logoLaura Parker vs. Lindsey Locke

(The BRA Arena is packed to the rafters with it's screaming, ever-wanting more fans. With only 7 days away for the upcoming PPV, BRA faithful have filled the arena hoping to see their favorite superstar perform, speak or cause mayhem. Tonight's matches will be setting the tone for the next week's show and everyone is walking on pins and needles, waiting, watching and scheming.)

(The camera's pan around, catching glimpses of sign waving lunatics and wide-eyed youths. The camera zooms in on the announcer's table where Cari and Ken sit patiently.)

Ken: "Welcome back folks! Well, this next match-up is another is a series of matches that these two BRA Superstars have been having. Except this time, they're fighting for charity.�

Cari: "What!?�

(Ken shakes his head)

Ken: "Don't you read the memo's? Laura Parker and Lindsey Locke are having a charity match, where the winner donates her nights salary to the charity of her choice."

Cari: "Whoah! That's completely unfair! Laura Parker makes way more money than Lindsey! She's an established superstar! Ex-Celestial Champion, Ex-Tag Team Champion and current Featherweight champion! Lindsey Locke is a nobody!"

Ken: "I would hardly call her a nobody, she burst onto the BRA scene a few months back and lit a fire in this Federation. She's the perfect role model, a great wrestler and an even better person and the number one contender!"

Cari: "Well, every dog has her day and Lindsey's already had hers."

(The lights dim down as strobe lights go off around the arena, simulating lightning, Lindsay walks to the entry. She stands with her arms out in a "T", palms down. As pyrotechnics go off, she raises her hands to a "V", palms up. Lindsay stands in a way that is both defiant and cute, with a smile on her face. "Immigrant Song" by Led Zeppelin hits as Lindsay, accompanied by Janus, Sakura Ito and Angela Downey, makes her way to the ring. Lindsay wears her outfit of blue spandex shorts with silver lightning bolts on it. On the back it says "Lightning" in silver letters. She wears a blue spandex top with silver bolts on it and blue boots with silver bolts on them. She also has silver kneepads. Her blond hair is in pigtails. The crowd cheers wildly as the fan favorite walks to the ring, smiling and slapping hands with fans. Behind her Angela, Janus and Sakura follow in tow. With them are several young children, all dressed in "Linds' Kids" T-shirts. They follow their hero and are clearly here to remind her what this match is about. The children are ushered to ringside seats each one getting a hug from Lindsay. All four women enter the ring and the members of the Threesome hit the well-known "Threesome Pose". Sakura drops to one knee and flexes her two powerful arms. Lindsay stands right behind her, holding three fingers up. Janus stands behind both of them and holds her fallen angel championship belt in the air. Angela Downey points at them. The crowd is cheering like mad for their favorites. They split up and Lindsay gets hugs, first from Sakura and then from Angela. Finally, she walks over to Janus and gets some last minute advice. The ref clears the other members of the Threesome out of the ring and Lindsay stretches in preparation for the match. Janus, Sakura and Angela patrol the outside of the ring, making sure that no outside interference will take place. )

Cari: "Security! Security!"

Ken: "What's the problem now?"

Cari: "None of those little brats had a ticket!"

Ken: "They're 'Lind's Kids! They are the children that Lindey's charity supports."

Cari: "Did they pay to get in?"

Ken: "No�"

Cari: "Security!"

((The lights go down in the arena. Duran Duran's "Girls on film" begins to play through the speakers. A spotlight picks up Laura Parker. She wears a strapless floor length, Alexandria Parker original, gown. Her hair is worn up in a twist with a tiara in it. With Laura, is tonight's referee Alexandria Parker. Alexandria is dressed in black short shorts and black and white striped shirt that is cut off to reveal her firm midriff. They are accompanied by Laura's agent, William Wienersnitzel. Laura smiles to the crowd with that perfect beauty queen smile of hers, the spotlight reflects in little gleams off her teeth. She bounces along with the time of the music to the ring. Laura walks up to the ring and enters it alone. She walks around the ring posing and waving to the fans very much the Beauty Queen. Janus scowls at Alexandria, but the smug Parker points at her shirt reminding Janus of just who is in charge. Sakura quickly pulls Janus away as Angela smiles at Willie. The agent smiles back, before getting a nasty look for Alex. Inside the ring, Laura continues her strut, walking past Lindsey as if she wasn't there. Finally the ring attendant hands Laura a mic.)

Laura: "I am so happy to be here tonight to finally finish this match with Lindsay. I think Johnny Angel deserves a big hand for taking the precautions he has to make sure that the money isn't stolen again. I also want to introduce my good friend and referee Alexandria Parker."

( A large portion of the crowd boo's. Obviously upset with the blatant bias having Laura's partner as referee. Unfortunately the cheers from "I TAPPA KEGGA" drown out the boo's as the frat boys cheer on their hero's.)

Laura: "I know that some of you think it is unfair that my tag team partner is the ref for this match. Well, you are wrong. Alexandria is the most honest person I know. She has said that she will be fair and I know that she will be. You have my word on that. "

(Laura hands the mic to a ring attendant and winks at Alexandria. Before peeling off her gown, revealing her sexy wrestling attire.)

Ken: "Her word!? Her word!?"

Cari: "Yes, if Laura say's its true, you can take that to the bank."

Ken: "I'm making a withdrawal! This is crap!"

( Alex slides into the ring and walks up to her friend. She hugs her and then walks over to Lindsey. Alex then pat's Lindsey down, checking everywhere for hiding objects.)

Ken: "Oh please, Lindsey would never cheat."

Cari: "Bah, she's just trying to lull everyone into a false sense of security. Luckily for us, Alexandria is a very vigilant person."

( Alex roughly checks Lindsey over, poking and prodding before stepping to the middle of the ring. Alex walks to a corner and pulls out a mirror, checking herself over before calling for the bell.)


Ken: "Wait just a minute! Alex didn't check Laura!"

Cari: "Yes she did."

Ken: "She gave her a hug and then went to check over Lindsey!"

Cari: "That's how good she is, she made sure Laura was clean first, therefore showing no favoritism."

(Laura and Lindsey step out quickly from their corners. They circle each other a couple of times, before moving into to lock up for a clinch. Lindsey quickly gains the advantage and puts Laura into headlock.)

Laura: "HAIR!"

Ken: "Hair?"

Alex: "Hair! Break!"

(Lindsey releases her hold and gives Alex a confused look. The ref waves her finger in Lindsey's face, telling her not to pull hair as Laura drives her knee up into Lindsey's midsection. Locke gasps and staggers back slightly. Laura leaps up into the air and nails Lindsey with a dropkick, knocking her to the mat. Laura jumps up to her feet quickly and runs over to Lindsey as she starts to rise. Alex smirks and walks back to her corner, giving Janus a wink. The Hardcore champion nearly jumps into the ring, only to be held back by Angela and Sakura.)

Cari: "Janus better be careful, it would be a shame if she entered the ring and caused Lindsey to be DQ'd. Then all those little brats wouldn't get their money."

Ken: "I think Alex is the one who should be careful. If she pushed Janus to far, she's going to be face-two-face with the Fallen Angel."

(Laura grabs Lindsey by the arm and pulls her up, quickly wrapping her in a side headlock. Laura's arm is wrapped around Lindsey's throat, but the deft Parker has positioned herself so that the choke isn't obvious.)

Ken: "Laura is choking her!"

Cari: "No, she isn't it. If Laura was choking her, Alex would call for a break."

(Lindsey gag's struggling for breath as her face starts to turn red. Laura shifts her weight and flips Locke over with a hip toss. Maintaining her �headlock, Laura digs her knee into Lindsey's back, while pulling back in her neck in a modified Dragon Sleeper position. Lindsey's arms flair, desperately trying to pull Laura's arm off her neck. Alex saunters over and leans down into Lindsey's struggling face.)

Alex: "Give up?"

(Lindsey shakes her head, gurgling out a no. Alex simply shrugs her shoulders and walks back to the corner. Laura shifts her position and pulls Lindsey down to the mat before rising to her feet and then leaping down, smashing her knee into Lindsey's chest. Locke lets out another gasp as Laura quickly lies across her for the pin. Alexandria runs over and slaps her hand down 2 twice in rapid succession. Lindsey barely gets her shoulder up before Alex slaps down the third count.)

Ken: "Fast count! This is outrageous!"

(Laura looks at Alex, a bit miffed that the three count wasn't done. Alex shrugs her shoulders and smiles as Laura hauls Lindsey up. The Featherweight champ then whips Lindsey across the ring. Locke smashes into the corner and stumbles out as Laura charges in and nails her across the chest with a clothesline.)

Cari: "Locke is dropped on her butt! Parker is all over Lindsey, like I knew she would be."

Ken: "Lindsey's got to get some momentum going here, but she's fighting two people!"

(Laura grabs Lindsey by the arm and hair, and hauls her up off the mat. Laura scoops Lindsey up and body slams the lightning bolt hard into the canvas. Lindsey bounces and rolls onto her side, clutching her back. Laura raises her hands in the air, blowing kisses to her fans before jumping up onto the second turnbuckle. Wiggling her hips she leaps off, extending her legs forward.)

Cari:"Guillotine leg drop!"

Ken: "NO! Lindsey moved!"

(Laura lets out a yelp as she crashes butt first into the mat. Lindsey rolled away at the last instant causing Laura to crash onto her pride. Laura bounces up to her feet, clutching her bum as Lindsey pushes herself up. Locke quickly turns and runs at Laura, leaping into the air and sending her sprawling with a dropkick. Parker hits the mat and rolls into the corner. Lindsey jumps up to her feet and charges in. She lifts Laura up and puts her into a side headlock. Lindsey then charges out of the corner and leaps forward, pulling Laura with her.)

Ken: "Bulldog!"

(Laura's face is planted into the mat. Lindsey quickly rolls her over and hooks the leg for the pin. Lindsey looks around for the ref, only to see Alex casually walking over. After a few more seconds Alex drops to her knee's and slaps her hand down. Lindsey frowns as Alex slides her hand under Laura's shoulder to check if it's down, before counting two. Laura kicks out as Alex smirks. )

Ken: "This is a travesty of justice!"

Cari: "What? It was a fair count. Alex is just making sure."

(Lindsey grabs Laura by the arm and pulls her up. She whips Laura across the ring, sending the brunette into the ropes. Lindsey takes off in the other direction, rebounding off the ropes and charging towards the oncoming Laura. Lindsey leaps into the air, spinning her body. Her foot rotates around, catching Laura high in the chest, knocking her to the mat.)

Ken: "Spinning Heel Kick! What elevation she gets on those leaps!"

(Lindsey foregoes the cover and grabs Laura's leg. She quickly steps forward, bending it across her own leg.)

Cari: "Step-over-toe hold? How basic is that?"

Ken: "Seems pretty effective to me."

(Laura lets out a yelp as Lindsey twists her leg. Lindsey then lifts Laura's leg up and spins, twisting Laura's limb even more.)

Ken: "Spinning Toe hold! Laura is in agony."

(Laura bangs her hands on the mat and reaches for the ropes. Her fingers are a good 6 inches away. Alex walks over and taps Lindsey on the shoulder.)

Alex: "Break!"

(Lindsey looks at Alex for a moment, then obeys, releasing the hold.)

Ken: "What was that for!?"

Cari: "Ropes you moron, Laura got to the ropes."

Ken: "No she didn't, she was nowhere near!"

Cari: "Well she would have been in Lindsey wasn't holding her."

(Janus is going nuts on the outside, Angela and Sakura are holding her back, asking her to calm down as her friend is cheated.)

(Lindsey backs off as Laura rises to her feet, with the aide of the ref. Both Parker's whisper to each other as Lindsey watches. Outside the ring, Janus breaks free and jumps up onto the ring apron. Laura runs away as the Hardcore Champ digs into her boot, pulling out a fork.)

Ken: "Janus has seen enough!"

Cari: "And Alex is throwing her out!"

(Alex screams at Janus and points to the wrestler entranceway.)

Ken: "Alex is telling Janus she has to leave, or she's awarding the match to Laura!"

Cari: "Good for Alex, sticking up to that bully."

( Lindsey runs over, pleading with Janus not to interfere. Alex begins to count, a smirk on her face. Janus howls and jumps down off the ring apron. Lindsey pleads with her to listen to the ref. As she does, Laura steps up behind her and quickly spins Locke around. Laura's boot smashes into Lindsey's belly, doubling her over. Laura wraps her in headlock and then jumps backwards.)

Ken: "DDT!"

(Lindey's head in driven into the mat and her body flops over, landing on her back. Janus is still fuming, yelling at Alex while she walks away. Sakura and Angela watch, disgusted with the display in the ring. Angela looks over at Willie, how shrugs his shoulders, pretending not to know what's going on. Laura quickly jumps to her feet and grabs both of Lindsey's legs. In a cruel move she leaps up, extending her legs forward so they land on the inside of Lindsey's thighs. As she hits the mat, Lindsey's legs are split open, stretching them brutally.)

Cari: "That will slow little miss lightning bolt down."

(Lindsey lets out a gasp and rolls away. Laura rises to her feet, a big smile on her face. She high fives Alex before walking back over to her downed opponent. Laura pulls Lindsey up. As she does, Lindsey fires a punch into Laura's belly. The beauty queen staggers back, clutching her belly. Laura holds her tummy and points at Lindsey.)

Laura: "Lowblow!"

Ken: "What?"

(Alex storms over and grabs Lindsey by the hair. She waves her finger in her face, warning her about the so-called infraction, before shoving her backwards. Lindsey tries to move in on Laura, but Alex yells at her to go to a corner. Lindsey complies, her head hanging low. Alex then checks on her friend, who is doing some of her finest acting ever, falling to her knees and complaining of the low blow.)

Cari: "I knew Lindsey was a cheater!"

Ken: "She's a Saint! She's putting up with all this bull****. She's fighting for her kids!"

(Laura takes another moment before rising to her feet. Lindsey moves to the center of the ring as Laura shakes her finger at her, seemingly disappointed with Lindsey's actions. Both wrestlers meet in the middle, Laura shoves her knee up, striking into Lindsey's lower, lower abdomen. Lindsey groans as Laura repeats the move. Laura smiles, grabbing Lindsey by the wrists and whipping her into the ropes. Lindsey rebounds as Laura is waiting for her. Using Lindsey's momentum, Laura grabs her, lifting her into the air and rotating her, before dropping to one knee.)

Cari: "Twit-O-Whirl Backbreaker! Nobody does it better than Laura!"

(Lindsey's spine crashes across Laura's shapely thigh, nearly splitting her in half. Laura lifts her arms high in the air, posing for the cameras before slamming her fists down into Lindsey's belly. Locke gasps against and is roughly shoved off Laura's thigh. Parker continues her assault, grabbing Lindsey and pulling her off the mat.)

Ken: "The sad thing here is Laura is a tremendous wrestler. If she just stuck to wrestling and not all the outside crap, she'd be great."

Cari: "She is great! Look at her, she's woman-handling Locke in there. It's no contest."

( Laura maneuvers herself close to the ropes and lifts Lindsey up for a supple. As she has Lindsey up in the air, Laura seems to stumble forward and to the side, dropping Locke one of Lock's legs over the ropes.)

Ken: "Ouch!"

( Lindsey lets out a scream as the top rope impales her. Laura brings her hands to her mouth, her lips forming an "O".)

Laura: "Oooops, I didn't mean to do that."

Ken: "Oh please!"

Cari: "You saw that, she slipped!"

(Laura then moves forward, pushing Lindsey along the rope, causing her more distress.)

Laura: "I'm sorry Linds, let me help you."

Ken: "Stop helping her!"

Laura: "Oopsssie! I'm making it worse."

(Laura stops dragging Lindsey across the rope and bends down lifting Locke's foot up, Lindsey is sent over the top rope, tumbling to the floor.)

Ken: "Jesus! She just shoved Lindsey off the top rope!"

(Laura continues her fine performance stepping between the ropes and looking down at her opponent.)

Laura: "I'm sorry Lindsey, I guess I'm all thumbs�woah!"

(Laura seemingly falls off the apron, smashing her body down across Lindsey's.)

Cari: "Suicida Plancha. _Ooops, I mean, Oooops."

(Laura pushes herself up off of Lindsey, apologizing the whole time as reporter's snap pictures. Alex jumps out of the ring and starts to count Lindsey out, even though Laura is also on the outside. Lindsey's kid are watching this display from behind the guardrail. A little girls leans over the rail and screams at Laura.)

Susie: "You're a cheater!"

( Laura has an absolute look of horror on her face as the little girl yells at her. Alex walks over to the little girl and tells her to sit down and shut up. It is at that moment that Lindsey looks up. She sees Alex yelling at one of her kids. Her blood starts to boil as Laura scoops her up and rolls Lindsey into the ring. Parker slides under the ropes and goes to lift Lindsey up. As she does, Locke's forearm snaps up, catching Laura under the chin.)

Ken: "European Uppercut! Again! Again!"

Cari: "Alex!! Get back in the ring!"

(Lindsey nails Laura with three big blows staggering the brunette. Locke hooks Laura under her arm and lifts her up for a suplex. As Laura's legs are straight up in the air, Lindsey falls to her butt, driving the top of Laura's head into the mat.)

Ken: "Brainbuster! Lindsey's going for the top!" Cari: "Alex!!!"

( Lindsey jumps up to the top rope, and rolls her hands in the air. The crowd cheers and Lind's Kids all jump to they're feet. Alex turns to see what is going on and freaks as Lindsey leaps off the top rope. Locke performs a somersault in the air, slamming her elbow across Laura's chest. Parker's legs flop up on impact as Lindsey lays across her for the pin.)

Ken: "That, it! It's over!"

Cari: "Not quite."

(Alex comes racing over and looks at the carnage. Lindsey is looking up at her, holding Laura's shoulders down. Alex bends down and slaps her hand down once. She then stands up and grabs Laura's leg, placing it on the bottom rope.)

Ken: "Oh come on!"

Cari: "What resilience by Laura, hit by a Brainbuster and then Lindsey's finishing move and she still has the sense to get her foot on the ropes.)

(A round of boo's comes from the crowd as Alex calls for the break. Alex shoves Lindsey off of Laura, and then checks on her partner. Lindsey rolls away, kneeling against the ropes as Alex calls Willie over. The pudgy manager brings a water bottle and hands it to Alex.)

Ken: "What is this? A time out!?"

(Laura gulps down the water as Alex walks over to Lindsey and starts yelling at her about all the infractions. Lindsey just takes Alex's abuse, keeping her focus on the goal of the match. Laura slowly rises to her feet and Lindsey starts to move towards her. Alex quickly kicks her leg out, smashing Lindsey in the back of the knee, sending her tripping forward. Laura takes quick advantage and jumps forwards, lashing her arm out, nailing Lindsey across the throat with a vicious clothesline.)

Cari: "Ooops..ehhe"

(Laura rises to her feet and lifts Lindsey up. Laura grabs Lindsey's arm and walks towards the turnbuckles. The brunette then scales the ropes and in a show of skill and balance, she begins walking across the top rope, pulling Lindsey along with her. As she gets to the middle, Laura jumps off, smashing her elbow down across Lindsey's shoulder, knocking her to the mat.)

Cari: "What skill, what grace!"

Ken: "That was a nice move by Laura, she is capable of pulling off tremendous moves, if only she stuck to wrestling and not all this other nonsense."

Laura smiles to the cameras before grabbing Lindsey by the side of her head. Laura then pulls her forwards roughly shoving Lindsey's head between her shapely thighs. Ever the showman, Laura wiggles her butt, before bending forward and grabbing Lindsey by the band of her bottoms. With a grunt, Laura lifts Lindsey up, giving her a horrific wedgie. She then completes the rest of the move, dropping to her butt and driving Locke's head into the mat.)

Ken: "Wedgie Piledriver! Lindsey's in big trouble!"

(Laura rises to her feet and holds her hands in the air. Alex smiles as Lindsey lies still on the mat. Laura then turns her attention back to Lindsey and pulls the semiconscious Locke to her feet. Laura then bend to the side, lifting Lindsey across her shoulders. Laura then wraps her arm around Lindsey's neck and thigh and begins to pull down.)

Cari: "Submission time! Over the shoulder backbreaker!"

Ken: "Looks like Laura wants a submission from Lindsey, she might have had the pin after that piledriver, especially with Alex's fast counts."

(Lindsey screams in pain as Lindsey bends her spine. Alex seems to be in no rush to ask for a submission as Laura walks around the ring. After a few moments, Alex asks Lindsey if she wants to quit. Everyone is quiet for a moment, as Lindsey screams out.)

Lindsey: "Never!"

( The crowd cheers, the loudest yell coming from Lind's kids. Laura begins stomping her feet, causing even more pain to Lindsey's back. Alex demands a submission, but Lindsey shakes her head in defiance. Alex then whispers in Laura's ear and stands in front of her.)

Ken: "What are those two planning�.OH MY GOD!"

(The crowd winces as Laura sending drops to both knees. The impact causes Lindsey's body to bend horribly. Locke lets out a yelp, then her body goes limp. With a smirk on her face, Alex help Laura stand back up, keeping Lindsey on her shoulders.)

Cari: "She's out, it's over!"

(Alex lifts Lindsey's arm and raises it into the air. She releases it and it flops down lifelessly. Lind's Kid's look on in horror as Alex lifts the arm again, letting it drop. The crowd rises to its feet as Alex takes her time lifting Lindsey's arm up for the third time.)

Ken: "Come on Lindsey!"

Cari: "Hey, you're supposed to be Neutral!"

Crowd: "Come of Lindsey"

Cari: "Shut up you ingrates!"

Kids: "Lindsey we believe in you!"

Cari: "Security!"

(Alex lifts the arm in the air, her other hand pointed towards the timekeeper's bell. She lets the arm go, it falls slightly, but then stops, before raising into the air. The crowd explodes with cheers as Lindsey draws from deep within her to stay in the fight. Alex scowls, as Laura can't believe it, and drops Lindsey's body to the mat. Lindsey rolls onto her side as Alex kicks her in the ribs. Laura turns away, pretending not to see as her partner gives Lindsey the boots. Sakura watches from the outside, desperately trying to find a way to help her partner without breaking the rules. Angela slaps her hands on the mat, cheering on her friend, hoping she be able to weather the storm. Laura turns back to the action as Alex steps away, leaving Lindsey in a ball in the corner Laura walks over and picks Lindsey up by her arm. She lifts Lindsey up onto her shoulders, before seating her on the top rope. Laura then climbs up the ropes and hooks Lindsey's head under her arm.)

Cari: "SuperPlex coming up!"

Ken: "NO!! Lindsey's blocking it!"

( Locke wraps her legs around the ropes, preventing Laura from lifting her up. After a couple of attempts, Laura becomes frustrated and tries to switch her position. As she moves, Lindsey rams her fist into Laura's belly. Parker lets out a squeal as Lindsey drives her fist in again. Laura stumbles off the ropes, staying on her feet and turning away from the corner. Lindsey rises to her feet and leaps off.)

Ken: "What a move! Missile Dropkick to the back of the head!"

(Lindsey's boots slam into Laura's head, sending the model sprawling across the ring. Laura almost slides out of the ring, but Willie stops her from falling. Lindsey is slow to get up as Alex moves in on her. Laura reaches forwards as Willie tries to help her and grabs a hold of Willie's "hair" There is a chuckle from the crowd as the obvious Toupee comes off in Laura's hand. Willie clutches his head as Angela blushes and the crowd howls. Laura is still feeling the effects of the dropkick and tries to push herself up, Toupee in her right hand. Across the ring, Lindsey is on her feet as Alex moves towards her. The ref throws a punch that Lindsey ducks, before running across the ring. Alex gives chase. Laura pulls herself up using the ropes, facing the crowd, she feels the movement on the canvas and spins quickly firing a Toupee Punch. Lindsey ducks the blow and moves to the side as Alex comes charging in.)

Cari: "oh no!"

Ken: "Now, that's Justice!"

(Alex screams, as if touched by acid. Laura's lets out a yelp in surprise, and pulls her hand away. Unfortunately, the Toupee remains stuck to Alex's face.)

Cari: "Oh the humanity!"

(Alex screams are muffled as she desperately claws away at the hair on her face. Laura moves to help her teammate but is spun around by Lindsey. Locke rams her knee up into Parker's belly, before scooping her up in a fireman's carry. Lindsey moves to the center of the ring as Alex falls to her knee's still trying to pull the sweaty mop off her face.. Locke stands still for a moment, before jumping up and dropping to her side.)

Ken: "Spiccoli Driver!"

(Laura's head and neck are driven into the mat, her body bouncing up like a ball before flopping over on the mat. Lindsey jumps to her feet and points at the turnbuckles. The crowd jumps to its feet, as she runs and jumps up the ropes. Lindsey then leaps off the top, spinning her body in the air before slamming her elbow down across Laura's chest.)

Ken: "Another Lightning Strike!"

Cari: "But the ref is blinded. Not that she'd count out her partner anyway."

(Alex is fumbling around on her knee's close to where Lindsey has Laura pinned. Alex swings her arms in frustration, trying to pull Willie's toupee off her face. She pulls hard, but her grip slips and her hands strike the mat.)

Cari: "Woah Alex!"

(Again she pulls at the hair and again her hand slips and strikes the mat.)

Cari: "NO NO NO NO!!"

(The crowd waits as Alex struggles with the toupee, with a mighty tug, she rips it from her face, her hands slamming down into the mat.)


Alex: "What?"

(Lindsey jumps to her feet as the timekeeper rings the bell.)

Ken: "She's done it! Lindsey's done it again!" She did it for the kids!"

Cari: "No way! Alex didn't know she was counting!"

(Alex shoves Lindsey in the back and starts waving her arms in the air. Lindsey slaps her hands together three times and points at the timekeeper. Alex turns and her eyes nearly pop out of her head as little Susie stands next to the bell, holding the mallet. The young girl is all smiles, her Lind's Kid's T-shirt stained with tears. Sakura lifts the young kids over the guardrail and helps them into the ring as Lindsey hugs them. Alex is fuming and is about to attack Lindsey when she catches the glimmer of silver. She turns to see the Hardcore Champion storming down the aisle. Super Steel Silverware in hand. Alex dives out of the ring as Janus slides in. Lindsey and Sakura stop her as Linds's Kids are running around the ring. Janus scowls, but decides not to bleed anyone in front of the children. Outside the ring, Angela is helping Willie get his Toupee back on.)

Ken: "Well, finally, good wins out in the end."

Cari: "What good?"

Ken: "The money will go to the people that really need it, Lind's Kids."

Cari: "Laura's charity, SUCKERS. Is just as important. If Lindsey was a real hero, she would split the money with Laura."

Ken: "Then she'd be a sucker!"

Cari: "Yeah! No wait..grrrrrrrrr."

Ken: "Folks, stay tuned, The Goddess faces the Snake, up next!"

Winner: "Lindsey Locke by pinfall"
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