logoLori Wilson vs. Rebecca Deiwert

By tonedef

[The camera fades from black to reveal the interior of the Battling Ring Angels arena. The sell out crowd is on their feet, waving their signs and screaming their appreciation for their favorites, hoping for a moment�s recognition on the cameras. Some of the apparent signs are �JTV ME�, �PJ FOR SHOP PRESIDENT�, and �MISTY IS MY KIND OF DREAM�. The camera spins around to focus on the announcers table located at ringside.]

Sexy Sandra: �Heya, folks! Welcome back from the commercial break! We�ve had a great card thus far, and we have to say that you haven�t seen anything yet!�

Gruesome Garry: �And this match is gonna be great�I mean, Lightning got lucky last week, but now she gets whats coming to her!�

Sexy Sandra: �What are you talking about, Garry? Lori Wilson showed everyone last week that she has what it takes by defeating the woman known as Lighting!�

Gruesome Garry: �Well, the little gymnast has no chance this week against the lovely, and very deadly Rebecca Deiwart!�

["Hysteria" by Def Leppard kicks in over the speakers. Lori Wilson steps out from behind the curtain as the crowd cheers. She is dressed in her black singlet with thin white lightning bolts down the front, back, and sides. Lori also wears black kneepads and wrestling boots, and a black bandanna which reads "Lady Lightning" in yellow lettering. She stands just in front of the entrance way, pumps her right fist into the air, as white sparklers shoot up behind her on either side of the entrance.]

Sexy Sandra: �Wow! What an ovation for the high flying gal!�

Gruesome Garry: �What do you expect from these idiot fans?!? I mean, they even cheer for Sherry Anne?!?�

[ Lori then walks down the aisle, slapping hands with fans along the way to the ring. As she gets to the ring, she jumps onto the apron, then walks to the corner and vaults over the ropes, landing so she is standing on the second turnbuckle, and raises her arms in the air to the approval of the crowd. She then hops down from the turnbuckles, then climbs through the ropes and exits the ring. Lori then walks over to the railing, and she removes her bandanna. She spots a young girl standing near the rail, and she reaches over and drapes the bandanna around the girl's neck, smiling at her, then turning back to the ring, where she climbs back in through the ropes, then turns and pulls on the ropes, stretching, awaiting her opponent]

Gruesome Garry: �Aww, doesn�t it just make you sick? Giving her bandana to a girl at ringside, she�s just a sweetie��

Sexy Sandra: �She�s just showing that she holds the fans in high regard�perhaps you could take lessons from her, Garry.�

[�Don�t drink the water� begins to blare over the arenas loudspeakers as all the lights go out. Pyrotechnics goes off at the entrance area, and everyone glances over there to see the arrival of Lightning�s opponent. Nobody shows up, and suddenly a spotlight shines on the center of the ring, where Rebecca Diewart stands, looking completely intense]

Gruesome Garry: �Wow! What an entrance! If I was Lori, I would just give up now! She has no chance!�

Sexy Sandra: �Diewart certainly looks focused on the match, that�s for sure!�

[Rebecca just watches Lori, and Lori warily watches her as the referee gives instructions. Rebecca is wearing a blue sportsbra and some blue spandex shorts.]

Ding ding Ding

Gruesome Garry: �All right, now it�s time to see some T & A! How long do you think until they rip of their clothes?�

Sexy Sandra: �Garry, how many times do I have to tell you�this is wrestling, not the sex show put on at those clubs you hang out at!�

Gruesome Garry: �Whatever�Rebecca moves in, fists up, looking like she wants to start to brawl�a quick dropkick from Lori sends her down!�

[Rebecca quickly gets back to her feet, and is met with a hiptoss from Lori. She gets to her feet again, and is met with a solid spin kick that knocks Rebecca back to the mat. Lori grabs Rebecca, pulls her to her feet and whips her into the ropes]

Sexy Sandra: �Wow! Lori is on fire today! Good gameplan�deny the brawler her ability to brawl!�

Gruesome Garry: �Pffft�her luck won�t last forever�Rebecca comes back at her, Lori goes for a flying bodypress�OH! Rebecca catches her infront of her, and just holds her there!�

Sexy Sandra: �Great strength on Rebecca�s part�and a fall away slam slows down the gymnast!�

Gruesome Garry: �It was just a matter of time! Rebecca seats herself on Lori�s belly and starts to repeatedly punch her in the face! Beautiful!�

[The referee starts to yell at Rebecca about her close fisted strikes, and begins to count as Rebecca attacks Lori with fervour. Lori cries out, and struggles, but cannot get the larger girl off of her, and Rebecca continues the attack until the referee pulls her off. Rebecca scowls at the referee, but then pulls Lori to her feet.]

Rebecca: �I�m gonna embarrass you more than that pathetic princess.�

Sexy Sandra: �And a belly to belly suplex takes Lori down! She could be in trouble here, Rebecca goes for the cover�1�2��

Gruesome Garry: �Kickout at 2 and a half! What a slow count by the referee! Rebecca doesn�t look too happy, with good reason!�

Sexy Sandra: �Rebecca pulls her to her feet�punch to the stomach doubles her over�Lori spins around�snap mare takes down the larger woman! Lori then launches herself at the ropes��

Gruesome Garry: �Rebecca stands�look out! Flying Forearm from Lori takes Rebecca down!�

[Rebecca gets back to her feet�Lori shoves her head under an arm, and hauls her up, in a vertical suplex. She lands the move, Rebecca cries out, and she stands, and talks to the crowd, who cheers at her display of strength]

Sexy Sandra: �A nice move, but she should have gone for the cover, instead of playing for the fans! The only mistake I�ve seen from her all night!�

Gruesome Garry: �Mistake? Hah! Her mistake was signing on against Rebecca in the first place!�

Sexy Sandra: �Lori elbowdrops Rebecca in the belly�pulls her to her feet, whips her into the ropes�flying elbow from Rebecca knocks her back�.between the ropes, out of the ring!�

Gruesome Garry: �C�mon, Rebecca! You gonna let this pipsqueek get the best of you? Rebecca stands�Lori goes for a springboard plancha, but Rebecca barely manages to move out of the way, and Lori hits the ground hard!�

[The referee starts to count them out as both wrestlers take a few moments to recuperate. Rebecca stands first of the two, and stomps on Lori�s back. She then pulls Lori to her feet, and DDT�s her down onto the harsh concrete floor]

Sexy Sandra: �OH! That was uncalled for! Lori must be out after that move! Rebecca rolls her back into the ring, and goes for the cover�1..2��

Gruesome Garry: �Where are we getting these referee�s, out of a cracker jack box? That was an obviously slow count, and Lori kicked out at 2 and a half!�

Sexy Sandra: �Rebecca stomps on Lori�s gut a couple of times, then pulls her to her feet�.Running bulldog takes the gymnast down! And again Rebecca goes for a cover!�

Gruesome Garry: �And again she�s denied! I tell you, this Lori has got a bit of durability, but I�m glad for it! She can get beat on for so much longer that way!�

Sexy Sandra: �Well, Rebecca doesn�t look too happy at Lori�s display of resiliency. She yells at the referee about slow counts, and then whips Lori into the ropes. Rebecca scoops her up on the return, powerslam��

[Rebecca goes for a powerslam, but Lori uses her momentum to wrap her legs around Rebecca�s neck and do a spinning hurricanrana that leaves Rebecca on the ground, stunned. The crowd cheers at the move]

Gruesome Garry: �Where did THAT come from?!? Is it even legal? Come on referee, disqualify Lori!�

Sexy Sandra: �What are you smoking? A great move, for sure! Lori quickly does a standing moonsault, down onto Rebecca, going for her first cover of the evening! 1�2.�

Gruesome Garry: �Kickout at 2. Rebecca isn�t even close to being done yet. Lori pulls Rebecca to her feet, whips her into the ropes�belly to belly suplex return! The gymnast again goes for the cover�and Rebecca kicks out at 2 again!�

Sexy Sandra: �What a great match! Both ladies are giving it their all!�

[Lori again pulls Rebecca to her feet, and Rebecca rakes across her face, stunning the gymnast. Rebecca then knees Lori in the belly, doubling her over�shoves her head between her legs, hauls her up�]

Gruesome Garry: �POWERBOMB! Wow, what a move! Lori has probably been sent into the next zip code here! Rebecca smirks at the crowd�then lies down on top of Lori�and smothers her with her abundant breasts!�

Sexy Sandra: �Not a purely technical wrestling move, but effective non the less, given Rebeccas size advantage. Lori struggles to get out from under Rebecca��

Gruesome Garry: �Hmmm�now THAT�s a position I wouldn�t mind being in��

Sexy Sandra: �Get your mind out of the gutter, oh gruesome one. Loris arms and legs are thrashing�Rebecca is smothering her but good..�

[The referee checks for a submission, but Lori does not give up. She reaches above her while struggling, and manages to latch onto the ropes just above her. The referee orders a break�Rebecca holds on the move for a 4 count, and then releases Lori.]

Gruesome Garry: �Lori looks very out of it, that�s for sure! Rebecca pulls Lori to her feet, goes for a closeline�.Lori ducks under, Rebecca spins around��

Sexy Sandra: �SUPERKICK! Wow! It lays Rebecca right out, and both combatants fall to the ground, needing some recuperation time!�

Gruesome Garry: �The referee starts his count�c�mon, Rebecca! Hmmm�I think those ladies need some mouth to mouth resisetation��

Sexy Sandra: �Do you ever stop?!? They both struggle to their feet�Rebecca punches Lori in the face..Lori retaliates with a kick to the stomach��

[Rebecca doubles over as Lori runs at the ropes behind Rebecca, bounces off of them, and jumps onto Rebeccas shoulders, which drives Rebeccas face firmly into the ground]

Gruesome Garry: �NO! Long kiss goodnight! Lori�s finishing move!�

Sexy Sandra: �Lori goes for the cover�1..2�.3!!!�

Ding Ding Ding

Gruesome Garry: �What was with that fast count? As if Lori could take out Rebecca with a fair referee..�

Sexy Sandra: �That�s exactly what she did, and with meaning! That�s two victories for the lightning lady now, she is on a role!�

[The crowd cheers as �Hysteria� by Def Leppard plays over the loudspeakers and Lori begins to play for the crowd, celebrating her win. Rebecca rolls out of the ring, clutching her aching face]

Gruesome Garry: �Lori hasn�t seen the last of Rebecca, and next time, the end will be different!�

Sexy Sandra: �Lori is asserting herself as a key player in the Battling Ring Angels, and I, for one, am very impressed with her!�

Gruesome Garry: �She�s a lucky little girl, I�ll give her that��

Sexy Sandra: �Ladies and Gentlemen, we�ve got to take a short commercial break, but don�t change that dial�we�ve got more great action coming your way!�

[Fade to Black]

[Winner of this match: Lori Wilson]

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