
The screen is completely black as the Battling Ring Angels' logo flashes onto the screen. Suddenly, Pink's "Most Girls" begins to play as the BRA logo fades into recent BRA scenes...)

# I never cared too much for love #
# it was all a bunch of mush #
# that I just did not want #

( Lisa Dream nails Samantha Staffer with a somersault drop kick to the face...Janus slams Lesley "Viper" Magnus through the announcer's table...Alexandria Parker smashes her mirror over the head of Sakura Ito..."The Goddess" Nina Larue seductively leans over the top rope, blowing the fans a kiss...Samantha Staffer and Laura Parker exchange heated words...)

# paid was the issue of the day #
# if a girlfriend� �s got some game
# couldn� �t be more fly #
# getting paid was everything #

(The Threesome stalks to ringside, slapping hands with the fans....Gina Moore tosses Patricia Flex into the metal ringside steps...Veronica Millions and Sakura Ito exchange forearm smashes....Shea London gives Laura Parker a bronco buster...Janus slams "The Ninja" Missy Jones through a flaming table...Sasha piledrives Tiffany Lane...)

# but I� �m not every girl #
# and I don� �t need that world #
# to validate me #

(Brandi Lynn stands in the center of the ring, addressing the fans....Viper sends Lisa Dream crashing face first into a steel cage, from their Hell in The Cell match...Laura Parker viciously chokes Shea London...Lindsey Locke walking to ringside, waving to the fans...Jennifer Christain applying a modified surfboard to "Live Wire" Heather Fatale...Patricia Flex and Peggy Christian exchange glares...)

# Cause Shorty got a job #
# Shorty got a car #
# Shorty can pay her own rent #
# don� �t want dance if #
# it is not in my heart #

(Angel Dust smacks Janus in the face with a chain...Laura Parker poses with Willie, holding her Featherweight title aloft...Missy Jones bulldogs Lindsey Locke...Nina Larue sends a thrust kick to the head of Heather Fatale...Shannon Rourke walks to ringside along with Thirtysomething...Sakura Ito power bombs Alexandria Parker...)

# Most girls want a man with the bling-bling #
# I got my own thing #
# got the ching-ching #
# I just want real love #
# most girls want a man with the mean green #
# I don� �t wanna dance if he can� �t be #
# everything that I dream of #
# a man that understands real love #

(Sasha and Jessica Estrella have a stare down, Mellisa Shared looking on in the background...Gina Moore attacks Peggy Christian...Lisa Dream bumps and grinds for the fans...Lindsey Locke hits a perfect lionsault on Missy Jones...Shannon Rourke catches Patricia Flex with a hurricanrana...Veronica Millions gives Laura Parker a Russian Leg sweep...The final scene freezes on an image of Tiffany Lane, triumphantly holding The Celestial Title aloft.

The music begins to fade as the scene shifts, revealing The Battling Ring Angels arena. Tonight, the arena is filled to capacity with cheering and screaming fans. Pyro pots explode as red and white, fire works soar through the air. As the brilliant display of pyrotechnics comence, the camera pans the throng of fans, catching a few glimpses of signs, including "Gina Is Moore Than Most Can Handle", "The Patricia Flex Fan Club", and "Janus Fears Viper". The camera finally lands on the BRA announce team of Kenny Harbor and Cari "The Brat" Trammell, both seated and wearing head sets. From behind them, a group of overzealous fans scream and shout, waving to the camera, Cari shooting them a look of disgust.)

Kenny: Welcome, BRA fans! We have got a great show for you! Tonight, we will see Jennifer Christian in action as she takes on a newcomer, "La Chica" Jessica Estrella.

Cari: (snorts) That Estrella chick may as well hang it up. She is no match for the artist formerly known as La Petite Marquise!

Kenny: That remains to be seen. We will also see Lisa Dream taking on "The Ninja" Missy Jones. As most remember, Missy and Lisa had a great match a few months ago. Missy won the match but Lisa still managed to slam her through a table. I think it's safe to say that Missy will be looking for some revenge.

Cari: Well, it should be a good match, both wrestlers are capable and talented. But I give the edge to Missy. She's coming off of a loss last week, to Lindsey Locke. So, I'm really expecting her to come out here and try to prove herself again. I think she's going to use that loss, to Locke, as motivation to take it to Dream.

Kenny: (tapping away at his lap top) Then again, that loss could have shattered Missy's confidence, making her an easy target for the former Celestial Champion, Lisa Dream. Who knows? Speaking of Lindsey Locke, the number one contender for The Celestial Title takes on Laura Parker tonight, the winner receiving the money that they both raised for charity.

Cari: Personally, I think Laura's going to beat the stuffing out of Lindsey. When Parker gets done with her, there won't be anything left for Tiffany Lane. But the match that I'm most looking forward to is the main event, "The Goddess" Nina Larue vs Viper Magnus. The last time these two women met, there was blood and carnage everywhere. And, after their confrontation last week, I'm hoping for more of the same.

Kenny: Indeed. It's no secret that both Viper and Nina can't stand one another. That match promises to be an epic battle. I can only wonder if Sakura Ito will make her presence felt. It's obvious that these three women have some unfinished business after last week's match, where Ito and Viper battled to a double count out, thanks to Nina's machinations. Should be an outstanding match.

(Cari and Kenny are interrupted by the sound system playing that classic song of teen love, "Johnny Angel" The curtains part at the gates of heaven and Johnny angel walks down the entrance ramp. The crowd begins the chant of nerd, nerd as Johnny smiles and waives to them.)

Cari: What is this nerd doing here?

Kenny: He is the commissioner.

Cari: That doesn't mean he has to show up at every card. The fans want to see some action.

(Johnny manages to make through the ropes without tripping. He is given a mic by a ring attendant.)

Johnny: How are you doing tonight?

(There is barely any reaction from the crowd.)

Johnny: BRA fans are the greatest wrestling fans in the world.

(This gets a loud pop from the card.)

Cari: Leave it to Johnny to say something like that to get a cheap pop.

Johnny: We have a great card for you tonight. There is just one little change I want to make in it. Tonight, Lindsay Locke and Laura Parker are finally going to fight to see whose charity gets the money they have raised. The total amount of the money raised is $235,000. I think all you BRA fans who gave so generously to the charities should give yourselves a big hand.

(Again the crowd screams and applauds someone else's generosity.)

Cari: Is he going to waste everyone's time getting these cheap pops?

Johnny: The last time they fought the money was stolen. Do to great detective work, by a large number of famous detectives the money was found and returned. To make sure it is not stolen again, the money is being held in a vault at fort Knox.

(The crowd cheers this wise precaution.)

Johnny: Now that the money is protected I feel that we have to protect the match. I don't want anyone interfering in this match, which will be a clean display of scientific wrestling. To guarantee this, I have posted guards outside the doors of the Sisterhood and the Threesome's dressing rooms. No one from either group will be allowed to leave their dressing rooms during the fight.

(The Angeltron shows a view of the backstage area showing guards standing outside the doors of the Sisterhood and the Threesome.This brings a mixed reaction from the crowd.)

Johnny: Also, to insure that the refereeing is absolutely fair, I have brought in a special referee. I think this person will be the fairest, most neutral and best looking ref we can have for this match,

Cari: Don't tell me that he is going to have that has been hag, Vicki Trask as the ref.

Kenny: She is one that isn't corrupted.

Cari: That shows how little you know.

Johnny: The special guest referee will be none other than ALEXANDRIA PARKER.

(The crowd is stunned by this announcement. It takes them a moment to digest it. A large part of the crowd begins to boo this choice, but many cheer the idea of seeing the "Rich Bitch" in the ring. "Johnny Angel" begins to play through the sound system again as Johnny begins to walk out of the arena.)

Kenny: WHAT? Did he just say that Laura's tag team partner is going to be the referee?

Cari: (Laughing) Yes he did! What a way to make things fair in that match.

Kenny: FAIR? Poor Lindsay doesn't stand a chance in that match.

Cari: I think Alexandria will be perfectly fair. After all, the children benefit from the match. I wouldn't want to see that money go to some shady organization like Lind's kids.

Kenny: That isn't shady. The one I worry about is Sincerely Understanding, Caring, Kind and Enthusiastically Romantic Selves that I wonder about. I never even heard of Childhood Onset Neuralgia until that charity cam along.

Cari: Well that match got interesting fast.
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