( The screen opens inside the BRA Arena. The crowd is littered with signs and posters of the BRA stars. Already many fans have taken up the cause of their favorite wrestler. The camera pans to the announcer's desk. Garry sits smiling, drinking from his water. Sandra is obviously annoyed with some comment that was made during commercial. She glares at Garry and then turns to the camera.)

Sandra: Welcome backs folks, this next match up should be very interesting.

Garry: Yeah, the Pink Power Ranger Vs mmmmmmmmmmm….Kayla….mmmmmmm

Sandra: Get your bid on, your drooling again.

Garry: The Gothic Princess is an absolute beauty, Ruthless and heartless in the ring, a pleasure to watch. In more ways than one

Sandra: Well, she is fighting Sweet Misty. Misty has been gaining more and more experience with each match she fights. She has all the tools to become a great champion.

Garry: Sure, if we lived in Pink Marshmallow Land! Misty is too soft, to shy, she's just too dam nice. You just want to hate her.

( Suddenly the sound of The French National Anthem begins to play. The anthem is twisted somehow, darker, more sinister.)

Sandra: What the hell ?

Garry: Oh cool….

( Then from behind the curtain walks the Marquise, Yvette DeSade Malereaux. She is wearing her patented white costume, complete with a flowing white Cape and her long hair tied in a perfect French Twist. Behind her walks her chauffeur , Merci. .)

Sandra: She isn't scheduled to be here?

Garry: Who cares , look at her.

( Merci kicks one of the technicians out of his chair and places it beside Garry. He then takes out a cloth and wipes the seat before the Marquis lowers herself onto the chair. She takes a headset and smiles as Merci pulls out an ornate candle and lights it, placing it in front of Yvette and then taking a position behind her.)

Sandra: Just who in the hell…

Yvette: Silence!! You are in the presence of greatness, your feeble announcing skills have forced me to come out here and take charge of the commentating for this match. )

( Sandra scowls as Garry locks his eyes up and down on the French Beauty. Yvette smiles and him. )

Yvette: "You do not know me now, mon ami, but I am the Marquise Yvette DeSade Malreaux, and I was recently signed to this federation of rubes. Frankly I find the 'ladies' that compete here to be nothing more than foul sluts that have no place in even the most lowly whorehouse in Paris, much less competing on my level. You may now have your photographers take pictures of me."

( A couple of the ringside photographers snap some quick photos of the Marquis.)

Garry: I am honored to have you here.

Yvette: Of course you are….

(Suddenly, Girls Just Want to have fun starts playing on the loudspeakers. The crowd cheers as Misty peeks out of the back blushing like she always does. She makes her way to the ring waving and smiling to the fans she adores. When she gets to the ring she climbs in and take off her blue kimono. This time, she will toss it out to her fans to have. Misty starts warming up using the ropes waiting for the match to start. )

Sandra: Misty is getting in some last minute stretching.

Yvette: She should have gotten last rites. Kayla will destroy her.

(. Suddenly the lights dim down. A fog starts to rise from beyond the wrestler entrance. As the curtains open there are the near deafening strains of Gothic Rock blaring, As Kayla steps from beyond the curtain it is replaced with the familiar sound of flesh slapping against flesh, which has come to be known as Kayla's trademark music. She walks slowly down towards the ring. She seems not to notice the audience many of whom are jeering at her. Not one for ceremony, she rolls under the ring ropes and makes her way to her corner, the entire time her hands are seeming to wander as if with a mind of their own along the pale flesh of her succulent belly )

Garry: Well Kayla looks ready to fight, are you and her friends?

Yvette: Hah! I hardly know the girl, but she is one of the few people in this pathetic federation that has interested me.

Sandra: Yeah, scum flocks together..

Garry: Never mind her, she's just jealous of your greatness.

Yvette: I don't hear the chatter of the little people. Mon ami..

Sandra: Well, Misty is giving up size and strength in this match…

Yvette: Not to mention , talent, skill ,looks, over-all hygiene.

Garry: And pink? Really, who wears pink anymore?

( Sandra rolls her eyes. It's going to be a long match for her. The ref calls for the bell after checking both wrestlers over for illegal objects. Kayla steps slowly out of her corner as Misty moves cautiously around the ring. )

Garry: It's a classic match up. Speed vs. Strength.

Yvette: Not to mention Skill vs. complete lack of skill.

Sandra: Yes, Misty is quite skilled, but Kayla has great potential. But she needs to get over her Elvira fetish.

( Yvette scowls and turns her attention to the ring )

( Misty moves in for a lock up. Kayla smiles and complies raising her hands in the air. She reaches forward to grab onto Misty, but suddenly Misty combat rolls under the reaching arms and bounces to her feet. Kayla turns and is sent crashing to the mat with standing dropkick )

Sandra: Stunning move by Misty.

Yvette: Hardly, any trained monkey can do that.

Garry: Yeah, any trained monkey….you are so beautiful, did I mention I was single?

( Kayla climbs up to her feet, only to be knocked down again by another flying dropkick, Misty takes off running across the ring and bounces off the ropes as Kayla rises again. Misty leaps in the air and tries to smash into Kayla with a cross body block. Kayla staggers on impact but remains on her feet. She quickly grabs her horizontal foe and drops to her knee. Misty's back is snapped against Kayla's outstretched thigh.)

Garry; Back Breaker!! Ohhhh, that's gotta hurt.

( Misty yelps out in pain as Kayla pushes down on her neck while keeping her across her knee. Kayla smirks and rams her elbow into Misty's gut before pushing her off her knee. Misty hits the mat and rolls away clutching her back. Kayla rises to her full height and moves in on her prey. She bends down and grabs a handful of hair, pulling Misty to her feet. Kayla rams her fist deep into Misty's belly. The Sweet One gasps and doubles over. Kayla takes a step and traps Misty's head between her thighs. The gothic princess then bends over and wraps her arms around Misty's waist and with a grunt, hauls her up into the air. Misty;s legs shoot skyward, before falling over Kayla's shoulders. )

Yvette: You see, this match is already over. That fool Misty should have surrendered and saved herself a world of pain.

Sandra: yeah, well if anyone knows about surrender, it's the French!

Yvette: Excuze-moi?

Garry: Don't mind her, that time of the month.

( Kayla moves to the center of the ring before leaping into the air. She kicks her legs forward and falls backwards. Misty's head hits the mat and she bounces free of Kayla's thighs and flops to the mat. )

Garry: Devastating PileDriver!! Misty is in big trouble early in this match.

Yvette: Like there was any doubt?

( Kayla gets to her feet and admires her work as Misty rolls around clutching her head and neck. The Gothic warrior wastes no time and hauls Misty back up to her feet. Kayla whips her lighter opponent into the corner. Misty impacts and slumps down, her arms hanging over the top rope. Kayla raises her hands in the air and then charges in. )

Garry: This should end things for……

Yvette: NON!!

Sandra: YES!!!

( As Kayla comes charging in, Misty leaps up onto the top rope. Kayla crashes into the corner and stumbles out. Misty dives off the top rope, wrapping her arm around Kayla's head and driving it into the mat. )

Sandra: Top Rope BullDog!!! Misty's going for the pin!!!

Yvette: sacre blue!!!!

Garry: 1…2…Kayla kicks out….whew.

( Misty quickly gets to her feet and grabs Kayla's right leg. She begins kicking it furiously, landing blow after blow into her opponents hamstring. Kayla is still shaking the cobwebs of the Bulldog and growls in pain as Misty's boot rams into her leg. Misty grabs the leg and then leaps into the air. Kayla eye's explode with anguish as Misty crashes down with both knee's across her knee.)

Sandra: Sound strategy by Misty here, working over Kayla leg.

Yvette: A blind squirrel sometimes finds a nut.

Garry: Kayla is not happy with this situation.

( Misty gets to her feet and quickly leaps up onto the turnbuckles. Kayla pushes herself up and turns to see a pair of size 8 boots ram into her face. )

Sandra: WOW!!! Missile Drop kick by Misty!!!

Yvette: Obviously the referee is an idiot, Misty is cheating.

Garry: I have to agree with you Yvette.

Yvette: Marqius DeSade

Garry: Of course, my apologies.

Sandra: Well there's a first.

( Misty quickly leaps onto Kayla, hooking her leg )

Sandra: Another pin attempt by Misty…1…….

Yvette: Tres bon..

Garry: Kick out by Kayla. With authority. She really pushed Misty off of her.

( Misty seems a little startled with the strength of her opponent and quickly leaps to her feet and takes off running across the ring. Kayla starts to rise as Misty comes charging back in. Misty dives in the air, aiming her legs at Kayla's sore right. Kayla quickly side steps with amazing agility and Misty hits nothing but air before landing on the mat. Kayla scowls and grabs Misty by the arm, hauling her up. Misty tries to break free, but a punch to the face from Kayla snaps her head back. The ref warns Kayla about the closed fist. The gothic queen ignores him.)

Sandra: Kayla had best be careful, we've already had one DQ tonight.

Yvette: For what? I saw nothing….

Garry: These refs are all morons, they should have seeing eye dogs.

( Kayla grabs Misty by the arm and twists her into a standing hammerlock. Misty howls in pain as Kayla pulls on her arm, pushing it in directions it was never meant to go. Suddenly Kayla shows her might by lifting Misty up in the hammerlock. Misty screams in pain. The ref asks for a submission, but Misty shakes her head and yells her defiance through the tears. Kayla suddenly drops Misty to the ground, the pink clad warrior falls to the mat, clutching her arm and shoulder. Kayla doesn't allow her any chance to rest though and begins stomping on her torso. The black boots of the gothic queen slam into Misty's body. Misty tries to crawl away, but she screams as her hair is grabbed and she is forced to her feet again. Kayla steps behind her and wraps her arms around Misty's waist. With another grunt Kayla bends backwards slightly, lifting Misty off the mat. The muscles in Kayla's arms flex as she begins to squeeze, crushing her lighter opponent. Misty gasps in pain and struggles against the tight grasp. Kayla crushes her again, Misty's face is turning red as she finds it harder to breathe. Kayla smiles as she hears her opponents struggle for air. )

Garry: This match is over now, Kayla will never let her go.

Yvette: As I predicted…

Sandra: Not quite…LOOK!!!

( Kayla suddenly lets out a howl. Misty drove her foot backwards and into the already sore knee of her opponent. Kayla releases Misty and stumbles away. Misty takes a moment to catch her breath and then charges and Kayla. She dives forward, shoulder tackling Kayla behind the knee.)

Garry: CHOP BLOCK!!!! FOUL!!!

Yvette: You see!!! She is a cheater.

Sandra: This ain't football and that is a great move. Kayla is down!!

( Misty quickly scampers to her feet and grabs Kayla by her legs. )

Garry: No, she isn't , she wouldn't…

Sandra: FIGURE FOUR!!!

( The crowd cheers as Misty quickly locks Kayla into the figure four leglock. The gothic queen howls and slaps her arms on the mat in pain. Misty raises her butt off the ground and pushes herself up with her arms, putting more pressure into the hold. The ref asks Kayla if she wants to quit. )

Kayla :FU*************

Sandra: I think that was a no.

( Kayla begins pounding the mat with her hands. Slowly she starts to move towards the safety of the ropes. Misty lays back, spreading her hands on the mat, trying to grasp the canvas, attempting to keep the two of them in the middle of the ring. Kayla's strength begins to show and she starts to drag herself and Misty to the ropes. Again the ref asks if she wants to quit, and again she screams out her refusal. )

Yvette: Why does that idiot continue to ask Kayla questions? She has already refused his request. Once is more than enough.

Garry: I couldn't agree with you more, the ref is against Kayla.

Sandra: That's his job you morons!!!

( Kayla reaches the ropes and the ref forces Misty to break the hold. Kayla pulls herself out of the ring and takes a breather on the outside. Misty puts her hands on her hips and taunts Kayla to get back into the ring. The crowd begins to cheer and clap as Misty smiles and waves to her fans. )

Sandra: Keep focussed Misty…

Garry:: Focus? Misty? That's like asking Sherry to keep her big mouth shut for more than 10 seconds…not possible.

( Kayla ignores the ref as he begins to count her out of the ring. The gothic warrior takes her time, carefully listening to the count. Misty however, does not want to wait. She takes off running towards the ring edge and slides under the bottom rope impacting her feet into Kayla's chest. The black clad wrestler is sent crashing into the guardrail.)

Sandra: Baseball Slide right into the gothic queen's chest.

Yvette: A dirty move, Kayla was taking a break on the outside. Again the referee fails to do his job and DQ Misty. Sweet? Hah.

( Misty smiles as some of the ringside fans before moving in on her downed opponent. The ref screams at both of them to get into the ring. Misty reaches her hand down and grabs Kayla by the arm and begins to haul her up. The ref steps between the ropes. As his eyes are averted, Kayla brings her free up and in between Mistys legs. )

Sandra: Brutal low blow!!!!!!!

Yvette: Where? I saw nothing?

Garry: Owowow, I mean ummm, yeah, I didn't see anything.

( Misty collapses to the floor, clutching her groin. The ref lands on his feet and looks up in confusion as Kayla pulls herself up and Misty rolls on the ground in the fetal position. Kayla's lips turn into a snarl as she moves over her foe. She grabs Misty by the hair and hauls her up. Yvette nods her head and Merci moves away towards the ref. Kayla lifts Misty into the air just as Merci reaches the ref. The chauffeur taps the ref on the shoulder causing him to turn away. Kayla takes a step and lifts Misty up and then slams her gut first across the metal guardrail. Misty gasps out in pain and flops back to the floor. Merci just turns and walks away as the confused ref turns his attention back to the match. Kayla stands above Misty as she is again curled in the fetal position, clutching her midsection.)

Sandra: Why did you send your goon to interfere?

Yvette: What? I don't know what you are talking about.

Garry: Obviously you are mistaken Sandra, it happens to people your age. Memory loss.

( The ref gives Kayla a final warning about the count and tells her to get into the ring. She glares at him and picks Misty up again. She walks her to the edge of the ring, before shoving Misty back inside. Kayla back into the ring and grabs Misty by the hair, dragging her up. Misty staggers as she is lifted up and then scooped up in Kayla's arms.)

Sandra: Look like another back-breaker coming up..

Garry: nope…GOURDBUSTER!!!!

Yvette: Excellent..

( Kayla again drops to one knee, slamming Misty down onto her outstretched thigh. Misty's stomach is compacted against Kayla strong thigh. Misty gasps , a small squeal comes from her lips. Kayla's face is twisted into a cruel smile as she looks down at the back of her foe. Kayla shoves Misty off her leg and stands up, The gothic queen puts her fists in the air, The crowd rises to it's feet as she begins to move her hands down and rub them against her belly.)

Garry: ABDOMINATOR Time!!!!!

Sandra: Come on Misty….

Yvette: Excuse me, I have to be going now…

( Yvette gets up from the announcers desk. Garry's face turns into a frown as the French beauty leaves the chair next to him. He smiles as his eyes follow her every step. Merci grabs the candle and stands behind his employer.)

( Kayla grabs Misty by the hair and lifts her up into a bearhug position. Kayla lifts Misty into the air, looking into her eyes at every moment. Misty moans in pain as Kayla squeezes with all her might. Misty tries to struggle, but her muscles begin to fail her. She tries in vain to free her arms, but the gothic beauty has her locked up tight. Kayla suddenly falls forward, all her weight slams into Misty as they hit the mat. The crowd gasps as Misty squeals her last breath, all the wind knocked out of her. Her body struggles for air, Kayla raises her belly and then slams it down into Misty's denying her a chance to catch a breath, again and again she slams herself into Misty, a furious rhythm begins , Kayla slams her belly down over and over into Misty's prone body. The Sweet one struggles, each movement becoming weaker and weaker. The ref checks her shoulders and slaps his hands down )

Sandra: Come one Misty..you can do it….

Garry: This is over, nobody gets up from the Abdominator.

( Yvette watches with glee from the side of the ring as the ref slaps his hand down for the third time. Kayla continues her motion, wanting to knock Misty out. The ref yells at her to stop. Yvette climb into the ring, assisted by Merci.)

Sandra: Oh come off it!!! The match is over!!!

Garry: Yup, now the lesson begins.

( Kayla slams her belly down once more in a vicious thrust. Misty's head slumps to the side, her last bit of resistance gone. Kayla rises to her feet and admires her work. She looks at Yvette as the French Beauty grabs the still burning candle from her chauffeur. )

Sandra; Oh hey now…this is going to far..

Garry: Hot wax treatment coming up!!

( Kayla steps back and smiles as Yvette move above the unconscious Misty. She holds the candle above her, preparing to drip some of the wax down onto the belly of the defeated Misty. Suddenly the crowd cheers as a body comes charging from the back.)

Sandra: Thank god…

Garry: Oh boo, what's she doing here?

Sandra: Lisa and Misty have been training together, and let me tell you, Lisa has no love for Kayla.

( Yvette bails out of the ring as Lisa slides in to protect her friend Kayla just smiles and climbs slowly out of the ring, rubbing her belly and giving Lisa a wink. The Dream scowls as the two attackers as she tends to her comrade. )

Garry: What a spoilsport, she ruined a perfectly good hot wax session…hey Perfect….get it?

Sandra: Yes Garry, It seems that alliances have started to form here in BRA, Yvette was obviously in league with Kayla.

Garry: If you say so, I have seen no evidence to make me think they are allied in any way.


Garry: Ummm, I am sittting right next to you, no need to yell.










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