logoLeslie "Viper" Magnus vs. "The Goddess" Nina Larue

We return to the Battling Ring Angels arena and the fans are on their feet. Row after row, all the way to the rafters, they stand and cheer. Many hold signs and placards. The camera pans across the arena to give a few glimpses of the signs. Some of the more catchy ones say: "Lindsay Locke is SoooooCute!", "I Love My Dog!"; and "Adios Brandi Lynn!" The camera focuses on Cari and Kenny sitting at the announce position.

Kenny: Well fans, we're back to action and up next we have a wild one�Viper Lesley Magnus will face Nina LaRue.

Cari: Ahem!

Kenny: I'm sorry, I mean�The Goddess Nina LaRue.

Cari: One of the best you'll ever be lucky enough to see�and when I say that you can take it as the truth.

Suddenly, Sisqo's "The Thong Song" begins to play as the fans jump to their feet, awaiting the arrival of "The Goddess" Nina Larue. The curtains part and Nina stands before the crowd, clad in a sexy, black, lace, thong bikini, showing off her sleek, curvy figure. She completes the look with black, leather, thigh high boots, with a platform heel, and her long, black hair falls straight to the small of her back, framing her flawless face. The busty beauty poses for a moment, surveying the crowd, before sashaying to ringside. The bewitching brunette gracefully enters the ring, the crowd showering her in catcalls and wolf whistles, drowning out the boos. With a sly smirk across her gorgeous visage, she seductively leans over the top rope, blowing a kiss to the fans and offering them a tantalizing view of her ample cleavage. Needless to say, the catcalls and whistles are now deafening. The leader of The Sisterhood of Seduction does a few sexy stretches, arching her back in a tantalizing fashion, as she awaits the start of the match.

Cari: Look at that perfection. A warrior of the highest order. A true competitor�

Kenny: I think we get the point. But keep in mind that Viper is almost 76% better in HardCore Matches.

Cari: This is not a HardCore match�

Kenny: But it could become one fast!

The sound of hissing slowly fades up, filling the arena. On the Angeltron, the image of a pit viper, curled up against a wall, slowly shifts its head side to side ready to strike. In a flash it strikes, opening its gaping maw, showing two long fangs before engulfing the lens. At the same time, green and white pryo explode from the wrestler entrance as the sound of George Thorogood and the Destroyers blasts over the loudspeakers.

I walked forty-seven miles of barbed wire, I got a cobra snake for a necktie
Got a brand new house on the road side, and it's a-made out of rattlesnake hide
Got a brand new chimney put on top, and it's a-made out of human skull
Come on take a little walk with me baby, and tell me who do you love?
Who do you love?
Who do you love?

The crowd rises to its feet as the "Viper" Lesley Magus steps out from behind the pyro. She is dressed in a green spandex sports bra and black martial arts pants, her hair tied tight behind her head in a ponytail. Her hands are partially covered by black fingerless gloves. A tattoo of a Viper curls up her arm and around her shoulder, and as always, a long link of bike chain is wrapped around her neck and down her torso.. Jet black wrestling boots cover her feet as she slowly makes her way down the ramp.

Kenny: Lesley and Nina are staring each other down as Lesley climbs into the ring. And she is not taking her eyes off Nina.

Cari: Neither are the male fans.

Lesley hangs her chain on the ring post and turns to face Nina. The two women slowly walk to the center of the ring and cautiously approach each other. The ref signals for the bell and the match is under way. The two women circle each other and finally hook up in the center of the ring. Neither woman can get the upper hand and the ref calls for a break. As they break, Lesley sends a slap to Viper's face. Lesley is taken off guard by this. She steps back and puts her hand to her cheek.

Cari: I love it.

Kenny: That may have just made Lesley mad.

Lesley shoves Nina, who shoves Lesley back. Lesley can't handle this and sends a kick right into Nina's midsection that doubles the Goddess over. Lesley grabs hold and executes a swinging neck breaker that puts Nina down.

Kenny: Excellent move by Lesley Magnus.

Cari: Whatever.

Lesley reaches down and roughly jerks back to her feet, tugging her hair all the way. She drags Nina over to the ropes and drags her face over the top rope.

Kenny: Lesley raking Nina's eyes over the top rope. This is a much more aggressive and angry Lesley we're seeing.

Cari: She still can't beat Nina.

Nina goes to one knee and tries to clear her eyes. Lesley sends an elbow down onto her back, that drives Nina to both knees. Lesley sends one more elbow down that puts the Sisterhood leader down on the mat. Lesley than stomps away on the downed Nina.

Kenny: Nina in trouble early in this match.

Cari: She won't lose. She has Lesley right where she wants her.

Kenny: Lesley is almost 80% effective when she controls a match like this.

Lesley rolls Nina out of the ring and lets her fall to the arena floor. Lesley climbs down out of the ring and yanks Nina up by the hair. She Irish whips the Goddess into the guardrail and Nina's back hits with a thud. Nina falls face first to the concrete floor and lays there trying to get her breath. Lesley starts to pursue the attack when she's taken by something. Sakura Ito is coming down to ringside

Kenny: What's this? Sakura Ito is coming to ringside.

Cari: This is starting to get interesting.

Viper is trying to figure out exactly what Sakura's doing. While this is going on, Nina gets enough strength back to send a low blow to Lesley that takes the Viper completely off guard. Nina pulls herself to her feet and slams a clothesline into Lesley that sends her hard to the arena floor.

Cari: Excellent use of the distraction by Nina LaRue. She is a true star in this business.

Kenny: True opportunist is more like it.

Cari: He�that's how you got this job.

Nina stands Lesley and rolls her back into the ring. Nina rolls into the ring herself and pulls Lesley back up. She looks her in the face.

Nina: I kicked your ass before, peasant, and I can do it again!

Kenny: A lot of bad blood between these two.

Nina whips Lesley to the ropes and greets her with a karate kick on the return that puts Lesley down. Nina presses the attack with a knee drop to Lesley chest. Lesley rolls on the mat in pain while Nina waves for the fans.

Kenny: Nina seems to have the upper hand right now.

Cari: Seems to? She's killing Magnus.

Nina stands Lesley up and hits her with a standing drop kick that puts Lesley hard on the mat. Lesley rolls over and over until she can get out of the ring. She goes to the arena floor and tries to collect herself. Sakura Ito comes over and stands not too far from the down Viper. Nina goes to the ropes and looks at this scene.

Kenny: Sakura seems to be checking on Lesley.

Cari: She's probably looking for an opportunity to slam her. After she almost attacked Sakura with that chain.

Kenny: I don't think that's what happened.

Cari: Show's what you know.

Lesley slowly gets to her feet and sees that Nina is facing away from her, playing to the crowd. Lesley grabs her ankles and pulls the rug out from under her. Nina goes down face first and Lesley pulls her out of the ring. Nina is pulled out, she turns and receives a shot to the face from Lesley that puts her down.

Lesley: Ahhh, was that your nose I just broke? It made a lovely crunching sound!

Kenny: Did she just break Nina's nose?

Cari: She better not have�that's the best nose money can buy!

Lesley leaves Nina on the floor and goes looking for something still unknown by the announcer's table. Sakura is trying to figure out what's going on when Janus starts to come to ringside. She puts her hand on Sakura's shoulder and seems to be trying to convince Sakura to leave.

Cari: Now what? And what is Magnus doing?

Lesley has what she wanted�some of the Television Cables�she grabs up some and starts to choke Nina with them. Nina is stuck and is starting to have trouble breathing.

Kenny: Lesley is choking Nina! And she has a wild and bloodthirsty look in her eyes.

Cari: Someone stop her!

The ref is screaming at Lesley and trying to get her to release the cords. He calls for the bell and seems to be DQ'ing Lesley.

Kenny: What? We have a bell!

Cari: Magnus has been disqualified. But someone needs to get her off Nina!

Lesley starts to pull Nina with the cords. In so doing, she bumps into Sakura Ito and knocks her down. She turns to see what happened and gets a shot from Janus. Lesley sends a shot back at Janus and the two grab each other�exchanging shots on the arena floor. Nina is huffing and puffing on the floor and trying to get her strength back. Sakura gets back up and sees the carnage.

Cari: Finally! I can't wait to see these two go at it in the PPV match! This is pure hate for one another!

Kenny: Well, Nina is taking off while Sakura tries to separate Lesley and Janus. And I got a feeling it's not over between any of these women.

Sakura finally gets the two separated. Lesley looks at her.

Lesley: I didn't ask for you to come out here Sakura. Take this message to your Threesome. I will have her belt, I will rip it from her unconscious body. If you or Lindsey interfere in any way, I won't be held responsible for what happens.

Janus makes another lunge for Lesley, but again Sakura steps between them. Lesley motions towards her waist like she's putting on a belt. She points at Janus' belt.

Lesley: That's mine!

Janus waves her hand for Lesley to come and get it, but Sakura is separating them.

Winner: Nina LaRue by DQ
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws