logoTiffany Lane vs. Casey Gaines

(The screen fades up from black as the all ready frenzied crowd explodes with a chorus of cheers. Hundreds of homemade signs litter the arena like confetti. "Official Malibu Thong re-placer" "Help I thought I bought Laker tickets" and "Bring back the Goddess!" are just a few that catch the camera's eye.)

(Sitting at the announcing table, the broadcast duo of Ken and Cari. Ken giving Cari the once over.)

Ken: "You've been hitting the gym?"

Cari: "I'll be hitting you if you look at me like that again."

Ken: "Right. Welcome back folks, up next one of tonight's Semi-final match ups in our Celestial Tournament."

Cari: "That's right, and not just any match. A ladder match."

Ken: "A reach of the key match."

(The camera shot changes as a wide shot shows a jewel-covered key being lowered down from the rafters. A spotlight shines on it as it hangs about 18 feet above the canvas. Ring workers are setting up a series of tables surrounding the ring.)

Ken: `Folks, this is one of two matches that the victor has to attain a special key. What is that key for? Well, at the upcoming PPV, you'll see. Its very important."

Cari: "The next two matches should be quick compared to other Celestial matches. Akira will dispose of Muxie."

Ken: "Mixie."

Cari: "Muxie Locke and Tiffany Lane is sure to beat the convict Casey Gaines."

Ken: "I don't know, both Gaines and Locke have pulled out tremendous matches so far. But they are both in for the fight of their lives tonight. Akira is one of, if not BRA's top talent at the moment and the legend that is Tiffany Lane speaks for itself. Although she's been having problems lately with in stable rivalries with Alexandria Parker. Perhaps the rich bitch is jealous that she's out of the tournament?"

Cari: `Hardly. Alex was cheated out of her win against this low life Gaines."

Ken: "Well, the tables are set up. Two ladders are being placed on top of tables at opposite ends of the ring. Now folks, this is a No DQ match. You can only win by grabbing the key. That's it. No pins, no submissions. Even the ref can't stop this one."

(`Jurass Finish First' by Jurassic Five starts to play as blond Casey- Ann Gaines begins her slow and focused walk to the ring. In a pair of black spandex shorts, with white trim, and a white tee shirt reading `Hi Vanessa' on the front in black letters, Casey looks ready to wrestle. She completes her outfit with a pair of black plastic wrestling boots, and matching knee and elbow pads. Her blond hair is in a series of `corn rows.' That, along with the crudely drawn `barbed wire' tattoo around her left biceps muscle, gives her a tough look. Casey is in great shape, every muscle seemingly taught and toned. Casey seems to enjoy the fan support. )

(Casey enters the ring and finally gives the fans a wave. This gets her a little more of a cheer. Finally, she points to the lettering on the front of her shirt and waves � a greeting to her daughter at home. She begins a routine of stretching for the match as she awaits the opening bell.)

Ken: "Casey looks ready for battle here tonight. She's gotta be at the top of her game�."

Cari: `If she's going to steal this one from Tiffany."

Ken: "Very funny. Folks, Casey has gotten quite a following as of late. The fans appreciate her hard work in the ring. She's a true hero."

Cari: "What? She's a convicted felon. How can you admire that?"

Ken: "Some people admire you, yet you were kicked out of wrestling for being overly brutal."

Cari: "I did have my moments."

(Cari cracks a wicked grin)

Ken: "Casey is looking around the ring at all the tables and the two ladders. She knows she's got to get that key. What a career boost this could be for her! But the woman about to come to the ring knows all about what is takes to win."

(The fans hop to their feet as "Sex Bomb" by Tom Jones blares over the speakers, announcing the arrival of "Blonde Bombshell" Tiffany Lane. Pyro pots explode and pink, fire works soar through the air as The Angeltron flashes to life, showing various images of the lovely Tiffany Lane. Suddenly, Tiffany exits the curtains. She wears a white, floor-length robe, tied at the waist with a matching sash. Her luxurious, blonde hair graces the small of her back, in a cascade of silky curls. With a smirk upon her beautiful visage, she stands atop the entrance ramp, performing a sensual bump and grind, teasing the fans by tugging on the sash. Finally, after driving the males crazy with anticipation, Tiffany whips off the flimsy garment, revealing her wrestling attire, a loud T&A POP resounding throughout the arena. Tiffany wears a pink, satin bra and matching, pink, bikini bottoms, both trimmed in white fur. The ensemble showcases her sleek, curvy figure. She completes the look with pink, vinyl boots, a pink, lace garter stationed strategically on her shapely thigh. The crowd showers the busty seductress in catcalls and wolf whistles as she continues to shimmy and shake. Brawn and Tiffany finally saunter down the aisle before entering the ring. She makes a show of seductively removing her garter and tossing it into the crowd with a devilish grin, causing an uproar as the males fight to obtain the precious garment. With a satisfied smile and toss of her blonde mane, Tiffany does a few stretches, preparing for the start of the match.)

(Casey looks at the large adonis that accompanies Tiffany to the ring. She looks a bit concerned that the big man might interfere in some way.)

Ken: "Tiffany has turned over a new leaf, she's been fighting with talent and skill instead of treachery and seduction. Well ..a little seduction is ok."

(Ken smiles as Cari rolls her eyes.)

Cari: "If you wipe the drool from your chin, you'll remember that Tiffany is an ex-celestial champion and one of wrestling most well known figures."

Ken: "Figure�yes�..mmmmmmmmmmmm."

Cari: "Idiot."

(The two wrestlers stand in their corners, looking up at the key. There is no ref in the ring. He stands on the outside. His only duty, to call the match when one wrestler has the key in her hand.)


Ken: `And here we go!"

(Tiffany's eyes immediately lock onto her opponent. The teasing smirk is gone and the business like expression appears. Casey takes one quick glance at the key. Her heart is racing a mile a minute. She's fought tough opponents all her life, but Tiffany is legend in this sport. Very few earn that label. Even fewer still wrestle.)

Cari: "Casey looks scared in there."

Ken: "Hardly, she's knows what's at stake and who's she's facing. But the battling underdog has been fighting the good fight all her life. She's gotta put everything into this match or Tiffany will walk right through her."

(Casey and Tiffany come together in the middle of the ring. The both lock up for a minute, but with a quick motion, Tiffany shifts her hips and flips Casey over onto the mat. Gaines quickly scrambles to her feet and goes right after Tiffany who grabs the braided blonde by the arm and flips her over again with an arm drag. Casey slides across the canvas and quickly gets to her knees. Tiffany rises up to her feet, a confident smile on her face. She reaches out her hand and motions for Casey to come at her again.)

Ken: "Gaines has to stay calm here. She can't lose control or Tiffany will pick her apart. She's gotta do what works for her."

Cari: "Work? Like she could get a job with her criminal record."

Ken: "You got one."

Cari: "Shut up."

(Casey rises to her feet and raises her fists up. Tiffany brings her arms up as Casey moves towards her in a boxing stance. Gaines lashes out with her fists, but Tiffany backs off, blocking the blows with her forearms. Casey goes for a big swing and Tiffany ducks, while thrusting her leg up and forwards. It plows into Casey's belly, causing the braided blonde to double over. Tiffany grabs Casey by the head quickly and then jumps up and backwards.)

Ken: "DDT!"

(Casey's head is driven into the mat, she pops up and over onto her back as Tiffany rolls to her knees. The bombshell grabs her opponent by the arm and pulls her up. She scoops Casey into her arms and then slams her into the canvas. A quick jump and a perfect thigh slams across Casey's chest and neck with a leg drop.)

Cari: "Like I told you. Casey is no match for Tiffany. All Lane has to do is grab a ladder and grab the key."

(As if on cue, Tiffany points to the outside as the crowd cheers. The bombshell slides out of the ring and grabs one of the 15foot ladders. Casey rolls to her knees as Tiffany starts to position the ladder to slide in into the ring. The ringside fans give a loud cheer as Tiffany teases them a little by taking extra time bending over to grab the ladder. As she turns to slide it in, Casey runs and baseball slides under the bottom rope.)


Ken: "My god!"

(Casey's feet plow into the ladder, slamming in right back into Tiffany's chest. The bombshell is sent crashing backward, knocking one of the tables over. Casey slides out of the ring and grabs the turned over legs of the table. She lifts it up over Tiffany and then slams it down across her.)

Cari: "This girl has potential."

Ken: "Casey's doing what she has to do. It's all within the rules of this match up. Tiffany got a little reminder from Gaines that this match isn't just about wrestling moves."

(Casey grabs the ladder and slides it into the ring. She climbs in after it as Tiffany starts to push the table off of her. Rising to her feet, Casey grabs the ladder and holds it as Tiffany pushes herself up. The bombshell does not look happy as Casey stands in the ring with the ladder. Tiffany quickly climbs up onto the ring apron. Gaines charges as her, using the ladder as a ram. Tiffany side steps and vaults up onto the turnbuckles as the ladder passes between the 2nd and bottom rope. Casey turns as Tiffany jumps off, spinning her body in the process.)

Ken: "Sweet Jesus! What a kick! Spinning Jumping heel kick! From the top rope!"

(Tiffanys pink boot slams into Casey's forehead, stunning the blonde. Tiffany rolls to her feet as Casey is lying down across the ladder. Rising to her feet, Tiffany quickly ducks under the ropes and stands on the ring apron.)

Ken: "What is she doing?"

Cari: "I know, watch."

(Tiffany smirks and then jumps off the ring apron, she grabs the ladder on the way down, forcing it quickly up as Gaines is pushing herself up.)


Ken: "OUCH!"

(The far end of the ladder is forced up rapidly into Casey's jaw as Tiffany pulls the other end down. The sound of metal hitting skin rings throughout the arena as Casey falls backwards, clutching her face.)

Cari: "Now that's the Tiffany I used to know."

(The bombshell slides into the ring and moves in on her opponent. Casey is hauled up by her arm and whipped into the ropes. She hits the strands and rebounds in, only to be leveled by two pink boots.)

Ken: "Nice dropkick by Lane."

(Tiffany jumps up to her feet and wastes no time pulling Casey up by her braids. She shoves Casey's head between her thighs and then closes them tight. Tiffany shifts and turns so that her posterior is facing the ladder.)

Cari: "She's going to drive Gaines onto the ladder."

Ken: "If she hits this, I don't this Casey will be able to recover in time to stop Lane from grabbing the key."

(Tiffany squeezes her legs for a second before bending forwards to wrap her arms around Casey' waist. Gaines wraps her arms around Tiffany's thighs as Lane tries to pull her up. Casey moves her left leg forwards, wrapping it behind Tiffany's.)

Ken: "Casey's trying to block it!"

(Tiffany grunts and pulls up, but Casey has it blocked. Suddenly Tiffany yelps as Casey lifts her torso up, hoisting Tiffany into the air. The bombshell squeezes her legs tight around Casey's head as she is lifted up. Casey turns and then falls backwards, slamming Tiffany back first against the ladder.)

Cari: "Interesting move."

Ken: "Gaines slammed Tiffany down across the ladder with all her weight on top of her."

(Tiffany screams in pain as her back is driven into the metal frame. Casey's head pops free of the headscissor and she rolls away as Tiffany arches her back in pain.)

Ken: "That will make a nice shot for the magazines."

Cari: "You really need a girlfriend."

(Casey climbs to her feet and turns to face Tiffany as the bombshell crawls off the ladder. Casey grabs Tiffany by the neck and pulls her up. She scoops her into a cradle carry and then viciously drops to one knee.)

Ken: "Backbreaker!"

Cari: "Smart move by Gaines. Tiffany's back is already hurting from the ladder and now its hurting more."

(Casey shows her strength by grabbing Tiffany and lifting her up again, only to drop her down across an outstretched thigh. Tiffany howls as her back in bent over Casey's knee. Gaines shoves Tiffany off her leg and stands up. Casey moves and grabs the ladder, pulling it under the key.)

Ken: "She's going for it!"

(The crowd rises to its feet as Casey sets the ladder up and then starts to climb up. Tiffany forces herself up as she sees Casey on the ladder. Tiffany runs as Casey gets about 6 rungs up. Gaines turns her head and watches as Tiffany jumps into the air, slamming her feet into the ladder. Casey saw it coming and jumped off the ladder as Lane nailed it with a dropkick. The metal frame falls over, its legs open as Casey lands on her feet. Tiffany pulls herself up as Casey moves in on her. With a quick motion, Tiffany spins her leg around catching Casey by surprise.)

Cari: "Roundhouse kick!"

(Casey staggers back as Tiffany launches a quick series of kicks and punches. The bombshell is a flurry of fists and feet as Casey tries desperately to stop the onslaught. A pink boot slams into Casey's midsection, doubling her over. Tiffany quickly steps forwards, trapping Casey's head between her thighs. Tiffany quickly reaches forwards and grabs Casey by the waist band of her spandex shorts. Tiffany pulls back, giving Casey a wedgie, but more than that. As Casey's feet leave the ground, Tiffany falls backwards.)

Ken: "Wedgie Piledriver!"

(Casey's head hits with thud as Tiffany drives her into the mat. Gaines flops over onto her side, clutching her head as Tiffany forces herself up. Tiffany rises and looms behind Casey as the tough blonde starts to push herself up. Tiffany waits for Casey to get to her feet. As Casey turns, Tiffany kicks her in the belly and then grabs her by the head and turns. Tiffany quickly drops to her butt, slamming Casey's jaw down across her shoulder.)

Cari: "Stunner!"

(Casey recoils and flops back to the mat as Tiffany rolls to her feet. The crowd cheers as Tiffany's ego gets the better of her for a moment. She stands above Casey doing a bump and grind before pointing at the ladder. The frenzied crowd screams for more as Tiffany grabs the ladder and places down in the middle of the ring. Lane then grabs a dazed Casy and scoops her up into a body slam position, before tossing her down across the ladder. Casey's body bounces against the metal frame and lies a top it as Tiffany points to the corner.)

Ken: "Tiffany wants to put Casey away before she gets the key. She's going to the top!"

(The crowd watch with anticipation as Tiffany climbs to the top rope. Casey is lying across the ladder in the middle of the ring as Tiffany stands up on the top turnbuckle.)

Cari: "High risk move here."

(Tiffany leaps off the top, flipping her body in the air.)

Ken: `Bombshell Bomb�.NO NO!! Holy &^%&^%&$"

(At the last second Casey rolls off the ladder. Tiffany bombshell bombs herself into the metal frame. The crowd winces as Tiffany screams in pain. She grabs her back as she lies on the canvas. Casey grabs the ropes and pulls herself up as her opponent rolls on the mat. Casey staggers over to Tiffany and drops a knee into her lower back. Grabbing Lane by her arms Casey places her knee into Tiffany's back and pulls.)

Ken: "Surfboard! That's gotta be killing Tiffany! Her back must be screaming in pain."

Cari: "You miss the high spot and you pay for it."

(Casey lets go and Tiffany flops face first onto the canvas. Gaines rises to her legs and pulls Tiffany up with her. She grabs one of Tiffany's arms and pulls it between the bombshells legs.)

Ken: "Casey setting up for her finisher here!"

(As she does, Tiffany fires a forearm up between Casey's legs.)

Cari: "That's one way to stop your opponent."

(Casey gasps and stumbles away as Tiffany falls to her knees. Both women are covered in sweat as the workrate and punishment is pushing them to the limit. Tiffany crawls to the ropes and starts to pull herself up. Casey staggers on her feet as she tries to block the pain. Tiffany begins to pull herself up as Casey charges in.)

Ken: "What is she ..SPEAR!! SPEAR!!

(Casey slams into Tiffany sending them both flying through the ropes. Both women land hard on the lightly padded ring floor. The outside camera catches a close up of Casey's face as she struggles to get to her feet. Tiffany is lying on the floor trying to catch the breath that was speared out of her. Casey gets to her feet and grabs on of the tables. She hoists it up and places it against the guardrail. Tiffany is rising to her knees as she feels Casey grabs a handful of hair. Tiffany is pulled up and then whipped towards the set up table.)

Ken: `Casey is �Reversal!!!"

(Tiffany spins and reverses the throw sending Casey flying into the table. She impacts shoulder first, splintering it in half with a loud crack. Tiffany stands on wobbly legs as she look down at her opponent. Tiffany takes a few steps and grabs another table and pulls it closer. Grabbing a handful of braided hair, Tiffany yanks Casey to her feet and gets her in a side headlock. Tiffany then runs towards the table, pulling Casey along with her. Showing her athletic ability Tiffany leaps into the air, launching her legs forwards.)

Cari: "Wow! Nice Bulldog!"

Ken: "Mother of �My god! Tiffany just bulldogged Casey through that table!"

(Casey was driven face first through the structure. The table cracked and split under their combined weight. Tiffany's butt took a hit, but Casey's face bore the brunt. Tiffany rolls to her knees rubbing her posterior as Casey lies still in the twisted wreckage.)

Ken: "Casey's out of it. All Tiffany has to do is get in the ring and climb that ladder!"

Cari: "That was the general idea, you idiot. In a ladder match, you have to put your opponent out. You are in a dangerous position at the top of that thing. I always liked to leave my opponents in a pool of their own�"

Ken: "Ok Elvira. Tiffany has grabbed the other ladder and is sliding it into the ring. Now both ladders are in there."

(Some of the ringside fans start to cheer Casey on as the single mom starts to move in the wreckage. Inside the ring Tiffany is setting one ladder up under the key. The bombshell cracks a grin for the cameras as she places one foot on the rungs.)

Ken: "Casey is on her knee's. She'd better hurray if she'd going to stay in this match!"

(The crowd cheers Casey on. Some folks chanting "Come on Casey, do it for Vanessa!" The camera catches a great shot of Casey's face, a bloodied and tired visage. She staggers to the side of the ring as Tiffany starts to make her way up the ladder. Tiffany is more than half way up as Casey slides into the ring. Tiffany keeps on climbing as Casey rises to her feet. The bombshell is near the top as Casey moves in on the ladder.)

Ken: "Tiffany better grab it quick or else�Too late!"

Cari: "Timber!"

(The crowd gasps in horror as Casey charges into the ladder. She slams into it, and keeps moving, trying to push it over. Tiffany screams as the ladder falls towards the ropes. Lane tries to jump off at the last moment and lands belly first over the top rope. She bounces down and then rebounds off before flopping on the mat.)

Ken: "Tiffany was lucky she didn't fall out of the ring."

Cari: "Luck had nothing to do with it. She jumped at the right time and took a lesser blow landing on the ring ropes than on those tables."

(Casey moves in on her downed opponent and pulls Tiffany to her feet. Casey then does what she does best and begins slamming a flurry of punches into the Bombshells tender midsection. Tiffany is still trying to recover and can barely block some of the blows as they land. Casey fires a quick punch to the belly and then suddenly spins around, lashing out her fist. The blow connects with Tiffany's jaw, spinning the Bombshell around in her place, before she flops down to the mat.)

Ken: "Spinning Back fist! I bet Akira couldn't do that any better."

Cari: "Are you drunk? That was a brutal Uraken, Tiffany barely spun around. Akira always gets a full 360."

(Casey turns and grabs one of the fallen ladders and sets up it under the key. She begins to climb up, only stopping to clear her vision. The cut on her forehead is deep and causes a steady stream of red fluid to cover her face. Tiffany pulls herself up with the ropes and grabs the other ladder. She quickly sets it up close to Casey's ladder and starts to climb up.)

Ken: "It's a race to the top now! Casey has a head start, but she's having trouble. Tiffany is moving slowly but steady up the ladder."

(The crowd is screaming for their favorite as both women near the top of their ladders at the same time. Casey reaches the top first and stretches her arm out to grab the key. Tiffany fires a quick punch into Casey's ribs causing the braided battler to lower her arm. Casey fires a punch back as both women exchange shots 15 feet in the air. Both of them hold on to the ladder with one arm and attack with the other, neither of them blocking the blows. Tiffany lands with precision fists strikes as Casey returns with hammer like blows. Both wrestlers are reeling at each impact. The ladders moving slightly.)

Cari: "Tiffany's not a brawler and she can't last slugging it out with Casey."

(Tiffany is taking the worse of the blows and she knows it. Casey is a puncher and pulls back to slam a blow into Lane's face. Suddenly Tiffany makes her move and jumps off her ladder and slams into Casey.)

Ken:" MY GOD! MY GOD!!"

(Tiffany cross body blows into Casey sending them both hurtling towards the mat. Caseey tucks and rolls with the hit, causing them to spin in the air as they fall together.)


(With horrific impact, Tiffany and Casey slam into the mat. The rotation favors Casey as she falls on top of Lane as they hit. Both women bounce up off the mat from the impact before flopping back to the canvas.)

Ken: "Sweet Magilicutty! Tiffany went for broke and it backfired! That was like a 15 foot powerslam!"

Cari: "Casey got lucky."

(Both women are lying still in the ring. The crowd is cheering the epic battle and the Gaines faithful explode with excitement as she is the first to push herself up. Casey is a mess as she tries to rise up, only to fall back to her knees. She turns as Tiffany is starting to push herself up. Locking her hands together, Casey swings her arms around and slams the double fist into Tiffany's jaw, sending the Bombshell into dreamland. Still moving Casey grabs Tiffany by the hair and pulls her limp head up. Seeing the dazed look on Tiffany's face, Casey lets the head flop back to the mat as she crawls towards one of the downed ladders.)

Ken: "Tiffany had been knocked out! Casey needs to get up that ladder, but she's no better off."

Cari: "Sure she is, she's still moving."

(Casey grabs one of the ladders and sets it up. Taking a moment she places her foot on the rung and starts to climb up. Tiffany eyes flutter for a moment as she looks up into the lights. She knows Gaines is close to winning and forces her aching body to move. Casey is looking up at the key as Tiffany is pushing herself off the mat.)

Ken: :"She's close to the top, can she get it before Tiffany stops her!?"

(Casey reaches the top and stretches her arm out. She's inches from the key as Tiffany rises to her feet. Casey looks down for a moment and sees Tiffany moving in on the ladder. She quickly looks up at the key and steps up onto the top rung, reaching for her dream. Tiffany grabs both sides of the ladder and shoves with all her might. Casey feels the ladder move but doesn't brace herself, instead she reaches that last few inches and grabs the key, just as she starts to fall sideways.)


Ken: "Oh no!"

(The bells rings but Tiffany had already shoves the ladder. Casey has nowhere to go and falls with the ladder as it tumbles. She is sent flying over the top rope and crashes into one of the set up tables, shattering it.)

Cari: "Well, that's going to leave a mark.

(Medics rush to the scene as the camera catches the carnage. Lying in the twisted pile is Gaines, her face bloodied, but still clutched in her hand, a jewel encrusted key.)

Ken: "She did it! But what a price to pay! Casey Gaines has beaten Tiffany Lane and is through to the finals! But will she be 100%?"

(Inside the ring, Tiffany is on her knee's, catching her breath. She slams her fist on the mat in frustration before slowly rolling out of the ring. Brawn grabs her, but she shoves him away and walks towards the ramp, walking by the downed Casey. Tiffany stops to look, but can barely stand herself as Brawn has to assist her to the back.)

Ken: "What a great match! Casey is proving to be the giant killer and has beaten all the odds. She's in the final against whoever wins the next match. But my god! What a price to pay."

Cari: "You do whatever it takes to win. The body will heal, most of the time. Glory lasts forever."

(The ring doctor is telling the EMT's to put Casey onto a stretcher. )

Ken: "Folks, it looks like Casey may be hurt, we don't know. The doctor isn't taking any chances."

(Ring techs climb into the ring and begin to clear up the mess of ladders and tables, preparing for the next match up.)

Cari: "Up next, Akira goes through to the finals."

Ken: "Hey! We just had an upset here! If anyone else could do it, its Mixie."

Cari: "Muxie."

Ken: "Mixie! Folks, stay tuned! That match is coming up next!"

(fade to black)

THE WINNER: Casey Gaines
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