logoMalibu vs. Peggy Christian

("Save Yourself" by Stabbing Westward plays across the speakers as pyro's erupt heralding the entrance of Malibu from the wrestler's entrance. She's dressed in her traditional wrestling attire, a red, slightly low cut, lifeguard style bathing suit and red wrestling boots with white laces. She stops just at the entrance to place her hands on her hips, listening to the crowd that is cheering for her looks as much as anything. Then, fluffing her hair with one hand she moves toward the ring. Using the steps to gain entry, Malibu climbs in between top and middle rope, moving to her corner to climb to the second rope. There she raises her arms, fists clenched high in the air with an excited yell just before she smiles. Then with a smile still gracing her lips, she adjusts the back of her suit with her index fingers before jumping down from the corner and waiting for the bell.)

Cari: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner for this match!

Kenny: That's a pretty bold prediction!

Cari: Not in light of her opponent! Peggy Christian can't even win a training match from her blonde blob of a training partner!

Kenny: By that I assume you mean rookie Barb Harris!

Cari: An even bigger waste of ring space than Peggy Christian, or so I thought!

(The lights dim and the curtains split as the familiar sounds of Tom Jones' "She's A Lady" bring the crowd to their feet! After a brief pause two figures begin strolling down the aisle. The first is a large woman dressed in a full-length black robe with silver stars emblazoned over it. Peggy Christian walks with confidence toward the ring as the second figure follows close behind. She is smaller and dressed in a simple blue tracksuit and maintains the same air of confidence as her wrestler. Peggy climbs the steps and enters the ring where she removes her robe and hands it to the woman who now waits on the outside. Peggy is dressed in a pale blue one-piece suit with the lower half emblazoned with an orange rising sun, sheer tights and white wrestling boots. Cindy, the woman on the outside, carefully folds the robe and lays it aside before turning to the crowd and raising some more applause.)


(Peggy turns and heads for the middle but Malibu charges out aggressively. Peggy moves for a lockup but gets about half way before Malibu takes her over and down with an arm drag. Peggy rolls and gets to her feet but Malibu is waiting, stepping in and hip tossing the bigger woman back to the mat. This time Peggy is a little slower to get back up, a fact seized upon by the curvaceous blonde. Grabbing her opponent by the hair Malibu drags her over to the ropes, then jams Peggy's face onto the top rope and runs her eyes viciously along the top which causes a scream to come from the veteran.)

Cari: I'm liking this new Malibu!

Kenny: I don't think Peggy is at the moment! There is no need for that kind of treatment!

Cari: That's true. Malibu can win this sleepwalking, but why not have a little fun in the meantime!

(Malibu finishes off the move by slamming Peggy's head into the top turnbuckle of the corner. The big woman slumps over the corner stunned for a moment, but doesn't get a break as Malibu spins her around, then plants a foot into her belly and monkey flips her over to the mat. The ring shakes from the impact as Malibu rolls to her feet. She walks by Peggy's corner and makes a gesture to Cindy Avery that was unmistakable in its meaning. Peggy tries to get to her feet but when she straightens up is met with a spinning heel kick to her stomach that doubles her over again. Malibu grins as she tucks the older woman's head between her thighs and pumps a fist up in the air. The crowd reacts with a mixture of cheers and booing.)

Kenny: The new Malibu seems to have lost some support amongst the fans! I hear a lot of booing out there!

Cari: Ignorant savages! Few seem to appreciate a well-rounded wrestler!

Kenny: Malibu seems unfazed though. She has Peggy at her mercy and seems to know it!

Cari: Peggy was at her mercy the minute the match was announced!

(Malibu finally hooks her arms under Peggy and steadying herself, lifts the big woman up vertical for a moment before dropping back down with a devastating powerbomb! Peggy's body jerks from the impact before flopping over to the side in a heap. Malibu gets to her knees and rolls Peggy to her back before leaning forward and pressing her palms on Peggy's heaving chest.)

Cari: Kiss her goodnight, this one's over!



Kenny: No! Malibu's getting up!

Cari: Really liking this girl!

(Before the ref can slap his hand the third time Malibu lifts her hands up and grins at the ref, shaking her head.)

Kenny: That was just plain arrogance! She had the match won, but seems to want to inflict more punishment on her poor opponent!

Cari: Ain't it great!

(Malibu gets to her feet, strutting around her slowly recovering opponent, gesturing at her to get to her feet. More of the crowd start to react negatively at her actions, which just brings a wider grin to the busty blonde. Peggy struggles to her feet but is easily forced back to the ropes by her younger opponent. Malibu smiles sweetly at referee max Polk as she pulls up the middle rope toward the top rope and traps Peggy's arms between the two sets. The referee watches stunned as Malibu plants a light kiss on his cheek before turning around laying her boots in her helpless foe. Peggy's body jerks from the series of blows to her stomach and chest, slumping a little farther down each time.)

Kenny: What is the ref doing! He should be putting a stop to this!

Cari: Keep your shirt on, I think he's finally waking up!

(Finally after a series of devastating kicks, the referee manages to get Malibu to break off. The blonde again starts to strut around the ring provocatively as Max Polk struggles to free a long-suffering Peggy from the ropes. This gives Malibu a moment to stop again in front of Peggy's corner and run a finger along the inside of the bottom of her suit. An infuriated Cindy leaps up to the apron but is quickly brought under control by security. Malibu looks over and sees Peggy finally free and leaning heavily on the ropes. The blonde struts over and brushes the referee aside, grabbing Peggy by the arm and whipping her across the ring into the far corner. The bigger woman slams back first into the corner and slumps, obviously beaten. Malibu then pumps an arm in the air and runs across the ring, leaping up and twisting in mid air before slamming backwards into Peggy! The ring shakes from the impact as Malibu drops to her feet, but grabs the ropes either side of the corner and slams her hips into Peggy and grinds away!)

Kenny: This is just plain arrogant abuse from Malibu! She used to be such a fair wrestler; this new turn is pretty ugly!

Cari: But fun to watch!

Kenny: She doesn't need this! She's a talented wrestler without being nasty!

Cari: Don't be a wimp! This should carry her to the next level! The featherweight title should be filled soon and I don't see too many around to make a serious challenge!

Kenny: Shea London and CJ Locke are both contenders!

Cari: Not even Jenn Christian will be able to stop Malibu!

Kenny: Jenn has lost more than she has won since returning. I don't think she is a serious contender anymore!

(Malibu finally moves clear of the corner before turning around. Arrogantly she tucks Peggy's head under her arm and reaches for a handful of tights. Peggy's arms hang limp, as her body is unable to resist.)

Kenny: This looks like the Ozone!

Cari: No, DDT! Malibu must have decided old Piggy was too big for the Ozone!

(Malibu smirks, then steps over Peggy, rolling her arrogantly to her back with her foot. Peggy somehow moves slowly, raising her head but a white boot to the forehead slows her down again. As she gets to the feet of her larger opponent, the blonde grabs the left foot and with a smile twists it over into a painful step over toehold. The jolt of pain seems to jerk Peggy back to life, squirming and kicking her left foot as Malibu works the knee mercilessly. Then, readjusting her position Malibu suddenly drops back to the mat as she locks on a painful figure four, causing another shriek of agony from the housewife!)

Cari: Great move! Malibu totally dominant in this match! Piggy must submit now!

Kenny: Referee Polk is checking, but Peggy keeps shaking her head! Her wrestling may not have improved but she is a lot tougher since her return! Look at the focus in that face! A lot of women would have submitted by now!

Cari: A lot of women would not be losing this bad right now!

(Malibu watches the reaction of her suffering opponent, finally releasing the hold, as Peggy seems almost ready to quit! The blonde untangles her legs and gets up as Peggy struggles to the ropes in obvious agony. She limps badly as she puts weight on her left knee, barely staying on her feet. Malibu walks casually over and grabs Peggy by the hair before snap maring her easily back to the mat. She then grabs Peggy's left leg again, hoisting it up before beginning a series of vicious stomps to the back of the knee!)

Kenny: Did you see that! Peggy was ready to submit and Malibu let her go so she could inflict some more pain on poor Peggy!

Cari: I call that entertainment!

Kenny: I call that just plain cruelty!

(Peggy grabs her knee in agony, plainly unable to get up on it. Malibu waits for Peggy to roll onto her back, then springs off the ropes and leaps high into the air, throwing her legs out in front of her as she comes crashing down on Peggy's chest in a sitting position! The whole ring seemed to shake, as nearly three hundred pounds of women wrestlers seemed to nearly drive a hole in the mat! Then, as casually as if she were gardening, the blonde rolls Peggy over to her stomach before straddling her back. Then, stretching her legs out in front of her Malibu yanks Peggy's head up and crushes it in her thighs, stretching the neck beyond its normal limits before entwining Peggy's arms with her own and yanking up!)

Cari: I don't believe it! Where have we seen this move before!!

Kenny: It's the Croix de Guerre! It's the old finishing moving of La Petite Marquise!

Cari: Otherwise known as Jennifer Christian, Peggy's daughter!


Kenny: Peggy has submitted instantly! A wise move as she has experienced this move before!

Cari: From her loving daughter no less! Oh what a wonderfully arrogant finish from Malibu!

Kenny: Malibu not letting go! She seems to be enjoying the screams from Peggy!

Cari: Seems Malibu is making a statement! Something like how about sending me a REAL opponent next time!

Kenny: Peggy likely hung on longer than a lot of others would have! If she had a few more ring skills she could have made the match interesting. As it was, this one goes down as all Malibu!

Cari: Dominant performance from the sassy blonde! This was no more than a training match for the blonde!

Kenny: Peggy Christian certainly no match tonight for her smaller opponent. Malibu definitely making people stand up and notice with her performance tonight! Some excessive brutality that was totally uncalled for though.

Cari: Malibu shines, Peggy declines! We'll be right back!

(fade to commercial)

THE WINNER: Malibu, by submission
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