logoLightnin vs. Darling Katie

[Fade in]

Sandra: Welcome back everyone. Time for another great match here at Battling Ring Angels.

Garry: That's right Sandra. We've had some great matches thus far this evening, and still have more to go. This crowd is going wild in here.

Sandra: Can you blame them? These ladies of BRA have really put on a great show. Hell, I'm excited too.

["Bitch" by Meridith Brookes begins to play over the sound system.]

Garry: Here we go folks!

[The houselights dim, and simulated thunder pounds from the sound system. Spotlights flash off and on, making it seem like lightning flashes inside the arena.]

[The crowd reacts with mixed reactions, as Lightnin comes walking out from the back dressed in black leather, and has sunglasses on.]

Sandra: Now here is one determined lady. She had one hell of a match last week against Lori Wilson, and came up on the short end of the stick. I'm sure she's out to redeam herself tonight!

Garry: I hope so, but she sure has been quiet this week. I guess she was consintrating on training this week, and to busy to say anything. *Shrug*

["Cat Scratch Fever" by Ted Nugent pounds from the sound system at a deafening level. The camera shoots to the announcers table, where a prepared Sandra and Garry are stuffing cotton in their ears, it the goes back to the wrestlers entranceway, where Darling Katie comes running out from the back. Katie is dressed in a hot pink bikini set with a strapless top, and boycut shorts, and she is as always, barefooted. Entering behind Katie, is her wife Sherry Ann.]

Garry: Oh crap!

Sandra: Aww poor Garry, Sherry didn't bring anyone out to play with you this time it seems.

Garry: Oh shut up, I'd like to forget that little incident.......

Sandra: You got that right, it was a LITTLE incident, little pecker is more like it!

[Katie runs down the aisle high 5ing the fans. Sherry just B-lines for the announcers table. Garry looks concerned as she nears the table. Sherry then motions for him to get up, and he does so, QUICKLY. Sherry points to the back. Garry heads off that way, and Sherry grabs his headset, and takes his seat.]

Sherry: Hiya Sandra, thought you could use a real partner to commentate out here.

Sandra: Thanks Sherry, and welcome. So is Katie ready for this match, she's been kinda quiet lately.

Sherry: Hell yes she's ready. She was just finishing up some buisness back in New Orleans, but trust me, she was in the gym everyday, and is really pumped up for this one.

Sandra: I saw that Katie ranked pretty high in a poll that came out this week, but was shocked to see a bunch of names not on that list.

Sherry: Yea Katie did well on there. However a lot of ladies deserving of such regognition were looked over, and that sucked. Guess that's what happens when the shitbums vote several times for themselves the year before, and ruin things for the deserving people, because the feds they're in house the idiots that voted for themselves several times last year.

Sandra: What a shame that is.

Sherry: Oh well, not much we can do about it now. Alright, the ref is going over things with Katie and Lightnin now, so we're about to going here.

Sandra: Yep, I think so, and he just signaled for the bell....


Sandra: And away we go!!

Sherry: Come on hun, give it to her!!

[Katie and Lightnin lock up in a collar and elbow tie up, and jockey for the upperhand. Lightnin somehow comes up with Katie's arm, and spins it around, and then takes it around again. Katie goes up on her tiptoes to try and releive some of the pressure of the armbar Lightnin now has her in.]

Sandra: Effective move there by Lightnin.

Sherry: Yep, that one always hurts.

[Katie tries to get to the ropes to force a break, but lightnin now adds a wristlock to the hold, and that stops Katie in her tracks, and she howls out in pain.]

Sherry: Come on hun, fight it, you know how to get out of this. THINK!

[Hearing Sherry yell, Katie takes a step to the side, and reverses the hold.]

Sandra: You were right Sher.

Sherry: As always.

[Katie then kicks Lightnin in the gut while holding the arm, and that takes Lightnin down to her knees. Katie then nails her in the back with another kick, this time to the back of Lightnin, and she still holds onto the armbar.]Sandra: She seems to really be in control of the situation now.

Sherry: She better be, I rode her all week about slacking last week against Arielle.

[Katie lets go of the arm, and moves in behind the kneeling Lightnin, and locks on a shoulder claw. Katie grinds in deep into the traps of Lightnin, and she howls out in pain.]

Sandra: Katie really does have a nice arsenal of moves, doesn't she?

Sherry: She sure does, and she gets some of them from the strangest places too.

Sandra: Like where?

Sherry: Let's see if she uses any of them, and I'll tell ya. This claw she picked up from a good friend of ours Joni Harrison. Joni is a master of nerve holds, and has taught Katie a lot of them.

Sandra: Those are always nice to know.

[Katie begins ramming her knee into the back of Lightnin relentlessly.]

Sandra: She's got a mean streak in her, that's for sure.

Sherry: Pfft....tell me about it!

[Lightnin fires back with an elbow, that catches Katie in the thigh. That blow causes Katie to break the hold, and Lightnin rolls away to safety, as Katie hobbles around holding her thigh.]

Sandra: Eww that stung!

Sherry: Come on babe, shake it off.

[Lightnin strikes, as she kicks Katie right in her aching thigh. Katie drops to the canvas, and Lightnin moves in. She grabs Katie by the hair, and drags her to the ropes, and begins choking her over the second rope. Lightnin ignores the ref, who is asking her to stop, and begins his count......]




Sandra: She's gonna get d.q.ed here!!


[Lightnin breaks the choke hold at 4 and 7/8, and slaps Katie upside the head, before the ref pushes her away.]

Sherry: Little bitch! Get out of there for a bit Katie!

Sandra: Katie is in trouble, and here comes Lightnin again to dish out more punishment......

[Lightnin kicks Katie in the back of the knee, as she was trying to get to her feet, with some help from the ropes, but now she's back on the mat with Lightnin moving in again. Lightnin stomps away at Katie's leg, and the pretty blonde crys out in pain.]

Sherry: This is hard to take.

Sandra: Come on Sher, don't go doing anything crazy now.

Sherry: Oh hush!

[Katie manages to roll herself out of the ring to take a breather, and to rest her leg. Back in the ring, Lightnin pushes the ref aside, and goes out after Katie. The ref is furious, and warns Lightnin if she touches him again, she's d.q.ed.]

Sandra: These BRA officials take no crap at all.

Sherry: Good, that's how it should be.

Sandra: hahaha this coming from you Sherry? Sheesh!

Sherry: Hey I may bend a rule or two, but I never touch the ref. Well unless it's one of those special refs assigned to a match that has no buisness being there, then I clean their clocks.

Sandra: Surprised Amanda didn't do that to you in your match.....

Sherry: *bleep* Amanda!!!

Sandra: Sherry! This is prime time television, please watch your mouth. Thank God you boys upstairs are quick on that bleep button.

Sherry: Sorry, thanks guys.

[Lightnin grabs Katie by the hair outside the ring, but Katie strikes back with an eye gouge. Now she grabs Lightnin by her hair, and takes off running with her, and throws her into the steel steps leading to the ring.]

Sherry: There ya go hun!

[Katie moves in on the downed Lightnin, but Lightnin brings a foot up, and nails Katie in the stomach with a kick. Katie backs away holding her stomach, and Lightnin gets up to her feet. She holds her shoulder that hit the stairs, then charges at Katie, and takes her down with a flying cross body block. Both women felt the effects of that blow, as they land hard on the concrete.]

Sherry: Come on Katie, dig down deep inside now and fight for your life hun!!!

Sandra: Umm Sherry.

Sherry: Go Katie, come on!!!

Sandra: Sherry!

Sherry: Huh? What?

Sandra: Those two best get their asses back in the ring, the ref has been counting all this time.

Sherry: Oh crap! Be right back!!!

[Sherry removes her headset, jumps up from her chair, and runs over to Katie. Sherry picks up her wife, and rolls her back into the ring, and Katie just beats the refs count. He stops his count on Lightnin though because of Sherry's helping Katie. "Here ya go reffy, lemme help ya out, I'll put this one back in for ya too." Sherry grabs Lightnin by the hair, and brings her to her feet, then runs her towards the ring, and slams her into the ring apron. "Ooops! I missed. Here, lemme try again." Sherry then politely picks up Lightnin, and rolls her into the ring. The ref looks on shaking his head not knowing what to do. Sherry returns to the announcers table with Sandra.]

Sandra: That wasn't nice Sherry.

Sherry: Wha? moi, not nice? Come on! I was simply lending a helping hand. These folks don't wanna see some silly count out to end a great match.

Sandra: True, but I think you slammed her into the ring on purpose, Sherry.


[Katie is back on the offensive now, and she begins to stomp away on Lightnin.]

Sherry: Come on hun, put her away. I wanna watch the rest of Monday Night Football!

Sandra: Got money on tonights game, Sher?

Sherry: Ah, I just put a dime on it, I didn't like the spread to much this week.

Sandra: Wish I could "Just" put a dime on sumpin, sheesh!

[Katie nails Lightnin with a brainbuster over her knee. She picks Lightnin back up, and does it again.]

Sandra: Now that looks painfull!

Sherry: Yea, she was telling me about a new move of hers, but I kinda blew her off, since she has a new one everyday. She calls that the Maelstrom.

Sandra: Why that?

Sherry: Who knows *Shrug* She's Katie!

[Katie now applies a combination reverse figure four sleeper, and a chicken wing on Lightnin.]

Sherry: Oh cool, still time to see plenty of the game, this one is over.

Sandra: That's Katie's Double Jeporardy, isn't it? I hear it's very painfull.

Sherry: Yup, Lightnin is either gonna give up real soon, or pass out. Dang if she could do the Big EZ, we'd see all her big moves in one night.

Sandra: I don't think there will be a need for that. The ref is lifting Lightnin's arm, and it is dropping like a rock. I think she's done.

Sherry: Yup, come on reffy, two more times, I wanna get out of here.

[The ref lifts the arm once again, and it falls limp on the mat. He goes for the third and final lift of the arm, and once again it falls. He asks Katie to break the hold, and she does so, then leaps to her feet, and waves her arms triuphantly in the air. The ref signals for the bell, then walks over to Katie, and holds her hand high in the air, signaling that she is the winner. Katie then runs, and catapults herself out of the ring getting big air as she leaves the ring. A scream is heard, and Sherry runs over to Katie's side.]

Sandra: Um folks, I think Katie hurt her knee when she landed outside the ring. Sherry is with her, and she's calling for the E.M.T.'s, who come running over. Dang what a shame, to get hurt like that, after such a great battle in the ring. Let's just hope it's nothing serious.

Well they are helping Katie up now, and she is refusing to get on a stretcher, so it isn't to serious. She is just holding onto Sherry, and they are heading up the aisle getting a great reception from the fans.

Folks we gotta go to a commercial break. Your winner here was Darling Katie. Stay tuned, Rebecca Deiwert and Lori Wilson are next. Ewww I guess Garry will be back then too. Oh well see ya soon!!!

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