logoThe British Bombshells vs. The Boone Sisters

(The crowd is buzzing with excitement as the lights dim. Rising to their feet the throng cheer and whistle as the strobe lights start to play. The familiar sound of `BONECRACKER' by Shocore begins to play. The angeltron roars to life with images of the Battling Ring Angel superstars in action and posing for the camera. As the tempo builds so does the intensity of the action on the screen. Finally it explodes in a series of fireworks and pryro.)

(The lights come back up as the music continues to play. Kenny Harbor and Cari Trammel sit at the announcing table. Cari is wearing a sleeveless dress showing off her arms. While she is a fit woman, there is a noticeable change in the toning on her limb. )

Several signs find their way into frame, among them "Tiffany Lane already has the key to my heart", "East/West are going Down/Down", and"Hey Akira, I got some Milkbones!" At the announcer's's table, Kenny and Cari are, as usual, going at it before becoming aware the camera is back on, and trained on them.]

Kenny: Welcome back, folks. Up next, we have the debut of a very promising tag mteam...

Cari: Ordinarily that would be my cue to scoff and put Kenny back on the right track. But regardless of how bad they might be, I'm sure going up against the Boone sisters will make them look like the second coming of the Rock 'n' Roll Express.

Kenny: You should never count out anyone on our roster, Cari.

Cari: Really? I never thought I'd ask you this, but what sort of probability rating does your computer give the Boone's of pulling off a win?

Kenny: Well, as it happens... (he checks his laptop, gulps, and nervously straightens his tie) Anyways, we were talking about the debut of Shea London and Cassie Hopkins as a team.

Cari: Didn't know it could give negative percentages, did you?

Kenny: Shea London, a veteran in this organization, who in spite of her partner's inexperience is no stranger to the tag scene in BRA, on three occasions coming close to claiming the BRATTs.

Cari: Close, schmlose. A real winner finds a way to finish the job, no matter what it takes.

Kenny: And plus, I'm excited that we'll be getting our first look at young Cassie Hopkins. I firmly believe we'll be seeing much more of her in the future.

Cari: We'll be seeing much more of her *tonight*, as she's also part of the match between East/West and Candi's Crew, the very next match after this one. Everyone thinks Muse was punishing East/West here, but you've got to wonder just who in the organization Cassie pissed off to get that kind of draw.

Kenny: I think you might be reading too much into things there.

Cari: And I think you may want to refresh your memory on how ArchAngel and operatives make statements. Maybe you ought to ask Shea London about AngelDust and one of our old announce tables...?

[With "Sweet Home Alabama" announcing their coming to the ring, Dixie Lou and Alabama Boone run out from behind the curtain and charge down the ramp, heading to the squared circle in a quick jog. The two thin blondes hold up their palms and an oddly large collection of fans by the rail respond to them.]

Kenny: The Boone sisters, as usual with the support of many fans.

Cari: Maybe some of these sheep enjoy a good beating as much as I do. And when it comes to beatings, no one knows more about getting them than the Boone sisters.

[The Sisters wear nearly identical ring attire. Dixie is dressed in a pair Bikini briefs, which are a little tight and fit her snugly. The front and back are designed with the blue bars and white stars of the Confederate Flag. She opts for red elbow pads, blue kneepads and blue, calf high wrestling boots with white stars on the side. Alabama wears a matching pair of bikini bottoms, and elbow and kneepads, the only difference being in her has red boots with blue stars. Both girls wears white t-shirts with the words "The Boone Sisters" on the front in black letters and the words "The Pride of the South" on the back.]

Cari: "The Pride of the South"? I knew things were bad down there, but I never realized they were so hopeless.

[They both jump into the ring and bounce around on the balls of their feet, getting pumped for the match. They strip off the t-shirts to reveal bikini tops that match their briefs. Neither of them looks terribly athletic or has anything similar to muscle tone. They take their place in their corner and begin a discussion--more of an argument--over who's going to start the match. ]

Kenny: The match hasn't even started yet, and they don't look on the same page.

Cari: You know, that actually makes me ponder an interesting question: could either of them perhaps get a win if they faced each other? I mean, one of them would *have* to win then. Wouldn't they?

[The houselights dim as Mel C's "Goin' Down" starts over the public address system. Within moments, Shea and Cassie appear at the top of the ramp Cassie in her baby blue sports bra and matching biker shorts, Shea in her red one piece with the Union Jack depicted on the front--soaking in the cheers of the fans. The two Brits turn to each other, exchanging high fives, before charging to the ring, both ladies diving under the bottom rope before springing to their feet, ready for action.]

Kenny: London and Hopkins definitely look ready.

Cari: Even if they're not, I doubt it makes a difference.

[In opposing corners, Alabama and Cassie slip under the ropes and into their corners, leaving Shea and Dixie Lou in the ring to start. Both women approach the middle of the ring, Shea flashing a cute grin and offering her hand to her opponent. Dixie Lou looks down to the hand,then up at Shea, her expression harsh. She speaks, but the ringside microphones fail to pick up what she says.]

Kenny: Shea's trying to make a show of respect, but Dixie seems upset about something.

Cari: Come on. That's one of the oldest tricks in the book,suckering in an opponent with an offer of a handshake.

Kenny: You know Shea's not that kind of wrestler.

Cari: True, but I can hope.

[Shea's grin turns to a look of confusion as Dixie Lou seems to grow more and more aggravated. Suddenly, Dixie shoots one boot up into Shea's unguarded midsection, doubling the British girl over. The referee quickly calls for the bell.]

Kenny: And a quick strike by Dixie Lou Boone, before the bell.

Cari: Hmm, maybe she has some potential after all.

[Dixie rushes back into the ropes, bounces off and charges towards Shea, leaping over her and gripping her by the waist, pulling Shea down in a sunset flip.]

Kenny: Sunset flip! This would be a huge upset!

Cari: Shea kicks out at one, though. I may not like her, but even I'll admit there was no way Shea was going to be pinned *this* early, least of all by Dixie Lou Boone.

[Dixie reaches down to pull Shea up, and starts to send her towards the ropes. Shea reverses, however, and catches Dixie on the rebound with a kneelift to the gut, flipping Dixie Lou in the air before she crashes to the mat on her back. Shea runs to her left, jumping into the air, landing with her feet on the middle rope. She somersaults through the air, landing with a splash across Dixie's chest. Dixie Lou's legs jerk into the air on impact.]

Kenny: High impact move by Shea London, as she's starting to take control.

Cari: I'm telling you, this is going to be a snoozer. If they think they can do this against a team like East/West, they're sadly mistaken.

[Wasting no time, Shea goes to her corner to tag in Cassie.]

Kenny: And here we go, our first look at Cassie Hopkins in action.

Cari: And I hope she enjoys the chance to be on top while she's got it. She already knows Kim and Kimi are going to eat her alive later on.

Kenny: We'll have to see about that.

[Cassie slips into the ring, and scoops Dixie into her arms, holding her aloft against her chest before dropping to the mat, power slamming the smaller southern girl. Dixie rolls onto her side, her back arched, one arm reaching around to massage the hurt away. Cassie stalks her downed foe, pulling her up and tucking Dixie's head under her arm. Placing one of Dixie's arms around her neck, and gripping hold to her tights, she lifts Dixie Lou into the air, holding her perpendicular to the mat for several seconds.]

Kenny: Tremendous display of power by the rookie.

Cari: (yawns, then with more than a slight hint of disinterest) Uh huh.

[At long last, Cassie falls forward, sending Dixie Lou crashing face and chest first into the canvas. Cassie bounces to her feet, and swiftly tags in Shea.]

Kenny: Quick tags by the British Bombshells, the mark of any good tag team.

Cari: And very wise strategy for Hopkins especially, keeping her fresh for later tonight.

[Back in the ring, Shea hovers near Dixie, awaiting some signs of life. As Dixie Lou starts to stir, Shea charges towards the ropes again, again jumping and landing on the second rope. This time, as she flew back toward a rising Dixie, she took hold of the southern girl's head and drove her face first into the mat.]

Kenny: Springboard bulldog! Cassie provides this team with power, and Shea certainly brings a great deal of speed and agility to the table.

Cari: London and Hopkins do compliment each other well.

Kenny: (double take) Excuse me? Who are you, and what have you done with Cari?

Cari: Don't get me wrong, they'd be out of their league against a team that could actually wrestle.

Kenny: (sighs) Welcome back.

[Back on her feet, Shea pulls Dixie Lou in and whips her into a neutral corner. As Dixie impacts with a thud, Shea launches into a cartwheel across the ring, coming out of it with a vicious back elbow to Dixie's face. Boone drops to her backside in the corner.]

Kenny: Brutal handspring elbow. Dixie's reeling now.

[Shea retreats to her corner, tagging in Cassie.]

Kenny: Still good teamwork on display, as Cassie re-enters the fray.

Cari: This could backfire...

[Cassie starts to pull Dixie to her feet, but Dixie responds with a punch to the gut. Cassie staggers, but remains upright.]

Cari: See what I mean?

Kenny: Dixie Lou is showing that she's not about to give up. Say what you will about the Boone sisters, they do have heart.

Cari: But not a brain cell between them. She needs to tag in Alabama.

[Another blow to Cassie's stomach, this one with a bit more power, releases her grip on Boone as she doubles over. Dixie Lou reaches up, raking her nails across Cassie's eyes.]

Kenny: Gouge of the eyes!

[A little wobbly, Dixie gets to her feet and races into the ropes. On the rebound, she jumps towards Cassie.]

Kenny: Flying cross no!

Cari: This is what happens when you don't tag when you get the chance.

[Cassie, recovering, catches her in mid air, strong arms wrapping around Boone's slender waist and squeezing with great pressure. Dixie groans as her legs reflexively wrap around the midsection of Hopkins.]

Kenny: Bearhug. Cassie's power is again on display.

[Continuing to hold her in the bearhug, Cassie turns towards her own corner, and then falls forward, driving Dixie into the canvas, and all of her weight down onto Dixie Lou.]

Kenny: Spine buster! She nearly put Boone through the canvas.

Cari: Can we get someone to sweep and mop up that pool of flesh that used to be a wrestler?

[Cassie gets up and tags Shea, who begins to climb the turnbuckle.]

Kenny: Shea's going up top. I'm not sure what she has in mind...

Cari: If I'm the Boone's, I've got a veeeeeerrrrrry bad feeling about this...

[Cassie pulls an agonized Dixie up to her feet, and whips her into the ropes. As she comes back, Cassie scoops her up, turns on her heel, and drops to one knee, driving Dixie's spine across Cassie's outstretch thigh.]

Kenny: Backbreaker! How much more abuse can Dixie and her spine take?

Cari: I think we're about to find out.

[Cassie keeps her secured in the backbreaker, one arm pressing down on her legs, the other on her chest, as Shea leaps from the top turnbuckle, her leg crashing across Dixie's throat. Dixie flops off of Cassie's leg, doing a one-eighty in the air before falling to the mat on her stomach.]

Cari: Turn out the lights, folks.

Kenny: That's their finisher, the Coronation. I think you're right, this one's over.

[She rolls Dixie onto her back and hooks one leg. Alabama starts to enter the ring, but Cassie intercepts her and knocks her to the floor. The referee drops to the mat and counts.]




Kenny: A most impressive win for the British Bombshells. Alabama Boone never even saw action.

Cari: Do you really think it would have made a difference if she did?

Kenny: (ignoring her) I think Shea and Cassie just made a compelling case to consider them a threat in the upcoming tag team tournament.

[She bounces to her feet, and is immediately embraced by Cassie, the taller girl pulling her off her feet as she hugs her friend and partner.]

Cari: Don't overstate things. Let's see how they do against a *real* team first. Look at them, you'd think they'd won the BRATTs. I think I'm going to enjoy seeing them lying at the feet of East/West in the future.

Kenny: Actually, according to my calculations, based on tonight I'd say such a match would be even money.

Cari: Speaking of money, haven't you used up your laptop budget already?

Kenny: Nearly. Why do you ask?

Cari: Because it would be a shame if I had to do something with your current one, wouldn't it?

Kenny: (swallows awkwardly) Um, folks, we'll be back right after this.

[Shea and Cassie raise their arms, turning to the fans, who applaud their efforts. Both beaming, they duck under the ropes and begin to walk back up the ramp to the dressing room.]

(fade to black)

THE WINNERS: The British Bombshells, by pin fall
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