logoCandi's Crew vs. East/West

[The arena comes to life with the hammering beat of Wyclef Jean's "We be stayin' alive." As the people come to their feet, red fireworks explode near the top of the ramp. The smoke clears and two female forms stand by the top of the ramp. The taller one holds her right hand in the air, pointing upwards. The smaller one leans against her partner, her arms folded across her waist. The lights go up and we see that it is the tag team known as East/West. The two women give each other a look and a nod and start to walk to the ring. The Japanese lady Kimiko "The Eastern Star" Yamashida wears a sports bra style top with black designs on it, and a matching pair of briefs. She has white knee pads and black elbow pads, finishing her outfit with black and white boots. Her brown hair dances in the breeze as she shakes her head a little on the way to the ring. Kimberly West opts for a slightly different ring attire. A shiny "liquid metal" spandex top and matching spandex shorts. She finishes her outfit with some black knee pads and black boots. Her wavy light brown hair whips around as the former dancer puts on a bit of a show on her way to the ring. More of a show than her more reticent partner. It's very clear that these two athletically built and attractive young women are popular with the male segment of fans. They arrive at the ring. Kimi uses the steps to climb to the apron, and then grabs hold of the ropes and catapults herself up. In one move, she jumps up and takes a seat on the top of the turnbuckle. All the while Kim dives under the bottom rope and sits up on her knees. She leans back and coolly slides into a seated position beneath the turnbuckle Kimi is perched on. Kim holds one of hands up and Kimi slaps her "five." The two stay seated in this position waiting for the match to get started.]

Kenny Harbour: East/West about to take on all of Candi Bratton's wrestling school and our broadcast partner Jenna Jamestown.

Cari Trammel: She isn't my partner. I can't stand her.

[Kim West takes up a microphone.]

Kim West: The time has come for all you subhuman slime factories to shut your fat asses and listen to some real talent talk!

[Heel pop!]

Kim: Just like the song says�East/West is here and East/West is stayin' alive! So my recommendation to Candi fat ass is to tell her diaper cadets to try to stay alive! Because when we're done tonight there's gunna be a few less scrubs in the sport! Tell `em Kimi!

[She tosses the mic to Kimi, who slides off the top rope and joins her partner in the center of the ring.]

Kimi: Candi Bratton, what is your major malfunction? Do you like getting whipped? Or do you like hanging out with little girls?

Kim: I think we both know the answer to that, Kimi!

Kimi: We're going to rough your fat ass up and send you back to the spud state you came from like the fat spud you are! And to all your baby time partners�don't show up! We will beat each one of you and spank you like a seven year old in K-mart! That goes for baby C.J., spanky Cassie and pissy pants Stacey! Because East/West can't, won't and don't stop!

[She tosses the mic back to Kim as the crowd gives them a healthy heel pop.]

Kim: We are East/West�beating people is our business�and business is damn good!

["I Want Candy" by Bow Wow Wow begins to play across the arena. The crowd gets to their feet as Candi Bratton is the first to step through the curtain and walk down the aisle.. she stops halfway and beckons the rest of the team on. First through the curtain, to the fans delight is Jenna Jameson walks through next. She's wearing a pink one piece wrestling tight combo. She's protected herself as much as possible with elbow and knee pads, and finally polishing off the outfit with pink wrestling boots. She walks down and stands next to Candi. `The Perfect Ten' Stacey Buffington steps out and starts to walk down the aisle, slapping hands with all the lucky fans who happen to be closeby. The brown haired beauty with the `kick ass bod' smiles and struts to the ring. Dressed in a red lycra sports bra style top, showing off her rock hard abs and toned upper body and red lycra skin tight shorts, with white letters on the back spelling out the words `Perfect Ten', showing off her solid legs and thighs. She finishes her outfit with red elbow pads, white knee pads and red calf high wrestling boots with `10' on either side, in white numbers, by the top. Her hair has a definite 80's look to it, a little big and with bangs hanging down over the forehead. The fans give her a very enthusiastic response. The members of the audience continue to stand on their feet as little CJ Locke steps through next. The spunky and sprightly girl pops out and starts down the aisle. She stops to slap hands with the fans on the way. She is all smiles and waves. The people give her a rousing ovation and cheer her on. She is a definite fan favorite. CJ is dressed in her regular ring kit consisting of blue spandex shorts with the words "The Littlest Locke" on the back in yellow letters. She wears a blue spandex top with yellow lightning bolts on it and blue boots with yellow bolts on them. She also has yellow knee pads. Her blond hair is in pigtails. Her body is in excellent shape and her face carries a look of both confidence and innocence. She is ready for this match. Rows of pyrotechnics along both sides of the ramp explode into life as Cassie Hopkins becomes visible at the top of the ramp, smiling and bouncing on the soles of her feet. Smiling and waving to the fans, she trots down the aisle. All five women stand side by side halfway down the aisle, as Candi pulls a mic out from who knows where.]

Candi: Listen up! You two goons are in so much [censored]ing trouble, you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into. You see this army I have behind me has been working out harder than anyone I've ever seen before in my life! They are a fine oiled [censored]ing machine! And we are about to rip your asses to shreds! Listen up, bubblebutt twins! When we finish with you, you are going to go crawl back into the sewer where you belong with all the [censored] that you've put us through.

[Candi turns to the crowd!]

Candi: Everyone here hates your [censored]ing guts!

[Crowd POPS!]

Candi: And I know that everyone has stale popcorn.. flat soda and warm beer sitting around molding. Stuff they bought when they first got here and never finished.. I think everyone should donate that to the uglyass twins here! Whaddya say! On the count of three.. everyone pitch there [censored] into the ring and show these two ass clowns just how much we hate them! One...

[The girls with Candi laugh and count along with Candi..]

Candi: Two... CROWD: THREE!

[The crowd starts throwing soda and beer into the ring.. popcorn flies from the crowd as well.. suddenly, Candi and the girl's charge into the ring!]

Kenny: Here we go! An impromptu battle royal in the ring! Kimi throwing hands with Stacey, C.J. and Cassie! Candi and Jenna going after Kim! The ref is trying to get this under control and finally he just signals for the bell, folks this match is on!

Cari: I can't believe what a pig Candi Bratton is, starting a food fight and then a brawl. This isn't wrestling�this isn't even a hockey game.

Kenny: Candi getting the better of Kim West, but Kimi Yamashida is holding her own against the balance of the troops. A right hand and down goes Cassie. A kick takes down C.J. Candi and Jenna all over Kim. Kimi and Stacey going at it! This is a free for all!

Cari: The ref needs to restore order.

Kenny: Kim takes a header right out of the ring and it looks like the lines are drawn. It's going to be Kimi and Stacey starting us off�and Kimi sends a knee into Stacey's gut. That doubles her over and she gets a kick to the head�there's another�Stacey looking a little dazed already.

Cari: Kimi Yamashida might be the best kicker in B.R.A., and notice no kicking pads on her.

Kenny: Stacey getting kicked hard�and Kimi sticks a thumb in her eyes. Cheap, dirty move by Yamashida. Stacey, with hands on her face, is trying to find her way around the ring�what a nasty thing Kimi is.

Cari: They're in there with five other people. They need to get an advantage.

Kenny: Stacey still blinded from the thumbing, she's stumbling around and trying to find her corner�what is Kimi doing? Coming up on the blindside and whispering into Stacey's ear. Stacey takes a blind punch at her and misses badly�and is rewarded with a slap to the face from Kimi. Followed by another eye gouge! Isn't the ref going to do something about that?

Cari: If the ref doesn't see it it's not a foul.

Kenny: Stacey still blinded out there�and look out! Kimi sends a kick right to her midsection, doubling her over one more time�and there's an elbow crashing down on Stacey's back. Stacey Buffington is in a bad way, and all of this goes back to the shortcuts taken by Kimi Yamashida. Look at Yamashida now kicking Stacey in the bottom as she tries to feel her way around the ring.

Cari: Stacey has felt the wrath of East/West before�when they forced her to have her accident.

Kenny: There's no need to bring that up.

Cari: Whatever?

Kenny: Jeesh! Stacey still looking the worse for wear�and she gets a swinging neck breaker from the cruel Kimi! Oh that was a violent move! Stacey is down and she looks really out of it. This could be a quick one.

Cari: That's the way it should be.

Kenny: A win by Candi's bunch means she gets a strap match with Shannan Fitz.

Cari: Of course a loss means Shannan gets any kind of match she wants with Candi. Can you even imagine what kind of match the Fixer could come up with?

Kenny: I don't even want to guess�low blow by Kimi! What a cheap shot!

Cari: Yup, any kind of match she wants.

Kenny: Ok, Kimi pulls Stacey up and leads her to East/West's corner where she tags in Kim. West climbs to the third ropes and enters the ring with an elbow drop onto Stacey's back. Buffington is really getting knocked around right now. West pulling her to the center of the ring and going for a pin�we have 1-2-and Stacey kicks out!

Cari: That was close!

Kenny: Stacey barely got a shoulder off the mat. She is really getting pounded right now as West stands her up�Irish whip to the ropes�and a flying forearm greets the Perfect Ten as she shoots back towards Kim! Man is Stacey taking it on the chin right now.

Cari: Literally.

Kenny: Right now you have to wonder if Candi's girls were ready for this as Kim stands Stacey and delivers a vicious DDT to the already dazed grappler. Poor Stacey, this is a tough way to debut in B.R.A.

Cari: I hope she doesn't piss herself again.

Kenny: Kim drops down for another pin�we have 1-2-and Stacey kicks out! Wow! The whole arena behind Buffington right now, and who can blame them?

Cari: Me.

Kenny: Kim shakes it off and tags in her partner. Yamashida back in the match and look at her slapping Stacey as Buffington tries to sit up. Stacey stretching to try and tag one of her partners, but Kimi is holding one of her legs and pulling her back. This is torture for Stacey, with help so close and yet so far away. Stacey trying to reach out�and Kimi pulls her back! Look at the sadistic look on Kimi's face. She loves to torture people.

Cari: And Stacey is tops on her list right now.

Kenny: Once again Stacey trying to stretch out and reach the corner for a tag. Kimi letting her crawl towards the corner, trying feebly to tag out�almost�no! Kimi pulls her back one more time! Now Yamashida kicking Stacey in the side as she crawls back towards her corner. Stacey won't give up, but Kimi is relentless in her torture of the youngster.

Cari: She'll never make it.

Kenny: Almoooost�No! Kimi yanks her back one more time! And finally Candi's had enough as she charges into the ring and goes right after Kimi! Ref holding Candi back as Kimi backs off, hands in the air. Candi didn't want this brutality to continue, but she's powerless to stop it right now.

Cari: Kimi tagging out and here comes Kim.

Kenny: Candi has been cleared out of the ring as West comes over to continue the torture of Stacey. She bends down to�and Stacey sends a quick shot at her! Stacey's getting a second wind! Another shot and Kim's stunned! Stacey scrambles to the ropes�and tags in Candi!

Cari: Wait!

Kenny: Too late! Here comes Candi�big clothesline! Down goes West! Yamashida in and she gets a double clothesline from Cassie and C.J.! Candi's students are taking over and the crowd loves it! C.J. and Cassie going after Kimi as Candi pulls West up�Belly To Belly Suplex! West just got squashed under Candi!

Cari: That's a whole lot of belly on Bratton.

Kenny: C.J. and Cassie are all over Kimi as they send her to the ropes�and look out below! Double back body drop! Kimi is right out of the ring and C.J. and Cassie are pumped! Candi pulling Kim up�DDT! DDT! Kim West is down and looking out!

Cari: This match has been unfair from the word go.

Kenny: Candi pulls Kim up and sends her to the ropes�Kim comes back and gets scooped up�and into a power slam! Oh my! Did you see the ring shake?

Cari: Whoopdeedo. This is a terrible match. This is totally unfair.

Kenny: Do you remember the boss called for this match?

Cari: Totally fair match.

Kenny: Candi points to the corner�the crowd is up�yes! There's the tag and here comes Jenna Jamestown! Jenna�elbow drop right on top of Kim West! Haha! You gotta love this! Jenna hooks the leg�1-2-3! Yes!

Cari: No!

Kenny: Candi's team celebrating as Kimi pulls her partner out of the ring! This is a great moment in B.R.A.!

Cari: And it's about to change because here comes Shannan and Keiko!

Kenny: The Fixer and the Enforcer hitting the ring and look out! Taking out C.J. and Cassie�now Stacey! Jenna is taking off as Kim and Kimi come back into the ring! Akira's army is all over Candi and her girls! This is bad! The students getting taken apart! Kimi and Shannan slamming away on Candi as Keiko and Kim deal with the troops!

Cari: Shannan had fat Candi up�Fixer Upper! Reverse neck breaker! Down goes tubby!

Kenny: Shannan has a strap�and she's strapping Candi! Her students are being held back! C.J.'s up�and she gets a clothesline from Keiko! Cassie gets a few shots from Kimi! Stacey being held back by Kim! No! No!

Cari: Shannan is whipping Candi! She wants a strap match�she's got it!

Kenny: The hyenas are out and are picking Candi clean! Fans, we gotta go to commercial!

(fade to commerical)

THE WINNERS: Candi's Crew, by pinfall
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