants hit the floor hard though and lay there.)

Sandra: Oh my! Nice move by PJ but I think she did more damage to herself.

Garry: Come on Viper! She's down! You gotta get up!

(PJ and Viper start to climb to their feet. Viper launches a punch to the head of PJ who returns the favor. The two start flailing at each other before they both step back dazed. Viper runs forward for a clothesline but PJ ducks, grabs her hair, and rams her face into the post behind her.)

Sandra: The ref is not happy with the action out of the ring!

Garry: Oh he just doesn't know where the good part of the fight happens.

(Viper slumps next to the ring in a heap. PJ grins and thrusts Viper's head through her legs, then jumps up completing a lovely bellringer. She climbs back into the ring and lets the ref continue to count.)

Sandra: Viper is in trouble! She gets back to her feet though.

Garry: She's up! She rolls back into the ring to take care of that little mouse...or should I say dinner?

(Before Viper can get to her feet, PJ grabs her legs and heaves her to the center of the ring. Crossing Viper's legs around her left leg with her back to her she starts to set up the fiqure-four leglock.)

Sandra: PJ is going for the submission!

Garry: No! NO!!! YES!!

Viper gets one of her legs free and pushes PJ's rump to break the hold. She slowly gets to her hands and knees then up on her knees. PJ rushes back to her opponent to take advantage of the situation and hooks a reverse headlock! She drops back and finishes the DDT.

Sandra: DDT! DDT! She's about to finish Viper off!

Garry: She grabbed her hair! Come on Ref!!!!

PJ stands and flips Viper onto her back. She yells to the crowd if she should finish it. They scream their approval and she starts to climb the ropes. Raising her arms ready to finish the snake off, she leaps into a frogsplash!

Sandra: Here it is! PJ's Pounce!!!

Garry: NO!

(PJ comes down and hits Viper...sort of. She connects with Viper's knees throwing all the air from her lungs. She gasps and rolls to the side holding her stomach and kicking her legs in pain. Viper rolls over and hooks her arms and legs around PJ.)

Sandra: The Redemption! What a turnaround!

Garry: Yes! YES! I told you! I told YOU!

Sandra: It's not over yet Garry....calm down.

(PJ screams and shakes her head no to the ref. Viper smiles slightly and really puts the pressure on. PJ tries to scream but there is no air left for any sound. She nods once to the ref who asks if she is sure. She nods again and the ref signals for the bell.)

Sandra: And PJ gives it up. That move is too much for anyone to bear!

Garry: I wouldn't mind being put in it myself with those legs on Viper...

Sandra: Can't you keep your mind on wrestling for a few minutes?

(Viper holds the Redemption a little longer then finally lets go as the ref threatens to fine her. The thought of losing money was not a good one. Looking down and shaking her head at her opponent, Viper exits the ring making her way back down the aisle.)

Sandra: What a great match! It looked like PJ had it in the bag but thanks to Viper's quick reactions and snake-like senses she got herself out of trouble and pulled out a victory.

Garry: Of course she did! I knew it all along and was trying to tell you!

Sandra: Sure Garry....whatever you say...

(Fade out)
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