logoSherry Ann vs. Amanda Strike

The camera reopens inside the BRA arena after a commercial break, and pans around the crowd. They are all cheering, after seeing some great bouts thus far in the opening evening at BRA.
The camera then zooms in on the announcers table, where BRA announcers Garry Grimmoire, and Sandra Allistar are seated, and finishing up adjusting their headsets.

Garry: Welcome back every one.

Sandra: Yes, welcome back. Well it has been an exciting evening of matches thus far, and we have one left to go.

Garry: This one should be interesting to say the least. We have the President of BRA, Ms. Amanda Strike, stepping into the ring against one of the biggest names in the industry, Sherry Ann.

Sandra: That's right, and it will be interesting to see if Amanda can cut it in the big leagues, she boasts of having an impressive record in the world of underground wrestling, and has stated that this will be a no rules contest, anything goes.

Garry: Problem is, she thinks she out smarted Sherry by doing that, but this type match is one of Sherry's specialties. Plus that underground stuff really doesn't impress me much, I'm sure it's intense, but who knows, Amanda could of sucked there, and we have no way of knowing. Sherry's accomplishments speak for themselves, all documented victories, and she has a trophy case of belts to prove it.

Sandra: Very true Garry. Well the guys in upstairs are telling us to get ready, so let's see what's gonna happen.

{Brickhouse by the Commadores begins to play from the sound system, and the houselights dim.)

Ring announcer: Laaaadddieess and gentlemen....The next, and final match of the evening will be an anything goes match. No rules, and falls count anywhere in or out of the building. Please welcome to the ring.....from Gulf Shores, Alabama....weighing in at 125 pounds....standing 5 foot 8 inches....the President of Battling Ring Angels....Ms. AAAAAAMAAAANNNNNDAAAAA SSSSSTRIIIIKKKEEEE!!!!!!!

(The crowd reacts with mixed emotions, as Amanda makes her way down the aisle wearing a red one piece french cut suit, with matching six inch stacks.)

Garry: Mmm Mmmm the boss is looking great tonight.

Sandra: Try to get your tounge back in your mouth Garry. This is a wrestling event, not one of the peep shows you frequent. However, Amanda does appear to be in great condition, and looks like she is ready for battle.

Ring Announcer: And now introducing her opponent...........

(The crowd begins chanting "SHERRY SHERRY SHERRY" and drowns the announcer out with their deafening chants. He lets them quiet down some, and trys to continue. Amanda isn't happy with the crowds response to Sherry at all.)

Amanda: Well the crowd is certainly fired up still.

Garry: Yes they sure are, they have been a very enthusiastic crowd all night, and seem to get louder with each match. I think they may have quieted down enough now for the rest of the introduction.

Ring Announcer: And her opponent, who weighs in at 135 pounds, standing 5 foot 10 inches tall......Ladies, and gentlemen our next wrestler is known all over the wrestling world, and is the leader of the most famous group in professional wrestling...The Body Shop! Please welcome to Bra....shERRRY ANN!!!!

(The crowd erupts with cheers, and all of the arena lights go out. A concusion grenade explodes inside the arena, and as that happens the Angeltron comes to life, and begins flashing pictures of Sherry Ann on it. The crowd goes wild cheering, and Thunderstruck by AC/DC begins to pound from the sound system.)

Garry: I'll say one thing,...Nobody enters an arena like Sherry.

Sandra: Just wait, I'm sure she'll make this entrance extra special. One thing is for sure. Amanda is hating this!!

(The rumble of Harley is heard over the music, and images of Sherry riding her Hawg are shown on the Angeltron. A Harley then pulls out onto the entranceway.)

Sandra: Here she is folks, Sherry A......Wait a minute! That's Darling Katie, not Sherry!!!

Garry: What in the hell is she doing out here?

Sandra: I dunno...........

(A huge explosion is heard, and fireballs shoot up from the ring posts. Amanda is glaring at Katie, who she thinks is Sherry waiting for her to come down to the ring.)

Garry: Whoa!!! Look!!!!!

(Garry and Sandra look up, and see Sherry Ann rapeling down from the rafters. Sherry is dressed in her normal attire of a black bikini, and thigh high black leather boots. Amanda doesn't notice Sherry, who touches down in the ring, and unhooks the cable from her harness. Katie is up on the stage flipping off Amanda, and Amanda is waving Katie, who she still thinks is Sherry down to the ring.)

Garry: Mmmnnn Sherry looks scrumptious, but I think the boss is in for a big surprise soon here.

Sandra: Yes she is Garry. Sherry removes her harness, and looks out at the crowd, and flashes that famous devilish grin of hers.

Garry: That always spells trouble when she does that, but she looks so good when she does it.....

Sandra: Your such a pig Garry!!!

(Sherry looks out at her wife Katie, and blows her a kiss. Katie blows one back, and Amanda is begining to wonder what is going on. As she goes to turn around, Sherry kicks her in the side of the knee, and that drops Amanda to the canvas fast. Sherry follows that up with a stomp on Amanda's back.)

Garry: The boss is in a bit of trouble here.

Sandra: Yes, she is. Sherry really pulled one over on her there.

(Amanda wisely rolls out of the ring to get away from Sherry, but Sherry goes right out after her. Sherry picks Amanda up, and bodyslams her on the announcers table.)

Garry: Ummm hello boss.

(Sherry struts around playing to the crowd who is cheering her on. She turns around to face Amanda, and is greeted with a ring bell upside her shoulder by Amanda. That knocks Sherry up against the ring, and Amanda quickly moves in on her. She rakes Sherry's eyes, then follows that up with a punch to the stomach.)

Sandra: Amanda has certainly turned things around fast here, now Sherry is the one in trouble.

Garry: WOW, the boss sure is a mean one, I love it!!!

(Amanda grabs Sherry by the hair, and takes off running with her, and then rams her face first into the guardrail around the ring, and Sherry drops to the floor. Amanda rolls Sherry up, and goes for a pin.)

Garry: This one is gonna end fast.
3..NO Sherry kicks out at 2 and 7/8!!!!!

Sandra: Gonna take more than that to put Sherry away Garry.

Garry: Perhaps, but that was very close there.

(Amanda visiously chokes Sherry, but Sherry grabs Amanda by the hair, and yanks her off of her.)

Garry: The ref is trying to get these two to get back in the ring, but he isn't having much luck at that.

Sandra: None at all, and there is no rules, so he can't do much but ask.

(Amanda walks over to the announcers table, and grabs a mic. She then runs back over to Sherry who is trying to get to her feet, and smacks her over the head with the microphone, and Sherry drops back to the floor.)

Garry: Umm..remind me to ask Van Driesal for a raise, not Amanda......Dang she is mean.

Sandra: I'll agree with that one. For what she lacks in ring knowledge she makes up for with a vicious demeanor. Sherry is really in trouble now, as Amanda is just smashing her face into the cement floor. Now she grabs a cable, and starts choking Sherry with it.

Garry: This is just to cool. Go boss!!!

Sandra: The boss best watch out, Sherry is getting that look in her eye!!!

(Sherry does a pushup with Amanda on her back, and then rolls her off of her.)

Garry: Dang, now that takes some serious strength to do!!

Sandra: Sherry is a powerhouse Garry. Look at Amanda, she can't beleive what Sherry just did.

Garry: Well she better beleive it, and get herself ready, cause here comes Sherry.

(Sherry gets to her feet, and grabs Amanda by the hair, and brings to her hers. Now she takes Amanda, and slams her face first into the ringpost.)

Garry: Ouch, that's gotta hurt!!!

Sandra: Trust me, it does.

(Sherry then rolls Amanda into the ring, and goes in after her. As Sherry aproaches, Amanda brings her foot up, and nails Sherry with a low blow. Sherry drops to her knees in pain. Amanda wisely rolls away from Sherry, and trys to regain her bearings.)

Garry: Can't ya just feel the love between these two?

Sandra: Sherry's feeling something right now, but I assure you, it isn't love.

(Amanda charges across the ring, and dives at Sherry, and nails her with a flying lariet. Now she climbs on top of Sherry, and starts clawing her face.)

Sandra: Amanda is resorting to her catfighting tactics now.

Garry: Whatevers clever I always say. Ya know, the boss really has a great ass, don't you think?

Sandy: Shut up Garry, you freaking pig!!!

Garry: Wha? I didn't say anything wrong!!! Anyways, Sherry is really getting her ass kicked here tonight.....I'm kinda shocked at this. Wonder how long it will be before Katie or Jenny come down to help her?

Sandra: Well my sources told me that Sherry instructed them not to interfere at all in this match, but she is in a lot of trouble, and I'm sure it must be hard for her daughter and wife to sit idlely by and watch this, so you never know.

Garry: Hey what is Amanda doing now?

Sandra: Looks like she getting out of the ring to me. UT OH!! She's grabbing a chair, this can't be good for Sherry at all.

Garry: Should be fun to watch though, go boss!!!

(Amanda climbs back into the ring with the chair, and makes her way over to a hurting Sherry Ann. She kicks Sherry in the back as she raises the chair up in the air.)

Sandra: This could end right now.....

Garry: Get her boss!!!!

(Amanda swings the chair at Sherry, but Sherry rolls out of the way just in the nick of time. Sherry then kicks Amanda's legs out from under her, and she falls to the mat. Sherry raises a foot up, and drops her heel hard into Amanda's chest.)

Sandra: Watch out folks, here comes Sherry!!!

Garry: Dammit!!! I wish the boss woulda nailed her with that chair..!!

(Sherry gets to her feet, and moves in on Amanda, who is rubbing her sore chest. Sherry stomps on Amanda's stomach, and then lifts her to her feet by the hair. Sherry then slings Amanda across the ring into the ropes, Amanda bounces off and Sherry catches her, and nails her with a gutwrench suplex.)

Sandra: Great move by Sherry....Amanda is in real trouble now, as Sherry is fired up big time now.

Garry: Oh this isn't good at all. Give her another low blow boss lady!!!

Sandra: Umm...I don't think Amanda is in a position to do that now.

(The camera cuts back to the ring where Sherry has Amanda up high in the air setting her up for a vertical suplex. Sherry holds the smaller Amanda up there for a moment, and the crowd is loving it. Now she falls back, and slams Amanda to the mat. Sherry quickly gets to her feet, and then picks Amanda back up. She picks her up, and gives her a backbreaker over her knee. She then holds her over her knee, and pounds on her stretched out abs with double axehandle blows.)

Garry: Oh now this just sucks, but I do have a nice view of Sherry's butt from here, so I guess I can suffer through this.

Sandra: You really are a pathetic thing ya know? Just call the action fat boy.

Garry: Hey!!! I'm not fat, I'm just big boned!!!

Sandra: OK Cartman....Well folks things are not looking good for Amanda now. Sherry is just to fired up, and this is her type of match. In typical Sherry style she let the action come to her for a while, and has now exploded on her opponent.

(Sherry picks Amanda up once again. She rams a knee into her stomach, and doubles her over. Now she drags her to the corner, and Sherry steps on onto the second rope. She pulls Amanda's head between her legs......)

Garry: Mmmnn....the boss is so lucky.

Sandra: Let's see if you still say that in a couple seconds.

(Sherry looks out at the crowd, and smiles. They begin chanting Sherry...Sherry...Sherry!!! Sherry lifts Amanda up, and nails her with the Body Shop Drop!!)

Garry: OUCH!!!!

Sandra: Yep, that powerbomb off the second rope is devistating. Put a fork in Amanda, this one is over with.

Garry: Nope, Sherry doesn't seem to be finished yet.....

(Sherry lifts Amanda up off the mat, and stands her up against the ropes. Amanda wobbles, but stays up. Sherry runs across the ring, and bounces off the ropes, and charges at Amanda. Sherry flys at Amanda, and nails her with a spear, and sends her flying through the ropes, and crashing to the concrete floor.)

Sandra: Come on Sherry, I think she's had enough.

Garry: Yea, leave the boss alone!!!

(Sherry looks out at the crowd, and smiles at them. She then flashes that famous devilish grin at them, and reaches into her boot. Sherry pulls out a pair of brass knuckles, and slides them onto her right hand, and raises her hand up to the crowd. They go wild cheering, and Sherry climbs out of the ring, and heads towards Amanda.)

Sandra: There really is no need for this, but Amanda did set her own fate making this an anything goes match, which is Sherry's specialty.

Garry: Yea, but still, enough is enough the boss is barely moving.

Sherry: Come on honey, let's get you back in the ring so everyone can watch me finish off your sorry ass!!!

(Sherry picks Amanda up, and throws her into the ring, and goes in after her. She kneels down on Amanda's chest, and then nails her in the face with the knucks. She then gets up off of her after one punch, and grabs her feet. then rolls Amanda over...)

Garry: UT OH!!!!

Sandra: You can say that again.

Garry: UT OH!!!!

Sandra: Here it comes folks, one of the deadliest moves in wrestling, the Sherry Crab!!!

(Sherry puts Amanda in a boston crab, then plants her knee deep into her spine, and yanks back. The ref hops down in front of Amanda, and is asking her if she gives, she shakes her head yes....)

Sherry: Oh no no no!!! Not gonna be that easy. Tell the world you suck Amanda!!!!

Amanda: No, I give I give!!!!

Sandra: Dammit, say it Amanda, or you'll never walk again..sheesh come on Sherry she's had enough!!!

(Sherry leans way back into the hold, and pushes her knee farther into Amanda's spine.)

Sherry: Say it bitch or I break your back!!!

Amanda: OWWWWW...I suck I suck. PLEASE STOP!!!

Sherry: Say it again!!!

Amanda: i suck

Sherry: Not loud enough, but it works for me.

(Sherry releases the hold, and rolls Amanda over. Now she grabs Amanda's left foot, and brings it up to her face. She sticks Amanda's toes into her own mouth.)

Sherry: Yep, you do suck wench, suck your own toes!!!

Garry: Damn, Sherry is mean!!!

Sandra: Not usually this mean, but Amanda said some bad things about Sherry's daughter, and about her wife. That stuff infuriates Sherry big time!!! OH MAH GAWD!!!! Sherry just nailed Amanda in the face again with those brass knuckles, and Amanda's nose has exploded.

Garry: Whoa, her nose is trashed!!!! The ref is calling for the bell now.

Sandra: About time, Amanda gave a long time ago.

(Thunderstuck pounds from the sound system, and Sherry holds her hands high in the air as the crowd cheers for her.
Darling Katie and Jenny Anderson come running down the aisle to congratulate Sherry.)

Garry: Oh how sweet, a family moment.

Sandra: Well folks that's it for the first BRA show. It was a great show, and we look forward to seeing you next week. Once again your winner in this match, Sherry Ann by submission.

Garry: See ya next week everyone.

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