logoAkira Hagawa vs. Mixie Locke

(We return to Battling Ring Angels and the fans are on their feet. Row after row, all the way to the rafters, they stand and cheer. Many hold signs and placards. The camera pans across the arena to give a few glimpses of the signs. Some of the more catchy ones say: "Lindsay Locke is the greatest"; "Candi Bratton is Wrestling!"; and "You don't mess with Shannan Fitz!" The camera focuses on Cari and Kenny sitting at the announce position.)

Kenny: This is it, Cari. This is the big one and this is the one I've been waiting for. Mixie Locke against Akira Hagawa�in an Iron Woman match. Sixty minutes of wrestling, every fall or submission removes five minutes from the clock and every fall or submission wins the all important key for the wrestler to get it.

Cari: Unlike the regular Iron Woman match, the most falls doesn't help you here. All you need is the last fall�all you need is to hold the key when the whole thing's over.

Kenny: Mixie Locke is one of BRA's most underrate wrestlers. Often seen as the cousin of Lindsay, she has really made a name for herself lately.

Cari: Yeah, but Akira is everything this sport should be. She is the perfect wrestling machine and there's no way that Lindsay's loser cousin can beat her. Keep in mind that Akira has never been pinned or made to submit in BRA.

"Intergalactic" from The Beastie Boys starts to play throughout the arena. Mixie Locke appears at the ramp. The crowd gives a good cheer for this popular newcomer. Mixie has a very intense and focused look on her face as she walks briskly towards the ring. She slaps hands with the fans at the rail, making sure to get as many of them as possible on the way. The toned and tanned athletic young woman wears a pair of black spandex shorts with the words "All Mixed Up" on the back in red letters. She wears black wrestling boots with the letters "ML" on the top in red letters and red knee pads. She wears a white T shirt that says "Mixie Locke: The Hardest Working Girl In Wrestling" on the front in blue letters. Beneath the words is a South Park style drawing of Mixie. On the back it says "Mixie Locke: Not Just Another Jobber World Tour 2000" and beneath that a variety of cities where she has wrestled and dates next to each one. Beneath the T she wears a black spandex sports bra style top. She has two ear rings in her left ear, and three in her right. Her belly button is pierced as well, as shown by the slightly too short T shirt. When she gets to ringside, she takes a good look at the ring and the arena, taking it all in. She enjoys the crowd's support for a moments before she climbs to the ring apron and to the ropes. She enters the ring and sticks her tongue out at her opponent, showing off the stud in her tongue. She pauses for the referee to check her for any foreign objects, and stretches in the corner waiting for the start of the match.

Kenny: There she is�the fan favorite Mixie Locke looking ready for this match.

The arena goes completely dark. As the audience grows quite, a spotlight shines on the entrance ramp. It moves its way up the ramp, stopping at the top of the ramp. At the head of the ramp, in the glow of the spotlight, is Akira Hagawa�The Killing Wind.

In a flash of white pyrotechnics, she is eclipsed in spark and smoke. As the arena lights go back up, "Stormbringer" from Deep Purple slams through the arena sound system. The Killing Wind, flanked by the gigantic Keiko Matsudo.

Akira's eyes show nothing but disdain and arrogance. She ignores the fans' out stretched hands reusing to slap any of them. She gives dirty looks to whoever gets close. She stops in front of one fan and grabs his sign from him. She takes the placard, reading "The Killing Wind can blow off!" and rips it in half. She tosses the two halves back over the guard rail. The fans absolutely hate this arrogant woman. They shower her with boos, which she seems to almost enjoy. She flips her hand in a dismissive gesture. She stops to waggle her finger at one fan. Her demeanor is one of total arrogance. She seems in complete control of the situation, despite the debris the fans throw at her.

Akira wears an outfit consisting of loose, shiny black vinyl pants, adorned with red "twisters" and tied with a red belt. She wears red wrestling boots. She wears a Tee shirt advertising her membership in The Hit Squad Japan. It is a black shirt with Japanese writing on the front, and "Hit Squad Japan" on the back. She finishes her look with a pair of shiny silver framed techno sunglasses. Keiko wears black leather pants adorned with the image of a silver Dragon on the legs, and a black short sleeved collared shirt. The short sleeved shirt allows for viewing of her extensive tattoos that start around her wrists and head all the way up her very powerful arms. The intricate tattoos of fires and demons are the marks given to all members of The Yakuza, the Japanese Mafia. She finishes her outfit with black biker boots, and a beaten up, old cowboy hat.

Akira and Keiko reach the ring and Akira and Keiko exchange bows. Akira removes her sunglasses and hands them to Keiko. Following this ritual Akira climbs into the ring. She stands in the center of the ring and offers a bow to the fans. She then turns to the left and offers a bow. She completes this ritual until she has bowed to all four sides of the arena. Finally, she offers a bow to the referee. Having completed all the formalities of the pre-match, she goes to one corner and stretches for the match.

Cari: Akira Hagawa is like nothing BRA has ever seen or will ever see again. And she is just two matches away from taking her rightful place as BRA Celestial Champion.

Kenny: BRA has not seen an Iron Woman match since Sasha Crowley beat Nina LaRue�

Cari: And who was Akira's mentor?

Kenny: �.

Cari: Right! Sasha Crowley!

The bell sounds as senior official Oni Malvolio signals for both wrestlers to start. They come tentatively to the center of the ring and begin to circle one another, looking for a way to start the match. Akira makes a move and goes for a quick hammerlock on Mixie. She gets it locked on, but Mixie almost immediately escapes with a slip over Akira. She pushes Akira off and into the ropes. Akira comes back and Mixie misses with a clothesline. Akira hits the ropes on the other side and stops herself as both women look one another in the eyes.

Kenny: Tremendous start to this match.

Cari: Both of these women are looking for a way to start out against the other.

The two women approach each other again. This time Akira swipes down and sweeps up Mixie's leg. Mixie goes down and Akira tries to lock up her leg, but Mixie kicks her off with the free leg. This sends Akira to the ropes again. As she returns, Mixie puts both legs up and into Akira's midsection, flipping Akira up over her and down to the mat.

Kenny: Three minutes gone and neither wrestler has an advantage.

p Akira and Mixie both get back to their feet and Akira looks a little� angry. She walks right tot he center of the ring and slaps Mixie across the face. The slap makes Mixie recoil and she places a hand on her face, looking more shocked than hurt.

Cari: Hahahahahaha!

Kenny: Akira is getting frustrated.

Cari: No she isn't, she just telling that loser she's beneath her.

A huge pop comes from the fans as Mixie gets back up straight and returns the favor on Akira. The slap seems to take a huge toll on Akira. She looks a little more�angry.

Cari: How dare she slap Akira!

Kenny: Turnabout is fair play.

p Akira tries to slap back at Mixie, but it's a wild slap and Mixie is able to duck it. She turns Akira around and grabs her around the waist, picking her up and dropping her into a German suplex. Akira slowly stands as Mixie gets up and runs her down with a clothesline.

Kenny: 6 minutes into the match and we see some action by Mixie Locke!

Cari: She's cheating!

Mixie yanks Akira up and sends her to the ropes. On the return she puts a perfect drop kick on Akira that puts Akira on the mat. She rolls Akira up for a pin and the crowd pops as Mixie somehow gets a quick pin over the dazed Akira.

Cari: What? What? That was a fast count!

Kenny: I can't believe it, Mixie Locke has pinned Akira! That's the first time it's ever happened! That pin takes five minutes off the clock, bringing it to a total of 13 minutes gone, but more importantly it gets Mixie Locke the all important key!

Akira slaps the mat, looking very angry as Oni hands the key to Mixie. The key has a rope around it so it can be placed around the neck of the wrestler who's won it. As Mixie places it around her neck, the crowd lets out a heel pop. Akira charges in and kicks Mixie square in the back, driving her to the mat. Mixie tries to get to her knees as Akira comes at her with a sustained attack of martial arts style kicks to her downed form.

Kenny: Akira attacking from behind and putting Mixie down.

Cari: Mixie should know better than to take her eyes off Akira.

Akira bends over Mixie and begins to choke her with the cord the key is hanging from. Mixie slaps the mat, trying to breathe. Oni is shielded from seeing what Akira is doing. She gets close and tries to get a good look, forcing Akira to move to a reverse chin lock. Once Oni is sure it's a legal move, she gets back up and Akira goes back to choking Mixie with the key.

Kenny: Akira is using the key to choke the breath out of Mixie! This is totally illegal and very dangerous!

Cari: I don't see anything.

p Kenny: Sadly, neither does Oni. 15 minutes gone from the clock!

Oni once again moves in to check the hold and again Akira moves it to a chin lock. Mixie tries to explain what's happening, pointing towards her neck, but Akira's hold makes it hard for her to speak. Akira puts a knee right in Mixie's back to post the chin lock and stretch Mixie a little more.

Kenny: Akira is stretching Mixie out right now.

Cari: As it should be.

Akira goes back to the choke, but this time the ref catches it and slaps Akira's hand. Akira stands and confronts her on the slap. After Oni explains her actions, Akira turns back to Mixie and sends a kick right into her back.

Kenny: Akira is trying to wear Mixie down. You have to think those chokes took their toll on Mixie.

Cari: What chokes?

Kenny: Oh come on! 17 minutes gone from this match as Akira pulls Mixie off the mat.

Akira pulls Mixie off the mat and drapes her across her shoulder. With a move to the side, Akira executes the Death Valley driver.

Cari: Air raid crash!

Kenny: Cover�1�2�3. Akira gets a pin over Mixie with the Air Raid Crash and this takes another five minutes off the clock�meaning 23 minutes are gone.

Cari: And Akira has the key.

Akira bends down and takes the key off Mixie's neck. She holds it up and celebrates a bit while Oni checks Mixie to make sure she can continue. Akira places the key around her neck and immediately goes after Mixie.

Kenny: And now Akira is attacking Mixie while referee Oni Malvolio was making sure Mixie could continue. This is the type of attack�you know, Akira is a fantastic wrestler, but when she does things like this she mars her reputation.

Cari: This is an Iron Woman match�meaning Mixie should be iron. Akira's just using good strategy.

Kenny: Some might call it cheap shots.

Oni tries to stop Akira, but it's too late. Akira pulls Mixie up and sends her to the ropes. As she shoots back, Akira hits her in the mouth with a spinning heel kick. Akira follows this up with a knee drop across the head. She goes for a pin, but Mixie kicks out at 1.

Kenny: Akira all over Mixie�this is a cheap attack.

Cari: But it's taking time off the clock and wearing Mixie down. Akira just needs to protect the key right now. She just needs to hold onto it.

Akira places Mixie in a front facelock and forces her down to the mat. She has Mixie's head and neck bent at an odd angle as she holds Mixie in check. Locke struggles to get free, then stops, and then struggles a little more trying to get away.

Kenny: 30 minutes gone. Half of this match is over right now.

Cari: Akira could hold Mixie in this for another thirty minutes if she has to. This is as good as over.

Mixie tries to force her way up, using the strength she has left to get Akira up. The hold is still on as Mixie gets to one knee, taking Akira up with her. Akira stands over her and twists the hold down, keeping Mixie on a knee for the moment. One of Mixie's arms comes up to steady herself as the crowd begins to try and rally her.

Kenny: Mixie is trying to power out.

Cari: Akira has that front facelock locked on.

Mixie keeps trying to force out of the hold as Akira keeps the pressure on. She has enough second effort to get to a wobbly stand as Akira picks one arm up and places an elbow down hard between Mixie's shoulder blades. A gasp comes out from the fans as Akira forces her back down to one knee.

Cari: There was no way she could do it. Akira has this as good as won.

Kenny: A little more than half of the match gone as we reach the 32 minute mark.

Again Mixie starts to rise, powering herself up to a wobbly standing position. With her arms out to stabilize herself, and the fans fully behind her, she grabs hold of Akira's head and kneels down.

Kenny: Jawbreaker! Mixie uses a jawbreaker on Akira and breaks the hold! Both women are lying on the mat, Akira trying to massage her jaw and Mixie just trying to recover.

Cari: I can't believe Mixie had it in her.

Mixie rolls over and places an arm across Akira's chest. The ref counts 2 before Akira gets a shoulder off the mat.

Kenny: Akira breaks the count as the clock ticks down to 34 minutes.

Cari: Time is ticking away on Mixie Locke.

Mixie sits over Akira and straddles the downed woman. As the crowd starts to get up for her, Mixie sends shots down on the head and jaw of Akira. The arena counts along with their favorite as she bashes the hated Japanese star.











Kenny: Akira getting back into it and getting the people on her side.

Cari: These are illegal closed fists! Do something, Oni! She's worthless.

Kenny: She's BRA's senior official.

Cari: And you're BRA's senior jerk!

p Mixie gets off Akira and waves for the fans as she catches her breath. A cut has been opened above Akira's right eye. Mixie climbs the ropes and stands erect on the top of the turnbuckle, waiting for Akira to stop moving around. The crowd is totally behind her.

Cari: What's she doing up there?

Kenny: I think you're about to find out.

In a move that probably hurts her as much as it hurts Akira, Mixie leaps off the turnbuckle and lands a diving headbutt on Akira's shoulder. Mixie leaps off on impact and places a hand on her head, from the headache the move created, as Akira grasps her shoulder in pain. The face pop she receives is a sign of how shocked by this move the crowd is.

Kenny: Diving headbutt! Mixie looked like Harley Race right there!

Cari: Fat and hairy?

Kenny: You're not funny.

Mixie is able to clear her head enough to roll over and hook the leg of the dazed Akira. Oni falls into position for the count.

Kenny: 1�2�3! Mixie gets the third fall in the match at the 38 minute mark! 43 minutes are gone from this match and Mixie gets the key back! That diving headbutt did its job!

Cari: Mixie's cheating all over the place. Someone needs to stop her. What match is this ref watching?

Oni takes the key off Akira's neck and hands it to Mixie. Akira struggles to keep it around her neck, but it doesn't work. Still feeling the effects to her own head, Mixie takes the key and places it around her neck. As she takes a moment to get the fans support, Akira bull rushes her from behind and knocks Mixie face first into the turnbuckle.

Cari: Yes! Yes! I told you she couldn't turn her back on Akira!

Kenny: Akira looks mad.

Cari: She might be angry, but she never gets mad.

Mixie rolls around and gets met with some chops to the chest. After each chop, Akira tries to shake a little more of the pain out of her shoulder. The effects of the headbutt still lingering. Akira chops Mixie a few more times and Mixie responds to each chop. This is followed by a few clearly illegal punches to Mixie's head.

Kenny: Illegal closed fist shots being used by Akira!

Cari: Where? I didn't see anything.

Mixie steps out from the corner and Akira taps her on the cheek as one might a small child. Everyone knows what's coming next as Akira swings around and lands her stunning Spinning Back Fist right on Mixie's chin. Mixie falls like a freshly cut tree and Akira takes a moment to gloat for the crowd as Keiko applauds her.

Kenny: The Uraken! Mixie is down!

Cari: That did it! Mixie won't get up even after Akira pins her.

Akira drops down and hooks Mixie's leg for a pin.

Cari: Akira gets the key back! That's it! Mixie's finished! Akira has the key and the match is over! I knew it would end like this!

Kenny: The match is down to ten minutes remaining, but it's not over.

With only ten minutes remaining in this marathon match, the ref Oni Malvolio takes the key from around Mixie's neck and hands it to Akira before checking to insure that Mixie can continue with the match. Akira holds the key like a sacred item, gloating in her latest victory, before she is surprised by a huge face pop from the fans. She turns to see Mixie slowly getting to her feet, using the ropes to help herself up. Her eyes burn as she signals for Akira to bring it on.

Kenny: Here we go!

Mixie comes right at Akira and Akira thinks fast, hitting Mixie with a stunning low blow that brings the crowd to their feet in anger. Mixie goes down in a heap and Akira rolls her up.

Kenny: Cheap shot! Low blow! Akira is really doing damage to the sport tonight!

Cari: Too bad, because that's a pin and we're down to the last five minutes!

Having not seen the obvious low blow, Oni calls for the pin and the clock is now down to five minutes remaining. But before Akira can even get off her, Mixie thinks as best as she can. She moves her body up, and though she's hurt, like a monkey she wraps around Akira. Before long she a body scissors clamped on Akira's midsection.

Kenny: Mixie has Akira trapped. She's pushing down and Akira's eyes look like they're about to pop right out of her skull.

Cari: Ref checking Akira but she's not giving up.

p Mixie breaks the hold and pulls the struggling Akira to her feet. She positions her and, to the delight of the fans, delivers her well- known Brain Buster Suplex to Akira.

Kenny: All Mixed Up! That has to be it!

During the move, Oni Malvolio was distracted by something she saw out of the corner of her eye. Keiko Matsudo had jumped up to the ring apron and Oni is arguing with her to get down. As she does this, Mixie has Akira pinned.

Kenny: 1�2�3�4�5�come on!

Cari: Come on indeed! Here we go!

As Oni argues with Keiko, Maxine Holmes comes down to ringside. The big Texan rolls into the ring and grabs Mixie off Akira. With a glint of metal in her hand, she slugs Mixie, dropping her like a bag of wet cement.

Kenny: What was that?

Cari: That was revenge. You know Maxine is here to get even with Mixie Locke and she's just done it.

Kenny: Mixie's out.

Maxine rolls out of the ring as Keiko jumps down, ending her protest. Oni returns to see Akira on top of the laid out Mixie. She slaps her hand down three times and calls for the bell to end the match for good.

Kenny: This has been a terrible display. Akira wins, but at what cost?

Akira goes to her knees and holds the key aloft as Maxine and Keiko enter the ring and start to take apart the broken and bleeding Mixie. Kicking her around the ring like a rag doll before Keiko pulls her up and bends her over. Maxine puts a few knees in Mixie's unprotected gut.

Cari: I love it! Michelle is finally getting what she deserves.

Akira watches, still enjoying her victory, as the crowd showers the ring with debris. Maxine reaches behind her and pulls out the branding iron she had stuck up under her belt. Obviously the metal item she hit Mixie with earlier.

Kenny: No! Someone needs to stop this!

Cari: I love this part!

With a growl, Maxine extends her arm and hand in a balled fist, fingers extended Texas Longhorns salute, before positioning the branding iron just behind Mixie's bent rear end. Even without the powerful Keiko Matsudo holding her in place, Mixie is in no condition to fight back. The house is littering the ring with trash, totally against the three women perpetrating this display.

Kenny: She's going to brand Mixie Locke! This is not right!

Cari: Michelle's about to be treated like the cow she is.

The crowd pops as CJ Locke charges to the ring. But she no sooner hits the ring as she gets dropped by Akira's straight kick to the face. This puts her down and Akira carpet rolls her out of the ring. She goes to the arena floor and struggles to get back up, but Akira keeps kicking her out. With the referee screaming for her to stop, Maxine places the branding iron against the flesh just underneath the leg of Mixie's shorts. The crowd boos as the interlocking "T"'s are inked onto Mixie's flesh.

p Kenny: I think this is just wrong! Maxine Holmes is nothing more than a common thug!

Keiko drops Mixie as Maxine spits some tobacco juice on her. She looks really out. But the crowd erupts again as Akira pulls little CJ into the ring and pushes her to Keiko and Maxine. Akira signals for them to give her the same treatment.

Kenny: Stop this!

Cari: CJ never should have put her nose where it didn't belong!

p As Keiko and Maxine set up to do the same to CJ, the crowd pops the biggest yet.

Kenny: Lindsay Locke! Lindsay Locke!

Cari: She's injured! What's she doing here?

Lindsay Locke races to the ring, a folding chair in hand. For the first time in over a month there is no cast on her arm. Only a tan brace. She rolls into the ring and cranks Keiko with the chair. The giant woman goes down and rolls out of the ring. She takes a swipe at Maxine and Holmes backs off. The crowd pops as Lindsay takes another swing at Holmes and connects in the midsection. Maxine goes down and rolls out of the ring.

Kenny: Lindsay Locke is cleaning house! She looks in some of the best shape of her career!

Akira takes a swing at Lindsay and misses badly. Lindsay snaps her up and places Akira's head between her legs and slams down with a cradle piledriver. Akira goes down and Keiko and Maxine grab her to get her clear of the ring.

Kenny: No one does that move like Lindsay Locke!

Cari: Yeah, but Akira won the match and Maxine branded little Mixie. I'd call this a victory for Akira.

Kenny: Maybe so, but Lindsay Locke is back and Akira better watch out!

(Lindsey bends down to check on her downed cousins. CJ is sitting on the mat holding her jaw as Lindsey helps Mixie to her feet. The crowd explodes with cheers as one of wrestlings favorite families stands together.)

Kenny: "The Lockes are united and there's going to be hell to pay!"

Cari: `Maybe but Akira's in the finals."

Kenny: "Its Casey Gaines vs Akira Hagawa for all the marbles at PAYBACK! Folks you don't want to miss that one. We're out of time here, and from the looks of things, the hourglass is running out of sand on Akira and her crew! Thank you and goodnight!"


THE WINNER: Akira Hagawa
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